
作者&投稿:夫彬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
怎如何用过去进行时?用when连接,我有时候觉得两个动作都应该用过去进行时,比如这道题,at th~

At this time yesterday, I was reading book while/when Susan was playing. 这样写是对的.
过去进行时 是用来表示 过去的行动 在当时是在进行中
过去进行时亦可以 使用在同一时间 两个行过去动 同时在进展中.
I was studying while/when he was making dinner.
What were you doing while you were waiting?

过去进行时表示在过去某一时刻或某一段时间内进行或发生的动作。其形式为was /were + V-ing。常与表示过去的时间状语连用,如:last night, last Saturday等;或者与when, while, as引导的过去时间状语连用
  1. 过去进行时由“主语+was/were + 现在分词”构成   例如: We were having supper when the phone rang. 我们正在吃晚饭时电话响了。   2. 过去进行时的否定式由“主语+was/were not +现在分词”构成   例如: This time yesterday Jack was not watching TV. He was repairing his bike. 昨天这个时候,杰克不是在看电视,而是在修理自行车?   3. 过去进行时的疑问式由“was/were + 主语+ 现在分词”构成   例如: Were you playing basketball at four yesterday afternoon? 昨天下午四点你们在打篮球吗?
(1) Mary _C_ a dress when she cut her finger.   A. made B. is making C. was making D. makes   答案C. 割伤手指是已发生的事情,应用过去时。同 时,when表时间的同时性,"玛丽在做衣服时"提供事情发生的背景,因此用过去进行时。   (2) As she _b_ the newspaper,Granny _b_ asleep.   A.read; was falling B. was reading; fell C. was reading; was falling D. read;fell   答案B. 句中的as = when,while,意为"当……之时"。描述一件事发生的背景时,用过去进行;一个长动作发生的时候,另一个短动作发生。句意为 "在她看报纸时,奶奶睡着了。"句中的 fell (fall的过去时),是系动词,后跟形容词,如:fall sick。过去进行时的基本用法:表示过去某个时刻或时间正在进行过持续进行的动作,句中往往需要有时间状语来表示这一特定的时间. What were they doing just now? 他们刚才在干什么?
根据我的经验 我感觉过去进行时较容易理解的

过去式即可 came


表示在过去某个时间里所发生的动作或存在的状态。句子的谓语要用动词的过去式,这种时态叫一般过去时。 1.谓语构成 

一般过去时的谓语不管主语的人称和单复数都用动词的过去式表示,动词的过去式有规则与不规则两种。规则动词的过去式在动词原形后加-ed, 不规则动词的过去式要逐个记忆。



句的简单回答也要用助动词。(Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t) 

否定句构成: 主语 + did not (didn’t) + 动词原形… 例如: 

I didn’ t see your sister last Sunday.  我上星期天没看见你的姐姐。   He did not go to the cinema yesterday. 我昨天没有去看电影.      疑问句构成:Did + 主语 + 动词原形 …? 

例如:— Did you enjoy the film? 你喜欢这部电影吗? 

--- Yes, I did.  / No, I didn’t. 是的,我喜欢。/ 不,我不喜欢。 --- Did she go back before noon? 她是中午前回来的吗? 

--- Yes, she did. / No, she didn’t. 是的,她是的。/ 不,她不是。   2)”是” 动词be (was, were) 的一般过去时的否定句和疑问句不用助动词did,直接用’ was, were提问(放在主语前面)构成疑问句,在”是“动词后加not 构成否定句: was not / wasn’t  were not / weren’t。 回答也一样。 例如: Was he at home last night? Yes, he was. / No, he wasn’t.       

Were you in Class 1, Grade 3 last year?   Yes, I was , / No, I wasn’t.                     

Was your father busy last week?   Yes, he was. / No, he wasn’t.                     

When were you born?      I was born in 1990. 

Where were they last summer holiday?   They were in Beijing. I was not born in 1988. 

We were not free yesterday.                          3.一般过去时的用法 

1)表示在确定的过去某个时间里所发生的动作或存在的状态。    常用的时间状语有: yesterday, last week(month, year…), an hour ago, the other 

day (几天前) ,just now (刚才),  in 1998等。例如: 

I sent e-mail to my best friend yesterday. 我昨天给我最好的朋友发邮件。 They didn’t have a meeting last Tuesday.      他们上个星期二没有开会。 She didn’t go shopping this morning.        她今天上午没有支购物。 Where did you go just now?                你刚才去哪儿了? 注意:描写已故的人的动作或状态需用动词一般过去时。  2)表示在过去一段时间内,经常性或习惯性的动作。例如:    When I was a child, I often played in the street.            当我孩子的时候,我经常在街上踢球。 

He came to the club twice a week last year. 去年他每周去俱乐部两次。 

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When I was in the university, I got up at 5:30 in the morning.    


