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North Korea
In the aftermath of the Japanese occupation of Korea, which ended with Japan's defeat in World War II in 1945, the Soviet Union accepted the surrender of Japanese forces and controlled the area north of the 38th parallel, with the United States controlling the area south of this parallel. Virtually all Koreans welcomed liberation from Japanese imperial rule, yet objected to the re-imposition of foreign rule upon their country.

On June 25, 1950, the (North) Korean People's Army crossed the 38th parallel, with the war aim of peninsular reunification under their political system. The war continued until July 27, 1953, when the United Nations Command, the Korean People's Army, and the Chinese People's Volunteer Army signed the Korean War Armistice Agreement. Since that time the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) has separated the North and South.

North Korea is on the northern portion of the Korean Peninsula. It shares land borders with China and Russia to the north, and borders South Korea along the Korean Demilitarized Zone. To its west are the Yellow Sea and Korea Bay, and to its east lies Japan across the Sea of Japan. The highest point in North Korea is Paektu-san Mountain at 2,744 metres. The longest river is the Amnok River which flows for 790 kilometres.

North Korea's climate is relatively temperate, with precipitation heavier in summer during a short rainy season called changma, and winters that can be bitterly cold. For a week from 7 August 2007 the most devastating floods in 40 years caused the North Korean Government to ask for international help. NGOs, such as the Red Cross, asked people to raise funds because they feared a humanitarian catastrophe.

The capital and largest city is Pyongyang; other major cities include Kaesong in the south, Sinuiju in the northwest, Wonsan and Hamhung in the east and Chongjin in the northeast.

North Korea is widely considered to be a Stalinist dictatorship. The country's government styles itself as following the Juche ideology of self reliance, developed by Kim Il-sung, the country's former leader. The current leader is Kim Jong-il, the late president Kim Il-sung's son. Relations are strongest with other officially socialist states, Vietnam, Laos, especially China and Russia, as well as with Cambodia and Myanmar.

In the aftermath of the Korean War and throughout the 1960s, the country's state-controlled economy grew at a significant rate. It was considered the second most industrialized nation in Asia, after Japan. During the 1970s, the expansion of North Korea's economy, with the accompanying rise in living standards, came to an end, and a few decades later went into reverse. The country struggled throughout the 1990s, largely due to the loss of strategic trade arrangements with the USSR, and strained relations with China following China's normalization with South Korea in 1992. In addition, North Korea experienced record-breaking floods in 1995 and 1996, followed by several years of equally severe drought, beginning in 1997. This situation, compounded by the existence of only 18 percent arable land and an inability to import goods necessary to sustain industry, led to an immense famine and left North Korea in economic shambles. Large numbers of North Koreans illegally entered the People's Republic of China in search of food. Faced with a country in decay, Kim Jong-il adopted a "Military-First" policy to reinforce the regime.

Although private property is still formally prohibited, the volume of private trade with China grows year by year. The collapse of the system of state allowances has also contributed to the growth of a multi-sector market economy. Collapse of large state-owned enterprises released a huge amount of workers who engage in cross-border trade with China.


Main article: Music of Korea

PungmulApart from the instruments used, traditional Korean music is characterized by improvisation and the lack of breaks between movements. A pansori performance can last for over eight hours during which a single singer performs continuously.

Rather than contrasting different speeds as it is common in Western music, most traditional Korean music begins with the slowest movement and then accelerates as the performance continues.

Korean court music, called jeongak, is closely related to the literate upper-class, and has a strong intellectual emphasis. Jeongak is played at a very slow pace, with single beats taking as long as three seconds. The beat matches the speed of breathing rather than the heartbeat as in most Western music, and feels static and meditative.

The tone of Jeongak is soft and tranquil because the traditional instruments are made of non-metallic materials. String instruments have strings made of silk rather than wire. Almost all wind instruments are made of bamboo.

Pungmul is Korea's folk music and is full of expressions and emotions. This kind of traditional music is closely related to the lives of common people. As with the Jeongak, improvisation is common in Minsogak.

