
作者&投稿:肇枫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


The first is the responsibility ,leadership first to dare to assume , performance is everyone's , problem is leadership ;
The second is the vision, good insight into , around corners , long-term perspective , focusing on development , others think of you can think of ;
The third is calm , so witty judge , sober analysis , scientific decision-making , good at listening to the views of others but to have their own opinions ;
The fourth is tenacity , to persevere , proactive , not because of a two-hit discouraged , always keep up the passion ;
The fifth is to unite , when the leader must be able to unite the people , right on to the next are responsible for mobilizing the masses passion , collective wisdom ;
Sixth is the erudite , your extensive knowledge than the average person , a wealth of knowledge can increase a person's charm.

责任与担当的英文翻译是Responsibility and responsibility 。

Responsibility and responsibility  




1. Responsibility and moderation were to be the keynotes of their foreign policy.  


2. Ellsworth was a martyr to his sense of honour and responsibility.  


3. The student may show signs of feeling the strain of responsibility and she may give up.  


4. It's our duty and responsibility to protect this sacred land -- the Antarctic.  

我们有责任保护南极这块 圣地.

5. I found to my cost that being a director of the company meant a great deal of worry and responsibility.  


  责任与担当 译为中文: Responsibility and play

  Whether students should be expelled from college students' cheating. Some people think it's too hot to be expelled from college students, while some people think it is reasonable to do so. I think college students should be expelled from cheating.
  Cheating is a moral issue. The lack of integrity of the talent will cheat. And, a loss of fairness and authenticity of the examination for the students who participated in the exam is not fair.
  First of all, the severe punishment more can restrain people, let people afraid of making mistakes. Secondly, as a college student, an adult, need to be responsible for their own behavior. Cheat will bear the consequences.
  As an adult college students, there should be a sense of cheating,there is the courage to cheat, we must have the preparation to accept the punishment.


n.责任; 职责; 负责任; 责任感,责任心;

vt.承诺; 保证; 承担,从事; 同意,答应;

...有担当的”是翻译为responsible好呢 还是accountable好呢...
本人认为公私分明可以理解为 unselfishly 有担当的”的翻译用accountable( 负有责任的;可计算的;)好 accountable government 责任政府 ; 负责制政府 ; 负责任的政府 ; 问责政府 responsible主要表示对什么负责。


资料翻译,欢迎有翻译经验的高手进来 追分++
担当——担当责任,应尽义务。Undertake--Shoulder great responsibility,Fulfil one's duty.积极——积极工作,积极生活。Active--Active in work,Live in an active way 方针:脚踏实地,放眼国际。Policy---Work in a Dowm-to-Earth way,globally thinking and operation 宗旨:让客户满意,让员工...

崇德励志,为国担当 翻译成英文
State worship inspirational, as the country bear

As a host is his main part.

Business play Technology plays


负责[fù zé]什么意思?近义词和反义词是什么?英文翻译是什么?
[负责]英文翻译 be in charge of; be responsible for; conscientious 尽职尽责 [负责]近义词 承当 承担 担任 担当 职掌 肩负 [负责]反义词 唐塞 搪塞 [负责]相关词语 职责 职掌 正义 价值 敬业 人性 卖力 肩负 控制 认真 有劲 权利 [负责]相关搜寻 负责任 负责人 形容工作认真负责的成语 ...

strain his bones and muscles.(劳其筋骨)make his body hungry.(饿其体肤)make him suffer from poverty.(空乏其身)and always fail to do things smoothly.(行拂乱其所为)出处:战国孟子《生于忧患,死于安乐》赏析:作者先列举六位经过贫困、挫折的磨炼而终于担当大任的人的事例,证明...

财务担当:Financial Accountant

未央区13755789162: 责任的英文单词怎么写 -
边奚奈西: 责任 [词典] responsibility; liability; duty; blame; [例句]我对我的当事人负有道义上的责任.I have an ethical and a moral obligation to my client.

未央区13755789162: 责任的英语翻译 -
边奚奈西: duty responsibility

未央区13755789162: 英语翻译担当怎么翻译? -
边奚奈西:[答案] 担当就是专门做某事的人.日韩企业一般都这样说的,比如:营业担当,意思就是专门负责销售的人.相当于欧美企业里面的CSR,就是中国企业的员的意思. 英文你可以翻译为executive

未央区13755789162: 英语的责任怎么说? -
边奚奈西: 责任,职责 dutyParents have the duty to rear and educate their minor children, and children who have come of age have the duty to support and assist their parents. 父母有抚养教育未成年子女的义务,成年子女有赡养扶助父母的责任.

未央区13755789162: 责任的英文翻译
边奚奈西: 1.responsibility 2.duty

未央区13755789162: 请用英文翻译“担当”一词 -
边奚奈西: 担当的主要意思是负责人(没有官职大小).任何人都是某件事情的担当, 在日语里也是这意思, 可以理解为person in charge (一般简为PIC) 或者the man at the wheel 简短一点: principal

未央区13755789162: ”负责任的”用英语怎么说 -
边奚奈西: 1. Responsible2. The courage to take responsibility3. Strong ability to learn new knowledges4. More balanced development of diffrent aspects顺便问一句,是在写简历啊.这样的语句其实不用过多.

未央区13755789162: 担当在辞海中的解释 -
边奚奈西: 基本解释[take on;bear the burden;assume the responsibility] 担负;承担 担当重任详细解释1. 承担并负责任. 《朱子语类》卷八七:“岂不可出来为他担当一家事?” 明 唐顺之 《与俞总兵虚江书》:“若夫为国家出气力,担当大任,有 虚...

未央区13755789162: 承担责任 英文怎么说 -
边奚奈西: 承担责任: undertake/bear the responsibility

未央区13755789162: 不可推卸的责任英语怎么说 -
边奚奈西: 不可推卸的责任 用英语表达 翻译如下:1、Unshakable duty2、unshirkable responsibility3、compelling obligation4、inescapable responsibility 上述说法都可以.例句:The five nuclear-weapon states bear special and unshirkable responsibility in this respect. 在这方面,五个核武器国家有着特殊和不可推卸的责任.

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