
作者&投稿:诺桑 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Sweet and sour low-emission preparation time : 20 minutes Cooking time : 40 minutes of low-emission pigs used : 500g. 2 T. vinegar (30 ml), 1 T. black (15 ml), 1 teaspoon of scallion tablets (5 grams). Half teaspoon salt (3 grams), 1 scallion stalk, 1 piece ginger, 1 teaspoon chicken bouillon (5 grams). 3 T. oil (45 ml), two garlic tablets, 2 T. sugar (30 grams) are : 1. not all delicious thin ribs, must be ready to bring a little bit of fat ribs. Add spareribs and chopped into 4-centimeter-long section, wash lishui with kitchen paper to absorb surface moisture. 2. Ginger slices, garlic slices, chopped scallion stalk ramps thick films. 3. Add the home fires on the pan, drain the oil, very badly burned five heat (Sprinkle slightly emitted smoke), under fire transferred into the ribs, the bombing of three minutes each, turning it over to use chopsticks, and the bombing of two minutes and convey coke yellow, ribs most of the water has gone. 4. Remove the salt, black, chicken bouillon, ginger, Sliced Garlic and ribs Tongchao, into the face of tepid water not too ribs, boiled fire. improvement and fire heat 30 minutes. 5. Weixiang ribs into the soft, white sugar, rice vinegar, scallions and tablets, fires can be boiled admission. Tips : 1. Canada can also be like a spoon tomato sauce, more ruddy color.
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Big Shark private yellow signs extravagances were indeed burned millet stew live Sea Cucumber Sea Cucumber health fried live abalone to go with rice Zhendian Claypot dishes: Pork grandmother ring a small fish stew tofu oil Shansi wine anchovy sauce Eggplant Eight fire large yellow croaker crab meat cooked tofu kan-ssu Shanghai Yunnan Ham Large Larry King shepherd's purse slipped the help sauté marinated sashimi Shanghai Benedict delicious sauce dry fried ham fried rice cake Artemisia Eight fried crab cake crisp cucumber onion tofu to help small Pork Fried Flounder slot head beer Malaysian style chicken flavor ribs braised Brasenia three wire silver Yugeng health food yam fried chicken feather fungus Duojiao Dusi Chaxingu Ming Jade fried lotus root fried shrimp balls honey beans Kuan Yin Fung Wing Pork Fried Conch dismantling veal rou film secret ingot shrimp sauce tomato boxes stuffed steamed tofu honey pepper sauce garlic Hakka bone black pepper beef short-ribs Hongshiwo Jennifer bacteria colorful chicken fried oxtail stew waist Lo-chip signature sauce baked sea bass,
