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Piercing the corporate veil

The corporate law concept of piercing (lifting) the corporate veil describes a legal decision where a shareholder or director of a corporation is held liable for the debts or liabilities of the corporation despite the general principle that shareholders are immune from suits in contract or tort that otherwise would hold only the corporation liable. This doctrine is also known as "disregarding the corporate entity".

Piercing the corporate veil is not the only means by which a director or officer of a corporation can be held liable for the actions of the corporation. Liability can be established through conventional theories of contract, agency, or tort law. For example, in situations where a director or officer is acting on behalf of a corporation personally commits a tort, he and the corporation are jointly liable and it is unnecessary to discuss the issue of piercing the corporate veil.

Where piercing the corporate veil becomes necessary to discuss is usually in the case in which liability is found, but the corporation is insolvent.

Basis for limited liability
Corporations exist in part to shield the personal assets of both shareholders and directors from personal liability for the debts or actions of a corporation. Unlike a general partnership or sole proprietorship in which the owner could be held responsible for all the debts of the corporation, a corporation traditionally limited the personal liability of the directors. The limits of this protection have narrowed in recent years. Directors are increasingly personally liable.

Piercing the corporate veil typically is most effective with smaller privately held business entities in which the corporation has no assets, and a plaintiff seeks to hold liable a related person with more assets.

It is rarely to the plaintiff's advantage to pierce the corporate veil with a large publicly traded corporation as the assets available by suing the corporation are usually much larger than those that might be recovered by suing the individual shareholders, and because large corporations have legal staffs to avoid the technical issues which may cause the corporate veil to be pierced.

[edit] Basis for piercing the veil
In the United States, corporate veil piercing is the most litigated issue in corporate law (See ROBERT B. THOMPSON, Piercing the Corporate Veil, an Empirical Study, 76 CORNELL L. REV. 1036, 1991). Although courts are reluctant to hold a director or active shareholder liable for actions that are legally the responsibility of the corporation, even if the corporation has a single shareholder, they will often do so if the corporation was markedly noncompliant, or if holding only the corporation liable would be singularly unfair to the plaintiff. In most jurisdictions, no bright-line rule exists and the ruling is based on common law precedents. In the US, different theories, most important "alter ego" or "instrumentality rule", attempted to create a piercing standard. Mostly, they rest upon three basic prongs - namely "unity of interest and ownership", "wrongful conduct" and "proximate cause". However, the theories failed to articulate a real-world approach which courts could directly apply to their cases. Thus, courts struggle with the proof of each prong and rather analyze all given factors. This is known as "totality of circumstances".

There is also the matter of what jurisdiction the corporation is incorporated in if the corporation is authorized to do business in more than one state. All corporations have one specific state (their "home" state) to which they are incorporated as a "domestic" corporation, and if they operate in other states, they would apply for authority to do business in those other states as a "foreign" corporation. In determining whether or not the corporate veil may be pierced, the courts are required to use the laws of the corporation's home state. This issue can be significant, for example, the rules for allowing a corporate veil to be pierced are much more liberal in California than they are in Nevada, thus, the owner(s) of a corporation operating in California would be subject to different potential for the corporation's veil to be pierced if the corporation was to be sued, depending on whether the corporation was a California domestic corporation or was a Nevada foreign corporation operating in California.

Generally, the plaintiff has to prove that the incorporation was merely a formality and that the corporation neglected corporate formalities and protocols, such as voting to approve major corporate actions in the context of a duly authorized corporate meeting. This is quite often the case when a corporation facing legal liability transfers its assets and business to another corporation with the same management and shareholders. It also happens with single person corporations that are managed in a haphazard manner. As such, the veil can be pierced in both civil cases and where regulatory proceedings are taken against a shell corporation.

[edit] Factors for courts to consider
Significant undercapitalization of the business entity (capitalization requirements vary based on industry, location, and specific company circumstances)
Failure to observe corporate formalities in terms of behavior and documentation
Intermingling of assets of the corporation and of the shareholder
Treatment by an individual of the assets of corporation as his/her own
Failure to pay dividends
Siphoning of corporate funds by the dominant shareholder(s)
Non-functioning corporate officers and/or directors
Concealment or misrepresentation of members
Absence or inaccuracy of corporate records
Was the corporation being used as a "façade" for dominant shareholder(s) personal dealings; Alter Ego Theory
Failure to maintain arm's length relationships with related entities
Manipulation of assets or liabilities to concentrate the assets or liabilities
Other factors the court finds relevant
It is important to note that not all of these factors need to be met in order for the court to pierce the corporate veil. Further, some courts might find that one factor is so compelling in a particular case that it will find the shareholders personally liable.

