
作者&投稿:薛施 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习







1.(主)My father bought me a new book last week.

(被)A new book was bought for me (by my father) last week.

或者I was bought a new book (by my father) last week.

2.(主)Someone told me that I had to finish my homework.

(被)I was told that I had to finish my homework.

3.(主)The teacher told Mary that she should sweep the floor.

(被)Mary was told (by the teacher) that she should sweep the floor.



1. 定义:被动语态,即不知道动作执行者或强调动作承受者的一种语态。例如中文常说:我被他打,这就是一种被动。但有时由于句子结构上的需要也要用被动,例如It is not unusual for workers in that region to be paid more than a month it 在句中作形式主语。而不定式to be paid more than a month是句子的逻辑主语。结合选项全句的意思是:“那个地方的工人一个多月后才得到工资是常有的事”。

2. 构成:be+past participle(过去分词)(简称P.P.)(+by+动作执行者)(过去分词的概念见上课)

3. 当主动语态要被改成被动的时候,我们把原句的宾语提前,作为改句的主语,主语后置,作为宾语。因此有一点要注意,不及物动词由于不加宾语,没有被动形式,但不及物动词如果与某些介词构成介词短语,可以用被动。例如The fire had been put out before the fireman arrived. Put是不即物动词,但put out是及物动词

4. 应用到各种时态和句型如下:

① 一般式(一般现在,一般过去,一般将来):am, is, are, was, were, is going to be , will be+done.ie. Once environmental damage is done, it takes many years for the system to recover. 本句的意思是:“环境一旦遭到破坏,需要多年时间才能恢复过来。”do作为及物动词有“引起,产生”的含义,do damage的意思是“造成破坏”。主语damage是及物动词do的动作对象,谓语应当用被动语态。同样的,还有,I will mend the machine.相当于The machine will be mended (by me).

② 进行时(现在进行、过去进行、将来进行):be+being+P.P. ie.The classroom is being cleaned.

③ 完成时(现在完成、过去完成、将来完成):have/has been + P.P.:例如The machine will have been repaired by 3 o’clock this afternoon.再如:My homework has been finished.

④ 其他时态依词类推,可得到结果。

⑤ 情态动词的被动语态:主语 + 情态动词 + be动词 + 动词过去分词,例如Your teeth must be brushed.

⑥ 不定式的被动语态:to be done例:The no-shows have to be considered when deciding the rate of overbooking.(确定超过接待能力的预定时必须考虑预定了房间却来不了的客人。)


① 有些动词在主动结构中,后面接不带to的不定式,但如果改为被动,则需把省略的to加上,这类动词有hear, watch, make, help, let等,如:The boss made my grandfather work 10hours a day.改成My grandfather was made to work for 10 hours a day.

② 含有宾语从句的主动结构变为被动,通常用it作为被动结构的先行主语,从句放在句子后面/也可采用另一种形式,这类动词有:know, say, believe, find, think, report等

③ 是所有的主动句都可以变换成被动句,更不是所有的被动句都可以自由变换成主动句。虽然语法原则上允许主动和被动句的互相转换,但有的句子转换后会变成不通顺或不地道的英语句子。因此,在某些题目里,这也成为判断应该用主动还是用被动的依据。

例:At 5:05 p.m. on Saturday 19th July , there was an accident at the junction of the Main Street and Panda Road when a boy was knocked down off his bicycle by a delivery van. The boy was sent to St. Maria Hospital where he was treated for shock and a broken arm.

在这段文章里,a boy was knocked down off his bicycle by a delivery van这句被动句强调出读到文章的人最关心的事故的受害者。The boy was sent to St. Maria Hospital这句话则说明了孩子被送到医院的事实,至于是由谁(某个过路人?或肇事司机?)送的不重要。he was treated for shock and a broken arm这句被动句无须说出treat这个动作的发出者,因为在医院,伤病员自然由医务人员处理,无须罗嗦。这样,这段文章就重点突出,条理清楚了。

④ 有些动词可以有两个宾语,在用于被动结构时,可以把主动结构中的一个宾语变为主语,另一个宾语仍然保留在谓语后面。多是把间接宾语变为主语。这样句子自然些。直接宾语变为主语时,间接宾语要变为某个介词的宾语,介词to可以省略。如His father left him this house.改为This house was left (to) him by his father.

