帮忙以“我的学校”为题,写一篇英语演讲稿。 速度!

作者&投稿:缪疤 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I love my school

My school is in the east of zouping.There are some modern buildings in my school.It was built in 2006.There are a lot of trees and flowers around it.

The school looks like a big garden.More than 2000 students are studying in my school and about 150 teachers are working for us students here.

The teachers are very strict with us in our lessons.They work hard and often discuss how to teach the lessons together.

They all do well in teaching and they are very good with us.Also they are very friendly to us.

We often talk with each other about something that interest us together.Besides,we often do sports together on the ground.We all know it’s very important for us to keep fit.

I love my school a lot.




I love my school (speech) Distinguished judges, ladies and gentlemen, friends: Good morning! My name is to Chun, 17 years old this year, from Fenghuang county vocational secondary schools. At this very moment, on behalf of the school to attend the speech, I was very honored, very proud, very excited. I have a speech entitled "I love my school."
Junior high school graduation, I chose the Phoenix secondary vocational schools, at the time, it can not be said for whatever reason, there is only one point, she's beautiful environment, very attractive. But now I would like to choose the school, I picked the right, and I fell in love with the school. Because I feel that now, she not only has the United States and the appearance that she can still let me in a dream to achieve
My school is located in Fenghuang County in the north-west corner, under the world-famous flavor of the ancient city of Phoenix, there are exquisite handsome nail the southern wall of the South, they like our classical Xiaojiabiyu south of the Yangtze River, unique charm, and my school , Caught between these two spots, but separated by several years. My own school, she is not a small-scale, beautiful environment, tree-lined, surrounded by clear water, there is broad Stadium. Teaching building, student hostels, many-tiered. Building the back of a big fish ponds, fish ponds and there are good times than the fish ponds of Orange Park.If this is her elegant chic coat, then! She then advanced a full range of teaching equipment, such as the new multi-media classrooms, more than 100 computers, tens of thousands of volumes of books, and so on, which is her strong bones! More importantly, I still have a few thousand students, dozens of teachers, school properly managed, the students comply with school discipline, unity and hard work, all the teachers to fulfill their duties, the affable, teachers and students together to create a strong To study the atmosphere of the campus.I think that she is the most valuable spiritual connotation of it! All in all, my school is like a knowledgeable, warm of heart, a refined scholar, as a student, you can say that I do not like him? I am sure you will.
I love my school, but also because of the professionalism of teachers, and they told me the care and love so that touched me deeply.

1. 以我们的学校为主提写一篇三百字作文 我的学校我的学校在泉州市中山北路,面对着中山公园。 我们学校的大门是由石柱和三个大小铁门组成的,石柱上还写着:“泉州市实验小学”几个金色的大字。一走进大门,就可以看见许许多多五颜六色的花草,还有仙人掌。 校园里有几棵比办公楼还高的大榕树,就像几把大雨伞。...

记得那次我的铅笔全断了,同学们看着我那为难的样子,都争着把铅笔借给我,我被当时的那一幕感动了,虽然这只是件小事,可我的脑海里却记忆犹新。 我爱我的校园,所以我不能让校园里的一草一木受到损害,当同学往草地上踩的时候,我们要去阻止他;当我们看见地上一旦有纸屑的时候,我们就要主动地把纸屑捡起来;当同学...

学校是我们学习的天地,是我们成长的乐园,我爱我的学校。 美丽的校园作文200字各写了春夏秋冬四个季节 我们的校园我们的校园有许多有趣的地方,下面让我来给大家介绍介绍吧.走进学校的大门,首先映入眼帘的就是操场了.红红的跑道,可以让我们在上面尽情的跑步;绿绿的草坪,可以让喜欢踢足球的同学踩在上面踢足球;知识...

我的学校初一作文1 记得小时候,每当我去幼儿园的路上,经过建新街小学,从学校大门看到校园里宽阔的操场,郁郁葱葱的法国梧桐,宛如我搭建的五彩缤纷积木一般的教学楼,使我充满了好奇与憧憬。 终于在五年前我走进了我梦想中的校园。 每天早晨我们陪同着欢快的音乐进入校门,首先映入眼帘的是一座白色的雕像,雕像中系着红领...

我的学校很美,我以我的学校为荣幸和骄傲,我太爱我的学校了! 来到学校,首先映入眼帘的是顶端嵌有一把金钥匙的校门。在阳光的照射下,闪闪发光!看到它,就知道“新世纪学校”是开启知识宝库的钥匙,是开启人美好心灵的钥匙,是开启21世纪全面素质人才的钥匙……新世纪的祖国花朵在这里成长,新世纪的祖国的太阳在这里...

引来了许多蝴蝶和蜜蜂,蜜蜂忙得不可开交,正采着那甜蜜,嗡嗡地叫着,好像在说:“今年的蜜好甜啊,我要多采点。”花蝴蝶正围着花儿飞舞,好像是仙女下凡,他们为校园增添了许多生趣。构成了一幅绚丽多姿的油画。 啊!我们的学校变化真大呀。我要用优异的成绩来报答我可爱的学校。 3. 美丽的学校300字三年级作文...

介绍我的校园作文300字1 我的母校坐落在山清水秀的榆次,校门前一块巍峨的大理石上镌刻着——“榆次八中”四个金光闪闪大字。刚踏进校门,“将知识转化为智慧,让文明积淀成人格”的标语印入眼帘。朱红色的标语在阳光下熠熠生辉。 快步踏入教学楼,爽朗的读书声像小精灵似的蹦跳着跃入耳朵。走进教室,窗明几净,桌椅整...

校园真大啊!工人们正在紧张地劳动着,为了早日建成我们的新学校。 这次我还是走马观花,等下次我们到里面去看看,一定比我说的还要好呢! 我最喜欢校园西南角的蘑菇亭。站在远处,放眼望去,像绿色的毯子上点缀着三三两两的小花,中间长着一大一小,一高一矮的蘑菇似的,十分逼真。稍近些,就能看见蘑菇亭左边有一棵弯着...

以下是我为大家整理的我的学校四年级作文,欢迎大家分享。 我的学校四年级作文1 我们的学校变样了。 一进校门口,原本暗暗的、没有光线的值班室被拆了,又建了一个宽敞的、明亮的值班室。值班室旁有一个移动护栏,门口还有一些戴着红袖套的老师、家长在维持秩序。咦?门口的大屏幕怎么不翼而飞了?哦,原来是往后退...


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