
作者&投稿:偶柴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.汉(民族) Han (Nationality)
2.团员 League member
3.良好 Excellent
4.中专 Technical secondary school
5.医药科技学校 Medicine Sci-Tech School
6.财务管理 Finance Management
7.营销 Marketing
8.苏州市苏锦二村XX幢XX室 Room xx, Building No.xx, Sujin 2nd Village, Suzhou
9.基础会计 Basic Accounting
10.江苏省英语中级 Intermediary-Level English of Jiangsu Province
11.日常操作 Daily operation
12.演讲 Speech
13.担任导购员职务,担任营业员职务,担任理货员职务 Acted as a shopping guide, acted as a sales clerk, acted as a tally clerk
14.05-06年度被评为“优秀积极分子” Awarded the title of "Excellent Active Person"
15.文艺汇演获得鼓励奖 Won the Encouragement Award during a cultural and artistic performance
16.“爱我专业”演讲比赛获得第3名 Won the 3rd prize in the speech contest titled "Loving my Speciality"

together, is my favorite word, read it nicely, sounds so warm and I do not know its origin, but often read the words, I would feel a force of the Ming-He Mo! The beginning of this word back, I always carry a "TOGATHER", because "gather" is the meaning of the collection, "together", only to the collection, in order to work "together", I always believe that it is the meaning of this, " together ", is how many people end their lives of purpose, whether on holiday or celebration," together "are all essential elements.
"together" is an adverb, an adverb in English of the pivotal position that it can be used to modified verb, adjective.
I like "together", and friends "together" and their family members "together", and hope to be "together"!

English orange
Ice-cream Old
Air-conditioner End
Umbrella Engineer university
Eraser Apple
eye Elephant
ear actress
uncle Accountant
Ant aunt
Actor Artist
……初中里这些很多,以a e i o 打头的基本都是,以u打头若发音为【ju】则不是,发音为【a】等则是

最常见的不可数名词有:advice, baggage, change(零钱), furniture, hair, homework, information, knowledge, luggage, money, news, progress, traffic weather,fun(有趣的事)trouble,experience,

2、其它不可数名词还有:absence, age, anger, courage, energy, equipment, failure, fear, food, fun, health, ice, industry, kindness, labour, luck, marriage, music, nature, paper, peace, pleasure, power, pride, rain, research, respect, safety, salt, sand, silence, sleep, strength, snow, technology, time, trade, transport, travel, trust, truth, waste, water, wealth, weather, wind, work(工作)
另外,有些集合名词也是可数中词,但不同的是,它们以单数形式出现,表示复数概念,如 people, police, family 等;而有些可数名词本身就以复数形式出现,如 clothes, glasses (眼镜)等;有的可数名词单、复数形式相同,如 Japanese, sheep, Chinese 等。
在英语中,某些动词后面只能跟动词不定式作直接宾语。你只要记住了这句话,就有助你记住这些动词了:“我和我的爸爸妈妈”。这句话里的每个字也可以代表这些动词的第一个字母:W H W D E P P M M A
我—W want (想要)\ 和—H hope (希望)\ 我—W wish (希望)\ 的—
DE decide (决定) expect (期望)\ 爸爸—PP promise (允诺) pretent (假装) \ 妈妈—M M A mean (打算) manage (设法) agree (同意).

1. allow doing (区别:allow sb. to do sth.)
2. keep doing
3. keep /carry on doing
4. keep sb. doing
5. enjoy doing (He enjoys nothing but playing the computer.)
6. finish doing
7. be afraid of doing
8. be worth doing (This piece of music is worth listening to.)
9. be busy doing (They are busy getting ready for the New Year’s Eve.)
10. be/get/become used to doing (We are used to living in the countryside. )
11. dislike doing (She dislikes doing housework.)
12. how about doing//what about doing
13. spend some time (in)doing
14. spend some money (in) buying
15. feel like doing
16. stop/keep/prevent … from doing
17. thank you for doing
18. thanks for doing
19. do some cooking/cleaning/reading/shopping/washing
20. go swimming/fishing/shopping/skating/boating
21. mind doing
22. prefer doing … to doing…
23. practise (practice) doing (He practices speaking English every day.)
24. can’t help doing
25. have fun/difficulty/trouble/problem doing sth.
26. waste time/money doing
27. instead of doing
28. miss doing
29. look forward to doing期望(渴望)做某事 (I'm looking forward to getting your letter.)
30. thank…for doing
31. leave sb./sth. doing (His parents leave his staying at home on weekend.)

