
作者&投稿:邗果 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.It takes him about 20 minutes to get to school.
=He spends about 20 minutes getting to school.

2.Subtract 2 from 10,you can get 8.
=10 minus 2 is 8.

3.I like Chinese New Year better than any other festival.
=I like Chinese New Year best of all festivals.

4.How much did you weigh six months ago?
=How heavy were you six months ago?

5.His parents own a Chinese restaurant in Newcastle.
=His parents have a Chinese restaurant of their own in Newcastle.

6.How do you like the city?
=What do you think of the city?

7.It took me fifteen minutes to send an e-mail.
=I spent fifiteen minutes sending an e-mail.

8.It is five years since Peter bought the car.
=Peter has had the car since five years ago/for five years.

9.The question is so difficult that I can't answer it.
=The question is too difficult for me to answer.

10.He,as well as you,knows the news.
=Not only he but also you know the news.

1. What is the little girl’s age? 这个小女孩多大年纪?
2. I get a letter from my parents once a month. 我每月收受到父母亲的一封信
3. I want to be an actor in the future. 我想将来做个演员
4. I ride my bike to school every day.我每天骑自行车上学。
5. He likes playing tennis best in his free time.在他有空的时候最喜欢打网球。
6. What’s the length of this river?这条河有多长?
7. The girl didn’t pass the maths exam last term.上学期这个女孩数学考试没有及格。
8. Miss Gao is always friendly to other people.高小姐对别人很友好。
9. When did you come back to your home?你什么时候回家?
10. Nick and Mary often discuss business.尼克和玛莉经常讨论事情。
11. The boy is keen on playing baseball.这个男孩热衷于打篮球。
12. My dream is to be a singer like Wang Fei.我的梦想是成为像王菲这样的歌手。
13. She didn’t reply to his letter.她没有回他的信。
14. Jane is good at playing the violin.简擅长于拉小提琴。
15. Little Potter loses him temper easily.小波特很容易发脾气。
16. What’s wrong with you?你怎么啦?
17. Don’t use a pencil to finish the papers in the exam.在考试中试卷不能用铅笔作答。
18. I waited for Mary for two hours, but she didn’t appear.我等玛莉2小时了,但是她仍然没有出现。
19. The wind blew the fire out.风吹灭了火。
20. My best friend invited me to his house this weekend.我最好的朋友邀请我本周末去他家。
21. the old man is deaf. He can hear nothing.这位老人聋子,他听不到。
22. I will no longer call you.我不会再给你打电话。
23. The workers spent about 10 months building this bridge.工人们花了约10个月建起这座桥。
24. Drinking milk before going to bed is helpful.睡觉之前喝牛奶对身体有好处。
25. We’ll go to the campsite on foot.我们步行去营地。
26. It took me four hours to shop with my mother.我花了4个小时陪妈妈购物。
27. Mary sits on the left of Betty and on the right of Steven.玛莉坐在贝蒂的左边,史蒂文得右边。
28. I couldn’t find any money in my pocket.我口袋里一分钱也没有。
29. What’s Mr. Johnson’s address?约翰先生的地址是什么?
30. His father is an engineer.他的父亲是名工程师。
31. I want to be your best friend.我想成为你最好的朋友。
32. I’m glad to get your letter.很高兴收到你的来信。
33. There isn’t anything in this room.这间房子里什么东西都没有。
34. The tiger got away from the cage.老虎从笼子里掏出来了。
35. Lily sits in the middle of Peter and Annie.莉莉在彼特和安妮的中间。
36. Mr. Black believes in her students.布莱克先生信任他的学生。
37. He is good at maths.他擅长于数学。
38. Mr. Wang is the manager of the company.王先生是这个公司的经理。
39. The boy doesn’t answer his father’s question.男孩没有回答他父亲的问话。
40. This room was empty.房间是空的。
41. The girl hurried to the bookshop.女孩奔向书店。
42. My favourite subject is English.我最喜欢的科目是英语。
43. We have a big house and there is a swimming pool in it.我有一栋很大的房子,里面有一个游泳池。
44. Be careful!小心!




I have something important to tell you.Studying English is more difficult than studying Chinese.Summer in GuangZhou is much hotter than summer in Beijing.I don't think swimming is as dangerous as diving.I think mathematics is the most difficult out of all the subjects.我觉得游泳比...

1.No pains,no gains.一分耕耘一分收获。或者是:How hard you work,then how you succeed!多努力就有多成功。原句翻译为:成功取决于你努力的程度。2.My computer doesn't work.我的电脑不运作了(不能工作了)。原句翻译为:我的电脑坏了。3.John agree to go with me without thinking....

