
作者&投稿:大叔贫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Singapore is an island country in Southeast Asia, north across the Johore Strait and Malaysia to the south, across the Singapore Strait and Indonesia, adjacent to the south of the Malacca strait.
Singapore is a developed capitalist country in Asia. It is praised as one of the "Four Dragons of Asia". Its economic model is called "state capitalism"".
Singapore is located in the tropics. The annual temperature difference and the daily temperature difference are small, and the average temperature is between 23 and 34 degrees centigrade。
Singapore is a multilingual country, has 4 official languages, namely English, Malay, Mandarin and Tamil. Singapore uses English as the main language and language of instruction.
Singapore is a foreign trade driven economy, with electronic, petrochemical, financial, shipping and service industries, highly dependent on the United States, Japan, Europe and neighboring markets, the total volume of foreign trade is four times of GDP.
Singapore tourist attractions include: Universal Studios Singapore, Sentosa, Clarke Quay, highly developed transportation network provides convenience for tourism.


Singapore is a small country.
Singapore's climate is very pleasant. It feels like early summer all the year round. There is neither severe winter nor intense heat. The roads are full of trees and flowers.
Singapore's architecture is very creative, such as the highest Jinsha Entertainment City in China. It is composed of three buildings, like three big pillars, with a "speedboat" overhead, which is very spectacular.
Singapore is very clean. There is no dust when driving. There is almost no garbage on the ground. In the clear evening sky, the blue sky and white clouds are so close to us, as if we could pick a cloud with our hand.
There are many different places in Singapore. I like this small civilized and beautiful oriental country.

Singapore is a multi-ethnic country, India, Malays, ethnic Chinese, European and Asian people, its national language is Malay, Malay is the national anthems of the past; official language is English, of course, can also use Mandarin.! !
Singapore has a 'Garden City' is called, and the streets are clean air. But in some areas will see rentals dirty side. Singapore's land area is 699.4 square kilometers.! ! Is smaller than that of Guangzhou.
As for the cost of living in Singapore is vary from person to person, a person must be at least 700 new coins a month. Material prices than China, Hong Kong high.
翻译:新加坡是一个多种族国家,有印度,马来,华族,欧亚人.它的国家语言是马来语,所以国歌是马来语来的 ;官方语言是英文 ;当然也可以使用国语.!!
至于新加坡的生活费是因人而异,一个人最少都要700新币一个月. 物质价格比中国,香港高。

Singapore is an island, it is also a country.

In the 14th century, Singapore belongs Parameswara to created malacca Sudan dynasty. In the early 19th century by the British for colonies. On February 15, 1942, Singapore is by Japanese occupation. Formal independence in Singapore in 1965.

Singapore is located in the tropics, controlled by the equatorial low belt all the year round, as the equatorial rainy climate, the average temperature is between 23 to 34 ℃.

Singapore is a multilingual nation, with four official languages, namely is Malay, Chinese, English and Tamil.

Singapore is the world's important transit port as well as Contact Asia, Europe, Africa and Oceania’s aviation centre. Is the world's busiest port and one of Asia main transit hub. There are more than 200 routes to connect the world more than 600 ports. Has eight airport in Singapore, the changi airport and Seletar Airport is the international civil aviation airport, and the rest used for military purposes

There have many famous places in Singapore.There have Universal Studios Singapore, Singapore Botanic Garden,Jurong Bird Park, Buddha Tooth Relic Temple, Singapore Zoo, Merlion Park, Marina Bay Sands, Clarke Quay and Sentosa.

This it is Singapore,is the place where I live, i like Singapore very much.

Hello! Welcome to Singapore! This is Xiaolan. Well, before I even start my tour, I already fall for the city! Look at that, the air so clean, water so beautiful, and the architecture magnificent… Of course, that’s not what Singapore is all about. We’re gonna find out more. Let’s go!

Singapore, located in the heart of fascinating Southeast Asia and noe of the crossroads of the world, is a dynamic, cosmopolitan city truly like no other. This city-state is a miracle happening on an island close to just 700 square kilometers. Here, different cultures, ethnic groups and religions blend harmoniously; time-honored traditions are celebrated alongside cutting edge innovations; local perspectives continue to embrace global outlook. Everyday life is bursting with exciting events.

