
作者&投稿:汲枝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

"His father did not want to let him watch TV at night." "She tried a piece of clothing, but are not suitable items of clothing or her." "Warmer today than yesterday." "It's very fashionable clothes."

Shall we/Do we need to arrange desktops for 3 colleagues coming back from Tesco office?
give的感觉是送给人家 比较中式英语 其实原句的意思是给他们安排台式机
computers现在不太作为office用于了 多指大的那种 台式机现在多用desktop
开头处shall me or do we need to 都是可以的 看你和谁说这句话
如果是书面用或者对方职位高过你 最好用do we need to 这样正式一点
如果是同级同事间那shall we就可以了

There is a perpetual force that incites our blood pulsing with ardors.

There is a perpetual psyche that prompts us to conquer the world

There is a perpetual height that induces us to transcend ourselves

There is a perpetual objective that motivates our visions to run wild


There is a kind of power that makes your blood burning with enthusiasm;

There is a kind of spirit that makes you roam the world;

There is a kind of height that makes you surpass yourself;

There is a kind of goal thats makes your dream comes true.


There is a kind of strength, let us with passion;
There is a kind of spirit, and let us Trinidad ;
There is a kind of high let we transcend self;
There is a kind of goal make our dreams surge!


There is always a power making our hot blood firm.
There is always a belief making us go everywhere.
There is always a height making us surpass ourselves.
There is always a goal making our dreams fly.

Always have one kind of strength to make our warm blood sincere stablely;
Be always had spirit for one kind by our long distance vertical and horizontal;
Always have one kind of altitude to let us exceed ego;
Always have one kind of target to let us dream of the roaring of breakers!

鄙视那些纯机器翻译的!以下纯手工。您好,可爱的蜻蜓乐队!Hello my lovely Dragonfly Band 来信已经收到,我没有向您解释清楚,非常遗憾!I have received your mail, but I’m sorry that I didn’t explain to you clearly.这个关于您们音乐艺术的视频,是我独自创作的,也是发自无数中国音乐...

1。你TM的是天生智障还是怎么的,? 在我打爆你的狗头之前。给我滚开这里。You are born of TM retarded or what? I hit you in the head before. Give me out here.2。你想跟那个女孩搭话。但是你半天却一个屁没有。呵呵。绝对有这句的第2句。You want to start a conversation with the...

1.希望我们学校的所有学生都能考上大学(be expected to).I am expected all of my schoolmates to succeed in college entrance examination .2.如果你能充分利用时间,你的学习很快会好起来(make use to).If you made use to time ample , you would be scholarly .3.正当我十分焦急时,一个孩子...

求高手翻译几句日语 日译中~~

这应该标准的,因为我爸爸是翻译员。他教我这个小学生,翻译得应该能行吧。1.Sorry. I'm having a meeting. You can send a massage to me. I'm busy these days, if you have enough time, you can talk with me on QQ a little while later. You can talk to me on QQ, too.2....

检查所有的机械、电气、气动元件安装适当拧紧,正确,没有受到损害装运。热水器的电源,水龙头*,满足了顾客的变压器供电 电压。检查所有的设备连接的* * *的包装是正确的并向客户报告中提到的任何缺陷代表安装。通过安装测试*运行应用程序时,电源,然后把瓶塞到一个全面运行状态。教适当的人在客户的植物如何...

请英语高手帮忙翻译几句话! 自己拍的电影的字幕 中译英。不用太专业...
字幕:两个月后,卓凡回来了。Two months later, Zhuo Fan came back.郝仁:你怎么回来了?Why do you come back?卓凡:看看老朋友,明天就离开。你呢?你又为什么回来了呢?I want to visit some old friends. I will leave tomorrow. What about you? Why do you come back?郝仁:钱用完了...

那个清晨,天空忽然下起了雨,以后的岁月中,我常常会想,那场突如其来的大雨,是不是我们最后的奇迹,我没想到我第一个来送的人会是你,而且我将一生都见不到你。That morning,it suddenly began to rain,In the following years,I often think of the unexpected rain to be our last miracle...

