
作者&投稿:戊废 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
跪求翻译 中译英~

Initially, the earth there are a wide variety of animals, but no human beings. Prometheus he wanted to create a new life, so that the earth is more full of life.
So, he used the river mud imitation of God's image mud with people. He from a variety of animals, intake of a variety of features, then these features into the chest of every individual inside. As a result, they will be able to like animals activity. However, their lives are not complete, because they also lack the breath of God.
Athena is the Prometheus friends. When she found embarrassing Prometheus, she gives the human Aura. As a result, they got smart and sensible, This a real person.
Was thus made out. But they are exactly like children, all need help. Prometheus will assume their teacher. Where to humankind, he taught to them. It is also with love and loyalty to thank him and reward him.
Olympus mountain gods took note of the human. They asked human beings worship them, obey them, human beings were the best thing they sacrifice to the gods. In exchange, they can protect human, blessings to them. On one occasion, on behalf of Prometheus has a strong human beings slaughtered bull worship gods. To test the capacity of omniscient god, he came up with a trick, the cattle were divided into two piles: the meat, offal and fat stacked in a pile, covered with leather on top; the bones stacked in another pile, skillfully use leaf lard wrapped up, and this bunch seems to have been larger. He then asked Zeus selected from the two piles in the pile of his favorite.
An omniscient Zeus saw through his scam, but pretending there is no perceived look. Prometheus, as he has long been dissatisfied with, has been looking for an opportunity to punish him a little longer. So he pretended just found out had been deceived, furious: "Well, are you the evil god, actually deceive me so! You will be punished for this!"
Finished, Zeus angrily returned to the Mount Olympus. Zeus's first penalty is a denial of human fire. But the wit of the Prometheus immediately thought of ways. He folded under a long fennel branches, take it to the sky. When the Apollo driving the sun flames roaring from the air passing cars, Prometheus the fennel sticks out into the flame inside cited it, then carried the fire burning quickly landed to the earth. There, he lit the first pile of fire wood, fire burning up, fire into the sky.
Zeus in heaven to see flames rising from the earth, angry incessantly. So, he came up with a more sinister punishment. He ordered his son Hephaestus to create an exquisite glamorous girls. Athena then personally addressed to the young girls to wear pretty white dress, hung concealed the Pisha, wear the crown with flowers beaten up, tied with golden hair; Hermes gift she was confused the language of the people技能. Love goddess Aphrodite was entrusted to her infinite charm. This beautiful girl is called Pandora, which means "a woman has been given everything."
Zeus gave Pandora a box, box is all the gods to human beings "gift." Then, holding that Zeus let Pandora's box to find the younger brother of Prometheus - Egyptian asylum stupid ink Proteus passed to him the gift of Zeus. Prometheus had warned his brother, Zeus would not let him accept any gift, wait for an opportunity to prevent him from retaliation. But the Egyptian asylum-Mexican Proteus saw Pandora, it was her beauty and sweet-sounding language deluded into his brother's warning forgotten. Just as he reached out his hands, ready to pick up that cassette when suddenly Pandora opened the box, hidden inside the disaster immediately fly out. They covered the whole earth moments.
Since then, a variety of diseases and disasters, day and night wandering in the earth. Prometheus, to see the human suffering disasters, disease, torture endured painful death, grief was almost fainting in the past.
However, Zeus did not stop there either. He would also like to Prometheus revenge, kill him. He will be handed over to Hephaestus Prometheus, and his two servants g assassination tous and Zambia, who took him to the Caucasus mountains, with a continuous chain will never earn him firmly tied cliff in the Caucasus Mountains.
Unfortunately, Prometheus was tied to a steep cliff, never sleep, tired knees can not bend, undulating breasts still pinned a diamond nail. He endured hunger, thirst, hot, cold. Wind and rain, in addition to Zeus also sent his Eagle peck every day who have been tied to the liver. But was also the president of the liver eaten out. In this way, day after day, year after year, Prometheus to human well-being, suffering from unspeakable pain and suffering.


FFrom this moment on ,study hard and then never be proud and to keep calm . never stay up for playing with the cell phone .I will try my best to be admitted to a key University and be myself .

It’s never too late to study.


the way你可以看成as 没有哪种问题会像移民、贸易和经济问题那样刺激他的神经 当然我翻译成刺激神经是比较意译了。其实这里base指的是立场。

一、大佬是指在某个方面在某种程度上有话语权的人,一般是资历老,辈分高,说话顶用的人。 参考大佬好搜百科二、大佬dà lǎo英文:big shot;old brother三、大佬详细释义 1、某些地区,如广东、浙江的口语,就是老大、大哥的意思,多为广东人所用。2、大佬是指在某个方面在某种程度上有话语...

