
作者&投稿:种往 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


我即兴写的,嘿嘿~~~ 独一无二哦~

Why can animals survive without the language while human beings have to rely on the language to live

Human beings are believed to be evolved from animals, and we generally place ourselves higher than any other living forms. This is due to the fact that humans have a well developed language and culture. We do have many in common with other animals, but the language and culture are unique to human beings.

Animals do things based on their instinct. This is believed to be embedded in their DNAs. They do not need to learn to behave in such way.

Human beings, on the other hand, have to learn and adapt to the environment. Primary way of doing so is through communication via language. We're born with instinct as well. For instant, infants do not need to be taught how to eat. However, since we live in such a complex world, with merely instincts, we cannot survive.

Therefore, survival are all based on the environment in which they live in. We human have the privilege of developing our own culture, thus language is needed and necessary for the survival of human species.













. Dream Big Dreams: How to visualize, imagine and create an exciting picture of prosperity.

2. Develop a Clear Sense of Direction: Learn a powerfull, proven goal-setting exercise that can change yo-ur life.

3. See Yourself as Self-employed: How to take complete control of your career and your life.

4. Do What You Love to Do: Identify the ideal work for you and then get paid well for doing it.

5. Commit to Excellence: How to move into the top 10% in your field.

6. Work Longer and Harder: How to organize your time so you get more done and contribute more value.

7. Dedicate Yourself to Lifelong Learning: How to continually upgrade your talents and abilities.

8. Learn Every Detail of the Business: How to become an expert in your chosen field.

9. Dedicate Yourself to Serving Others: The starting point of all personal success and how to begin.

10. Be Absolutely Honest with Yourself and Others: How and why personal integrity goes hand in hand with success.

11. Set Priorities and Concentrate Single-mindedly: The importance of focusing on your most important tas-ks all day long.

12. Develop a Reputation for Speed and Dependability: How to give yourself the winning edge in everything you do.

13. Practice Self-discipline in All Things: Develop the most important quality for success.

14. Unlock Your Inborn Creativity: Learn how to solve any problem, overcome any obstacle, and achieve a-ny goal.

15. Get Around the Right People: The importance of surrounding yourself with winners at each stage of yo-ur career.

16. Take Excellent Care of Your Physical Health :How to develop and maintain high levels of energy and fit-ness.

the secrets for the successful people are knowing what you can be and what you can not be, trying the best to be what you can be and never waste your time to be what you can not be, every person who reaches what they want to be are successful people.

luck/chance/born into a good family- parents already rich or successful

there are no secrets...it's fate/luck and one's destiny but we create and control our own life

attitude, ability, chance.
one has to be prepared for the coming chance and to utilise his talent in appropriate attitude to be success.


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