1.Just let the past go, all you should do is to hold the present.2.It shows that I didn't do it good enough if my past achievements were great.3.The kind man has got his own pain as the bad man has got his own mood.4.The awareness has been put in my heart ...

1.能够认识你是我生命中最完美的一点。It is the perfect thing to know you in my life.2.我希望我们之间的感情永远不变。I hope our feelings for each other will last forever.3.当你在我身边时,你是一切;你不在我身边时,一切是你。You are everything when you are with me, every...

江城哈尼族彝族自治县15170056915: 急!求高手翻译几句英文!有赏!将以下几句话翻译一下!谢谢!1 为了理想努力就一定会成功2 学会在平凡的生活中挑战并享受3 美好的梦境令人向往4 不... -
潜脉清眩:[答案] 1.Make great efforts to be sure to succeed right away for the ideal2.Learn to challenge and enjoy in ordinary life3.Fine dreamworld is alluring4.Not being controlled and seduced by desire5.Ought to be...

江城哈尼族彝族自治县15170056915: 请高手帮忙翻译一段话,中译英!...
潜脉清眩: Hello, I have already received your remittance and the total number is 3066 yuan. I was informed by aunt Helen's sister. We were all happy after hearing the news. Here I would like to thank every uncle on behalf of my family. Chinese New Year is ...

江城哈尼族彝族自治县15170056915: 请高手帮我翻译这几句话!中文翻译成英文
潜脉清眩: The company will strengthen the construction of theme held execution education activities

江城哈尼族彝族自治县15170056915: 英语高手帮忙翻译几句话,拜托了.急!1.能够认识你是我生命中最完美的一点. 2.我希望我们之间的感情永远不变. 3.当你在我身边时,你是一切;你不在我... -
潜脉清眩:[答案] 1.You can understand my life is the most perfect one. 2.I hope the feelings between us will never change. 3.When you on my side,you were everything; I know you do not,all you have.

江城哈尼族彝族自治县15170056915: 急!请哪位高手帮我把下面的几句中文翻译成英文,谢谢!
潜脉清眩: 1.What you need is more exercise. 2.When they will come has not been announced.3.Could you tell me where you are from?4.We should find out whether the exhibition will open or not.

江城哈尼族彝族自治县15170056915: 求英语高手帮忙翻译几句句子!急!谢绝工具翻译者!1:不要在乎别人怎么议论你2:人生中,有那么几件事,是不能用眼睛来看的3:当局者迷,旁观者也... -
潜脉清眩:[答案] 1.Don't care about what others say behind you. 2.There are some things in life that can't been seen with your eyes. 3.those closely involved cannot see clearly,and those not can not necessarily see clearly either.

江城哈尼族彝族自治县15170056915: 请高手帮忙翻译几句中文成英语 -
潜脉清眩: the lite version, where the price is binded to the suite/room, that is,...

江城哈尼族彝族自治县15170056915: 请英语高手翻译几句话 -
潜脉清眩: 遇上一个人,只要几分钟时间;It takes several minutes to meet a person,喜欢一个人,只要一句话时间;It needs only a word's time to love a person.爱上一个人 只要几秒的时间; 忘记一个人 却要一生时间.It takes only a few seconds to love a person,while to forget him/her you have to spend your whole life.

江城哈尼族彝族自治县15170056915: 跪求英语高手帮忙翻译几句话,在线等!!!! -
潜脉清眩: I know that Korea cosmetic technology is very famous, I like Korean dramas, such as" Lady", her headstrong and look very cute, round to Korean Air 's dream I will strengthen English, hope to have the opportunity to become fluent in Korean.

江城哈尼族彝族自治县15170056915: 急求!几句中文句子的英文翻译!速度!2:00前要的 !高手进!每次回想起来我总会感慨从前,有一位美国海底探险家在黑暗的海底探索水母微弱的灯光中向... -
潜脉清眩:[答案] Looking back, I think every time I always feel Once upon a time, an American undersea explorer To explore the seabed in the dark jellyfish Weak to light not far in front of jellyfish slowly around In ...

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