
作者&投稿:储策 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

然后,她叫Nina和 Anna来帮忙,但是她们都以相同的原因拒绝了,最后还是格林夫人自己放的盐。

1. Focus on design
2. Trust jobs
3. Forget everything, from the beginning
4. Believing the apple are strong than all other companies
5. Value outside views
6. Never yielding
7. Always pay attention to details
8. Only jobs is the essential character
9. Confidentiality are supreme
10. Leading market is the most important thing
11. Bigoted on innovation
12. Promoting the apple's characteristics
13. Expand sales channels
14. Adjust allied forces
15. Highly Praise the elite culture






员工通道:スタッフのみ \/ 関系者以外立ち入り禁止 后面这个比较常用 逃生电梯(先汗一个,逃生不是不能用电梯么):非常口 我理解成应急通道翻译的啊 小心台阶:足元にご注意下さい 工作间:职场

\/"而且"\/"再说""住む"可能型:"住める"、在日常对话中基本使用可能型表达,因为"ことができます"在正式场合常常使用,感觉有些生硬和正式,因为这个对话的对方是朋友。"ことができます"觉得你们关系很远,既然关系很远,又怎么还住一起呢, 呵呵!希望以上文字对您的日语学习有所帮助!


Mysterious shaman community, a boy, his parents were the most horrible dark wizard Voldemort killed.But he survived because of the protection of the mother's love. In an ordinary family growth and ill-treatment, 11years of age he found a real home - the Hogwarts school of magic...

Southwestern Guangxi and Vietnam linked by mountains and rivers of the Northeast, Dongxing, Guangxi, Fangcheng, Ningming, Pingxiang, Lung, and Dah Sing, Jingxi, the slope of the border, such as 8 (cities, districts) and Vietnam's Quang Ninh, Lang Son, Cao Bang, Ha Giang ...

西班牙语高手请进 帮忙把这封感谢信翻成西班牙语

歌曲名叫Ehkä ensi elämässä


写小作文的确不用ます体,用简体就可以了。 楼上帮你已经改过了,都可以的 1)你写的:クラスの中にはバドミントンが上手な人もなくて, 这句话有错误的,人もなくて,应该是人もいなくて,人的否定是いない 你后面半句:場所もない,这个是正确的,因为场所是物体,否定可以直接用ない ...

1。Phone the station to make sure there will be train for 24 hours .2, Various kinds of information is available on the Internet .3.Wheather someone is able to find a job depends on his performance on the interview 4,Plane is the first choice of the businessmen for his ...

炎陵县19894983326: 英语高手请进 翻译下 -
漳素小儿: 1:冰淇淋2: large, many 3: to eat ice cream 4: Health Food 5; to picnic 6: a group of friends 7: Make a list of 8: She does not like ice cream 9: you and a group of friends went to a picnic 10: to buy food Make a list of

炎陵县19894983326: 英语高手请进,帮忙翻译下 -
漳素小儿: You don't mind 【my/others'最好加上这个】calling you Xiao Li, do you?你不会介意【我/别人】叫你小李/小丽,对吧?祝你开心如意!

炎陵县19894983326: 英语高手请进,帮忙翻译下.急.A、尊敬的老师B、亲爱的同学们 合:大家新年好!A、时光从日历上一页页的飘落下来, 我们又来到岁末年尾.B、龙年悄然... -
漳素小儿:[答案] A, respect teachers, dear schoolmates B: Happy New Year!A, how time flys,just like calendar pages falling down, we came to the end of this year.B,dragon year has gone quietly, the snake year is caming...

炎陵县19894983326: 英语高手请进,帮忙翻译下
漳素小儿: I love you, I whether we age gap, no matter how far apart we are, you are my first love, so, I hope that people can be you, and you?

炎陵县19894983326: 英语高手请进,帮忙翻译一下这句话 -
漳素小儿: Don't cherish what you have lost. I will cherish you.

炎陵县19894983326: 英语高手请进,帮忙翻译下面的语句 -
漳素小儿: Hello teacher tell me what's my lesson, I'm ***, 22 years old this year, home to MOM and dad, my brother. A total of four members. I am a college student. Studied at the University of environmental protection. Professional mobile communication ...

炎陵县19894983326: 英语高手请进帮忙翻译几个句子
漳素小儿: 1 我们以前在这里见过 we have met each other here before 2 我妈妈不喜欢我随便给人电话号码 所以我不方便接电话 my mom asks me not to tell my phone number to others, so i am not convenient to answer the phone. 3 你不会中文我们学习起...

炎陵县19894983326: 英语高手,请进!帮忙用英语翻译下面这段话!
漳素小儿: Sisters, do not shed your precious tears for him. It's not worth it, really not worth it. Do not cry. Go for it! Be strong and walk along with him!

炎陵县19894983326: 英语高手进帮忙翻译下 -
漳素小儿: 1、If time use proper, we can obtain more knowledge, increase their competence. 2、He took the factory from his father last year. 3、If all goes well, I may be able to return to school before dark

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