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出行更便利英语:More convenient travel



英[kənˈviːniənt]    美[kənˈviːniənt]    


adj.    实用的; 便利的; 方便的; 省事的; 附近的; 近便的; 容易到达的


convenient store 便利店 ; 超商物; 便利店

Convenient transportation 交通便捷 ; 交通方便 ; 交通便利 ; 海陆空交通便利


1、convenient无论表示“便利的”“不远的”的意思,还是表示“方便的”“合适的”的意思,都可以与介词 for, to 连用。

例句:I can start to work whenever it is convenient for[to] you.


This is very convenient for[to] the customer.




Obviously, this would not be convenient for users who have multiple feeds.


3、convenient后面可接不定式,但是句子应带有形式主语或者形式宾语 it。

例句:Will it be convenient for you to start work the day after tomorrow? 后天就开始工作你觉得方便吗?

1 be within walking on the sidewalk, not on the sidewalk walking in the street;2 crossing the driveway, crosswalks subashiri. Through the pedestrian crossing traffic signal control, shall be To comply with the provisions of the signal; through no traffic signal control of the ...

如果我们做到这些事情,我们的行动就会,使我们的环境变得更加美好。If we do these things, our actions will make our environment more beautiful.如果我们做到这些事情,我们的行动就会,使我们的环境变得更加美好。If we do these things, our actions will make our environment more beautiful.

We should choose more environmental protection of transportation, as the subway and bus or bike.

行胜于言的英语是:Actions speak louder than words。举例:In this world there are many inexplieicable things。Actions speak louder than words。在这个世界里有很多难以解释的事情。行动胜过语言。Here,as in many aspects of life,actions speak louder than words。众所周知,在生活中的很多...

帮写一篇关于手机控的英语演讲稿,说明型的,用mobile freak 一百多词就...
手机在我们的生活中有着巨大的影响,也很方便和我们保持着。手机是一种更快速、更有效的方式来传递信息。事实上,它是一种资源,给它的用户的巨大优势。The more you talk, the more you know how to talk and the better your communication skills become. This is applicable if you're a ...

10、在生活中,没有任何东西比人的行动更重要更珍奇了。——高尔基 In life, nothing is more important and precious than a person's actions.11、行是知之始,知是行之成。——陶行知 Action is the beginning of knowledge, and knowledge is the result of action.12、光是话不行,要紧的...

读万卷书不如行万里路 用英语怎么说
“读万卷书不如行万里路”的英文翻译有以下几种英文说法:Reading thousands of books is better than travelling thousands of miles.Travel is a better way than to read.It is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books.Read 10,000 books and travel 10,000li,he...

回答:Actions speak louder than words.


言必行,行必果 用英语怎么翻译?
言必信,行必果 Promise must be kept and action must be resultful.No sooner said than done. 言而必行

花溪区13637712563: 交通更便利了 用英语怎么说 -
祁蒋交沙:[答案] Transportation more convenient

花溪区13637712563: 请问“交通便利”用英语怎么说,谢谢 -
祁蒋交沙: 交通便利: 1. easy of access 2. good communications 3. have transport facilities. 饭店毗邻火车站,交通十分便利. The hotel is conveniently situated next to the railway station. 这家饭店位于高速公路旁,交通十分便利. The hotel is conveniently ...

花溪区13637712563: 交通便利的英语怎么说
祁蒋交沙: Have transport facilities

花溪区13637712563: 交通便利英语怎麽说 -
祁蒋交沙: 便利的交通 convenient trafic 拥有便利的交通 with convenient trafic 交通是便利的 the trafic is convenient

花溪区13637712563: “出行很方便”英语怎么说 -
祁蒋交沙: 出行很方便 Travel is very convenient

花溪区13637712563: 但是我们不能否认汽车让我们的生活更加方便,出行更加快捷.这句话翻译成英语, -
祁蒋交沙:[答案] But we can't deny that cars make our life more convenient and transportation easier and faster.

花溪区13637712563: (交通便利,人们的出行越来越方便)的英文翻译 -
祁蒋交沙: With well-planned transport facilities, travelling has become increasingly more convenient for the public. 交通便利,人们的出行越来越方便

花溪区13637712563: 交通工具给人们带来哪些方便 英语作文50词左右 -
祁蒋交沙: bus: 优点:You can take a bus to nearly everywhere you want to. There are thousands of lines in the city and you can choose anyone according to your need.It's cheap and convenient to take.train: 优点:When you need to go far away from ...

花溪区13637712563: 英语翻译高速铁路的发展使我们的出行更加便捷了(it) -
祁蒋交沙:[答案] The development of the high-speed railway makes it more convenient when we have a trip.

花溪区13637712563: 通过沟通和交流,人们明白道路建成后他们的出行会更加方便.怎样用英语来说啊? -
祁蒋交沙: By communicating with each other, people have come to realize that the construction of the road will make it more convenient for them to travel around.请及时采纳,不懂继续问( 天天在线 ) (*^__^*) 祝学习进步! 谢谢!

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