
作者&投稿:邗狡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

For the sweet-scented osmanthus flower Guangyuan, the city of cypress trees. Cypress is a Guangyuan the landscape, like a green screen, standing in the wind, mighty and unyielding.

?? Gu Chen Guangy...

广元,古称利州。地处四川盆周北部山区、嘉陵江上游、川陕甘三省结合部。是中国历史上唯一的女皇帝、封建时代杰出的女政治家——武则天的诞生地,是三国历史文化的重要走廊,是川陕革命根据地的重要组成部分。Guangyuan, called the state. Located in sichuan PenZhou northern mountainous area, the jialing river upstream and sichuan provinces ShanGan migrants. In Chinese history was the only female emperor, feudalistic outstanding female politician of -- of wu zetian, the birthplace of The Three Kingdoms period of important historical and cultural corridor, is sichuan-shaanxi revolutionary base important component.
广元市属于亚热带湿润季风气候。年降雨量800-1000毫米,日照数1300-1400小时,年平均气温17℃左右。广元又处秦岭南麓,是南北的过渡带,即有南方的湿润气候特征,又有北方天高云淡、艳阳高照的特点。Guangyuan city has a subtropical moist monsoon climate. Annual rainfall of 800-1000 mm, sunshine number 13-14 hours, the annual average temperature ℃ around 17. Guangyuan and place of qinling foothill, is the north-south diversity, namely south moist climate characteristics, and the north past.then light clouds, the sun is shining features.
剑门关国家级风景名胜区,全国重点文物保护单位皇泽寺、千佛崖,剑门关国家森林公园,天台山国家森林公园,世界奇观翠云廊,明月峡古栈道,木门寺,红军文化园,唐家河国家自然保护区,凤凰楼。  Sword door closed state-level scenic, national key units of cultural relics protection huang ze temple, thousand-buddha cliff, sword door closed national forest park, TianTaiShan national forest park, world wonders cui cloud corridor, the ancient plank road, wooden door mingyue gorge, the red army culture park, temple tangjiahe national nature reserve, the phoenix floor.
 著名景点   剑门蜀道国家级风景名胜区,唐家河国家级自然保护区,剑门关、天台山国家森林公园,皇泽寺、千佛崖、觉苑寺全国重点文物保护单位,白龙湖国家级风景名胜区,苍溪红军渡、观音岩摩崖造像、红军文化园、鹤鸣山、明月峡古栈道、红军木门会址、红军血战剑门关遗址等四川省重点文物保护单位,广元市城区、旺苍东河镇、旺苍木门镇、剑阁古城(普安镇)、昭化古城等四川省历史文化名城(镇)。 Famous sights sword door intones state-level scenic, tangjiahe national nature reserve, the sword, and the door is shut TianTaiShan national forest park, huang ze temple, thousand-buddha cliff, sleep yuan temple national key units of cultural relics protection, BaiLongHu state-level scenic CangXi Red Cross, the goddess of mercy, rock cliff statues, the reds culture park, mount heming, moon gorge the ancient plank road, the reds wooden door, the reds at the door is shut bloody battle sites from sichuan province jian key units to be protected, guangyuan city, flourishing verdant donghe town, flourishing verdant wooden door town, JianGe city (town), the information of ancient city of sichuan province highpolymer such historical and cultural cities (town).

My hometown is GuangYuan,I love my hometown,There are more than 3.3million kind people.I love them. My hometown is very beautiful,In 1985 to build the city,Area of 16,300 square kilometers,It is a National Health City.Huang Zesi,The only female Emperor Wu Zetian China whose...

sunshine number 13-14 hours, the annual average temperature ℃ around 17. Guangyuan and place of qinling foothill, is the north-south diversity, namely south moist climate characteristics, and the north past.then light clouds,

For the sweet-scented osmanthus flower Guangyuan, the city of cypress trees. Cypress is a Guangyuan the landscape, like a green screen, standing in the wind, mighty and unyielding.?? Gu Chen Guangy...

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