
作者&投稿:张所 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



以前校对和编辑都要将资料打印出来的,现在可以使用Word这个软件利用Track changes这一功能,将你做的编辑显示出来,所以相当方便了,而且桌面字典和网上资源的普及,对你做编辑或者校对工作也会有所帮助,但要注意准确性,不可想当然,要细心再细心,遇到问题一定不轻易放过


proofread 动词 校对 校勘,或者proof这个词也可以。

Job descriptions include:
- Being responsible for project management while ensuring the implementation and completion of project goals
- Through strict control of the project progress, ensuring the completion of said project before deadline.
- With sound utilization of resources, controlling project expenses within a cost effective budget.
- Establishing and tracking of project plans, monitoring of project implementations, and ensuring the project's accordance with quality standards.
- Co-ordinating between relevant departments, and effectively solve problems.
- Providing technical and customer support, and user technichal training.
- Writing project document such as tenders, schemes, instruction manuals, inspection specifications, and construction technology. (英文里用comma,不用“ 、”)
- Being responsible for electrical design, executing electric and assembly drawing, compiling wriring lists, component type selecting, debugging, and accepting of equipments. (这种情况下,文法要parallel, e.g. xxxing, xxxing, xxxing etc.)

(Upon satisfactory completion of the above tasks, I was commended by both customers and the company, thus winning me the title of "Oustanding Employee".

I hope this could be of help to you =)


- is responsible for the project management, guaranteed that the project goal implements finally and completes. Through the strict control project's progress, guaranteed that the project has completed in the stipulation time, the reasonable use resources, and control as far as possible the project expense in the plan budget scope, thus saved the project development cost. - works out and tracks the project plan, the monitoring project execution situation, has guaranteed the project according to the stipulation quality specification execution. The coordinated related department solves in the project problem. Provides the technical support, the solution customer question, carries on correlation technique training to the user. - the compilation project needs the document, like tender book, design proposal, equipment use maintenance instruction, examination standard and construction craft and so on. Is responsible for equipment's electrical design, the plan electricity blueprint, the assembly drawing, the establishment wiring table, primary device's shaping, as well as equipment's debugging and approval. - very good has completed each project which undertakes, obtains the company and user's consistent high praise, and is evaluated by the company the outstanding staff.

Responsible for project management, project objectives to ensure that the implementation and completion of the final. Through strict control of the progress of the project to ensure that
The project in the stipulated time, a reasonable use of resources and control the cost of the project plan as far as possible within the budget, thereby saving the cost of the project development.
- Develop and track project plans, monitoring project implementation to ensure that the project in accordance with the provisions of the implementation of quality standards. Coordination of relevant departments to solve the problem of the project. Provide technical support to resolve customer problems related to the user and technical training.
- Preparation of project documents such as tenders, design, equipment, maintenance manuals, test specifications and construction technology. Electrical equipment is responsible for design, drawing electrical drawings, assembly drawings, wiring the preparation of tables, the selection of components, as well as equipment testing and acceptance.
- Very good to complete the various projects undertaken by companies and users alike, and was named outstanding staff.



【注】①校雠:校对。②藉:借助。 ③经年:一年以后。 2. 王念孙,字怀祖,高邮州人 王念孙,字怀祖,高邮州人……阅读及答案(2015中考杭州) 阅读下面的文言文,完成17-20 题。 (一) 王念孙,字怀祖,高邮州人。……既罢官,日以 著述自娱,著《读书杂志》。于古义之晦,于抄写之误,皆一一正之。一字之证,博及...

手机上的翻译神器你知道几个?不知道的一定要码住 智能翻译官 一款具备多语种翻译能力的掌上翻译器 支持文本翻译、拍照翻译、语音翻译 实时同声传译等多种翻译模式 同声传译功能,边说边译,识别 快速且正确率高 对于翻译后的文字还能进行编辑 内容复制、翻译、实时校对 重新翻译、导出等操作 拍照图片...

