
作者&投稿:米狐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

hello everyone, do you like music, I am going to give a Show like beatbox, enjoying
大家好啊, 你们喜欢音乐吗?! 我讲带来一个beatbox秀, 欣赏
这是我这话的意思, 希望你能喜欢, 我觉的 如果你觉的 欣赏不好的话 你可以换成 hope you like or hope you are enjoying or please enjoying
我觉的 我翻译的比较地道。 哈哈

One of the main reasons ....is that
the forces of nature

The enterprise has 52 in office staffs, professionals 6, lathe worker 25, milling-machine operator 8, the fitter (equipment labor) 3, examine 2, welder 2. the professionals are engaged in the machine-finishing profession mean time 10 years. The product development, the design, the manufacture has the deep foundation of basic skills, involves the airplane, the automobile, the petroleum, paints professions and so on chartered airplane. The different category different technical personnel are responsible. the skilled lathe worker, the milling-machine operator, the fitter, the welder, the examination has the skilled operation skill, improves the product quality as well as the production efficiency.


Enterprise has 52 on-the-job employees, professional and 6 technical worker , 25 Turner,eight millers ,3 fitters, work equipment and inspection of 2, 2 welder.
Professional technical personnel engaged in mechanical processing industry average time for 10 years. Product development, design, manufacturing, have deep foundation, involving planes, cars, oil, southbound charter, etc. Different kinds of different technical personnel in charge.
Skilled Turner, millers, fitter, welder, inspection are proficient skills, in order to improve the product quality and production efficiency.

there are 52 serving staff in the enterprise, among 6 professional technicians, 25 lathemen, 8 millers, 3 locksmith(equipment) workers, 2 checkers and 2 welding operators.
professional technicians have worked in michanical processing industry for 10 years on average. they have relatively better skills of development, designing and manufacturing of products, involving plan, automobile, petroleum and enamelling machine ect. industry. Different techinicians have different responsibilities.
skilled lathemen, millers, locksmith workers,, welding operators and checkers are skillful in operation application in order to promote quality of products and production efficiency.

52 enterprises have employees, professional and technical personnel 6, Cut 25,miller 8, fitter (and equipment) by three, test two, two welders.

Professional and technical personnel engaged in machining time for the industry average of 10 years. Product development, design, manufacturing has deep knowledge, involving aircraft, automobiles, oil, paint and other industries charter. Various different types of technical staff.

Cut skilled,miller, fitter, welders, skilled testing skills have to improve product quality and production efficiency.

professionals 6, lathe worker 25????

现在大家都忙于学习有关互联网的知识,上网很容易,所以每天有许多人在使用互联网,你认为发送电子邮件会在学生中越来越流行.Nowadays, everyone is getting involved with becoming familiar with the Internet. Since the Internet has become an easy access to most of us, a lot of people use it on...

谁能帮我把下面的句子翻译成英语,最好专业一点的,不要机器翻译的- -
doing business with you.如果你需要很多,我可以给你折扣 If you want to buy more, I can give you a discount.2009年最新款式XX,最好的质量,最齐全的款式,最快捷的运输 New styles XX of 2009, best quality, complete line of styles, fastest shipping 全部手工翻译,祝楼主生意兴隆!

and habits of computer can make a great influence on computer performance. The three most important habbits below can be helpful to maintain high efficiency for your computer.您好,原文翻译如上供参考,不明白可继续提问。若回答对您有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!

6.It's good to see a child develop different interests, but when any interest turns into an obsession it can be worrisome to parents.看到孩子开发不同方面的兴趣是一件好事,但当任何一种兴趣变为一种痴迷时,将会令父母们感到不安。希望对你有帮助 ...

1. Your exams over? 2. I have recently not busy playing soccer! Two days to play 3. And your girlfriend right? 4. Attention to your body! 5. Less on the journey, the examination of the most important, bar all on one side大概是这样 ...

跪求英语大神帮我用中文句子翻译成英文句子。 “或许你真的很忙,甚至...
或许你真的很忙,甚至连回我一条短信的时间都没有Maybe you are really busy, even I have no time for a message

求英语高手帮忙将以下句子翻译成英文(千万别用翻译器)翻译多少都行,拜 ...
由于时间有限,先帮搂着翻译一部分,等下次有空再翻译剩下的部分:附言:仅供楼主参考,希望有所帮助 目前的电解技术消耗资源,造成电解液电解并析出物质,可应用于各种电解工业及电化学领域.Substances electrolzed by mordern electrolysis technology can be widely used in electrolytic industry and ...