[edit] Use by the United States Internal Revenue Service
In recent years, the Internal Revenue Service in the United States has made use of corporate veil piercing arguments and logic as a means of recapturing income, estate, or gift tax revenue, particularly from business entities created primarily for estate planning purposes. A number of US Tax Court cases involving family limited partnerships (FLPs), such as Strangi, Hackl, Shepherd, and Bongard, show the IRS's use of veil piercing arguments. Since owners of US business entities created for asset protection and estate purposes often fail to maintain proper corporate compliance, the IRS has achieved multiple high-profile court victories.

[edit] The demise of the "single economic unit" theory (English law)
It is an axiomatic principle of English company law that a company is an entity separate and distinct from its members, who are liable only to the extent that they have contributed to the company's capital: Salomon v Salomon [1897]. The effect of this rule is that the individual subsidiaries within a conglomerate will be treated as separate entities and the parent cannot be made liable for the subsidiaries debts on insolvency. Furthermore, it can create subsidiaries with inadequate capitalisation and secure loans to the subsidiaries with fixed charges over their assets, despite the fact that this is "not necessarily the most honest way of trading"; see The Coral Rose (No 1.) [1991], per Staughton LJ.

Although the secondary literature refers to different means of "lifting" or "piercing" the veil (see Ottolenghi (1959)), judicial dicta supporting the view that the rule in Salomon is subject to exceptions are thin on the ground. Lord Denning MR adumbrated the theory of the "single economic unit" theory in DHN Food Distributors v Tower Hamlets [1976], but this has largely been repudiated. In Woolfson v Strathclyde BC [1976], the House of Lords held that it was a decision to be confined to its facts (the question in DHN had been whether the subsidiary of the plaintiff, the former owning the premises on which the parent carried out its business, could receive compensation for loss of business under a compulsory purchase order notwithstanding that under the rule in Salomon, it was the parent and not the subsidiary that had lost the business). Likewise, in Bank of Tokyo v. Karoon [1987] (PC), Lord Goff, who had agreed with Lord Denning in DHN, held that the legal conception of the corporate structure was entirely distinct from the economic realities.

The "single economic unit" theory was likewise rejected by the CA in Adams v Cape Industries [1990], where Slade LJ held that cases where the rule in Salomon had been circumvented were merely instances where they didn't know what to do. The view expressed at first instance by HHJ Southwell QC in Creasey v. Breachwood [1992] that English law "definitely" recognised the principle that the corporate veil could be lifted was described as a heresy by Hobhouse LJ in Ord v Bellhaven [1998], and these doubts were shared by Moritt V-C in Trustor v. Smallbone (No. 2) [2001]: the corporate veil cannot be lifted merely because justice requires it.

[edit] The "Fraud" Exception (English Law)
The cases of Jones v. Lipman [1962], where a company was used as a "façade" (per Russell J.) to defraud the creditors of the defendant and Gilford Motor Co Ltd v. Horne [1933], where an injunction was granted against a trader setting up a business which was merely as a vehicle allowing him to circumvent a covenant in restraint of trade are often said to create a "fraud" exception to the separate corporate personality. Similarly, in Gencor v. Dalby [2000], the tentative suggestion was made that the corporate veil was being lifted where the company was the "alter ego" of the defendant. In truth, as Lord Cooke (1997) has noted extra-judicially, it is because of the separate identity of the company concerned and not despite it that equity intervened in all of these cases. They are not instances of the corporate veil being pierced but instead involve the application of other rules of law.

[edit] Reverse piercing
There have been cases in which it is to the advantage of the shareholder to have the corporate structure ignored. Courts have been reluctant to agree to this.[1] The often cited case Macaura v Northern Assurance Co Ltd [1925] AC 619 is an example of that. Mr Macaura was the sole owner of a company he had set up to grow timber. The trees were destroyed by fire but the insurer refused to pay since the policy was with Macaura (not the company) and he was not the owner of the trees. The House of Lords upheld that refusal based on the separate legal personality of the company.

