
作者&投稿:当涂任 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

In the insurance industry, auto insurance claims widespread waste of resources, monitoring is ineffective and inefficient work, many defects such as moral hazard, and for the owners, the report, at the risk and wait for red tape and so on will be damaged and a long period of waiting for the same is upset. Set loss in the auto insurance and claims process, the increase in volume of business will increase the workload of loss to insurance companies increase in personnel costs, resulting in an increase in the number of settlement members. the existence of an act, but also in the vehicle so that insurance companies facing claims the risk of loss. 4S shop or repair shop co-operation in the fierce market competition, would very much like to use modern technology to improve the level of information technology to improve the operational effectiveness of the enterprise.
In order to enhance efficiency, low cost, and reduce the number of claims errors in the work of a growing number of insurance companies hope the vehicle will be damaged long-distance business, so members will be hurt long-range damage to look at his car and will need to archive the images after capture stored in the specified directory, the rapid development of maintenance of price and timely feedback to the owner.
China Telecom will be damaged vehicles remote China Telecom business is custom designed for the insurance industry developed, it adopted a platform dedicated to video information or cooperation from the auto repair shop 4S plant sent to the insurance companies through the Internet shows that the specified device, with clear view of the image to achieve long-range damage of vehicles, together with the 4S shops and operators of long-range two-way voice interaction, the effect of loss is equivalent to setting the scene in person staff. Generally small 2,000 cases 5 to 10 minutes to determine the amount of claims, losses will be part of the completion of the work will be damaged greatly enhanced efficiency and reduce waiting time owners, and to avoid loss will be set in a different scene of the accident damage, or return go.
China Telecom in accordance with the characteristics of the insurance industry, the original is still the basis of video surveillance to increase the number of special features, such as the virtual center box, click to enlarge, to capture, such as high-definition photo. Another loss will be in addition to providing long-range features, but also claims the system and the insurance industry has developed in close connection with the embedded applications, the loss will be in a system will be able to directly complete the entire process of determining loss, damage will be greatly enhanced to facilitate the operation of staff sexual.
A typical set of long-range loss process as follows: after the first report owners, insurance companies, received a report, the list will be made directly to their designated long-distance fixed-point loss; owners head to the specified set point loss in the fixed loss points designated by the insurance company will be hurt the operator member in accordance with the requirements of the remote vehicle accident or operation of the camera to take photographs, video images sent to the insurance company through the network; an insurance company in the vehicle accident damaged photos and make sure to set the amount of loss will be, and then notify the remote set point loss. In general, the loss of these long-range fixed point for 4S shop.
After more than a year to cultivate the market, PICC, Ping An Insurance has been in the country near the beginning of 1000 the implementation of 4S stores will be hurt long-distance business vehicles. Long-range four-set loss to win can be a business. I win: through the use of vehicles will be damaged long-range, you can substantially reduce the possibility of the incident骗保to reduce the average amount of each pay 200 yuan per year for the insurance companies can save about 4.5 billion; Secondly, the traditional set by previous loss means loss of a member of the day will be scheduled for an average loss of 15-20 cases, and the use of long-range one day after the loss can be set to about 35, greatly improving the efficiency. Second win: 4S shops can be set through remote repair damage greatly increased the rate to remain to enhance the corporate image, increase their income. Win-win-win: China Telecom rental charges for access to business and increase revenue. Four wins: the owner of a significant accident waiting to save time, the rapid completion of the course of the vehicle will be damaged.
This shows that the human loss of vehicles scheduled to lead the long-range future will be the new direction of the business loss, the insurance industry after the introduction of this business, all of the procedures to operate the electronic survey will be completed by the realization of loss, photo collection, data collation, verification and photo entry , the transfer of work, an increase of insurance claims of scientific and technological content, reducing the losses and claims will be time, greatly improving the efficiency of the vehicle will be damaged and the auto insurance industry market rapid response capability.



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