
作者&投稿:无轰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Written part (100%)
A. 根据首字母,补充句子完整。
1.If you want to be thinner and h______, you should eat more fruit and vegetables.
2.We can’t live w_______ water or air.
3.Everybody l______ at her mistake yesterday morning.
4.There are many p______ in the doctor’s waiting room.
5.Take this m_______ three times a day.
B. 拼写单词,完成句子。
6.The train ________(到达)Paris at 8:00 a.m. last Sunday.
7. People enjoy Chinese food because it has different ______(味道).
8. The farmers are busy _______ (种) trees in March.
9.Excuse me, did you enjoy __________(玩得高兴)last night, children?
10.We shouldn’t _______(争吵)with each other.
11.Which is _________,pizza, hamburgers or hot dogs? (popular)
12.If he _______ leave soon, he’ll be late for the last bus.(not)
13.The _______ of the two boys is my cousin. (fat)
14.She wants to see the doctor because her head ______(hurt).
15.Don’t be a queue ______(jump),young man.
1.The old man felt a little tired. He stopped ________ by the side of the road.
A. rest B. a rest C. resting D. to rest
2.Either my father or my mother ____ the meals on weekdays.
A. cook B. cooking C. cooks D. are cooking
3.It’ll take you an hour to walk there. It’s _____ way from here.
A. a quite long B. quite long a
C. quite a long D. quite far
4.You must be more careful. ____ car ______ hit you.
A. A; may B. That; must C. A ; must D. That; may
5.She ate nothing this morning. ___________.
A. Neither did I. B. So I did C. So did she D. Neither he did.
6.Miss Gao will tell you about it if she ______ you tomorrow.
A. see B. sees C. will see D. is going to see

7.Mike ____ be at home now. He _____ be at school. It’s school time now.
A. must; can’t B. can; mustn’t C. mustn’t; can D. can’t; must
8.Be ______.They are waiting ______ you at the school gate now.
A. quick ; for B. quickly ; for C. quick ;/ D. quickly; /
9.____ interesting work it is! I’m sure I can do it well.
A. How B. What C. What an D. How good and
10.She felt even _____ after Saturday and Sunday!
A. tired B. tireder C. more tired D. less tired
11.He seems quite ______, but he quite often _____ trouble in class.
A. quiet; does B. quiet; makes C. quietly; does D. quietly ;makes
12.It’s good ________,I think.
A. to keep busily B. to keep busy
C. keeping busily D. keeping busy
13.There is _____ boy on the train. I’d like to know who is a doctor on the train.
A. a sick B. an ill C. a happy D. a tired
14.What’s the ______ with her? She looks _______.
A. wrong, worried B. wrong, worry
C. matter, worried D .matter, worried
15.Excuse me for troubling you, Miss Gao. ________.
A. Thank you very much B. Yes, please
C. You are welcome D. That’s right

Every morning, Peter goes to work by train. He always buys a newspaper on a train. It 1 him to make the time 2 3 .One Thursday morning ,he turned to the sports 4 .He wanted to read the 5 on an important football game. His local team won the night before. The report was so interesting that he forgot
6 at his station. He realized this 7 he looked out of the window. He got of the window. He got off at the next station and 8
wait a long time 9 a train going back.
He reached the office late. His boss was very angry and said , “Work is 10 important than football.
1. A. makes B. let’s C. helps D. has
2. A. goes B. pass C. past D. passed
3. A. quick B. more quick C. more quickly D. much quickly
4. A. page B. book C. newspaper D. books
5. A. reporter B. report C. news D. word
6. A. to get on B. getting on C. getting off D. to get off
7. A. until B. when C. before D. if
8. A. has to B. had to C. must D. have to
9. A. to B. with C. for D. of
10. A much B. most C. so D. more
Han is a visitor, he is in London for the first time. He is now in England for a week, and he sees many strange things.
Yesterday something strange happened to him. He wanted to go to the British Museum to look at some old books, so he went to the bus stop and waited for a bus. Soon the number 18 bus came, and he got on it. He asked the conductor to tell him the nearest way to the museum. The conductor told him to get off the bus at the third stop, and then walked down the street for five minutes.
“Go down New Oxford Street, turn left, and turn right and the British Museum is on the left,” he said.
Han got off the bus and started to walk. But after five minutes he knew he was lost. At school his English teacher always said, “If you lose your way in London, ask a policeman. They are very friendly.”
Suddenly, Han saw a policeman, in a very new uniform. He wanted to ask him a question but before he opened his mouth, the policeman said, “Excuse me, can you tell the way to the nearest police station? It’s my first day at work, and I’m lost!”
1.Han wanted to _______ that day.
A. see something strange in London.
B. look at some old books in a museum.
C. ask a policeman a question
D. visit a police station
2.The conductor here may mean ______ in Chinese.
A. 售票员 B. 向导 C.指导员 D. 导体
3.Han found he was lost _______.
A. when he was on the bus.
B. after he got off the bus and walked for five minutes
C. when he was saw a policeman
D. when he remembered his teacher
4. Han’s English teacher told him to ask for help from _____ when he was lost.
A. a teacher B. a conductor C. a visitor D. a policeman
5.Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the policeman?
A. He was on his way to workplace.
B. He wore very new uniform.
C. He knew the way to the police station.
D. He got lost as the writer.

