
作者&投稿:咸促 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

第一句:I为主语,think为动词,it为形式宾语,silly为宾语补足语,of you to believe her为真正宾语。
第二句:I为主语,think为动词,此前为主句。后面为宾语从句,其中:it为形式主语,is为谓语,silly为表语,of you to believe her为真正主语。

1 收款人,即将要收取汇票金额的那个人(以支票形式 )
2 汇票就是书面形式的,写有支付给某人的,有具体金额的一种单据.

1 payee(主语),the person(同位语) 后面是定语从句修饰 the person.
这个从句中, whom 是引导词, 因为是在从句中充当介词宾语,所以介词可以提前,就是to whom
the face value(面值) 是从句主语 of a bill of exchange是他的后置定语, is to be paid是谓语(被动形式)
其实换种写法,宾语从句, 你可能就清楚了: the face value( of a bill of exchange) is to be paid to (who will get the money)

2 A bill of exchange is a written order 主谓宾 后面是分词结构做目的状语(你把他理解成定语结构也可以,别太拘泥 ) ,

1 宾语从句 2 定语从句
宾语从句是V+疑问词+一个句子。如 I asked her why she smiled at me that day。I asked her是主句,后面的是从句。
定语从句是名词后+连词(conj.)+一个句子。如It is where we do interviews with the big sports stars.where是地点we do interviews with the big sports stars是修饰前面的地点的,是从句,前面的是主要部分

I (主语)asked(谓语) her(宾语) why she smiled at me that day(宾语从句)
It(主语) is(谓语) where we do interviews with the big sports stars(表语从句).

1 宾语从句
2 表语从句

They 主语 put into circulation 理解成谓语好了 宾语是一大串the savings (of individuals and institutions),其中括号里面是修饰savings的 both at home and overseas状语 第二句:从句是:if they are to serve us properly, requring...alone 主句:all these...new development 从句分析:they是...

从整体看这个句子是个并列句,由and连接(The only way to ..., and human initiative...)第一个并列分句:The only way(主语) to prevent further developments (后置定语)would be (连系动词)a global state(表语) that suppressed anything new(定语从句),and (连接并列分句的连接词...

英语大神帮忙翻译一下 分析一下 谢谢啦
中文翻译:笑可以减轻疼痛的原因似乎是,它可以帮助在大脑中产生一种降低压力和疼痛的化学物质。第一级,表语从句:主语:The reason why laughter can reduce pain 系动词:seems to be 表语(从句):that it helps to produce a kind of chemicals in the brain which reduces both stress and pain...

这样看:It is for us(the living, rather,) to be dedicated here to the unfinished work.对于我们(活着的人)来说,应该献身于那些为完成的工作。which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.做work的定语从句,修饰work,哪些工作呢?他们(谁呢?who fought here那些在此...

when i finished it (时间状语从句)the night was half gone(主句1) and there was no time left to compose a proper ,respectable essay for mr.fleagle.(主句2) 其中,left 作后置定语,修饰 time,to compose a proper, respectable essay for Mr.Fleagle 也是定语,修饰 time译文:当我...

to conserve 是动词不定式作主语,to save and protect 是动词不定式做表语。to leave what we ourselves enjoy in such good condition that others may also share the enjoyment.是动词不定式短语作表语,与to save and protect并列,其中what we ourselves enjoy in such good condition that others ...

so前面分析:google and apple是主语,have made是谓语,it是形式宾语,far too difficult是宾补,to adjust these settings是真正宾语。so后面分析:it是形式主语,is系动词,up to us是表语,to take steps直到最后是真正主语。希望能帮到你!

译:传统政策和资源只关注年轻人(的教育),不能满足(现代社会发展的)新需求。concentration of something: 人或事物的聚集、 集中或集合 concentration on (doing) something注意力集中于某事 meet the needs满足需求

== They MUST remain (系动词) Separate (形容词表语) or my career will die.翻译:必须分割它们,否则我的职业生涯就完蛋了 这是强调句的一种形式,把关键词separate放在句子的开头。Nature knows not defeat.翻译:大自然不懂什麼是失败。 \/ 老天爷不同情失败的人。

2.词的意思不同,gone表示“消失” “不见”=disappear; 而 away仅表示离开 3. 你的怀疑是对的, 该题正确答案应是A。 大家都知道, devote 的用法是 devote oneself to 或者 be devoted to 这句话中,没有反身代词 oneself ,表示应为被动, 所以A是正确的 4. 句意分析,就知道了...