⑤ 有些动词虽为及物,但宾语并非是动作承受者,不能转换,这些动词有have, hold(容纳),suit, fit, lack, bee(适合)contain, cost, last, mean, suffice(足够)等。

⑥ 当直接宾语为反身代词、相互代词或宾语前有指代主语的物主代词时不用被动,如I shook my head.我摇摇头。

⑦ 当宾语为同源宾语(与主句指同一人),动名词,动词不定式或一个从句时不用被动。如John enjoyed seeing the fil,.

⑧ 在一些固定说法中,有些名词和动词结合的固定说法,不能改We Chinese always keep our word.

⑨ 某些从不及物动词转化来的及物动词,直接宾语在表示动作的方式或效果时,这些动词在意思上起状语的作用,没有被动The girl kissed her boyfriend good night=The girl said good night to her boyfriend by kissing him.

⑩ 表地点\处所\组织\长度\大小\数量\程度\抽象名词的词做宾语时不用被动.

⑪ 某些“不及物动词+介词”短语,walk into, listen to, sleep in, agree with, shake hands with, belong to, take part in, keep up with不能用被动。

⑫ 某些词用主动表被动:sell, miss, build, grow, look, *** ell, taste, sound, feel等

1. His frequent interference in other people’s private affairs is very annoying. 他常常干预别人的私事,真恼人。2. Astonishment and even horror oppressed him.他感到惊讶甚至恐惧。3. He has an unpleasant habit of expressing contradictory ideas in rapid succession. 她有个不讨人喜欢的习...

1.婴儿看见她妈妈就不在哭了 The baby cried when she realizes her mommy's not there.2.他躺在草地上,陶醉在美丽的大自然中 He lies there on the grass, enjoying the beauty of Mother Nature.3.他抬起头看了看黑板 He lifted his head up to the blackboard.4.这位老人太累了再也走不...

请高手帮我翻译10 个句子,谢谢啦~!
1、同这个案件相比,最近几个月的盗窃事件不值得一提。The thefts in recent month paled compared with this case.2、那次交通事故虽然已经过去了好几年,但他还是摆脱不了负疚感。He still can not shake away the guilty feeling even many years have passed since the traffic accident.3.尽管我...

Sounds like a plan!听起来不错.Sounds like a plan!听起来很不错!A: We should get together next week.B: Sounds like a plan! I'll give you a call.A: 我们下星期应该聚聚。B: 听起来很不错!我会打电话给你的。A: I want to go to the museum this week.B: Sounds like a ...

1、昨天我到颐和园参观,我很久没到那去了。Yesterday,I visited the Summer Palace.I haven't been there for long.2、我的记忆力不好,所以写下来免得忘掉。I don't have a good memory,so I write it down in case it is forgotten.3、半个钟头后,我发觉自己站在那栋房子前面。Half an...

77个优美英文句子及翻译  我来答 1个回答 #热议# 你知道哪些00后职场硬刚事件?巴傻gq38 2022-06-01 · TA获得超过135个赞 知道答主 回答量:116 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:121万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 1、我的世界不允许你的消失,不管结局是否完美。 No matter the ending is...

1)Hold the line ,please.请等会儿 (line 在这里指电话线 也就是告诉对方别挂)2)How do you do .你怎么样?3)Please call me...请给我打电话。。。4)Please to meet you.很高兴认识你。5)Not too bad .不是太坏 -〉换句话说 “不错”6) I'd like to introduce...我想(给你...

本句是主从复合句,than 后面跟的是一个句子:it is (popular) now,appealing 的逻辑主语是marriage,其主干结构是 so…that…; that 引导的状语从句表示结果。在该状语从句中还有who 引导的定语从句,修饰those,wait for 与否定词连用,表示“急于做某事”。翻译时采用顺序法。但是who 从句需要译成...

