
作者&投稿:其霍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语请假条 范文带翻译~

March 20th
Dear Mr.Li,
I am sorry to tell you that I have got a bad cold. The doctor told me to stay at home for two days and have a good rest. So I can’t go to school tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. I hope I can be all right soon.
Thank you!
Wang Ming.


  1. 比较地道的说法有leave, leave permit, request for leave, application for leave。根据不同的语境,所用的词组搭配也不一样,需要灵活运用。

  2. 举例而言。学生在老师的办公室对老师说因为周三要参加面试所以想请一天的假。Student: Can I ask for a leave for the job interview on Wendesday? Professor: I do not accept any excuses for absence. 老师回答说自己不接受任何不来上课的理由。所以学生的请假请求老师并没有许可。这里用到的是ask for a leave这个固定搭配,常用语口语中。

  3. 换一个场景,比如说在写email给老板,因为小孩有点不舒服要去医院看医生所以请假。一般在email的主体(subject)里会直接写Request for Leave。这样一目了然。又或者是希望向领导请年假去旅游,按照单位的请假流程需要填写一个请假单。这个请假单用application form for leave比较合适。

可以地道地说成Ask for leave

Note for absence也很地道

Dear Mr/Mrs Chen, I am sorry that I need to take three day leave. The reason is that I went to swiming yesterday in the School swiming pool. I got headache and fever this morning. I went to doctor and he told me I need to lie in bed for three days. Thank you for your kind approval. I will come back to school/work as soon as I recoverd.


请假条英语作文篇一 Dear Mr. Zhao,Because I ate too much expired food yesterday, I had a very bad stomachache. I went to see the doctor, and he said that I should stay home. Therefore, I cannot e to class on Monday.请假条英语作文篇二 Dear Mr. Smith,I am really sorry ...

1. 英文请假条一般由四部分组成,即时间、称呼、正文和签名。2. 一般而言,请假条是一种简单的书信文体。请假条一般写在纸上,不用信封。3. 请假条的特点是要求开门见山、内容简短、用词通俗易懂。双语范文参考 Dear Mr wang;Today I'm writing to you to ask for a five-day leave, for I'...

英文请假条written request for leave。英文请假条范文如下:Dear Mr\/Ms Wang:I was unable to come to 1st and 2nd period today.Due to the rain yesterday, I was wet and had temperature at night. The doctor adviced me to rest for several days and after my recovery, I will attend...


请假条的英文介绍如下:written request for leave:英\/ˈrɪtn rɪˈkwest fɔː(r) liːv\/ 美\/ˈrɪtn rɪˈkwest fɔːr liːv\/。请假条。请假条怎么写?1、尊敬的xx领导:新春佳节就要来到了,越来越浓的...


英文请假条如下:Dear Mr.Ning。l need to apply for four days’ leave of absence from June 7 to 10, for l' ll return hometo see my mother,who is badly ill now.To support my application,l herewith submit ca telegram from my father.l should bevery much obliged if you ...

for leave 是英语学习者必须掌握的常用应用文之一,它包括请病假 note for sick leave 和请事假 leave of absence 。请假条是用于向老师或上级领导等因身体状况不好或因某事请求准假的场合。 英文请假条写作需注意三点: 1.英文中请假条的写法和汉语请假条相同, 它一般由四部分组成,即时间、...

1、从请假条写作看学生的英语应用能力。On students' proficiency in professional English in the writing of application for leave.(这里是for leave)2、研究表明只需花5到15分钟帮助别人就足够了,能做的事情很多,包括帮学生修改作文或者帮生病的小孩写请假条。The helping tasks in the study took...

英文请假条范文:Dear sir or madam 尊敬的先生或女士 I beg to apply for two days' leave form the 7th to 8th this week.Because I was ill,I want to return to see the doctor.我请求在这周第七到第八天申请两天假。因为我病了,我想回去看医生。To support my application , I ...

禹城市17224687234: 用英语写一张请假条 -
枕顷瑞科: 从普特英语听力网上看到给你复制过来的,你可以参考改一下.“请假申请”相当于公文中的“请示”,但比请示简便、灵活,格式可以不固定, 也可以固定.一般来说,请假条应该包括以下方而的内容:1.告诉公司请假的具体时间以及请假天...

禹城市17224687234: 英语请假条 怎么写 -
枕顷瑞科: Nov.18 Dear Miss Huang, I'm sorry I can't go to school today. Because yesterday wind blew heavily and I wore little,my mother find that I get a fever this morning. The doctor asked me to stay in bed for2 days. So I ask for leave. yuor studentJack 这是一篇范文,希望能够帮助你

禹城市17224687234: 用英文写一封请假条,内容如下:请假人:林晓东.批假人:Mr.White .我今天(12月17日)得了重感冒,想请假两天.随函附上医生的证明,若能批准假条,... -
枕顷瑞科:[答案] Leave application Applicant:Lin Xiaodong Approver:Mr.White Dear Mr.White Today (the 17th of Dec) I got a bad cold.I would like to ask for two days leave.Attached,please find the certificate from the doctor.It will be highly appreciated if the application ...

禹城市17224687234: 帮我用英语写一份请假条 -
枕顷瑞科:[答案] 这是Sick leave (病假)条,为了方便我就不区分大小写咯 学生请假条 Dear miss zhang, i am sorry that i am unable to attend the moring classes because of a bad and high fever.enclosed is a certificate from the doctor who said i must stay in bed today...

禹城市17224687234: 急!求用英文的请假条. -
枕顷瑞科: Asking for sick leave2nd, Nov. 2012 Dear Mr/Miss Lee, I am writing to ask for sick leave of the period of the first 2 classes today because I have cuagth a cold and then I hope I can go to hospital today. I hope you can approve my leave.Your student...

禹城市17224687234: 用英文写一个请假条(事假) -
枕顷瑞科: 可先联系我下,我再告诉你更多一些内容……,我的qq已经发至你的消息里面了. 请假条(事假) To: John Smith, Supervisor From: George Chen, Accounting Department Date: March 11, 2001 Subject: Casual Leave of AbsenceJohn, I would ...

禹城市17224687234: 用英文写一篇请假条 -
枕顷瑞科: 英文的请假条要按照西方语言文化的排序.直接说明请假的原因.例如:内容:你是学生,向陈请假,告诉她,你昨天在学校游泳池游泳,今早头痛发高烧,医生说你需要卧床休息三天.Dear Chen,I've caught a headache and fever this morning ...

禹城市17224687234: 用英语写一篇请假条 内容为:今天(周一)要参加一个重要会议,请假一天,承诺在周末把耽搁的工作完 -
枕顷瑞科:[答案] Leave application To whom it may concern, I'll have to attend a very important meeting which makes me need 1 day leave, and I will make sure to finish the delayed work at this weekend. Please approve. Thank you. 纯手打,望采纳

禹城市17224687234: 一篇英文的请假条! -
枕顷瑞科: Asking for a two-day-off Dear teacher Zhang,My mother suddenly got a fever and now is ill in the hospital,so I must take care of her because my father is on business in Beijing. Now I write the note to ask for a two-day-off to deal with this. I will soon ...

禹城市17224687234: 英语式请假条 -
枕顷瑞科: 学生请假条范文 Dear Mr/Ms XXX; Today I'm writing to you to ask for a five-day leave, for I've got cold last night with carlessness. This morning my mother took me to see the doctor,who told me to stay in bed for some days. So I am very sorry to be ...

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