翻译以下的句子 不难得 帮个忙 明天考试考的到的
did i learn the news.我只是昨天才知道这个消息。only放句首引起强调。4.After i read the book,he will give me the answer.我读完这本书之后,他将给我答案。5.They stopped working after it became completely dark.天完全暗下来以后他们就停止工作。试比较stop to work:停下来去工作。

我们从周一到周五都非常忙碌,可以是经常的现象,所以可以翻译成一般现在时的时态。从周一到周五 时间状语。所以翻译:We are very busy from Monday to Friday. 主系表结构。be busy是忙的意思,做谓语。

1 Moscow metro is the world's largest subway, or one of the world use efficiency of underground rail system second highest, underground considers the wartime protection requirement, for more than 400 million residents by masking. It has been recognized as the world's most beautiful ...

潮南区17579301647: 英语翻译请帮忙把以下句子翻译成英文.1.感谢您对我们工作的支持2.感谢您购买我们的产品需要是比较 -
浦厕力坦:[答案] 1 Thank you for your support of our work. 2 Thank you for purchasing our products. 你对比看看,再结合自己的答案做结论

潮南区17579301647: 帮忙把下列句子翻译成英文 -
浦厕力坦: 1.他就是我一直寻找的教授. He is the professor that I have been looking for.2.玛丽直到弹完钢琴才去购物. Mary didn't go shoping until she finished playing piano.3.与人交流很重要. It's very important to communicate with others.4.你学习的知识越多...

潮南区17579301647: 英语翻译请英语高手帮忙把以下句子翻译成英文,谢啦:1.\x05或许我会失败,但我不会放弃2.\x05我会坚持我的梦想,永不后悔3.\x05我会一直为我的理想... -
浦厕力坦:[答案] 1.\x09或许我会失败,但我不会放弃 1.Maybe I will fail,but I will never give up 2.\x09我会坚持我的梦想,永不后悔 2.I will insist on my dream,never regret 3.\x09我会一直为我的理想努力,因为我相信,总有一天我会成功 3.I will work hard for my dream,...

潮南区17579301647: 帮忙翻译,将以下的句子翻译成英语 -
浦厕力坦: 1, you take all the number can add up to know the result. 2, we tried to calm him down, but he still excited to shout loudly. 3, Mary was in the hospital for a long time, back to health.

潮南区17579301647: 帮忙把下列句子翻译成英语 -
浦厕力坦: 1. Every back words, phrases, increase your vocabulary. 2. Many listening to English tape, imitate accurate pronunciation intonation, enhances the hearing. 3. Extracurricular reading, improve your reading ability more 4) scores catch up with the rest of the students

潮南区17579301647: 请教:请帮忙将以下句子译成英语:“如我们双方之前达成的协议,我们只同意贵司欠款USD30000“ 谢谢 -
浦厕力坦:[答案] Based on the contract that we have made earlier,we would only agree the outstanding debt with your good self is USD30,000.00.Hi..Jack ..u may start with this:Kindly be informed that based on the contr...

潮南区17579301647: 求帮忙把以下句子翻译成英文一天放学后,我走到学校门口,左顾右盼却没有找到妈妈.同学们都回家了,我开始心急,慌乱.突然,我看到了一个穿着黄色上... -
浦厕力坦:[答案] One day after school, I went to the door of the school, glance left and right but didn't find mom. The students all went home, I began to impatient, panic. Suddenly, I saw a yellow coat, brown skirt, hair and my mother is very like, thought it was my mother, ...

潮南区17579301647: 英语翻译帮忙翻译以下5个句子:1 他准备给我工作,这使我大吃一惊2 因为雨太大,参观博物得推迟到明天了 3 请全校师生于周三下午二时在会议室集中,... -
浦厕力坦:[答案] 1 他准备给我工作,这使我大吃一惊 I was surprised by him because he is going to arrange a job for me. 2 因为雨太大,参观博物得推迟到明天了 The action of visiting museum was postponed to tomorrow because of the heavy rain. 3 请全校师生于周三...

潮南区17579301647: 请帮忙将以下的句子翻成英语 -
浦厕力坦: your currently job-hunting situation1.i'm going to go to high techonology shcool or common vocational trainning school for further study2,i'm waiting for interviews or the results.3,i have received interviews but failed. 4,i have decided to do certain job,...

潮南区17579301647: 帮忙把以下句子翻译成英语! 谢谢! -
浦厕力坦: 1, 静静地, 看你幸福.Restfully, I see that you get happiness.2, 怎样才能忘记你!? How can I forget you!?3, 手心的温度 the temperature of palm4, 最美好的回忆源自于你.The happiest momeries are all from you.5, 有你的日子,我很幸福. ...

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