1。Many animals have faced such campaigns, but against no other animal has the campaign reached such heights of cruelty.(字面:很多动物都经历过这般的战争,但其他动物之间的战斗的残暴程度却从未到达过如此的高度。)【意译】【战斗在动物中普遍存在,然而如此残暴的战斗却世间罕见。】其中后半句...

a professor 5.They are this company qualified employees 6.How do we arrive there on time?7.I ain't that comfortable today 8.Their piano plays and have to not acquaint with 9.Was you a classmate before with my elder sister 10.Can he when become the member of this club?

泗水县13136097844: 翻译文言文句子 -
登元安塞: 文言文的翻译规律 翻译古文,主要有两个要求:正确、通顺(即:信、达、雅).正确是指内容而言,要如实表达本意,不曲解、不缺漏、不滥增;通顺,是指表达而言,要使译文符合现代汉语的语法习惯.具体翻译古文时,我们要遵循两个基...

泗水县13136097844: 翻译英语句子 -
登元安塞: 1 we all know that water is very important to humanbeings,without water,there will not be any life 2 more and more rivers become dirty with the increase of factories,a lot of fish died in the rivers3 it`s our duty to protect our water resourses,we should save water ,prevent pouring wasted water and rubbish into river

泗水县13136097844: 文言文中如何翻译句子? -
登元安塞: 文言文翻译要做到“信、达、雅”三个字.“信”是指译文要准确无误,就是要使译文忠于原文,如实地、恰当地运用现代汉语把原文翻译出来.“达”是指译文要通顺畅达,就是要使译文符合现代汉语的语法及用语习惯,字通句顺,没有语病...

泗水县13136097844: 用现代汉语翻译句子 -
登元安塞: 1、过中不至,太丘舍去,去后乃至.这是《陈太丘与友期》中的一句: 陈太丘和朋友预先约定好一起出行,预定在中午时分,约定的时间过了朋友却没有到,陈太丘便不再等候友人而离开了.当他离去以后,他的朋友才来到. 2、与人期行,相委而去.真不是个君子(或者真没道德)啊!和别人约好一起走,却把别人丢下,独自走了.3、日中不至,则是无信;对子骂父,则是无礼. 您正午不到,就是不讲信用;对人家儿子骂他的父亲,就是失礼.

泗水县13136097844: 用英语翻译句子 -
登元安塞: 1.I'm not sure whose this book is.(后半句为陈述句语气)2.Mr.Brown comes to China in order to look for more beautiful future.(将来为不可数名词,前面不能加a)3.I am considering changing a job.(consider后接doing sth)4.He teared down two chairs in order to make a sofa.5.I appreciate those people who work hard in order to seach for the lake.

泗水县13136097844: 汉译英在线翻译句子 -
登元安塞: 1. Power Switch Function is on / off controller working power source. 2. Amplitude modulator Is used to control the waveform duty cycle to regulate its function is within a c...

泗水县13136097844: 英汉互译+翻译句子 -
登元安塞: Can you tell me the way to the shopping center 2 Go straight this street,then you will see the post office 3 Jim is twenty days older than Mary 我买了 看,大卫跳得比王斌远

泗水县13136097844: 英语 翻译句子 -
登元安塞: 1 collecting stamps is the most common hobby.2 the meeting has been last several hours.3 don't take this secret to others.And in fact, I'm not interested in this topic.And by the way, do you miss your family?6 I hair stylist, give me a bad hair cut.7 this ...

泗水县13136097844: 翻译句子 -
登元安塞: A:你到那里去了?B:我去冬令营了,我们在那里进行了很多形体训练.A:你肯定做了形体训练.我看得出来.B:谢谢!Of course 的全句是Of course you did a lot of body-building work.

泗水县13136097844: 翻译下列句子,请快一点! -
登元安塞: 1.以至于当时尚书郎如果骑马,就会受到弹劾2.结果仓促之间一命呜呼的,到处都是. 《颜氏家训•涉务》译文[原文]夫君子之处世,贵能有益于物耳,不徙高谈虚论,左琴右书,以费人君禄位也.吾见世中文学之士,品藻古今,若指诸掌,及...

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