Traditional Korean musical instruments can be divided into wind, string, and percussion types. Wind instruments include the piri (cylindrical oboe), taepyeongso (metal-bell shawm), daegeumsaenghwang (mouth organ) and the hun (ocarina). Traditional string instruments include zithers such as the gayageum, geomungo, and ajaeng, and the haegeum, a two-stringed fiddle.

A great number of traditional percussion instruments are used including the kkwaenggwari (hand-held gong), the jing (hanging gong), buk (barrel drum), janggu, (hourglass drum), bak (clapper), and pyeonjong (bell chimes or stone chimes), as well as the eo (tiger-shaped scraper) and the chuk (wooden box).

[edit] Dance
Main article: Korean dance

Jinju geommuAs with music, there is a distinction between court dances and folk dances. Common court dances are jeongjaemu performed at banquets, and ilmu, performed at Confucian rituals. Jeongjaemu is divided into native dances (hyangak jeongjae) and forms imported from China (dangak jeongjae). Ilmu are divided into civil dance (munmu) and military dance (mumu).

Religious dances include all the performances at shamanistic rites (gut). Secular dances include both group dances and individual performances.

Traditional choreography of court dances is reflected in many contemporary productions.

[edit] Painting
Main article: Korean painting

A scenery on Dano dayThe earliest paintings found on the Korean peninsula are petroglyphs of prehistoric times. With the arrival of Buddhism from China, different techniques were introduced. These techniques quickly established themselves as the mainstream techniques, but indigenous techniques still survived.

There is a tendency towards naturalism with subjects such as realistic landscapes, flowers and birds being particularly popular. Ink is the most common material used, and it is painted on mulberry paper or silk.

In the 18th century indigenous techniques were advanced, particularly in calligraphy and seal engraving.

Arts are both influenced by tradition and realism in North Korea. For example, Han’s near-photographic "Break Time at the Ironworks" shows muscular men dripping with sweat and drinking water from tin cups at a sweltering foundry. Son’s "Peak Chonnyo of Mount Kumgang" is a classical Korean landscape of towering cliffs shrouded by mists (source : "The New York Times", [5]. Sisters Duk Soon Fwhang and Chung Soon Fwang O'Dwyer who fled to the United States in the late 1950s avoid overtly political statements, and render seemingly benign subjects of nature—flowers, birds, fields, insects, mountains—as tempestuous and emotionally charged zones of conflict.

[edit] Crafts

Lacquer drawer with mother-of-pearl inlay, at the National Museum of Korea in Seoul.There is a unique set of handicrafts produced in Korea. Most of the handicrafts are created for a particular everyday use, often giving priority to the practical use rather than aesthetics. Traditionally, metal, wood, fabric, lacquerware, and earthenware were the main materials used, but later glass, leather or paper have sporadically been used.

Ancient handicrafts, such as red and black pottery, share similarities with pottery of Chinese cultures along the Yellow River. The relics found of the Bronze Age, however, are distinctive and more elaborate.

Many sophisticated and elaborate handicrafts have been excavated, including gilt crowns, patterned pottery, pots or ornaments. During the Goryeo period the use of bronze was advanced. Brass, that is copper with one third zinc, has been a particularly popular material. The dynasty, however, is renowned for its use of celadon ware.

During the Joseon period popular handicrafts were made of porcelain and decorated with blue painting. Woodcraft was also advanced during that period. This led to more sophisticated pieces of furniture, including wardrobes, chests, tables or drawers.

[edit] Ceramics
Main article: Korean pottery and porcelain

A celadon incense burner from the Goryeo Dynasty with Korean kingfisher glaze.The use of earthenware on the Korean peninsula goes back to the Neolithic. The history of Korean Ceramics is long and includes both Korean pottery a later development after the traditional use of coils and hammered clay to create early votive and sculptural artifacts. During the Three Kingdoms period, pottery was advanced in Silla. The pottery was fired using a deoxidizing flame, which caused the distinctive blue grey celadon color. The surface was embossed with various geometrical patterns.