原诗附下:赋益公平园牡丹白花青绿 杨万里【宋】东皇封作万花王,更赐珍华出尚方。白玉杯将青玉绿,碧罗领襟素罗裳。古来洛口元无种,今去天心别得香。涂改欧家记文著,此花未出说姚黄。试译如下:她(指牡丹)被东皇封为万花之王,并且赐给她珍贵华丽的尚方剑(让她有君临天下之美)。碧玉般的...

翻译课文 翻译成汉语

求大佬翻译一下,这个for the difference 怎么翻译?
for the difference在这里是和cause一起用的, cause for造成什么的原因,后面加difference,cause for difference,造成差异的原因。整句话翻译如下:造成同卵双胞胎皮肤年轻状态不同的原因可能在于遗传基因方面。



咲いた(saita):绽放,指花朵、烟花绽放 花火を(hanabiwo):即烟花,を代表前面的内容是宾语,日语是经典的SOV(主语宾语谓语)结构(如我爱你在日语中是我你爱),を即是句中宾语的后缀 见ていた(miteiita):见到,看见,ていた是过去时的一种,表达过去持续性的动作 纯手打,求采纳。

ネオスチグミン(英: neostigmine)新斯的明,是一种拟副交感神经药,其作用机理是作为一种易逆乙酰胆碱酯酶抑制药。フィルム (英:film)薄膜、胶片、影片 ネオスチグミン フィルム の上から,从新斯的明薄膜的上面开始

省直辖行政单位19594784190: 求助会英语的大佬!翻译下这个中式英语,我有点不懂这个意思,不能发语音,你回复问题我私信问你 -
宇菡拜康: I talk to you in Chinglish every day,maybe one day,you talk to me in English that likes Chinglish.

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宇菡拜康:【制作公司】: 美国哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)——第1~3季,共56集. 美国电视网(USA Network)——1987年,以新的演员阵容另行制播了24集. 相信80年代初出生的朋友都不会对这部片子陌生吧...

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省直辖行政单位19594784190: 找个英语大佬翻译一下:如果有一个人是我,那么这个人爱你;如果一个人不爱你,那么这个人不是我 -
宇菡拜康: 你好,纯属个人翻译结果:如果这个人爱你,那么肯定就是我了,如果这个人不爱你,那么肯定就不是我了

省直辖行政单位19594784190: 各位英语大佬,请帮忙翻译下这个句子~ -
宇菡拜康: If you take the side path to the right, here, just by the New Barn, you 'll ...如果你走右边的小路,就在这里,就在新谷仓旁边,你会(将)...

省直辖行政单位19594784190: 哪位大哥帮忙翻译一下阿?多谢多谢!(中译英) -
宇菡拜康: Under the traditional university student development, education and the management mode, university student to oneself the growth process of undergraduate c...

省直辖行政单位19594784190: 哪位英语大佬可以帮我把《虹之间》这个歌名翻译成英文 -
宇菡拜康: 《虹之间》(Between the Rainbow)

省直辖行政单位19594784190: 希望有大佬帮我翻译一下 -
宇菡拜康: 希望有大佬帮我翻译一下你好,我来自中国.是你的忠实粉丝,一直非常地喜欢你的直播,我想把你的twitch直播视频搬运到我这边的网站上,可以吗?I hope that I can help you translate it. I am from China. It is your loyal fan. I have always liked your live broadcast very much. I want to carry your twitch live video to my website, can I?

省直辖行政单位19594784190: 大佬们帮忙翻译下 -
宇菡拜康: 翻译:没有人会突然不爱你,你只是突然知道了. 重点词汇释义 No one 没有人 will not 将不会 love you 爱你 all of a sudden 突然地,突如其来地,猛然地; 恍 just 正好; 刚才; 仅仅,只是; 刚要; 公正的,合理的; 恰当的; 合法的; 正确的 suddenly 意外地,忽然地; 奄; 勃; 霍然 know 知道; 了解; 认识; 确信; 知情望采纳

省直辖行政单位19594784190: 大佬们用的都是什么翻译软件 -
宇菡拜康: 大佬们用的是百度翻译软件,百度翻译软件为您提供高质量在线翻译和词典结果,支持中、英、日、韩、法、泰、西、俄、葡等28种热门语言互译.

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