吊烧鲈鱼笼仔一品鸡九重塔美舌鸡中宝椒香粒粒脆生炒猪油鸡汁杂菜心芥菜梗炒五花肉茶树菇爆鹿颈肉百味酱粉条炖牛腩葱味珍菌炒鱼球翅鲍菇木耳炒鸡球健康南瓜茨实咸蛋黄焗南瓜咸鱼蒸五花肉咸鱼鸡粒豆腐煲潮式手撕牛肉葱姜霸皇鸡惠州梅菜肉碎蒸茄子蒜茸粉丝蒸娃娃菜蒜茸蒸广东胜瓜生嗜鸡中翅生嗜胖头鱼大白菜花肉炖豆腐木桶骨杭椒牛柳菠萝咕咾肉蜜汁猪手煲桶天下招牌汁焗鲈鱼钵仔客家酿豆腐外婆红烧肉姜葱霸皇鸡猪油渣生炒菜心黑椒珍菌牛仔骨小黄鱼炖豆腐生嗜鱼瞟秘制元宝虾香煎带子配红酒鹅肝(位用) Perch cage hanging roast chicken products Aberdeen Kokonoe a tower in the United States and the tongue of chicken Lili Cui Sheng Hong Bao pepper chicken juice mixed vegetables fried lard fried pork mustard stems burst Agrocybe SUBWAY Luk Keng meat sauce noodles with braised beef brisket fried onion flavor Jennifer bacteria fin fish balls Pleurotus fungus fried chicken balls healthy pumpkin Heights real pumpkin baked salted egg yolk salted fish steamed pork pot of salted fish tofu diced chicken-style Shredded Beef Congjiang Pa Chao Huang Huizhou Meicai minced chicken steamed eggplant fan of Steamed Garlic Garlic steamed baby vegetables Guangdong Sheng Urifu students addicted to chicken wings L. Pan Touyu spent meat, tofu, Chinese cabbage wooden pepper beef bone Hang Pineapple Sweet and Sour Pork barrel pot pig knuckles world Honey Baked sea bass steamed juice signs Hakka stuffed bean curd imperial hegemony grandmother Pork ginger, spring onion chicken lard heart health cooking a small fish with black pepper beef short-ribs stew Jennifer bacteria Stenotrophomonas fish tofu students glanced secret ingot shrimp fried scallops with red wine, foie gras (persons)
黑椒鸭胸配羊肚菌(位用) Peppered duck breast with morel (persons)
酱焗鳕鱼(位用) Baked cod fish sauce (persons)
蜜汁煎牛仔骨(位用) Honey fried beef short-ribs (persons)
茄子煎焗大明虾(位用) Baked Eggplant fried large prawns (persons)
酱焗中式牛小排(例) Baked Chinese spareribs sauce (cases)
香酥澳洲小羊排(例) Crispy Australian lamb chops (cases)
金蒜安格斯牛肉(例) Garlic Angus Beef (cases)
鲜人参炖鸡汤椰子花旗参炖乌鸡香叶皮蛋鱼片汤咸蛋芥末菜肉片汤胜瓜肉片夹煎蛋汤芫茜鱼头豆腐汤港式干炒牛河豉油皇炒面鱼蛋汤鱼蛋汤河粉香港星洲炒米粉咸鱼鸡粒炒饭港式茄子炒饭咖喱海鲜炒饭雪菜火鸭丝炒米粉银芽肉丝炒面素炒河粉广东菜心广东芥蓝芦笋凉瓜盖菜油麦菜鸡毛菜油菜西芹西兰花荷塘小炒银杏木耳炒山药炝炒芹菜上汤娃娃菜小米椒奶白菜生煎包蟹粉汤包三丝炸春卷凤尾虾煎饺香炸红薯饼鲜果雪梅娘芒果班戟相思红豆糕风城姜炖奶鲜芒果布丁木瓜西米龟苓膏阳春面葱油拌面杭州片川面 Fresh Ginseng ginseng chicken soup stewed black-bone chicken coconut soup salted mustard Geranyl preserved eggs and fish dishes meat soup wins flesh film clip head coriander soup omelette Hong Kong-style fried rice noodles with bean curd soup with beef noodles Soy Sauce Tanghe fish bowl of soup balls Hong Kong, Singapore Fried rice flour Chicken Fried Rice Hong Kong-style salted fish fried rice with curry seafood eggplant roasted duck, stir fried rice Pickled Pork chow mein noodles Yin Ya Su Chao Pho Guangdong Guangdong kale cabbage dish cover Bitter Gourd Asparagus Lettuce feather vegetables celery broccoli rape fungus Ginkgo Hawthorn sauté fried yam soup soy fried celery cabbage, milk, baby food millet pepper pack crab meat soup fried spring rolls three wire Pteris Fried sweet potato cake shrimp Jian Jiao Xuemei Niang mango fruit pancakes Acacia steamed red bean cake Windy City ginger milk pudding, fresh mango papaya sago noodles Hangzhou film does wonders for Yang Chunmian rou chuan surface