He was a pilot a few years ago.  几年前他是个飞行员。 

I loved dancing when I was in the school. 当我在学校时,我喜欢跳舞。 

Exercise (一) 

(1) 用括号的动词过去式填空 

1. I __________ (study) in a primary school last year. 2. He _________(do) his homework all night yesterday. 3. I _____________(travel) to Beijing by air last summer. 

4. My good friend __________ (give) me a nice birthday present last week. 5. _______you ____________ (clean) the living room an hour ago? 

6. She ___________________(not come) to the maths class this morning. 7. My mother _________(be) born in Shanghai 30 years ago. 

8. When ________ your father __________(begin) to work in this factory? 9. __________(be) you at home yesterday afternoon? 

10 They _____________(not borrow) any books from the library yesterday. 11 We ____________(go) to the park for a picnic last Sunday. 

12. Mary _________ (help) her mother cooking dinner last Sunday. 13. ______ you ___________ (walk) to school last week? 

14. He _________________ (not get) up at six yesterday morning. 15. _________ (be) you born in Guangzhou? 

16. They ____________________ (not work) in this school in 2002. 17. _________ she _________ (live) in New Zealand last year? 

18. Two of our players _____ (be) ill yesterday, so we ______ (not be) able to play. 19. Last Sunday I ___________ (be) at the zoo with my cousin. 

20 She _______(wash) her face and _______(clean) her teeth quickly this morning. 21. After supper, he _____________(study) for two hours. 22. ---_________(be) you in Guangzhou last week?      --- Yes, I ________ (be). 

23. --- Where _________ (do) you _____________ (work) three years ago?       --- I _____________ at the village school. (work)    (2) 句型转换      


1. I was at the football game yesterday afternoon.   (改为一般疑问句)   ___________  ___________ at the football game yesterday afternoon? 2. I was at the library yesterday.      (就划线部分提问)   __________  __________ you yesterday? 

3. It was Women’s Day yesterday.    (就划线部分提问)   __________  ___________  __________ it yesterday ? 

4. My grandpa stayed there for twenty years. (就划线部分提问)   ________  __________  ______ he ___________ there? 5. Annie lived with her parents.  (就划线部分提问)      _________  _______ Annie ___________ with? 

6. They didn’t go to work because they were ill. (就划线部分提问)

_______  __________  they _________ to work? 

7. He often walked to school last year.    (改为同义句)   He often ______ to school ________  ___________last year. 

8. How was the weather the day before yesterday?   (改为同义句)   __________  _______ the weather _______  the day before yesterday? 9. They couldn’t play basketball because they were ill. (改为同义句) 

They _______  _________  _______ play basketball because they were ill. 10.There was nothing in the bag.(改为反意疑问句) There was nothing in the bag, ______  __________? 

11. I was born on September 2nd, 1988.    (就划线部分提问) ____________  ____________ you born? 

12. Sally was born in Guangzhou.        (就划线部分提问) _____________  _____________ she born?  

13. Last month I went to school on foot.   (就划线部分提问) 

____________  ________ you ________ to school last month? 14. Joe came to Beijing two years ago.   (就划线部分提问) ___________  ________Joe ____________ to Guangzhou? 

15. Mary had ten English books. Rose had ten English books, too.(改为同一意思的句子)  

Rose had ________ ________ _______ ________ Mary. 

16. Both Sally and Meihua liked living in Guangzhou.  (改为一般疑问句) ________ Sally and Meihua ________  living in Guangzhou?   

(3) 选择填空   在下列各题的四个答案中选择一个最佳答案。 1. --- Where ______ you yesterday morning?   --- I ______ at the lab.     A. are, am  B. are, was  C. were, am  D. were, was 2. --- What was the lab like yesterday ? 

--- The lab ______ very noisy. There _______ a lot of students there.     A. is, are  B. was, were  C. is, weren’t  D. was, weren’t 3. --- When did your father ______ Guangzhou?   --- Last night.     A. arrived at B. get to       C. reached      D. went 4. Yesterday the other team ______ very ______.     A. is, lucky     B. was, lucky     C. were, lucky     D. are, lucky 5. Kate _____ in Guangzhou yesterday, but I don’t know where she ___ now.      A. was, was     B. is, was    C. is, is      D. was, is 6. It will take him half a week ____ the work.      A. did     B. do       C. doing     D. to do 7. --______ he _______ in this factory last year?    -- Yes, he __________. 