Employee Satisfaction Research
It is an obvious statement but ‘high employee satisfaction levels can reduce employee turnover’. Dissatisfied employees tend to perform below their capabilities, result in high turnover of staff and leave their jobs relatively quickly, and are not very likely to recommend your company as an employer. Employee satisfaction research gives employees ‘a voice’ and also allows the pinpointing of problematic areas, leading to the raising of staff satisfaction levels, developing and reviewing of staff management, and optimising corporate communications.

Issues our research covers include the current workplace situation, management styles/attitudes, internal communications, workplace atmosphere, corporate culture/vision and image.

Employee satisfaction research encompasses many different research techniques but the measurement of satisfaction is only the first step to improving employee satisfaction.

Stage 1
The issues to research are gathered through qualitative depth interviews or internal focus groups with staff

Stage 2
Questionnaires administered to staff either through a written survey or electronically via an intranet/e-mail/website

Stage 3
Staff workshops present the findings and allow the workforce to have their questions answered as to ‘what it all means’

Stage 4
Improvements are implemented based on the survey results – Our consultants will work alongside your company to help put into practice the survey recommendations

Stage 5
Benchmark surveys – measurement of change needs to take place at specified time intervals to check on employee attitudes

Employee satisfaction market research may not be as expensive as you think. Moving your staff satisfaction research to the Web will dramatically reduce the cost and significantly improve the quality of the results you receive. In fact, employee satisfaction surveys conducted online have resulted in approximately 75% completion rates compared to 65% for the traditional "paper and pencil" methodology.

Employee Satisfaction

Having a strategy to drive Employee Satisfaction in your business is a key factor in building success. Yet taking the time to build your team of happy staff, often fails to get to the top of your 'To Do' list.

Often ensuring your people are happy remains a 'nice to do one day', rather than receiving the important attention it deserves.

It is easier than that. Creating a culture where Employee Satisfaction is a way of life, is not a tick-box exercise.

But invest in it and your people will contribute more to your bottom line than a lot of other so-called priorities you might have. the good news is that this is do-able; it's do-able with ease; and you can start right away!

"Work is either fun or drudgery. It depends on your attitude. I like fun."

Collen C Follett - Chief Operating Officer, South West Airlines

So, better results come from having engaged, enthusiastic and energised people. Employee Satisfaction is about finding out what gets people feeling this way about their work and taking up the challenge to provide it.

The very best businesses ensure they deliver Employee Satisfaction by having leaders who build their teams around this principle.

Top Ten Things About Employee Satisfaction
Full engagement is necessary from key people who lead and manage teams, if they are to get more than their people merely 'working' well.
The best at delivering Employee Satisfaction and more...

Tune In
They are very, very aware of those who work in their team. As a sort of sixth sense, they develop an uncanny ability to know what their people need - and then they deliver it.

Communicate Well
They both listen hard and inform fully, making sure their people are always up-to-date. This builds trust and confidence.

These people take accountability for creating an environment where employees are more than satisfied. They appreciate the conditions necessary for optimum performance and make sure they are in place.

Provide Reward..1
Those who create the best relationships with their people, have fair and appropriate reward systems. Sometimes, pay is not the only answer - once an acceptable level of financial reward is achieved, a happy, supportive and encouraging working environment makes the difference.

Provide Reward..2
Once the basics are being delivered, top performers make their people feel very valued in their work. More of this in Motivation

Provide Reward..3
..in the form of fun. Suddenly fun is allowed! 'What a cool place to work this is!' Fun creates lot of personal engagement - those best at Staff Satisfaction are just great at Enabling Fun!

Get Involved
By knowing and actually doing sharp-end tasks from time to time, they keep in touch with their people, sharing their experiences and learning.

Are Fair and Consistent
People want to be treated fairly in the workplace and to be treated like others, with no 'favorites'. When this happens, they relax a little; get involved more; give more.

Encourage Friendships
Those who have good Employee Satisfaction skills make it a friendly place. People enjoy spending time with others in the workplace and the business provides resources to encourage this.