[词典] Braised Green Vegetable in Broth
英 [ˈvedʒitəbl] 美 [ˈvɛdʒtəbəl, ˈvɛdʒɪtə-]
n. 蔬菜; 植物; 生活呆板的人;
adj. 蔬菜的; 植物的; 广泛生长的;




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草莓山药 海白菜拌蜇头 鲍汁翅王鸳鸯鸡 一品烧卤拼盘 新畔塘五秀 带子蒜蓉粉丝蒸 清蒸笋壳鱼 灌汤花枝球 九节白灼虾 雪影鹅肝粒 日禾烧牛柳扒 上汤春菜苗 燕麦松皮包 瑶柱蛋白炒饭 霊芝セッコク煮る老鶏 ストロベリー山芋イチゴ山芋 海白菜のハクサイ 鲍汁王鸳鸯鶏翅 卤の盛り合わせ 新...

Halogen spicy chicken leg bento Crispy halogen duck bento Braise in soy sauce meat bento Fish pork bento Placard bento Olney chicken leg plate burning lunchboxes Olney chicken lunchboxes Mr Type burn defecate when Desktop sausage bento Fish defecate when Black pepper chicken fillet bento...

一、蔬菜类炸香辣土豆丝地三鲜醋熘白菜海米扒白菜黄酱茄花炸茄盒沙锅老豆腐尖椒干豆腐红烧猴头蘑扒猴头蘑二、畜肉类红烧肉红焖肘子酱排骨煮白肉五花扣肉熏猪肘子锅爆肉长春酱肉糖醋肉... 一、蔬菜类 炸香辣土豆丝 地三鲜 醋熘白菜 海米扒白菜 黄酱茄花 炸茄盒 沙锅老豆腐 尖椒干豆腐 红烧猴头蘑 扒猴头蘑 二、...

茄子煎焗大明虾(位用) Baked Eggplant fried large prawns (persons)酱焗中式牛小排(例) Baked Chinese spareribs sauce (cases)香酥澳洲小羊排(例) Crispy Australian lamb chops (cases)金蒜安格斯牛肉(例) Garlic Angus Beef (cases)鲜人参炖鸡汤椰子花旗参炖乌鸡香叶皮蛋鱼片汤咸蛋芥末菜肉片汤胜...

Home gift The fisherman fish broth, young ginger, pickled fish, fish consumption, Maotai tendons, fennel Xiaochao row, delicious gluttonous frog, rural newborn rabbits, spicy shrimp, chicken, hot lamb kidney, intestine, beef stew, braised pork intestines people, braised chicken, braised...

我也是学习日语的,希望对你提出的有所帮助。按照你提供的菜单顺序翻译如下:エビ锅にShachaファン 1ポットBazhen豆腐制品 鱼の风味のナスの花钵 Yudaiダブルはちみつ扬げたイカ アバディーン扬げたエビ银鳕 新鲜な油で扬げた银鳕 Xのまたはラソースチャーハンロールしている シダレヤ...

求助英文高手 帮忙翻译一下 先谢谢了 菜谱里用的
牛奶冰淇淋雪泡 milk ice cream snowy 咖啡雪泡 caffee snowy 摩卡奇诺冰沙 tiramisu icy 松饼 muffin 厚片吐司 thick bread 澳洲小牛排 beefsteak ofaustralia 特色小牛排 feature beefsteak 黑椒牛柳比萨 至尊香肠比萨 菠萝火腿比萨 什锦蔬菜比萨 黑椒牛柳炒意粉 海鲜茄汁意粉 意大利肉酱面 焗茄汁猪扒意...

braised beef with brown sauce可能是红烧牛肉,spicy salted shrimp是盐水虾《加香料的》chicken cashew nuts是腰果鸡。hot and sour soup是酸辣汤。minced sweet corn soup是肉末玉米粥。egg drop soup是鸡蛋汤 beef curry with rice牛肉咖喱饭 braised bean curd炖豆腐 eggplant in garlic sauce蒜泥...

1.饮料窗口取 Take beverage at the window 2.有没有不辣的?Is there anything unpicy?3 有洗手间吗 where is the washroom\/restroom?4 不放葱.不放蒜 不放姜 no onion,no garlic, no ginger 5 牙签 盘子 toothpick and plate 6 把小票放餐桌上就行了just put it(maybe note, ...

照烧鸡腿米汉堡 According to the chicken leg meters Hamburg 至尊鲜虾堡 The supreme shrimp fort 火腿肉松汉堡 Ham shredded meat Hamburg 脆皮全鸡 Crispy whole chicken 新奥尔良烤全鸡 New Orleans roast whole chicken 葡式红豆蛋挞 Portugal ormosia egg whip 小熊伴嫁 Bear companion to marry 圣诞...

东台市18791049149: 麻烦高手帮忙翻译下菜谱(急用!!)
茆荣羟苯: 马蹄糕"Matigao"; 船上糕"cakes on a ship";桂花软枣"Osmanthus fragrans and soft Chinese date";芋头合"Co-taro";竹叶粑"Bamboo leaves cake";瑶族油茶"Yao Camellia" "

东台市18791049149: 请英语高手翻译一下菜单!
茆荣羟苯: 39. Shrimp stirfry 40. Fried Eel 41. Sliced Eel in oil 42. Sliced Eel with Bean Sprouts 43. Fish & Pickled Vegetables 44. shrimp balls with two kinds of nuts (fruits) 45. Pineapple Shrimp 46. Yellow Croaker with Pine Seeds 47. Fish Head in chopped ...