A. Was, work, was    B. Did, worked, did     

C. Did, work, did     D. Was, worked, was  

8. Lei Feng ________ always _____________ help others.      A. was, ready to      B. was, ready for           

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C. is, ready to        D. is, ready for 

9. It was so hot here, so he ________ his heavy coat. 

A. took off      B. took out      C. took away    D. took down 

10. Tom ____noodles for breakfast every morning. But he ____noodles this morning. 

A. have, didn’t had     B. has, didn’t had      C. have, didn’t have   D. has, didn’t have 

11.--- ______ you ________ to Beijing last summer?   --- No, I ______. 

A. were…travel, wasn’t    B. did…travel, didn’t C. did…traveller, didn’t    D. were…travelled, wasn’t 

12. He ________ in 1994 when he was 82 years old. 

A. dead      B. died         C. dying       D. die 

13. Everything ______ ready ______ the dancing party at 7:00 p.m. 

A. is, to          B. was, to     C. was, with      D. was, for 

A. hadn’t rained    B. would rain    C. rained   D. wasn’t raining  

Exercise (三)时态综合练习 

(一般现在时, 一般将来时,现在进行时,一般过去时,过去进行时) 用下列各句中所给的动词的正确形式填空: 1. Where _________ you__________ (come) from ? 2. _______ it __________ (rain) a lot in Beijing in winter? 3. Jane _____________  (not like) basketball. 

4. Look ! The children _________________ (play) on the ground. 5. You ______________ (be) 20 next year. 

6. If Yingtian ___________(pass) the exam, his parents __________(be) very happy. 7. Where _______ (be) your sister yesterday evening ? 8. Five yeas ago, there ____________ (be) not a hospital here. 9. He first _____________  (come) to China in 1988. 10. He usually __________ (walk) to school. 

11. ________ you _________ (have) a book called “Mother”? 12. Joan ________________ (not come) from Hong Kong 13. What __________ you __________ (do) next? 

14. If you ___________(smoke) here, you ____________(have to) pay $500. 15. Look! It ____________________ (snow) outside. 

16. __________ you ___________ (have) a good time at the party? 17. He often ____________ (visit) his uncle’s farm when he was young. 18. Please be quiet. The teacher _______________ (speak). 19. Where _________ she ________ (live) when she was a girl? 20. The old man ___________ (read) newspaper every day. 21. _______ you often _______(take) a bus after work. 22. _______ they ___________ (have) any children? 23. Hurry ! The bus __________________ (come). 

24. ________ you _________ (go) to Hainan next Monday?                           25. He ____________(die) if he ______________(swim) in the river. 26. I ___________(do) nothing special last Saturday. 

27. ________ you __________ (watch) TV at eight yesterday evening? 28. When we were at school, we usually ________ (play) Ping Pong. 29. I _________________ (remember) this day all my life. 

30. She ______________ (read) an interesting books when I visited her last Sunday. 31. We always _____________ (have) lunch at 12. 32. Tomorrow ___________ (be) Sunday again. 

33. When Tom lived in the city, we often __________ (go) to the library. 34. I ___________ (know) nothing until I was seven. 

35. Mary _________________(have) a bath when the phone _______________(ring)  36. She _________________(listen) to the radio when she _________________(hear) 

a loud noise. 

37. He ________________(go) down the hill when he ________________(fall) over. 38. I _______________(get) up at 7 this morning. The sun ________________(shine) 

came、will come 都可以,这句话的状语是this morning,今天早上,而且还有时间点 6点钟,之所以不能用于现在进行时态,一、是因为come是表示结果的实义动词,基本不会用在现在进行时态当中。二、确实有“I am coming”这种口语表达方法,意思是“我来了(可能正在跑来)”,这种句子是现在进行时态表将来的一种用法,比较特殊,口语中常出现,比如I am going with you,我将会和你一起去(人还没离开呢),但是现在进行时态中,几乎是没有时间状语的,无非就几个词语,now、at the moment。所以,12题是不会用到进行时态的,希望你能理解我所说的

at six过去的时间点,用一般过去时!

came可以,will come应该也行

应该是will come

回答:2、spend your holiday 3、how about 4、have a nice time 5、are too crowded 6、really do not like 7、found crying corner

(a2)^2=a1a3 (a1+d)^2=a1(a1+2d)(a1)^2+2a1d+d^2=(a1)^2+2a1d d^2=0 d=0 题目有question An=2\/n(n+1)=2\/n-2\/(n+1)Sn=(2\/1)-(2\/2)+(2\/2)-(2\/3)+(2\/3)-(2\/4)+……(2\/n)-[2\/(n+1)]=2-[2\/(n+1)]n趋向于无穷大 1\/(n+1)趋向于0 Sn=2 ...