Are Models
Employee Satisfaction comes when there is nothing to carp about. People are much more likely to be comfortable and happy then. Bosses have to be the same as their people, They have to play an equal role in the business.

Ten Ways to be Better at Employee Satisfaction
Pay Your Dues
Spend time with your people listening to them and hearing what's important to them in the work place.

Fix Things
Be seen to deliver fast when things can be sorted fast. Nothing acts faster for you to get a 'Hey, this guy's OK, you know'!

Seek Help
Through hearing the issues, ask for your people to help you to solve them. They will love it - and you will get far better solutions.

Thank Them
Regularly say thank you for a job well done and remember to tell them why - that makes a difference too.

Create Fun!
Through fun comes bonds that make the workplace a better place - and in a better place comes the pleasure and joy of being at work. Your people look forward to coming to work!

Ensure that everyone is treated in the same way. No favoritism; no bias. This way removes one of the biggest curses that makes people unhappy in the workplace. Ensure reward is consistent and fair.

Learn Together
And in equality comes the balanced learning process, where all are able to grow their performances together. You and them.

Be Organised
This enables people in your teams to focus on the job they have been asked to do. people like to do their job well. Any lack of organisation irritates, especially when it distracts focus.

Value Differences
Bringing people together celebrates their variety of skills and qualities. Everyone is different and that is cause for appreciating them all.

Job satisfaction comes from understanding what is required and doing it to the best of your ability. Clear communication of goals and performance requirements enables achievement, which is a large component of Staff Satisfaction. A Good job = Employee Satisfaction.

5 Simple Actions You Can Take Today!
Say thank you to your people regularly with explanation for what it is that you appreciate in them.

Review any current bias in reward and plan to resolve to a timescale.

Find out from your people what they need to be happier in their work and involve them in resolving these issues. Resolve quickly those which are easy.

Spend time with your people to hear what is important to them (including non-work things) and value that in them. Show an interest.

Check what people think is expected of them and clarify immediately. Get this information out there to everyone asap.







2 方法

2.1 被试:此次实验共有2名被试。



2.2 仪器和材料:反应时测定仪;

2.3 实验程序



Reaction when the concept first proposed by astronomers. Bradley was the prevalence of the astronomical community's "eyes and ears" method observing the stars through the telescope of time the location of copper wire. The United Kingdom in 1796 Maskelyne Greenwich Observatory to observe the location of stars through a telescope when copper has found his assistant Kimthan to observe his own time about half a second slower, that this chief is a major error , which aides dismissed. The astronomers observed that the reaction time of this psychological phenomenon, but he did not have great depth. 26 years later, the German astronomer Bessel see reports of the matter and found that the significance of this phenomenon, it was formally to be scientific research, and to make people well-known difference equations.

As a reaction time of the experiment, the general said that in 1850 invented by physiologist Helmholtz. He is one of the founders of experimental psychology. He measured the success of the frog motor nerve conduction velocity, measured after the success of human nerve conduction velocity.

In the years 1865-1868, the Netherlands has developed three physiologist Donders reaction time task. A reaction time task, often referred to as simple reaction time. In such a reaction time task, a stimulus presented alone, such as a light stimulus, observers immediately to respond to key or button, when there is only one stimulus and a response. However, the experimental electrical response has been the work of a very simple test, stimulus know in advance what the response is what to do.

Choice reaction time response known as the B, C as the reaction time to identify reactions. Choice reaction time experiment, subjects were presented to several different stimuli, asked to make only a few corresponding reaction. Response in B, the stimulus and response are in more than one, each stimulus has its corresponding response only. A choice response, including simple reaction occurred in response to the baseline, but also to stimulate the recognition and response to the cognitive operation of choice.

In order to estimate the stimulus to identify and select the desired reaction time, reaction on the need to have C, that is, reaction time to identify means to be a test on a number of stimuli to response to a stimulus, and the rest of the reaction is not stimulated. Subjects do not know what stimulus there must be a stimulus in accordance with the decision to make any response at all.

The experimental measurement using simple visual reaction time, auditory simple reaction time and simple reaction time study and determination of the method; the use of choice reaction time measurements to choose different colors of light response and the determination to learn to master the method of choice reaction time.