In the Goryeo period jade green celadon ware became more popular. In the 12th century sophisticated methods of inlaying were invented, allowing more elaborate decorations in different colours.

White porcelain became popular in the 15th century. It soon overtook celadon ware. White porcelain was commonly painted or decorated with copper.

With the Japanese invasions of Korea in the 16th century, many potters were kidnapped to Japan where they profoundly influenced Japanese ceramics.[4] [5] [6] Many leading Japanese pottery families today can trace their art and ancestry to these Korean potters whom the Japanese kidnapped by the thousands, such as during the Japanese Assault on Korea of 1592.[6][7][8]

In the mid Joseon period (late 17th century) blue-and-white porcelain became popular. Designs were painted in cobalt blue on white porcelain. With the growth of Japan's hegemony on the peninsula towards the end of the 19th century the tradition of porcelain largely declined in favour of Japanese imports. However, the fact that Japan's relocating whole cities of Korean potters by force to boost pottery culture in Japan annuls the misconception that the Japanese pottery culture flourished at the time.

[edit] Lifestyle

[edit] Homes
Main article: Korean architecture

Traditional house, hanok
Traditional farmer's house; Folk Village, SeoulSites of residence are traditionally selected using geomancy. It is believed that any topographical configuration generates invisible forces of good or ill (gi). The negative and positive energies (yin and yang) must be brought into balance.

A house should be built against a hill and face south to receive as much sunlight as possible. This orientation is still preferred in modern Korea. Geomancy also influences the shape of the building, the direction it faces and the material it is built of.

Traditional Korean houses can be structured into an inner wing (anchae) and an outer wing (sarangchae). The individual layout largely depends on the region and the wealth of the family. Whereas aristocrats used the outer wing for receptions, poorer people kept cattle in the sarangchae. The wealthier a family, the larger the house. However, it was forbidden to any family except for the king to have a residence of more than 99 kan. A kan is the distance between two pillars used in traditional houses.

The inner wing normally consisted of a living room, a kitchen and a wooden-floored central hall. More rooms may be attached to this. Poorer farmers would not have any outer wing. Floor heating (ondol) has been used in Korea for centuries. The main building materials are wood, clay, tile, stone, and thatch. Because wood and clay were the most common materials used in the past not many old buildings have survived into present times. Japan's kidnapping of an entire city known for its castle building skills built Japan's most famous castles and palaces, an act which the Japanese government has formally accepted and apologized for.

But now days, people live in apartments and more modernized houses.

[edit] Gardens
Main article: Korean garden

Hyangwonjeong, a garden in Gyeongbokgung, SeoulThe principles of temple gardens and private gardens are the same. They generally resemble gardens in China, and the Japanese in turn adopted a similar garden layout from Korea. Part of the reason is because gardening in East Asia is heavily influenced by Taoism. Taoism emphasizes nature and mystery, paying great attention to the details of the layout. In contrast to Japanese and Chinese gardens which fill a garden with man made elements, traditional Korean gardens avoid artificialities, trying to make a garden more natural than nature.

The lotus pond is an important feature in the Korean garden. If there is a natural stream, often a pavilion is built next to it, allowing the pleasure of watching the water. Terraced flower beds are a common feature in traditional Korean gardens.

The Poseokjeong site near Gyeongju was built in the Silla period. It highlights the importance of water in traditional Korean gardens. The garden of Poseokjeong features an abalone-shaped watercourse. During the last days of the Silla kingdom, the king's guests would sit along the watercourse and chat while wine cups were floated during banquets.

[edit] Dress
Main article: Hanbok

Hwarot, bridal robeSee also List of Korean clothing. The traditional dress known as hanbok (한복, 韩服) (known as joseonot in the DPRK) has been worn since ancient times. The hanbok consists of a shirt (jeogori) and pants (baji). The traditional hat is called gwanmo and special meaning is attached to this piece of clothing.