二、填空题 1.进接单群不可以()、()、() 2. 接单期间不可以()()() 3...
1. 进入接单群不可以发广告、刷屏、诈骗信息。2. 接单期间不可以私下联系客户、泄露客户信息、违反平台规定。3. 炸单的三种情况:客户取消订单、客户投诉、平台审核不通过。

填空题: 1.将十进制整数转换为R进制整数的方法是 不断除以R取余...
4699÷8=587...3 587÷

填空题:2、当我们进入网站所看到的第一个网页通常称为该网站的___百 ...


...with a beard . (划线提问) ___ he ___?小题2:He isn’t a good...
故本题空格处填What’s, like。小题2:含有think的主从句改为否定句改主句,故本题空格处填don’t, think, is。小题3:谓语动词为一般动词的过去式改为一般疑问句使用助动词did,第一人称改为第二人称,后跟动词原形do,故本题空格处填Did, you, do。小题4:表示想要做某事可用want to do sth...

短文填词 根据短文内容和以下提示:1)首字母提示,2)语境提示,3)汉语提...

A.4 B.8 C.16 D.17 9.某年7月1日是星期一,则这年7月25日是( ) A.星期二 B.星期三 C.星期四 D.星期五 10.某商场一次发行了100张有奖销售券,其中一等奖1名,二等奖5名,三等奖15名,这种奖券的中奖率为( ) A.100% B.21% C.16% D.1% 二.填空题(每题3分,共30分) 11.按规律填空:1,...


和平县19189517026: 第11和12题怎么写吖,,蟹蟹 -
包舒平阳: 11.C两个动作都在进行12.B.第一句有then,所以回答用进行时(过去某一时刻在进行的动作)

和平县19189517026: 第十二题,starting不行吗?像开始一样 -
包舒平阳: 因为starting没有形容词功能,它与was合作只能是过去进行时,表“it”正在开始,含义与这里的语境不合.这里需要“一切=it将会和以前一样”

和平县19189517026: 第12题理由则么写? -
包舒平阳: 昨天早上发生的动作,用过去进行时呗

和平县19189517026: 考考你!英语12个时态都有哪些? -
包舒平阳:[答案] 英语12个时态 1.一般现在时 现在进行时 现在完成时 现在完成进行时 5.一般过去时 过去进行时 过去完成时 过去完成进行时 9.一般将来时 将来进行时 将来完成时 将来完成进行时 Simple Present, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect ...

和平县19189517026: 12题翻译 c的had been on是什么意思可以是完成时态吗 -
包舒平阳: had been on是过去完成时,此题应选c,过去完成时标志有when,before,by the time

和平县19189517026: look the boy (put )the rubbish into the bin 过去进形 -
包舒平阳: 过去进行时态填 was putting 但是从这道题目来看,应该填现在进行时态,因为有提示词 look(看) 这就说明 这个动作现在正在发生,你可以向老师反映一下这个情况 应该填 is putting

和平县19189517026: 什么时候用过去进行时 -
包舒平阳: 过去时态的进行时如:昨天的这个时候她正在看书.She was reading a book at that time yesterday.

和平县19189517026: 什么时候用过去式,什么时候用过去进行时? -
包舒平阳: 过去时,只是普通表示过去的动作,常于一些词搭配ago ,yesterday 过去进行时,表示过去某一段时间类一直在做的事情.或者表示某一时间点正在做的事情. i was watching tv at five o'clock when you came for me .

和平县19189517026: 过去进行时是指什么 讲详细点.要有例子例题 -
包舒平阳: 过去进行时表示在过去某一时刻或某一段时间内进行或发生的动作.其形式为was /were + V-ing.常与表示过去的时间状语连用,如:last night, last Saturday等;或者与when, while, as引导的过去时间状语连用1. 过去进行时由“主语+was/were ...

和平县19189517026: 什么时候用过去进行时什么时候用一般过去时? -
包舒平阳: 过去进行时是指在过去某段时间内后某一点正在进行的动作或发生的事情.结构是was/were + 现在分词. 一般过去时是指过去某个时间点发生的动作或发生的事情,也可指过去经常发生的事情.主要看句子后面的时间状语,一般过去时:last week/year/month, yesterday ,yesterday evening/morning/afternoon, just now, the day before yesterday 过去进行时:at 2 o'clock yesterday ,at this time last week. 要想掌握好时态除了记住结构和用法外,一定要多做题.在题中体会他们之间的不同.那样才能熟能生巧.

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