
作者&投稿:朱侄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Good! My mother is my second great mother. She walked a step-by-step, vicissitudes, a history of evidence, that a patriotic officers and men sacrificed their lives for the country, always inspired us to forge ahead; She has a splendid culture, Cangjie created characters in which there are a number of secret, and that beautiful music is the most beautiful art in the world; She has a great beautiful rivers and mountains, towering峻拔of Mount Everest, as the girl's southern Guilin, the magnificent Taishan made her more beautiful! Motherland of the number of outstanding sons and daughters --- Dong Cunrui, Zheng Chenggong, Deng married first, Yang Liwei all these great names are deeply engraved in our hearts, and their deeds, it is respect; their spirit will always inspire us advance. Today, the motherland fulfill the dream of a century, athletes have a glorious creation, so that even more proud of the motherland and pride!


I love my motherland
You ask where my homeland, I will be proud to tell you. The east of the world have bit giant, a giant who is my homeland; the east of the world have a rooster, it is my homeland cock. My homeland vast territory and abundant resources the boundaries of the vast, beautiful and richly endowed. This country is China.
My homeland in the east of the world, are a prosperous country, there is no war, lived a happy life, if you see today's China, you certainly would not have thought 57 years ago this is so decadent. Today, however much the foreigners will praise thumbs-up: "China's history really brilliant!" The glorious history of the people are paid for in blood, but some people have forgotten the War of Resistance against Japan sacrifice of soldiers, still in drug trafficking the safety of drug abuse do not want to just want their own homeland's interests and money, not love of their homeland, some young children that drug use fun, then rest assured that the drug, but the want to smoke 12 grams, but the smoke damage on its own lifetime, not becoming physically painful death, but to keep the drug to alleviate the uncomfortable own!
China is proud of the glorious side of it, but the Chinese side by the bullying is even more pain. Eight-Power Allied Forces, the Japanese invaders, the pronoun it teeth. There the Empress Dowager Cixi, who provided <<Xin Chou Treaty Nanjing Treaty Treaty of Shimonoseki >>,<< >>,<<>> that these treaties extremely painful
. Forget that the suffering of the history of it and looking forward to tomorrow .2003 in October 15 and October 12, 2005 Chinese people are so excited about the day in tears. Because in these two days, the "Shenzhou V", "Shenzhou" six Manned spacecraft will be Yang Liwei, Nie Haisheng, Fei Junlong three Chinese people into space. Chinese Science and Technology more and more developed.
I love my motherland!
分太少了。应该加分哦 找起来不容易啊

I love my motherland You ask where my homeland, I will be proud to tell you. The east of the world have bit giant, a giant who is my homeland; the east of the world have a rooster, it is my homeland cock. My homeland vast territory and abundant resources the boundaries ...


在网上找我的,一等奖呢!我六年级。要就告我 这个也行 滔滔的江水,滚滚的黄河,连绵不断的山路,都属于我们伟大的祖国。祖国的山川雄奇,祖国的河水秀逸,祖国的胸怀无比广阔.当侵略者的铁碲践踏我们美丽山河的时候,每一个有良知的中国人脸上流着泪,心中淌着血。为了心中神圣不可侵犯的祖国,他们在...

回首过去,祖国的人民顽强不息;立足现在,祖国的发展欣欣向荣;放眼未来,祖国有无限种可能。下面是由我为大家整理的“我爱我的祖国800字作文”,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 我爱我的祖国800字作文【一】 我的祖国有个伟大的名字——中国,她拥有5000年的历史,她之所以得以延续,与爱国主义精神是密不可分的。 爱国,就是...




[儿童诗歌]我爱我的祖国 作者:田地 原名吴南熏。1927年出生。浙江奉化人。著有诗集《告别》、《小树叶》等。我爱我的祖国。我的祖国,是我生下来睡的摇篮;……是我第一天上学去走过的石子路;是我在少年宫乘过的旋转上升的火箭;是营火晚会熊熊燃烧的篝火……我爱我的祖国。我的祖国,是吐鲁番的...