According to social status, Koreans used to dress differently, making clothing an important mark of social rank. Impressive, but sometimes cumbersome, costumes were worn by the ruling class and the royal family. Jewelry was also used to distance themselves from the ordinary people. Traditional jewelry for women was a pendant shaped in the shape of certain elements of nature made of precious gems stones, to which a tassel of silk was connected.

Common people were often restricted to un-dyed plain clothes. This everyday dress underwent relatively few changes during the Joseon period. The basic everyday dress was shared by everyone, but distinctions were drawn in official and ceremonial clothes.

During the winter people wore cotton-wadded dresses. Fur was also common. Because ordinary people normally wore pure white undyed materials, the people were sometimes referred to as the white-clad people.

Hanbok are classified according to their purposes: everyday dress, ceremonial dress and special dress. Ceremonial dresses are worn on formal occasions, including a child's first birthday (doljanchi), a wedding or a funeral. Special dresses are made for purposes such as shamans, officials.

Today the hanbok is still worn during formal occasions. The everyday use of the dress, however, has been lost. However, elderly still dress in hanbok as well as active estates of the remnant of aristocratic families from the Chosun Dynasty.

[edit] Cuisine
Main article: Korean cuisine

BibimbapRice is the staple food of Korea. Having been an almost exclusively agricultural country until recently, the essential recipes in Korea are shaped by this experience. The main crops in Korea are rice, barley, and beans, but many supplementary crops are used. Fish and other seafood are also important because Korea is a peninsula.

Fermented recipes were also developed in early times. These include pickled fish and pickled vegetables. This kind of food provides essential proteins and vitamins during the winter.

A number of menus have been developed. These can be divided into ceremonial foods and ritual foods. Ceremonial foods are used when a child reaches 100 days, at the first birthday, at a wedding ceremony, and the sixtieth birthday. Ritual foods are used at funerals, at ancestral rites, shaman's offerings and as temple food.

Temple food is distinguished as it does not use the common five strong-flavoured ingredients of Korean cuisine (garlic, spring onion, wild rocambole, leek, and ginger), nor meat.

For ceremonies and rituals rice cakes are vital. The colouring of the food and the ingredients of the recipes are matched with a balance of yin and yang.

Today, surasang (traditional court cuisine) is available to the whole population. In the past vegetable dishes were essential, but meat consumption has increased. Traditional dishes include ssambap, bulgogi, sinseollo, kimchi, bibimbap, and gujeolpan.

[edit] Tea
Main article: Korean tea

Darye, Korean tea ceremonyTea in Korea dates back over 2000 years.[9] It was part of a number of worship recipes, hoping that the good scents would reach the heavenly gods. Tea was introduced in Korea, when Buddhism was introduced from China, and later gave rise to the Korean tea ceremony, of which Korea has over 3000.

Originally tea was used for ceremonial purposes or as part of traditional herbal medicine. Green tea, as it is used in China and Japan, is not the only kind of tea drunk in Korea. A great number of teas made of fruits, leaves, seeds or roots are enjoyed. Five tastes of tea are distinguished in Korea: the sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and pungent tastes.

[edit] Festivals of the lunar calendar
Main article: Korean calendar

DaeboreumThe traditional Korean calendar was based on the lunisolar calendar.[10] Dates are calculated from Korea's meridian, and observances and festivals are rooted in Korean culture. The Korean lunar calendar is divided into 24 turning points (jeolgi), each lasting about 15 days. The lunar calendar was the timetable for the agrarian society in the past, but is vanishing in the modern Korean lifestyle.

The Gregorian calendar was officially adopted in 1895, but traditional holidays and age reckoning are still based on the old calendar.[10][11] Older generations still celebrate their birthdays according to the lunar calendar.

The biggest festival in Korea today is Seollal (the traditional Korean New Year. Other important festivals include Daeboreum (the first full moon), Dano (spring festival), and Chuseok (harvest festival).