In the sea there are many island. In its warm water there are some little ones. We call them Coral Island(珊瑚岛).
A coral island is very nice to look at. It looks like a ring of land with trees, grass, and flowers on it. One part of the ring is open to the water. There is a little round lake inside the island.
If you look at a piece of coral, you will see many little holes in it. In each of these holes a very small animals has lived. There sea animals make the coral. They began to build under the water. Year after year, the coral grew higher and higher. At last it grew out of water.
Then the sea brought it to small trees and something else. After some tears, these things changed into a earth. Sometimes birds flew over it and brought seeds to the island.
The little seeds grew. In a few years there were plants all over the island. In a few more years there were trees growing there.
So you see, these island were built by little. The workers were very small. Do they not teach us a lesson ? Can you think what the lesson is?
6.In the sea ________.
A. we can see many flowers
B. B. the water is always warm
C. there are some coral island
D. there are coral islands in all places
7. A coral island looks like ______.
A. a round cake B. a ring of land
C. a round lake…….D. trees and flowers
8.There are _____ in the holes of corals.
A. flowers B. little corals
C. grass D. sea animals
9.How did seeds of trees, grass and come to the coral island ?
A. Fishes brought them here.
B. People brought them here.
C. Ships brought them here.
D. The wind and birds brought them here.
10.From the story we learn that ________.
A. small workers can’t do big things.
B. only small workers can do big things
C. all small things can do big things
D. small workers can do big things if they work hard and work a long time
11.If you work at No.1,you have to work longer hours on _______.
A. Tuesday B. Thursday C. Saturday D. Sunday
12. Which two are open every day?
A. No. 1 and No. 2 B. No. 1 and No. 4
C. No. 3 and No. 4 D. No. 2 and No. 3
13.If four people work for the four different places, how many of them needn’t go to work on Sunday?
A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four
14.No.4 can probably be _________.
A. a government(政府) office B. a hospital
B. C. a restaurant D. a hotel
15.Bill’s Supermarket is open _______ a day.
A. 8 hours B. 10hours C. 12hours D. 16 hours

五. 选词填空(15%)
Manners are important in every country. 1 people have different 2 about their manners. What is good in one country may not be welcomed in ___3 .
Chinese people are 4 to know the fact that an Englishman 5 stop to talk and shake hands with his friend 6 the street. They just hello _7 each other and then pass on.
English people think that 8 Chinese end 9 to friends all of a sudden. They 10 begin to show that they want to go 15 11 20 minutes before they leave their 12 house. And they do this two or three 13 within 20 minutes.
It is important 14 people to understand each other. Here is a 15 , “ When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”


Dear Li Ming,
I am sorry to hear you are ill again. I think that if you want to keep healthy, you should …………

A.healthier ,without ,laughed, patients, medicine
B.reached, tastes, planting, yourselves, quarrel
C.the most popular, doesn’t, fatter, hurts, jumper



A. B A B D C
B. C B D D D
C. B D B A C

But , ideas, another, surprised, doesn’t, in , to, we, visits, usually, or, friends’ , times, for, saying

1、如果一个数的平方等于它的倒数,那么这个数一定是( )
A、1 B、-1 C、0 D、1或-1
2、下列结论中正确的是( )
A、若a≠b,则a2≠b2 B、若a>b,则a2>b2 C、若a>b,则 D、若a2=b2,则a=b或a=-b
3、下列说话中错误的是( )
A、近似数0.8与0.80表示的意义不同 B、近似数0.2000有四个有效数字
C、4.450×104是精确到十位的近似数 D、49554精确到万位为4.9×104
4、方程|x-1|=2的解是( )
A、-1 B、-1或3 C、3 D、1或-2
5、下列调查适合用普查的方式的是( )
6如图,甲、乙、丙、丁四位同学分别坐在一方桌的四个不同的方向上,看到桌面上的图案呈“A”种形状的是( )
A、甲 B、乙 C、丙 D、丁
三种状态所显示的数字,推出“?”处的数字是( )
A、6 B、3 C、1 D、2
8、一个玻璃球从点A被弹出,向左滚动3米碰到墙壁,被方向弹回5米后停止运动,则此时玻璃球在点A的( )
A、左边2米 B、右边2米 C、左边8米 D、右边8米
9、若点从是线段AB的中点,则下列结论错误的是( )
10、∠A的补角与∠A的余角互补,那么2∠A是( )
A、锐角 B、直角 C、钝角 D、以上三种都可能