巴彦县15751562721: 请英语大神帮忙分析一下这两个句子的语法结构吧!句子:1. I asked her why she smiled at me that day.2. It is where we do interviews with the big sports stars.... -
春支双虎:[答案] 1 宾语从句 2 定语从句 宾语从句是V+疑问词+一个句子.如 I asked her why she smiled at me that day.I asked her是主句,后面的是从句. 定语从句是名词后+连词(conj.)+一个句子.如It is where we do interviews with the big sports stars.where是地点we ...

巴彦县15751562721: 英语高手帮忙分析一下这两个长句子.这是小说《银河系漫游指南》的前两段原文及翻译,这是两个超长的句子,Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the ... -
春支双虎:[答案] Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun. 这是主语和动词倒装,也就是说,应该是 sun lies,这里写成 lies sun. 从最基本的开始分析(为了更好理解,最好...

巴彦县15751562721: 帮忙分析一下这两个英语句子,1.We live in a world that is changing fast one where changes come at what seems to be an ever - increasing pace .2.Such poets ... -
春支双虎:[答案] 1.正如楼上所言,“where changes………………pace.都是定语从句,形容“one”,其中:主语——changes谓语——come状语——at what seems………………pace.这是很大的一个介词短语,介词 at,名词从句“what………pace”...

巴彦县15751562721: 急!哪位高手帮我用英语解释下这两个句子的意思!Eye for an eyeHe that is without sin among you,let him cast first stone. -
春支双虎:[答案] Treat somebody as he treats you. Before pointing out others' shortcomings or mistakes ,please reflect on yourself .

巴彦县15751562721: 帮忙分析一下这两个句子,把成分都找出来1.Soon I was back on my feet again and following him to collect a hovering carriage driven by computer.2.These ... -
春支双虎:[答案] 1.Soon I was back on my feet again and following him to collect a hovering carriage driven by computer. 主系表结构:主语I,...by bending or pressing down in your seat,you can more swiftly. 并列句:and连的两个简单句 These carriage float above the ...

巴彦县15751562721: 请帮忙分析一下这两个句子,(1) The six people were injured in the crash,with only two surviving(2)Of the six people injured in the crash,with only two survived... -
春支双虎:[答案] 是错句.把with去掉,句子就对了.这样看更好: only two (主语) of the 6 people injured in the crash(定语) survived(谓语). -------- 再简单化 :only two (主语) survived(谓语

巴彦县15751562721: 求英语大神解答一下这两个句子的谓语缺失在哪里QAQ -
春支双虎: 这两句是没有谓语的.第一句:Helping each other in order to complete exam more perfect. Helping each other是一个动名词短语,属于非谓语;in order to complete exam more perfect 是动词不定式,也属于非谓语,在这里是目的状语. 如果...

巴彦县15751562721: 请大家帮忙分析一下这两个英语句子Don't try so hard,the best things come when you least expect them to.这个句子最后那个to是什么作用?后面是不是少什... -
春支双虎:[答案] to后面省略了come Don't try so hard,the best things come when you least expect them to (come).expect to do的用法.英语里重复的地方经常省略. that后面是定语从句,又省略了主语

巴彦县15751562721: 求英语大神帮忙看看两个句子 -
春支双虎: 第一句是WHO引导的定语从句.第二句分词短语做定语.

巴彦县15751562721: 求高手帮我分析下面这两个句子的结构!it has been universally acknowledged that the spirit of teamwork is the most essential qualification that anyone who ... -
春支双虎:[答案] 全世界的人都知道,团队合作精神是每一个想要获得成功的人需要具备的最重要的品质.it has been universally acknowledged that相当于we all know,qualification后面是定语从句,里面anyone后面也是who领导的定语从句....

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