There are also a number of regional festivals, celebrated according to the lunar calendar. See also Public holidays in North Korea and Public holidays in South Korea.

[edit] Games

Yut board gameThere are a number of board games played in Korea. Baduk is the Korean name for what is known as Go in English. This game is particularly popular with middle-aged and elderly men. It has a similar status as has chess in Western cultures. There is a Korean version of chess called Janggi, based on an old version of Chinese chess. Yut is a popular family board game enjoyed throughout the country, especially during holidays.

No longer commonly played, except on special occasions, Chajeon Nori is a traditional game involving two teams of villagers in a giant jousting match.

Many folk games are associated with shamanistic rites and have been handed down from one generation to the next. Three rites are important with regards to folk games: Yeonggo, Dongmaeng and Mucheon. Yeonggo is a drumming performance to invoke spirits. Dongmaeng is a harvest ceremony, while Mucheon is dances to the heaven. These performances were refined during the period of the Three Kingdoms and games were added.

Ssireum is a form of traditional wrestling. Other traditional games include pitching arrows into a pot (tuho) and a game of stick-tossing (jeopo). There are also stone fights (seokjeon), swing riding (geunetagi), masked dance drama, and a ball game (gyeokku).

[edit] Beliefs
Main articles: Korean shamanism, Buddhism in Korea, and Korean Confucianism

HaeinsaThe original religion of the Korean people was Shamanism, which though not as widespread as in ancient times, still survives to this day. Female shamans or mudang are often called upon to enlist the help of various spirits to achieve various means.

Buddhism and Confucianism were later introduced to Korea through cultural exchanges with China. Buddhism was the official religion of the Goryeo dynasty, and many privileges were given to Buddhist monks during this period. However, the Joseon period saw the suppression of Buddhism, where Buddhist monks and temples were banned from the cities and confined to the countryside. In its place a strict from of Confucianism, which some see as even more strict that what had ever been adopted by the Chinese, became the official philosophy.

Even today, Confucianism still plays a major role Korean society, and respect for elders is still a major part of Korean family life. Throughout Korean history and culture, regardless of separation, the traditional beliefs of Korean Shamanism, Mahayana Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism have remained an underlying influence of the religion of the Korean people as well as a vital aspect of their culture, remembering that all these traditions coexisted peacefully for hundred years to today despite of stronger Westernization from Christian missionary conversions in the South[12][13][14] or the pressure from Communism's atheist government in the North.[15][16]

North Korea === In the aftermath of the Japanese occupation of Korea, which ended with Japan's defeat in World War II in 1945, the Soviet Union accepted the surrender of Japanese forces and controlled the area north of the 38th parallel, with the United States controlling the ar...

my home is Yanji in Jilin province.In my home town,korean-chinese and chinese life togother,My hometown's best food is Ice-noodle and dog meat,it's very delicious,I know,in the other place,maybe can't eat dog,but in my hometown,it's true,In the new year days,korean-c...

英语自我介绍 求翻译
Hi everyone. My name is XXX. I come from Liao Ning. I am 19 years old. I can speak Chinese, Korean, Japanese and a little bit of English. I like playing basketball, football, listening to English songs and watching American drama, though my English is not so good. I am ...

Korean chinese are hard-working,kindness,and are good at singing and dancing .

Chinese Korean National Minority 朝鲜族(朝鲜文:조선민족,英文:Korean),又称韩民族(韩文:한민족)、朝族、高丽族等,是东亚主要民族之一,民族语言为朝鲜语\/韩语。朝鲜族自古有“白衣民族”之称,自称“白衣同胞”。朝鲜族主要分布在朝鲜...

Korean Cháoxiǎn Zú 朝鲜族 朝鲜族 1,923,842 Bai Bái Zú 白族 白族 1,858,063 Hani Hāní Zú 哈尼族 哈尼族 1,439,673 Kazakh Hāsàkè Zú 哈萨克族 哈萨克族 1,250,458 Li Lí Zú 黎族 黎族 1,247,814 Dai4 Dǎi Zú 傣族 傣族 1,158,989 She Shē Zú 畲族 畲族 709,...