The major ethnic groups in Singapore are Chinese, Malay, India, and Eurasians; and among which, Chinese takes up 77% of the total population.

So in order to understand the heritage of Singapore, you need to first know the Chinese society here. And that took me to Niu Che Shui, the China town of Singapore.

Although Singapore is not big, but you can find different vehicles to tour around different parts of the city. Of course there’s no better vehicle than a rickshaw to tour around Chinatown.

2.Chinatown 牛车水(Chinatown)是新加坡的唐人街,这里是早期华族祖先的聚居地。至今仍有一群掌握中国祖传秘技的师傅,如草药师、书法家等,在此默默谋生。3.Sentosa 圣淘沙岛(Sentosa)是新加坡本岛之外最大的一个岛,由军事要塞、杀人场所演变成现在的新国最大的绿色天堂、旅游圣地。4.Little India 5...

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大同区18627547747: 新加坡英文介绍 -
展所盖菲: Singapore is very close to China. It has very beautiful sceneries and fresh air. There are a lot of Chinese people and you can speak both Chinese and English there. There is a Night Zoo in Singapore which is called Singapore Night Safari. There are...

大同区18627547747: 有关新加坡的介绍最好是英文的 -
展所盖菲:[答案] Singapore, officially the Republic of Singapore, is an island city-state located at the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula, lying 137 kilometres (85 mi) north of the equator, south of the Malaysian state of Johor and north of Indonesia's Riau Islands. At 710.2...

大同区18627547747: 用英语介绍新加坡新加坡市是新加坡共和国首都,位于新加坡岛南端,南距赤道136.8公里,面积约98平方公里,约占全岛面积1/6.新加坡市是全国政治、经济... -
展所盖菲:[答案] Singapore City is the capital of the Republic of Singapore,at the southern tip of the island of Singapore,136.8 km north equator,an area of about 98 square kilometers,accounting for about one-sixth of the total area of the island.Singapore City is a ...

大同区18627547747: 用英语介绍新加坡HI,新加坡在东南亚,离中国很近.他是个美丽的城市.空气清新,蓝天碧水.有夜间野生动物园,那里有可爱、懒惰的考拉,他白天睡觉,晚... -
展所盖菲:[答案] HI,everyone!Singapore in Southeast Asia,from China's close.He is a beautiful city.Clean air,blue sky and clear water.A Night Safari,where a lovely,lazy koalas,he slept during the day and night to eat the leaves.Merlion Park Merlion very beautiful.We like ...

大同区18627547747: 谁能用英语介绍一下Singapore -
展所盖菲:[答案] Singapore consists of the main island of Singapore and some 63 offshore islands.It is situated between latitudes 1°09'N and 1°29'N and longitudes 103°36'E and 104°25'E approximately 137 kilometres north of the Equator. The main island is about ...

大同区18627547747: What is singapore like 新加坡的 英文介绍 尽量全面详细 -
展所盖菲:[答案] Singapore,officially the Republic of Singapore,is an island city-state located at the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula,lying 137 kilometres (85 mi) north of the equator,south of the Malaysian state of Johor and north of Indonesia's Riau Islands.At 710.2 ...

大同区18627547747: 按下表用英语介绍一下新加坡.60词左右.假设你是一名导游,请根据下表提供的信息,用英语介绍一下新加坡.60词左右.位置:在东南亚(Southeast Asia),... -
展所盖菲:[答案] Singapore is located in Southeast Asia and within easy each of China.You can relax and enjoy the nice air,the blue sky and the clean water there.At the same time,the Night Safari and the Merlion Park are also should not be missed.

大同区18627547747: 新加坡英语介绍50个单词 -
展所盖菲: Singapore Culture Singapore is a cosmopolitan society where people live harmoniously and interaction among different races are commonly seen.The pattern of Singapore stems from the inherent cultural diversity of the island.The immigrants of the...

大同区18627547747: 谁知道英文新加坡的资料?? 用英文写的. -
展所盖菲: Singapore's fullThe Republic of Singapore(English:Republic of Singapore), formerlyChinese,Sin CheworSing Tao DailyDon't, is referred to as a & # x201c;SingapuraSouth - East Asia, is one of the island, in the political systemparliamentarisma ...

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