
作者&投稿:毕伏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1. There will be a activity for assistance olds.

2. The place of the activity will be hold in the hall of school

3. There will be singing and dacing shows within it.


你好,翻译为:“1. two sugars

2. A cup of tea do not drink milk

This is the syntax of the sentence:

1. I enter the office, I found a stranger lying on a sofa in
Do you take milk?
I do not drink milk ,i want to drink tea。我喝茶不喝牛奶)
Oh,I don't know.

two candies
have tea without milk
when i got into the office,i saw a man lying in the sofa

1.two cubes of sugar
2.prefer tea to milk
3.As I got into the office,I found a stranger lying in the sofa

two pieces of candy
have a cup tea without milk
I found a stranger lying on sofa as soon as I came into the office。

帮我翻译一下下面三句话,谢谢了(明天上学得交) “业精于勤荒于嬉,行...
综述如下:1、学业由于勤奋而专精,由于玩乐而荒废;德行由于独立思考而有所成就,由于因循随俗而败坏。2、可是在朝廷上不能被人们信任,在私下里得不到朋友的帮助。3、出门乘着车马,后面跟着仆人,安安稳稳地坐着吃饭。出处:进学解 韩愈〔唐代〕原文:国子先生晨入太学,招诸生立馆下,诲之曰:“...

1不多久电脑和其他机器将可以通过你的眼睛而记住你,这个程序之所以有效是因为每个人的眼睛都是不同的。2他们在争论着个新引擎是否会提高他的车的40%的价值。3在当今世界,(这句翻不顺,等高手),你通常是不能立即恢复,这种紧张会持续相当长时间,对大部分人来说,这是正常的 ...

翻译句子:1.我女儿每天都打排球。2.他妈妈每天都看电视。3.迈克的阿 ...
Does your daughter play volleyball every day?No, she doesn't.My daughter doesn't play volleyball every day.2.他妈妈每天都看电视。His mother watches TV every day.Does his mother watch TV every day?No, she doesn't.His mother doesn't watch TV every day.3.迈克的阿姨每天都打...

1) recorded the birth of the issue.2) a joint company in China, Chinese newspapers Hotel organized this exhibition 3) The 30 companies include almost. . . . . All well-known clothing for the industry giant.

第一句:这句话用中文来讲是~~~in chinese, this sentence means...帮我把叔叔,阿姨的英语翻译给我 help me to translate what uncle and aunt said into Chinese 第二句:这些是我妈妈做的中国菜,请您品尝!This is chinese food my mother cooked.Help yourselves 第三句:请问您吃饱了吗...


1.我爸爸19岁时上了一所医科大学.1. When my father 19 years of age on the 1 Medical University.2.我妈妈大学毕业后成为一名教师.2. Mother After graduating from college I became a teacher.3.他一回来,我就把这个CD给他.3. His return, I put this CD to him.4.JONE和MARRY自从5...

1、Enlever le protège-couteau 2、Couper l'échalote à plusieurs reprises en la retournant, 10cm étant la dimension optimale 3、S'il y a des résidus entre les lames, enlever-les facilement grâce à un cure-dent

楼下的那个梵高,请你仔细检查一下自己的拼写、单复数再来大吹法螺罢。另外,L49J,第二句不要用trying to pretend这种结构,不是试图装,而是本来就在装。还有,尽量不要用play with sb这个结构,有玩弄\/亵玩\/不严肃对待等不好的意思(尤其不要play with yourself,哈哈)。第三句的结构不对,took...

作为国外付款受益人, 请确认你履行银行关于国外付款规定的能力。我们想要通知你, 这次交易所支付的金额已经计入银行。以防万一你是愿意的并且有能力履行该银行对外付款的规定,

滨州市18692665082: 英语翻译请各位学长学姐帮我翻译三个中文句子,翻成英文,1.让我们享受一下这个周末吧.2.我爷爷经常在下午散步.3.来参观一下我们的新学校吧! -
吕很硫酸:[答案] Let's enjoy this weekend My grandfather often goes walking in the afternoon Come and visit our new school!

滨州市18692665082: 请各位学长学姐帮我翻译三个中文句子,翻成英文,谢谢.1.让我们享受一下这个周末吧.2.我爷爷经常在下... 请各位学长学姐帮我翻译三个中文句子,翻成英... -
吕很硫酸:[答案] 1. Let's enjoy ourselves at the weekend. 2. My grandfather often takes a walk in the afternoon. 3. Please come to visit our new school. 希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O 有不会的欢迎再继续问我(*^__^*)

滨州市18692665082: 帮我翻译这几句中文!
吕很硫酸: 1:你好!来自远方的朋友! Hello(Dear,Hi) my friend, 这样就可以了, 2:我想我需要一名翻译员!I think I need a Interpreters 3:对不起.我不懂英语, Sorry,I can't speak English, 我不会讲英语,也就是说我不懂英语, 4:只懂一点点(英...

滨州市18692665082: 求文学家帮我翻译3句文言文 -
吕很硫酸: 原文:1.如类有知者,即礼之,使弟子延之坐.2.夫卜者多夸严以得人情,虚高人禄命以悦人志.3.其誉人也不望其报,恶人也不顾其怨,以便国家利利众为务.1、看他的状貌,好像很有智慧的样子,就以礼相见,叫弟子请他就座.2、卜者多喜欢夸大怪诞之辞,来迎合人们的心意,虚伪地抬高他人的禄命,来讨人们的高兴.3、他赞美别人,并不希望别人的回报,讨厌别人,并不顾别人的怨恨,只以便利国家大众为急务.三个句子都出自《史记 日者列传》.

滨州市18692665082: 翻译3句中文句子~求正确文法 -
吕很硫酸: The oath we made here has gone with the wind.Let my shoulders be your dependence on which you can rely for a lifetime.I think we do not fit each other.

滨州市18692665082: 谁能帮我把几个句子翻译成中文 -
吕很硫酸: 1.努力学习 study hard2.学好一门外语 learn a foreign language well3.跟我交朋友 make friend with me 4.看她的父亲 look after her father5.在房间里唱歌 sing in the room6.要不要给他回信 reply him or not7.别在街上玩球 Don't play ball in the steet.8....

滨州市18692665082: 请快速帮我翻译3句古文句子 -
吕很硫酸: 'Was great hardship,''Qi of Fuyang to commit suicide, Hsu Li-word to women' 'Although the opera thing, and will from time to time as the mother to ask to Zhe

滨州市18692665082: 帮我翻译几个中文句子 急 ~ 中译英
吕很硫酸: 1.there is nobody in classroom. 2.many years of history does the house have? 3.is everyone here? 4.my father used to be late.

滨州市18692665082: 英语翻译请帮我翻译几个句子,中译英,1.一天一苹果,医生不找我.2.冬吃萝卜下吃姜,不用医生开处方.3.关于食物的俗语(谢谢支持) -
吕很硫酸:[答案] 1、An apple a day keeps the doctor away. (这是俚语原句 谢谢支持……) 2、原句是中国俗语 所以没有很对应的 Having radish in(during) winter while having ginger in(during) summer keeps the doctor away. 请参考~ 3、slang on/about food

滨州市18692665082: 帮我翻译几个句子
吕很硫酸: I has an apple there are some stamps in the box father has some books there is a pencil box on the desk

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