1. Shun, Hui, Hsu are all acceptable pronunciations for the surname Xu in English.2. The English pronunciation of Chinese surnames is often based on the Cantonese language.3. This is because the majority of overseas Chinese in the past came from Guangdong and Hong Kong,4. These...

‘中国朝鲜族’用英语说是Chinese Korean还是Korean Chinese?
i am a chinese korean ,我在国外我都是这样 介绍自己的,应该没有错,老实说在国外和人说你是中国人不是很受欢迎,害群之马可能太多了,不过chinese korean的话他们也不知道是中国的朝鲜族还是韩国人在中国,所以很好.

朝鲜族 in English is Korean. 正如,朝鲜 is north korea (北朝鲜);韩国 is soth korea (南朝鲜)

朝鲜,英文【Democratic People’s Republic of Korea】,韩国【Republic of Korea】。1、大韩民国位于东亚朝鲜半岛南部,总面积约10万平方公里(占朝鲜半岛面积的45%),主体民族为朝鲜族,通用韩语,总人口约5145万。首都为首尔。韩国三面环海,西濒临黄海,东南是朝鲜海峡,东边是日本海,北面隔着三八线...

郏县19176876999: 谁有朝鲜族的英文介绍~最好是关于 文化习俗等~ -
铎乖裕尔:[答案] Music Main article: Music of Korea Pansori PungmulApart from the instruments used, traditional Korean music is ... Baduk is the Korean name for what is known as Go in English. This game is particularly popular with middle-aged and elderly men. It has ...

郏县19176876999: 英语翻译翻译内容:今天我想给同学们介绍一下朝鲜族,朝鲜族是中国56个民族之一,着重分布在东北三省,下面给同学们播放朝鲜族的民谣 “阿里郎”,... -
铎乖裕尔:[答案] Today I want to give the students to introduce Korean,Korean is one of China's 56 ethnic groups,mainly distributed in the three provinces in the northeast of China,the following to the students play t...

郏县19176876999: 朝鲜族的英文名称是? -
铎乖裕尔: 楼上的错了!Korean chinese.指具有中国国籍的朝鲜民族.

郏县19176876999: 用英文介绍延边朝鲜族的民族风俗,包括饮食,节日礼仪等等. -
铎乖裕尔: my home is Yanji in Jilin province.In my home town,korean-chinese and chinese life togother,My hometown's best food is Ice-noodle and dog meat,it's very delicious,I know,in the other place,maybe can't eat dog,but in my hometown,it's true, In the ...

郏县19176876999: 中国的朝鲜族的英文名称怎么写? -
铎乖裕尔: Korean chinese指具有中国国籍的朝鲜民族.

郏县19176876999: '中国朝鲜族'用英语说是Chinese Korean还是Korean Chinese? -
铎乖裕尔: i am a chinese korean ,我在国外我都是这样 介绍自己的,应该没有错,老实说在国外和人说你是中国人不是很受欢迎,害群之马可能太多了,不过chinese korean的话他们也不知道是中国的朝鲜族还是韩国人在中国,所以很好.

郏县19176876999: 中国少数民族中的“朝鲜族语”用英语怎么表达?和韩语的英语表达Korean相区别 -
铎乖裕尔: 中国朝鲜族和北朝鲜的“朝鲜语”,韩国的所谓“韩语”在英语里都是Korean

郏县19176876999: 英语简介延边 -
铎乖裕尔: China Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture in Jilin Province is located in the east, is located in China, North Korea, and Russia border, known as the Northeast Asia, the "Golden Tria...

郏县19176876999: 怎样用英语简介吉林? -
铎乖裕尔: City is a famous historical and cultural city northeast is the only one with the name of the country to the city. Jilin fog jobs, snow sports, Songhuahu, Ula city, Beishan Temple Kwan and Manchu, Korean folk customs, etc. Some of the ringgit North ...

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