解:(1)∠MAN=∠MAE+∠EAN =1/2(∠BAE+∠EAD)=1/2∠BAD=45°;











解:(1)∠MAN=∠MAE+∠EAN =1\/2(∠BAE+∠EAD)=1\/2∠BAD=45°;(2)AE垂直平分MN。易证△BAM≌△DAN,可得AM=AN,于是AE就是等腰三角形MAN顶角的角平线,也就是底边的中垂线。(3)AE⊥MN。理由是:延长CB至F,BF=DN,连结AF。先证△ABF≌△AND,得AN=AF,∠BAF=∠DAN;于是有...

(3)《茅屋为秋风所破歌》中,表现杜甫忘我为人的精神,饱览民生疾苦、体察人间冷暖的济世情怀的诗句是___、___。 (4)《己亥杂诗》中阐明事物具有两重性的诗句是___、___。 ☆7、名著阅读。(3分) 《名人传》作者是 20 世纪上半叶著名的人道主义作家罗曼罗兰。本书叙述了贝多芬、米开朗琪罗和托尔斯泰的苦...


八年级下科学期末试卷 完整的一张,
16.下图是某同学探究“什么情况下磁可以生电”的实验装置.ab是一根直铜丝,通过导线接在量程为3A电流表的两接线柱上,电流表指针指零.当使ab迅速水平向右运动时,并未发现电流表指针明显偏转.你认为最可能的原因是: ( ) A.感应电流太小,无法使指针明显偏转 B.铜丝太细,换用铜棒便能使指针明显偏转 C.应把ab改...

八年级语文试卷答案 一\/(一)默写(8分)(一句1分,错别字一个1分,扣完即止) 1. 与子偕行 2.壮心不已 3. 为我一挥手 4.八千里路云和月 5. 无可奈何花落去 6.夕阳西下 7. 一点飞鸿影下 8.禽兽之变诈几何哉 (二)课内文言(15分) 9. C(2分) 10.①喜欢(2分) ②逐渐,渐渐地(2分) 11.老虎...

(2)甲乙两组实验中所涉及的变量是 (3)鲜猪肉变质的根本原因是 (4)你从该实验中得出的结论是 (5)请你再举一个延长鲜肉保存时间的方法 八年级生物下册期末考试试卷答案 一、选择题 答案: 题号1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 答案B A B A A B C C B D B D D A B 题号16 17...

【2017新人教版八年级下册语文期末试卷及答案】 一、基础知识及其运用。( 32分) 1.下列加点字注音完全正确的一项是:( )(2分) A.热忱(chén) 淳朴(chún) 童稚(zhì) 绯红(fěi) B.和煦(xù) 豁亮(huò) 殷红(yīn) 惟妙惟肖(xiào) C.拮据(jū) 发酵(jiào) 提防(dī) 参差不齐(cī) D.汲取(j...

卷首寄语:亲爱的同学,八年级的语文学习即将结束,一年耕耘,一朝收获。请拿起你的笔,仔细审题,认真做答,相信你会有出色的表现。祝你旗开得胜! 【2016-2017学年第二学期八年级语文期末试卷】 一、基础知识(27分) 1.请认真书写,卷面分4分,记入总分。(2分) 2.阅读下面文字,把文中拼音所表示的汉字依次写在文下...

浙教版八年级下册数学期末试卷参考答案 一、选择题***本大题共有6小题,每小题3分,共18分*** 1.D;2.A;3.D;4.C;5.B;6.C. 二、填空题***本大题共有10小题,每小题3分,共30分*** 7. ;8. 5;9.2;10. 0.75;11. ;12. 1+ ;13.-4;14. 10﹪;15. 3;16. ④. 三、解答题**...

八年级下册数学期末试卷华师版试题 一、选择题(每小题3分,共3’]p- 0分)1、直线y=kx+b(如图所示),则不等式kx+b≤0的解集是( )A、x≤2 B、x≤-1 C、x≤0 D、x>-1 2、如图,小亮在操场上玩,一段时间内沿M→A→B→M的路径匀速散步,能近 似...

施甸县18794781169: 八年级数学(动点) -
采衬利君: (2008年福建省福州市)(本题满分13分)如图,已知△ABC是边长为6cm的等边三角形,动点P、Q同时从A、B两点出发,分别沿AB、BC匀速运动,其中点P运动的速度是1cm/s,点Q运动的速度是2cm/s,当点Q到达点C时,P、Q两点都停止运动...

