帮忙英文翻译下 着急用 如果您翻译的好 我会追加分数的 谢谢你喔~

作者&投稿:丘堵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

6.Which aspects should we start with in determining the meaning of a word?
7.Please list the situations of the numeral sentences translation.
8.Give a brief introduction of the ways of translation of noun clause.

(1) Section 20 (b) applies only to the health of the importing country to take measures to imported products in the importing country does not meet the animals and plants, human health standards, the State may invoke this provision to prevent the importation of products, it does not apply to products themselves qualified, but the process of importing countries in violation of environmental standards for imported products;

(2) Section 20 (g), may be used for the protection of exhaustible natural resources, the measures taken and (b), the same can not be extra-territorial application of only one country in order to protect national resources and environment for the reason to limit imports and exports, not to protect the other countries or global resources and environment to restrict the import and export;

(3) as described in Article 20 "... ... the necessary measures" the least trade-restrictive measures, if there is any alternative way of importing countries on trade restrictions may not be taken at the same time, "necessary measures" is also based on human action international standards for phytosanitary or scientific evidence on the measures taken;

(4) Section 20 applies to both import and export of goods of border measures, but also to the importing country of goods sold in the importing country authorities to implement the relevant regulatory measures.

With the progress of society and students are a large number of enrollment, students need to be fine on the degree of excellence, in order to create a harmonious campus to campus learning atmosphere thicker, the school system for the implementation of scholarships, school scholarship system is to encourage the implementation of advanced and backward spur , formed in student ratio, school, dare, help, super good style of study. Students Appraising the basic idea is to reward students for a more reasonable all aspects of development, taking a number of factors without losing critical information. Among the many factors, arranged according to primary and secondary order for the guarantee Appraising fairness, objectivity and rationality.
Fuzzy was born in 1965, a new mathematical system, over the past few years is even more widespread in all areas of fuzzy technology to solve increasingly complex problems of today as a means. Application of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of ideas, practical problems, according to the classification and the need for selective assessment of humanity.
Students Appraising is that all options for students according to different standards in proportion to achieve the goal to choose good. In this paper, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, on the Scholarship Assessment of various factors to quantify, on the different needs of different options to calculate the weight, to develop a set of feasible methods of determining weight, a better reflection of students overall quality of the for talented people to provide a more objective basis for selection. So that a more equitable assessment of scholarship.

With the progress of society and students are a large number of enrollment, students need to be fine on the degree of excellence, in order to create a harmonious campus to campus learning atmosphere thicker, the school system for the implementation of scholarships, school scholarship system is to encourage the implementation of advanced and backward spur , formed in the ratio of students, learning, courage, help, super good style of study. Students Appraising the basic idea is to reward students for a more reasonable all aspects of development, taking a number of factors without losing critical information. Among the many factors, arranged according to primary and secondary order for the guarantee Appraising fairness, objectivity and rationality. Fuzzy was born in 1965, a new mathematical system, over the past few years is even more widespread in all areas of fuzzy technology to solve increasingly complex problems of today as a means. Application of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of ideas, practical problems, according to the classification and the need for selective assessment of humanity. Students Appraising is that all options for students according to different standards in proportion to achieve the goal to choose good. In this paper, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method of mathematics, on the scholarship evaluation of various factors to quantify, on a different Requirements Selected different weights to calculate the OK to develop a set of feasible method of weight and better with Students of the overall quality of the for talented people to provide a more objective basis for selection. So that a more equitable assessment of scholarship.

scholarship system ; fuzzy comprehensive evaluation ; fuzzy mathematics

九原区19247895921: 帮忙翻译成英语一下!!!很急!!
董鸦永颖: my father is a national public servant, and my mother is working for an incurance company. there still a little dog in my house, i love it very much, but my mother hate it very much.

九原区19247895921: 帮忙翻译成英语 很急
董鸦永颖: 1、Which invention is the most helpful one? 2、Edison invented the telephone. 3、He put salt into the tea by mistake. 4、My daddy taught me how to fix the bike. 5、He spent all the money to buy the car.

九原区19247895921: 帮忙翻译成英文,谢谢!(很着急) -
董鸦永颖: No 404, gate 3, building 3, No 21 of KunPeng street, Tianjin Development Zone

九原区19247895921: 帮忙翻译成英语~~很急!!谢谢. -
董鸦永颖: This summer I spent it normally. My parents brought my sister and I to Korea for vacation. We went to Jeju island in Korea. We heard that the sceneries are very nice there. When we reached Korea, we felt that the air in Beijing is bad. The air in ...

九原区19247895921: 帮忙英文翻译,,,急!!求准确率
董鸦永颖: 你好!我的译句如下,供你参考: 1,From now on, I won't take you as my friend anymore. 2,I will take you as my lifetime friend and we will be happy forever:

九原区19247895921: 帮忙翻译成…英语....
董鸦永颖: 您好!很高兴为您解答!Happy birthday to my previous sister!Wish you every happiness! 第二句还可以直接翻译为 Wish you happy! 如果您还有不明白的请追问 若我的回答对您有所帮助 请采纳 谢谢!腾讯无线精英团竭诚为您服务~

九原区19247895921: 帮忙翻译成英文 急~ -
董鸦永颖: history].The origin of public transportation traceability 1826, at least. When a retired officer in the northwestern France Nantes Nantes (MianFang grinding, suburban) will run out of steam and hot bath for people to build public bathing, and provide ...

九原区19247895921: 帮忙翻译英语,急!
董鸦永颖: 1.免费开放的博物馆,会吸引更多的人来参观,这有助于人们更多、更好的了解中国文化和历史; If the museme is opened for free, there will be more people attracted to come and visit. It is much better and more effective for visitors to understand ...

九原区19247895921: 急!!帮忙翻译成英语!!! -
董鸦永颖: 亲爱的ASOS非常遗憾告诉你我还没有收到衣服,由于我的衣服被海关扣留已经将近40天还没有寄到我手上,那些衣服对我非常非常重要,必须在4月10号之前拿到我的衣服. 如果不能在4月10日之前寄给我的话,那些衣服将失去了他的购买价...

九原区19247895921: 请帮忙用英文翻译下面那段中文,急用,谢谢了. -
董鸦永颖: sorry, i love you, but i cant be there with you. darling, the last time i call you as it. wish i can tell you take care of yourself, but i have no courage to do that, i fraid that you refuse to see me never. doesnt matter if u can understant what i say, did you even read it. i have loved u

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