如图3所示。图3 对照原文 2、如若不习惯当前的视图模式,可以单击相应的视图按钮进行调整。如,单击【并排】视图按钮,来并排显示原文当和翻译后的文档,如图4所示。图4 并排显示文档 简单的几步操作,就可快速翻译整篇文档,还可以进行中英文对照查阅,真的是非常方便快捷,英语学习变得更轻松。




Validation, verification, proof-reading 分别是审定,审核,校对


翻译公证指的是公证机关根据当事人申请,依法对向公证处出示的文书与译文内容相符的真实性予以证明,并出具公证书的行为。翻译公证的主体是公证处,翻译认证的主体是有资质的翻译公司。翻译盖章流程 翻译盖章的核心是“翻译”,有资质的正规翻译公司专业译员对客户委托的文件进行翻译—排版—校对—终稿,...

纳雍县18247519753: 校对 英文怎么翻译 -
俞衫夏天: proofread 动词 校对 校勘,或者proof这个词也可以.

纳雍县18247519753: 校对 英文怎么翻译 -
俞衫夏天:[答案] proofread 动词 校对 校勘,或者proof这个词也可以.

纳雍县18247519753: 校对的英语是怎么写的啊
俞衫夏天: 词性及解释 collate; correct; calibrate; proof; proofread 【计】 proof checking; proof reading 【经】 proof reading

纳雍县18247519753: 英文翻译校对 -
俞衫夏天: Job descriptions include:- Being responsible for project management while ensuring the implementation and completion of project goals- Through strict control of the project progress, ensur...

纳雍县18247519753: 哪个翻译公司提供英文校对服务? -
俞衫夏天: 推荐华译网翻译公司的外籍校对服务,他们的外籍校对服务是比较严谨的,我曾经请他们的外籍译员校对英文论文,经过他们校对后顺利在国外学术杂志上发表了,帮了我非常大的忙.他们的服务流程如下:对于中译外翻译项目,如果原文是政...

纳雍县18247519753: 求“校对”的“校”..正确读音! -
俞衫夏天:[答案] 校对jiào duì 中文解释 - 英文翻译 校对的中文解释 以下结果由汉典提供词典解释 基本解释 1. [proof;proofread]∶对照原稿校准 2. [proofreader]∶专门从事校对工作的人 详细解释 1. 根据定本核对抄本或根据原稿核对校样,订正差错. 明 沉德符 《野获编...

纳雍县18247519753: 怎样在Word2007中翻译整篇英文文档 -
俞衫夏天: 工具:Word2007 步骤: 1. 打开Word2007,切换到“审阅”功能区.在“校对”分组中单击“翻译”按钮,如图所示.2. 在打开的“信息检索”任务窗格中首先设置翻译方式为“将英语(美国)翻译为中文(中国)”,并单击“翻译整个文档”按钮,如图所示. 3. 打开“翻译整个文档”提示框,提示用户将通过WorldLingo服务提供整文翻译功能.单击“是”按钮,如图所示. 4. 在打开的WorldLingo网页中将返回整篇文档的翻译结果,如图所示.

纳雍县18247519753: 什么是翻译校对,诺贝笔翻译说了半天,还是不怎么明白? -
俞衫夏天: 首先译员根据要求翻译后会自我检查.校审是检查译稿中专业词汇、术语准确性,译文是否符合翻译指南,检查错字、符号、数字等易错点,提出改进建议.所以有校对跟没有校对是不一样的,因为最后拿到手上的译稿质量是不一样的.出于质量上考虑,所以诺贝笔翻译跟你耐心讲解,以后就慢慢明白了.

纳雍县18247519753: word里如何进行英文文本的校对 -
俞衫夏天: 在word工具中,语言,翻译. 拼写和语法,就能对英文进行校对. 试试!

纳雍县18247519753: 英语翻译下面是机器软件的翻译,请帮忙校对一下是否正确,或者帮提供个更好的翻译 “工作就是上网,上网就是工作”本身就是工作的一种方式." the ... -
俞衫夏天:[答案] “To surf the Net is to work,and vise versa” is itself a way of working.

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