施甸县18794781169: 求关于初中数学动点问题典型题或解析~!(初二期末必考) -
采衬利君: 1. 梯形ABCD中,AD∥BC,∠B=90°,AD=24cm,AB=8cm,BC=26cm,动点P从点A开始,沿AD边,以1厘米/秒的速度向点D运动;动点Q从点C开始,沿CB边,以3厘米/秒的速度向B点运动. 已知P、Q两点分别从A、C同时出发,,当其中一点...

施甸县18794781169: 初二下册数学动点问题 -
采衬利君: 1如图1 梯形ABCD中,AD∥BC,∠B=90°,AB=14cm,AD=18cm,BC=21cm,点P从A开始沿AD边以1cm/秒的速度移动,点Q从C开始沿CB向点B以2 cm/秒的速度移动,如果P,Q分别从A,C同时出发,设移动时间为t秒.当t=?时,四边形是平行四...

施甸县18794781169: 谁有八年级下册有关动点问题的数学题?越典型越好.好的加分 -
采衬利君: 在三角形ABC中,角C=RT角,AC=4CM,BC=5CM,点D在BC上,且以CD=3CM,现有两个动点P,Q分别从点A和点B同时出发, 中点P以1CM/S的速度,沿AC向终点C移动;点Q以1.25CM/S的速度沿BC向终点C移动,过P点作PE//BC交AD于...

施甸县18794781169: 初二下数学期末最后一道题 希望找到类似的 急!!
采衬利君: 如图,正方形ABCD的边长为2cm,在对称中心O处有一钉子.动点P,Q同时从点A出发,点P沿着A→B→C方向以每秒 的速度运动,到点C停止,点Q沿A→D方向以每秒1cm的速度运动,到点D停止.P,Q两点用一条可伸缩的细橡皮筋联结,设x秒后橡皮筋扫过的面积为ycm2. (1)当0≤x≤1时,求y与x之间的函数关系式; (2)当橡皮筋刚好触及钉子时,求x值; (3)当1≤x≤2时,求y与x之间的函数关系式,并写出橡皮筋从触及钉子到运动停止时∠POQ的变化范围; (4)当0≤x≤2时,请在给出的直角坐标系中画出x与y之间的函数图象

施甸县18794781169: 求一道八年级数学的压轴题.几何的动点问题.解答详细一点.可以直接回答也可以发邮箱 -
采衬利君: 1 tanB=AC/BC=3√3/9=√3/3 ∠B=30° ∠PRC=∠QRC=∠B=30°2 QR是CP的垂直平分线 Q为AC中点 x=AC/2=3√3/23 ∠BRE=180°-30°-30°=120 ∠REB=180°-120°-30°=30°=∠B y=2BRcos30° BR=9-CR CR=CQtan30° CQ=3√3-x y=2√3/2(9-(3√3-x)√3/3) y=9√3/2+x 定义域(0,3√3/2)

施甸县18794781169: 初二下数学经典动点题(期末最后一题一样) -
采衬利君: 您好,看到您的问题将要被新提的问题从问题列表中挤出,问题无人回答过期后会被扣分并且悬赏分也将被没收!所以我给你提几条建议: 一,您可以选择在正确的分类下去提问或者到与您问题相关专业网站论坛里去看看,这样知道你问题答案...

施甸县18794781169: 数学中考卷最后一题有那些?
采衬利君: 最后一题一般为存在性问题、动点问题.一般都涉及2次函数,倒数第2题多为几何证明题或材料题.

施甸县18794781169: 有关初二“动点”数学题目的例题及解法(方法) -
采衬利君: 我的方法是 你想象这个点会从哪运动到哪, 要很注意它的起点和终点 如果是俩个点 就要分别想象 然后和在一起想 依次找出不同的图形 然后再来列一次函数,二次函数 我觉得数字来源于图形 不要一开始就盲目地列函数 根据图像列 还有要注意的是 动点问题的极端很重要 一般讨论问题都要注意图形的极端部分 列出后再根据图像讨论取值范围,和要不要取等号

施甸县18794781169: 求八年级数学压轴题.几何动点问题....
采衬利君: (1)∵tan角ABC=3根号3/9=√3/3 ∴角ABC=30° 又∵AB∥QR 即角PRQ=30° (2)∵RT△QCR≌RT△QPR ∴CR=PR 角QRC=角PRQ=30°,角RPB=角RBP=30° 即:CR=PR=PB=4.5 ∵tan角QRC=QC/CR=(3√3-x)/4.5=√3/3 ∴x=3√3/2(2分之3根...

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