
作者&投稿:逯径 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

once i took abus home, and found i had no 1 yuan change, so in a hurry, i put a 10 yuan note into the money case. but after that i thought it was quite stupid so i ask the driver whether i could take the money of others as my change, the driver agreed.
at the next stop many people pushed their way up. i stood by the door and said to the first passenger, "give me the money", he was confused and asked"why?" it would take a pretty few words to explain, so i just said,"just give me". he took a look at the driver, who nodded as a sign of approving.thus i got the yuan.in this way, soon i've collected 8 yuan. then up boarded a big guy, with short-cut hair and tatoo. on seeing i was standing in his way, he shouted,"what? man"i said,"give me the money and i'll tell you later". his eyes opened wide,"pardon?"i repeat,"give me the money!"he opened his mouth widely and shouted to the drive,"what's this man doing here?" this big guy blocked the door way, leaving the ones still out of the bus unable to get in, and the ones in the bus worried about the delay. so everybody began to shout,"shut up, just give the money "the big guy soon gave in. he picked out his purse from his pocket, and handed it over, while saying with a long face,"please boss, that's all i have. surely you have an advantage in hands."

We arrived at 2:30 matsu, the three ChanYuan matsu pavilion is the oldest one in macau, is an important scenic spots. Today, it has more than five hundred years in Macao, south mountain near the sea. It is the most famous scenic sites in macau, Taoist celestial one female, often polyonal matsu help merchants and fishing hook, disaster in downtown Macao, can take bus 6, 8, 9, 28B line.

1.Area of the Arctic ice to an average of 2.7 percent per decade to reduce the speed. Summer to reduce the total glacier area extent of 7.4%.
2.Since the 80's since the 20th century, permafrost surface temperature has increased by about 3 ℃.
3.Since the 1900s onwards, led to sea-level rise of 4-6 meters.
4.Fossil fuel emissions of carbon dioxide from the 20th century, an average of 90 years to 6.4 billion tons of carbon between 2000-2005 at an average annual 720 million tons of carbon.

• area of the Arctic ice to an average of 2.7 percent per decade to reduce the speed. Summer to reduce the total glacier area extent of 7.4%.

• Since the 80's since the 20th century, permafrost surface temperature has increased by about 3 ℃.

• Since the 1900s onwards, led to sea-level rise of 4-6 meters.

• fossil fuel emissions of carbon dioxide from the 20th century, an average of 90 years to 6.4 billion tons of carbon between 2000-2005 at an average annual 720 million tons of carbon.

1.The area of the Arctic glacier disappears by 2.7% a decade.in summer the speed is 7.4%.
2.The surface temperature of the permafrost has been rised 3 degree since 1980s.
3. Since 1900,sea leval has been rised 4-6 meters.
4. The emission of the fossil fuels CO2 has been raised from 6.4 billion in 1990s to 7.2 billion in 2000-2005 a year.

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现代汉译英口译教程中3. The Great Wall原文翻译

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邯郸市19581433007: 汉译英在线翻译句子
严宜薄芝: 直接引语:"I handed in my homework ",He told me. 间接引语:He tole me that (宾从) he had handed in his homework.(转述换人称 时态倒退)

邯郸市19581433007: 英语翻译汉译英.根据汉语提示及提示词翻译句子1.我愿呆在家里而不愿去参考一个聚会.(would rather…than)2.他可能在跑着赶公共汽车.(might be)3.无论... -
严宜薄芝:[答案] I would rather stay at home than present a party.He might run to catch a bus.Whatever you do, you must not miss the musical concert.We donot put off making a plan.I study by working with group.

邯郸市19581433007: 翻译句子汉译英 非常急我们将要打扫教室 我们正在打扫教室 今天早上我们打扫了教室 我们已经打扫了教室 在你走进教以前,我们已经打扫了教室 他要去修... -
严宜薄芝:[答案] We will have to clean the classroom we are cleaning the classroom this morning, we cleaned the classroom we have to clean the classroom before you went into classroom we have cleaned the room he is going to repair his bike he is trying to fix his bike ...

邯郸市19581433007: 请帮忙翻译几个句子,汉译英1我有很多朋友,一些来自于国外2我有三本书,其中第一本我最喜欢3我仍然记得我第一次上学的那天4我不知道她今天没来的原... -
严宜薄芝:[答案] i have lots of friends some of which are from aboard i have three books one of which i like best i still remember the day when i went to school i don't know the reason why he didn't come 我只能说一楼语法不对

邯郸市19581433007: 汉译英在线翻译句子 -
严宜薄芝: vivid flowers on beach shoulder,these little babies jumped into water,then changed to happy frogs surfing in waves, welcome, welcome to our summer holidays.希望喜欢~~~吼吼,挺可爱的小段子~~~

邯郸市19581433007: 汉译英在线翻译 翻译句子:上音乐课是多么有趣的时光 -
严宜薄芝:[答案] 为你提供两个正确和地道的句子: What an interesting time the music class brings! What fun is the music class!

邯郸市19581433007: 汉译英在线翻译句子 -
严宜薄芝: The new Eastern school, in November, 1993 constructed the school, from most second day 30 students, sole study abroad test training, rapidly expand into collection study abroad test...

邯郸市19581433007: 汉译英句子翻译:我出生在一个很普通的家庭,我有一个姐姐,我是家中最小的孩子,我的妈妈在工厂里上班,我的爸爸在家里做着花卉园艺的工作,他会... -
严宜薄芝:[答案] I was born in a common family, I have a sister, I'm the youngest child in my family, my mother goes to work in a factory, my dad at home with the flower gardening work, he will plant a lot of beautiful flowers, I worship him very much when I was young, I have ...

邯郸市19581433007: 英语翻译翻译个句子,汉译英.海伦缺乏信心.我从未遇到过像她那样没有自信的(unsure of oneself)人. -
严宜薄芝:[答案] Helen lacks confidence.I have never known anyone so unsure of herself.

邯郸市19581433007: 汉译英 句子翻译
严宜薄芝: 您好,很高兴为您服务! 中文:只要我们能梦想的,我们就能实现.翻译:As long as we can dream it, we can achieve. 中文:不要等待着船向你开来,你应该向它游去. 翻译:Don't wait for the ship to you, you should go to swim. 谢谢采纳o(∩_∩)o...

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