句句翻译 山不在高,有仙则名。山不在于有多高,有了仙人就成了名山;水不在深,有龙则灵。水不在于有多深,有了龙就成为灵异的(水)。斯是陋室,惟吾德馨。这是简陋的屋子,只是我(住屋的人)的品德好(就不感到简陋了)。这虽是简陋的房子,只是我的品德美好(就不感到简陋了)。苔痕上...

(音节助词,用在句中补足音节,无实义。) 13、不吾知其亦已兮,苟余情其信芳: 只要我本心确实是美好的,不了解我那也就算了吧。其:语气副词,表示加强限止的语气。 3. 文言文翻译句子 原文〕郭橐驼,不知始何名,病偻,隆然伏行,有类橐驼者,故乡人号之“驼”。驼闻之曰:“甚善,名我固当。”因舍其名,...


首先请提问者确定所问的是直译还是意译 我是按照直译来解释的,意译的话水平还不够:1. Fell deeds, awake. Now for wrath, now for ruin and a red dawn."Fell deeds, awake"意思是Theoden的一句反悔,自言自语,意思是从放弃Hornburg的死守。可译为“从毁灭中苏醒吧!”后面的就简单了:“...

答案:谨庠序之教,申之以孝梯之义,翻译为:认真从事教育,推广孝敬和悌睦的道义。解释:第一段:解释句子整体意义 这句话是强调教育的意义和作用,以及对孝顺和亲情道德的教化。其大致的意思是认真实施学校教育,以及强调孝顺和友悌的道德教育。第二段:具体解释各词组意义 1. “谨庠序之教”:谨...

即使今天,他依然记得父亲如何引用“懂得感激是高尚者的标志”这句伊索(AESOP) 名言 来教导他要把懂得感激放在最重要的位置。 Amid the atmosphere of Thanksgiving,rather than joining his friends in celebration of the holiday,George was immersed in the diary left to him by his father,who died at sea ...


岳西县13174182988: 英语同义句在线翻译 -
赧邓补肾: 1. is working ( 他在工作, now用现在进行时) 2. going, by plane ( is flying表将来,可以用is going to, by plane乘飞机)

岳西县13174182988: 同义句翻译 1.明天我们会在公园玩的很开心.2.我们享受着学英语 每个句子翻译3个哦. -
赧邓补肾:[答案] we will have a good time in the park tomorrow. we will enjoy ourselves in the park tomorrow. we will have fun in the park tomorrow. we are enjoying studying English. we are having fun in studying English. we are having a good time in studying English.

岳西县13174182988: 同义句翻译 -
赧邓补肾: 1. at...year of2. took me...to watch3.too...to4.How long did...stay5.Where are you

岳西县13174182988: 同义句的翻译;
赧邓补肾: Tere are more than two thousand students in our school People around the world came to Beijing in 2008

岳西县13174182988: 同义句翻译 帮我
赧邓补肾: 1. I am a stranger here. 2. I don't know anyone here.

岳西县13174182988: 翻译句子,同义句
赧邓补肾: 1.你们经常在午饭时间互相聊天吗? Do you often chat with each other at lunch? 2.快点,莉莉,七点五十了. Be quick, Lily.It is almost eight. 3.Lily and I are in the same class.(同义句) Lily and I are classmates. 4.I go to school from Monday to Friday.(同义句) I go to school five days a week.

岳西县13174182988: 9个英语同义句翻译 -
赧邓补肾: 在排Two.Lucyis 1.Lily在排第二. 自行车就到这里.2.My 今天在学校的学生是3.Every. 4.What的鹦鹉的名字吗? 白色的衬衫.5.That 6.How岁了? “好.7.That .的是安的母亲. ...

岳西县13174182988: 翻译英语同义句
赧邓补肾: 莉莉自学日语 系统刷新得慢,耐心点等 第二句如果再短点,可以是Yesterday all of us but Lucy went to the farm 或者but Lucy 放在句末,或者except Lucy不改动,看具体的句型要求

岳西县13174182988: 翻译几个同义句 -
赧邓补肾: can't without can't without seems sad old enough(一楼的错了) seems beautiful seems happy

岳西县13174182988: 同义句翻译 I have a happy family.[ ] a [ ] [ ] I [ -
赧邓补肾:[答案] What a happy family I have=How happy a family I have 有更多不懂的,可以问我哦~

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