我爱我的祖国作文 我欣赏我的祖国,是因为中国曾经历了多少沧桑、经历了多少风风雨雨啊;我热爱我的祖国,是因为它在毛泽东、邓小平、胡锦涛总书记的领导下,发生了翻天覆地的变化;我喜欢我的祖国,是因为祖国的壮丽风景使人心旷神怡……你如果要问我的祖国在哪里,那我会骄傲地告诉你:世界的东方有...

1. 关于我爱我的祖国的诗句 关于我爱我的祖国的诗句 1."我爱我的祖国"的诗 ★赞颂祖国的诗歌一★: 习习的秋风啊!吹着,吹着! 我要赞美我祖国的花 我要赞美我如花的祖国! 请将我的字吹成一簇鲜花, 金底黄,玉底白,春酿底绿,秋山底紫, ……然后又统统吹散, 吹得落英缤纷,弥漫了高天,铺遍了大地...

沂南县19391112692: 《我爱我的祖国》英语小短文短一点的,三分钟可以讲完的,简单一点的,初一可以看懂的. -
逮宙诺合:[答案] Good!My mother is my second great mother.She walked a step-by-step,vicissitudes,a history of evidence,that a patriotic ... Motherland of the number of outstanding sons and daughters --- Dong Cunrui,Zheng Chenggong,Deng married first,Yang Liwei all ...

沂南县19391112692: 我爱我的祖国英文演讲稿不要太长啊,也不可以太短了!后面要有汉语翻译,英汉加一起有一张32K纸 -
逮宙诺合:[答案] I love my motherland There is a beatiful country standing in the east of the world .She has red soil ,big mountains,long rivers ... My country is really beautiful. 我爱我的祖国 有一个在世界的东方美丽的国家地位.她红壤,大山,长河流和勤奋的人,她就像一...

沂南县19391112692: 我爱我的祖国英文稿(特别简单的) -
逮宙诺合: Today my topic is “I love you, China.” Since the day I was born, I began to have a proud name—Chinese. Since the day I began to talk, the most beautiful sentence I've ever learnt has been “I love you, China!” I love you, China, and I'm so ...

沂南县19391112692: 《我爱我的祖国》英语小短文 -
逮宙诺合: Good! My mother is my second great mother. She walked a step-by-step, vicissitudes, a history of evidence, that a patriotic officers and men sacrificed their lives for the country, always inspired us to forge ahead; She has a splendid culture, Cangjie ...

沂南县19391112692: 求一篇“我爱我的祖国”英文演讲稿 -
逮宙诺合: I love my motherland There is a beatiful country standing in the east of the world .She has red soil , big mountains,long rivers and hardworking people ,she is just like a diamond ,shinning all the time ,and she is my dearest country -------China ! I ...

沂南县19391112692: 我爱我的祖国 英语演讲稿 -
逮宙诺合: There is a beatiful country standing in the east of the world .She has red soil , big mountains,long rivers and hardworking people ,she is just like a diamond ,shinning all the time ,and she is my dearest country -------China ! I love my motherland !...

沂南县19391112692: 我需要一篇有关我和我的祖国的英语诗歌朗诵稿.急急急!!! -
逮宙诺合: 我爱我的祖国

沂南县19391112692: 我爱我的祖国的英语作文60 -
逮宙诺合: 【原创作文】标题:loving you ,ChinaI love my Motherland very much.The great country. 我爱我的祖国,这个伟大的国家.Loving his greatily,loving his beauti,his every tree,every flower ,everything I can see. 爱他的伟大,爱他的美丽, 每一棵树,每一朵花……爱中国的一切.I believe the Chinese will be better tomorrow. 我相信人民生活得更好. Kiss you ,China! 给予我的吻,祖国

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