
作者&投稿:逮阅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Dear, at this moment, the time and the place, I don't know your name, please, don't know your affectionate and sadness...

On the night like this, you are also similar to me, in weak lazy for tomorrow's surprise?

A你对将来有什么计划吗? Have you got any plan abou future ?

B现在还没有想过。 I haven't thought about it yet

You can say it while you are thinking

First ,I want to finish my study.

And then ?

I plan to look for a job I like after going back my country

Have you got any idea about your futural job ?

I hope it is which I like ,and with a few days off

Why do you hope so ?
If SO,I can have more time to travel and to be with my family
Have you think about build up your own career ?
Yeah . However , it will be after I have worked for years.
Have any ideas on your futural personal life ?
I hope to have a warm and nice family.
Have any requirement on your wife ? Such as ,beautiful ?
Sure,I hope to have a wife who are gentle and beautiful
When to set up your family , you think ?
I think it will be after 30 years old
Successful career you want after your married, right?
Yeah ,I think so.
OK ,thank you.
You're welcome.

I plan to look for a job I like after going back my country

Have you got any idea about your futural job ?

I hope it is which I like ,and with a few days off

Why do you hope so ?

If SO,I can have more time to travel and to be with my family

Have you think about build up your own career ?

Yeah . However , it will be after I have worked for years.

Have any ideas on your futural personal life ?

I hope to have a warm and nice family.

Have any requirement on your wife ? Such as ,beautiful ?

Sure,I hope to have a wife who are gentle and beautiful

When to set up your family , you think ?

I think it will be after 30 years old

Successful career you want after your married, right?

Yeah ,I think so.

OK ,thank you.

You're welcome.

这些都是我自己翻译的 ,没有用翻译器~ 恩,也不知道能不能帮到你 ,我很用心呢 ~
希望能解决你的问题咯 :)

1、Since at the end of the 20th century, sustainable development is a hot topic of concern to mankind.
2、sustainable development as a new mode of development and development, it is becoming ever more widespread. but as things stand, for sustainable development of human understanding is still not completely agree.
3、 at present the world of environmental resources issues
4 for instance ,in the northwest或者(at present the world of environmental resources issues in the northwest, for instance explore

Since late twentieth century, has become the subject of sustainable development a hot topic of human concern. Sustainable development as a new development model and the concept of development, are increasingly enjoys popular support. But the present situation, on the understanding of what sustainable development is still not the same.
Facing the world at the present stage the environmental resources
To China to explore the Northwest Area

Since the 20th century, the sustainable development of human problems became the hot topic. Sustainable development as a new kind of development mode and development, are also increasingly popular. But as to the present situation of the connotation of sustainable development of understanding is uneven.
Facing the current problems of environmental resources
In the northwest China as an example to discuss

Since late twentith century,the issue of sustainable development has been under heated debate, attracting widespread concern. As a newly born developing model and concept, the issue is becoming increasingly well-known. However, under current situation, understandings diverge when it comes to the connotation of sustainable development.
environment and resource problems currently faced up with by the world
discussion based on the northwestern area in China as example

since the late 21st century, sustanable development become the hot issue among the people.Being as a new development model and stratage, it is becoming more and more popular.However,there exist different opinins about the understanding of the stratage.
At present, there is enviroment and source problems that is being faced by the whole world.
Take the northeastern China as an example.

1、Since at the end of the 20th century, sustainable development is a hot topic of concern to mankind.2、sustainable development as a new mode of development and development, it is becoming ever more widespread. but as things stand, for sustainable development of human understanding ...

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剑川县13512247542: 将下文翻译成英文
松宗盐酸: My school my school is located in a "southern aluminum" reputation Pingguo 1 University Road, University City, adjacent to the Nanning City, high-speed road car range is only 86 kilometers, and closely linked to political, economic and cultural ...

剑川县13512247542: 下文的英语翻译 -
松宗盐酸: In a sunny morning, the old monk with novices on the herbs in the mountains Before leaving a book to the monkDisciples ah as a teacher to give you a book called the Compendium of Materia Medica it according to this book, you say it to herbsIs ...

剑川县13512247542: 把下文翻译成英文
松宗盐酸: In the UK is gentle waves of heshbon east grand ole tributary of the river in Erie, two rivers meet south of the Pope, the grand ole and corner of Britain to gentle waves and the canal system, early named link up, but GeLanDa in Anglo-Saxon man's ...

剑川县13512247542: 把下文翻译成英语短文. 我的家人有爸爸和妈妈.妈妈的性格温和,爸爸的性格很暴躁.妈妈喜欢看韩剧,爸爸喜... -
松宗盐酸: My family is a mother and a father. Mom's personality geniality, dad's character is very angry. My mother likes watching Korean dramas, dad like watching movies.

剑川县13512247542: 请将下文翻译成英文.
松宗盐酸: Tom: what are you doing? Mary: I do volunteer in the lost and found in the house. Tom: who told you volunteer here? Mary: is jerry teacher sent me here to volunteer. Tom: oh! No, I forgot, I'm going to give the pupils the tutorial. Mary: I think you lost ...

剑川县13512247542: 请将下文翻译成英语!谢谢!“我工作很忙,你呢?你能用中文给我写信吗?你用的是中国式英语我看出来了.” -
松宗盐酸:[答案] I am very busy with my work,and you Could you please write to me in Chinese?I can tell that your English is kind of Chinglish.(注:tell 是看出,分辨出的意思)

剑川县13512247542: 请将下文翻译成英文“像蜻蜓掠过山草,像清泉淌过山谷,在年轻的岁月中,或许时间会带走一切, -
松宗盐酸: 像蜻蜓掠过山草,像清泉淌过山谷,在年轻的岁月中,或许时间会带走一切,Mountain, like a dragonfly over the grass, like Qingquan淌过Valley, in the younger years, perhaps the time will take away everything,

剑川县13512247542: 帮忙将下文翻译成英语
松宗盐酸: 我家住在小镇南端,出门向右拐有一花园,再向右拐是南大街,一直向北走,走到头看到政府向西走大约500米是耀州路,由路口再向右走400米遇丁字路口向右拐便到了我的学校 I live in the south of the town,there is a garden on your right side ...

剑川县13512247542: 用英语翻译下文,
松宗盐酸: All good things come to an end. May it be friends or lovers, it still comes to an end. "Desire of a Wolf"

剑川县13512247542: 英语翻译把下文翻译成英语 我早上八点二十分分上课 我学习过语文、数学、英语、音乐、科学、品德和计算机 我的同学有54人 -
松宗盐酸:[答案] I take my lesson on 8:20am.I've studied chinese,math,english,music,science,Moral Education and computer.There are 54 people in my class. 英语专业纯手工翻译

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