
作者&投稿:从凌 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语请假条 范文带翻译~

Dear Rolando ,
I am sorry that I should take a day off tomorrow,in order to test the driving license.
I'll come back the day after tomorrow,Would you mind?Can you give me this presumptuous request it?


yours respectfully,


I beg to refer to the above application.

I would like to apply for two days' leave from the Company on next Monday & Tuesday,July 26 & 27, 2010.

Leave is required because I need to attend to some matters at my home in [city,province].

I shall appreciate it if you could kindly approve my application.

Thank you for your consideration.

Yours faithfully,



(1)美式日期不用 [July 26th & 27th].只需 [July 26 & 27,2010]. 英式的就需要: 26th & 27th July, 2010.

(2) 注意 [two days' leave]; 请不要写为 [ two day's leave ] !

(3) "I beg to refer" 是很客气的词. 因为我们有所要求. ["Beg"=央求.]

(4) " to attend to some matters" =有一些事项要办....

I would like to know if I could ask for a casual leave of absence for two days on July 26th till July 27th.
原因:I have something urgent to do in me hometown.
结尾:I apologize for the inconvenience my absence from work may cause. Thanks. I will come to work on July 28th.
yours sincerely,



My family has an emergency situation and needs me to go back on July 26 and 27.


求一英语请假条 请假单英文怎么说 英语请假条 正在求助 换一换 回答问题,赢新手礼包 苦等1分钟: 有谁知道在ios上有什么app是看小说免费的 回答 苦等28分钟: 夏天拍婚纱照需要注意哪些 回答 苦等46分钟: 电子烟行业正在发生改变,小烟是主流吗 回答 苦等1小时: 感觉这个boy的怎么样,是个什么样性格的...

您的学生 李丽 英文请假条格式 请假条 written request for leave 是英语学习者必须掌握的常用应用文之一,它包括请病假 note for sick leave 和请事假 leave of absence 。请假条是用于向老师或上级领导等因身体状况不好或因某事请求准假的场合。 英文请假条写作需注意三点: 1.英文中请假条的写法和...

感冒的英文请假条范文 Dear Mr.xxx,I'm sorry to tell you that I caught a cold and I'm not feeling well now.I am adviced to stay in bed for two days and can't go to school then.But I think I'll get well soon and be back the day after tomorrow.Yours sincerely,xxx ...

英文请假条的写法:英文中请假条的写法和汉语请假条相同,由四个部分组成,即时间、称呼、正文、签名;一般而言,可以定请假条是一种简单的书信文体,一般写在纸上,不用信封,与书信有很多相似之处,特点要求开门见山、内容简单、用词通俗易懂。学好英语的三大方法有:1、学好英语离不开语言环境 如何...

...我想给她的老师写张请假条 用英文该怎么写啊 希望大家帮帮忙...
Dear Mr【Ms】 (写上你们老师姓的拼音,如果是男老师,就用Mr,女老师就用Ms)I'm**'s(你儿子的姓名拼音,姓和名分开) mother【father】(母亲用mother,父亲用father).Due to something urgent, I have to take him with me .He will attend school as soon as possible.I am sincerely...

note for leave Dear Mr.**\/Ms.**(老师名字)This is ***(你的名字), I am so sorry that I can not go to school today.Since my room mate***(室友)has broken his leg and I have to take him to hospital for operation. It's serious and I think it would take one day...


英文的请假条要按照西方语言文化的排序。直接说明请假的原因。例如:内容:你是学生,向陈请假,告诉她,你昨天在学校游泳池游泳,今早头痛发高烧,医生说你需要卧床休息三天。Dear Chen,I've caught a headache and fever this morning that I was swimming in the school swimming pool yesterday.The ...

“请假申请”相当于公文中的“请示”,但比请示简便、灵活,格式可以不固定, 也可以固定。一般来说,请假条应该包括以下方而的内容:1.告诉公司请假的具体时间以及请假天数。2.说明请假的原因。3.请假期间工作接替安排。4.希望自己暂时的离开不会给公司带来不便。5.希望得到批准。请假申请英文范文 Dear ...

祥云县17625166567: 急!求用英文的请假条. -
苑裕乳康: Asking for sick leave2nd, Nov. 2012 Dear Mr/Miss Lee, I am writing to ask for sick leave of the period of the first 2 classes today because I have cuagth a cold and then I hope I can go to hospital today. I hope you can approve my leave.Your student...

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苑裕乳康: Dear Miss**,That is my farther's birthday on next Thuresday and Sunday,so i want to have a short horliday during the two days.i will finish my homework when i come back. i will come back as soon as possible .Thank you!

祥云县17625166567: 英文的请假条格式 -
苑裕乳康: 英文请假条范文: Dear sir or madam 尊敬的先生或女士 I beg to apply for two days' leave form the 7th to 8th this week.Because I was ill,I want to return to see the doctor. 我请求在这周第七到第八天申请两天假.因为我病了,我想回去看医生. To ...

祥云县17625166567: 求人帮我写一个 英文 的请假条,越简单越好.要求格式正确 内容:涂老师:因为家里有事,需要您请假二天,望能允许,请假人:XXX年月日 -
苑裕乳康:[答案] Dear Mr.Tu : I have something do deal with about my family these days, and I need two days off. I hope I can get your permission . thank you . Yours,XX

祥云县17625166567: 求英语假条范文. -
苑裕乳康: Thursday,June 16th,2011 Dear Mr.Johnson,I have to ask for a day off from work tomorrow. I am coughing badly and want to see the doctor.I have done most of the work for the week, I will call the ma

祥云县17625166567: 求一份用英文写的请假条 -
苑裕乳康: Dear Mr./Ms. XX,I am sorry to tell you that I am not able to go to class today,because I have to see the doctor.I had a bath in cold water last night and my head is aching badly ever since I woke up this morning.I probably got a cold due to the stupid ...

祥云县17625166567: 英语中请假条的格式~ -
苑裕乳康: 一、假条的上方应该按照正式的格式写上如下信息:To:假条是递给谁的From:请假人Date:写假条的日期(注意不是请假的日期)Subject:写上请假字样例如:To: Peter Stone,From: Lynn Chen, Financial DepartmentDate: April 2nd...

祥云县17625166567: 求用英语写一张请假条 -
苑裕乳康: Asking for Sick Leave February 19, 2009 Dear Miss 署名, I'm sorry to tell you that I can't go to school tommorow. My father called me last night and he said my mother caught a cold and very sick. This morning she had a headache. After taking her ...

祥云县17625166567: 英语请假条 -
苑裕乳康: Jul,5,2010 Dear Director Zhang, A suggestion has just come to hand, saying that my ill is seriously severe and the doctor urges me to lie in hospital for three days because of an accident. I should very much like to apply for there days leave of ...

祥云县17625166567: 一篇英文的请假条! -
苑裕乳康: Asking for a two-day-off Dear teacher Zhang,My mother suddenly got a fever and now is ill in the hospital,so I must take care of her because my father is on business in Beijing. Now I write the note to ask for a two-day-off to deal with this. I will soon ...

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