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The song <In somewhere distant> was composed by Mr.Luobin Wang in 1939.The tune of this song was originated from a folk song in Kazakhstan. In the autumn of the 1939, Luobin Wang met ZhuoMa who was a Tibetan girl when he was appointed to help shoot a documentary in Qinghai. Luobin Wang was deeply impressed by ZhuoMa's vivacity and beauty, and he wrote the song for her. <In somewhere distant> is not only the most widely-known song of Luobin Wang, but also one of the most famous song in all the Chinese songs.
The song expresses an ephebe's adoration towards a gril by soulful and soft melody, vivid and sincere words. Who doesn't love beauteous and virtuous girl? Once I shut the eyes and the song is played, her purity like Luna, her smile like solara, her apparel with aureate lace and the lamb slightly lashed are haunted all over my mind, and I'm not willing to come back to the reality.
To speak of that Luobin Wang worked as an music teacher in Beijing 8th high school from 1950 to 1951. What's more, he also wrote the school anthem for us. In his short teaching period in 8th school, he brough the wonderful music time for 8th school.


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