2 Methods

2.1 were tested: a total of two of the experimental subjects.

A male subjects, aged 22, left 350 degrees of myopia, the right eye 400 degrees of myopia, astigmatism eyes 100 degrees, without hearing, color barrier

Test B was female, 20 years old, myopic eyes, 300 degrees, no hearing, color barrier

2.2 Instruments and materials: detector response;

2.3 Experimental procedures

2.3.1 Experimental preparation: the main test host connectivity and open the power switch power supply, testing instruments to test simple reaction time, and choose to be a test stimulus, a light first and then a voice, let be familiar with the reaction time test apparatus, practice 10 times to become familiar with the equipment to use;

2.3.2 formal experiment: the main test will stimulate both the number of elected 20 times, a total of 40 times to stimulate the display of light stimulation (20) - the sound stimulus (20) - Sound (20) - a light stimulus (20 times ) a sequence. displays the test face down, and the index finger of dominant hand response Add any hole in the keyboard, ready to begin the test, in the main trial before the experiment is as follows instructions given phrase: "Try this experiment is to see you After the lights How fast response. When I say "full", you see, please focus on the display window, this window will appear at the same time four of four color light. I would be grateful if you key the index finger response Add any one of hole, when you see lights open up on the index finger as soon as possible, a response, please continue to the end of the index finger hole Add a keyboard, the attention to the next light. experiment, you must look at is the accuracy of the add lights to open the index finger, and move quickly to as much as possible, this experiment should be 2 times 20 lights. " Main test orally prompted the beginning of the experiment were tested by 2 to start, was to test the response of lights, each reaction will appear in the display's response is recorded as soon as possible, the main test of the response each time, as well as 20 times stimulation test was the average reaction time; of the 20 light reaction time test, for the balance of the operation sequence, the voice response for 20 tests, procedures Ibid, the main test instruction is given as follows: "This experiment is to give it a try after you hear the voice of the reaction of a number of fast. experiment, I shout "prepared", you focus beep sound equipment will be issued. Please respond to your index finger button Add any hole, the attention to the next sound. experiment, you must To determine the sound was a release issued by the index finger, and move quickly to as much as possible. This experiment should be carried out 2 times, each instrument will be issued 20 noise. "Records of the main test of the rapid reaction time and every time an average of 20 times Reaction Time in the post-stimulus 20, the main test is only to call for "full", not the first to start on the 2nd, check whether there have been robbed test code is (this is to stimulate the examination), and to give emphasis on "light in order to put index finger to open ", and then continue after the 20 experiments, and record each response and the average response time; Upon completion of the test 20 times the voice response, and then 20 to light after the test reaction time. In this show, after 20 hours stimulation, the main test is only to call for "full", not the first to start on the 2nd, check whether there have been robbed test code is (this is to stimulate the examination), and to give emphasis on "light in order to open up the index finger ", and then continue after the 20 experiments, and record each response and the average response time. replaced by a test experiment, all data will be recorded in Table 9-1, the end of the experiment a simple reaction time. re-set to reflect the main trial when the tester, testing equipment to test the state of choice reaction time, as the 60 tests. has been the face of the display to sit down and try to familiarize themselves with four kinds of color reaction of the corresponding hole location, hand reaction key, ready to begin testing, the main language test given the following instructions: "This experiment is to try your reaction fast. experiment when I say "full", you focus on the window to see the display, the beginning of the experiment there were four colored lights will be in the same light color of the window. I would be grateful if your index finger lightly on the response to any key hole, when you see a certain color when color appeared as soon as possible in accordance with the hole in the same color, the first reaction of the index finger to relax and pay attention to the next light. in the entire experiment, can only be used carried out with a finger response button. experiment, you will see the exact color of what kind of lights to find the corresponding hole of the button after the reaction, and fast action to the extent possible, to carry out this experiment 60 times "; Main test orally prompted the beginning of the experiment were tested by 2 to start, was to test the response of lights, each time the display will be even after the reaction showed that the reaction times used, the main trial record of every color and light Examination of the reaction was at 60 after the record was the average reaction time test in Table 9-2 in; After the end of the experiment to allow subjects to talk about his process in the experiment is how to take accurate and fast;




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