东台市18791049149: 英语翻译请高手帮忙按照中文菜谱翻译一下红烧肉的做法,中文菜谱如下:1、把买回的五花肉(就是那种瘦肉和肥肉曾层叠状的)切成1厘米见方(厚度不... -
茆荣羟苯:[答案] Please help translate the Chinese cookbook according to the practice of Chinese menu,braised pork are as follows:1,buy back that lean and wild-pigs is (the) cascading fat was cut into 1 cm square (thi...

东台市18791049149: 急急,请英语高手帮忙翻译《凉拌黄瓜》的菜谱,机器翻译的闪! -
茆荣羟苯: Cucumber in Sauce ingredient : 2 cucumbers 2 garlic 2 dried-peppers Seasoning: 1 teaspoon sesame oil 1 / 8 teaspoon vinegar 1 / 8 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon MSG 1 teaspoon sugar Production method: 1 wash the cucumbers,shave them with ...

东台市18791049149: 请英语高手翻译一下菜单!感谢 -
茆荣羟苯: 63. Guru pineapple meat Jiang Bao 64.XO fish 65. Jiangrou Beijing fo...

东台市18791049149: 麻烦高手帮忙翻译以下菜单.万分感谢啊! 炝秋葵 沾酱菜 脆酱萝卜 家乡牛肉干 贝尔熏鱼 如意鸭 -
茆荣羟苯: 有些菜单名字是很“个性”,例如蚂蚁上树、仙女下凡等等,这样的菜名单独从字面意义上看,不容易看出是什么食材,吃过后...

东台市18791049149: 日语菜单麻烦哪位高手帮忙翻译一下 -
茆荣羟苯: 我也是学习日语的,希望对你提出的有所帮助.按照你提供的菜单顺序翻译如下:エビ锅にShachaファン1ポットBazhen豆腐制品 鱼の风味のナスの花钵 Yudaiダブルはちみつ扬げたイカ アバディーン扬げたエビ银鳕 新鲜な油で扬げた银鳕 Xのまたはラソースチャーハンロールしている シダレヤナギ属の木扬げた豚肉 酢渍け鸭シルク炆火灾コメ 栄-菜粥新鲜な鱼を盛 豚の皮大根きのこカレーうどん ジャージャー麺 コリアンダーホタテ饺子 黄金色の花トウモロコシのケーキ 扬げたミルク パイナップル叉烧包 パイナップル冰火油 巻鱼介类新鲜なフルーツ チェーンオイルの果実

东台市18791049149: 请韩语高手准确的翻译一下这个菜谱内容吧! 高分给 -
茆荣羟苯: 起床之后:一杯蜂蜜水早上:白面包和花生奶油,苹果或者各种水果,橙汁,鸡蛋3~5个(包含蛋黄)午饭前(零食):土豆1~2个(与盐搅拌),酸梅汁午饭:金枪鱼盖饭(香油,一点辣椒酱,包含各种蔬菜),一个鸡蛋(包含蛋黄)午饭甜点:一杯香蕉奶昔或者是香蕉牛奶晚饭前(零食):土豆1~2个(与盐搅拌),酸梅汁晚饭: 肉丸子通心粉,意大利面 或者 披萨 (碳酸水 or 碳酸饮料)运动前:一个巧克力派运动中:摄取离子饮料运动后:摄取葡萄饮料运动后饮食:白粥,鲭鱼or烤金枪鱼or牛肉or 鲢鱼睡觉前:一杯温的白牛奶和各种坚果(花生或者 一点杏仁)希望对您有帮助,望采纳!谢谢!

东台市18791049149: 请各位高手翻译如下意大利菜单....
茆荣羟苯: 开胃菜/沙拉/汤(前菜,沙拉,汤) 鲑鱼薄片 鲑鱼薄片送达瓦特/马斯卡朋乳酪,火箭和香醋30000印尼盾资深大律师 鲑鱼与鳄梨牙垢 鲑鱼鞑靼送达瓦特/鳄梨27000印尼盾资深大律师 龙虾沙拉配牛油果 龙虾沙拉与鳄梨35000印尼盾 干贝用香醋 潘香煎干贝瓦特/培根曾任瓦特/婴儿豆 香醋减少和41,000印尼盾 火腿配新鲜甜瓜 帕尔马火腿送达瓦特/鲜瓜

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