二)need, require, want译作“需要”时,跟动词-ing作宾语,主动表示被动,相当于to be done,如:
1.The windows require cleaning. (The windows require to be cleaned. )
2.The patient needs operating on at once.(The patient needs to be operated on. )
3.The flowers want watering. (The flowers want to be watered. )

get down to(着手干……),lead to (通向,导致),object to(反对),pay attention to (注意),look forward to (盼望),be used to (习惯于),stick to (坚持),prefer …to …等。

另外,介词后面接动词ing 形式,如in on at for of by ……after,befor between……很多介词,不一一列举


再例如,an hour 虽然以h开头,但h不发音,第一个因素就是元音。再或者,this is an “h”


1 以元音音素开头的单词umbrella
2 不可数名词
bread面包 beer啤酒
cloth布 coffee咖啡
cream奶油 dust尘土
gin杜松子酒 glass玻璃
gold黄金 ice冰
jam果酱 oil油
paper纸 sand沙
soap肥皂 stone石头
tea茶 water水 juice饮料
wine葡萄酒 wood木头
advice忠告/主意 beauty美丽,漂亮
courage勇气 death死亡
experience经验 fear担心
help帮助 hope希望
horror恐惧 information消息/信息
knowledge知识 mercy仁慈
pity同情 relief救济
suspicion猜疑 work工作
baggage行李 camping露营
damage损害 furniture家具
luggage 行李 parking停车
shopping购物 weather气候
3 后面若接动词必加ing形式的hope want would like learn pretend agree need decide refuse start begin like love hate forget remember (go on) try ask invite warn teach expect
4 下列结构含有ing:
1. keep doing
2. keep /carry on doing
3. keep sb. Doing
4. enjoy doing
5. finish doing
6. be afraid of doing
7. be worth doing
8. be busy doing
9. how about doing//what about doing
10. spend some time (in)doing
11. spend some money (in) buying
12. feel like doing
13. stop/keep/prevent … from doing
14. thank you for doing
15. thanks for doing
16. do some cooking/cleaning/reading/shopping/washing
17. go swimming/fishing/shopping/skating/boating
18. mind/practise doing
19. prefer doing … to doing…
20. can’t help doing
21. there is/are +n.+ doing …


1. 英语中派生词的重音和词根重音一致。 派生词就是一些有同样词根的词。比如: act, active, actively com'pare com'parison

2. 带有下列后缀的词:-ary, -ery, -ory, -ism, -ist, -mony, -ment, -ary等,重音通常在第一个音节上。例如: customary scientist slavery factory realism

3. 带下列前缀的词:a-, ab-, ac-, ad-, al-, be-, con-, de-, dis-, em-, en-, in-, mis-, re-, tans-, un-重音通常在第二音节上。例如: a'bout ab'duce ac'cede ad'mire be'long con'sult de'tect dis'like

4. 带下列后缀的词:-aim, -ain, -cur, -eem, -duce, -ere, -firm, -gn, -oin, -oke, -ose, -pt, -rce, -self, -ume重音通常在第二音节。 contain occur sincere design confirm

5. 带下列后缀的词:-ade, -ain, -ee, -eer, -esque, -ette, -ique, -ine, -oon重音通常在最后一个音节。这些词一般都是从法语中借来的词。例如: emplo'yee an'tique maga'zine ci'gar volun'teer gaso'line

6. 带下列后缀的词:-eous, -ial, -ian, -ic, -ics, -ient, -ion, -ious, -ish, -it, -liar, -sive, -tal, -uous重音通常在倒数第二音节上。例如: oc'casion re'lation as'tonish de'posit mu'sician

7. 但是有些派生词,比如从名词派生出来的形容词,它的重音就得发生变化,通常是后移。 例如: 'science scien'tific 'accident acci'dental 'democrat demo'cratic 'politics po'litical

一、Paradise 1、含义:n. 天堂 2、用法 paradise的基本意思是“天堂,天国”,即某些宗教指正直者死后的灵魂居住的美好的地方,也可指亚当和夏娃偷吃禁果的地方,即“伊甸园”。作此二阶时首字母一般大写。paradise引申可指“乐园,乐土”,即理想完美的地方、人间天堂,是可数名词,常与不定冠词连用。

特殊意义小众的英文单词如下:1、Nostalgia [n'stld] 乡愁,怀旧(Nostalgia is an unaviodable emotion when you are abroad.乡愁是你在国外时一种无法逃避的情感。)2、Serendipity [,ser(ə)n'dɪpɪtɪ] 意外发现珍奇事物的本领(Serendipity are unpredictable treasure in ...

我—W want (想要)\\ 和—H hope (希望)\\ 我—W wish (希望)\\ 的—DE decide (决定) expect (期望)\\ 爸爸—PP promise (允诺) pretent (假装) \\ 妈妈—M M A mean (打算) manage (设法) agree (同意).这个口诀是在网上找到的。我认为英语中后面若接动词必加...

“好的”的英语单词是“good”,详细的单词解析如下。读音:Good 的英式读音是 \/ɡʊd\/,美式读音是 \/ɡʊd\/。释义:Good 作形容词时表示好的、优秀的、良好的等正面含义;作名词时表示善良、道德等;作副词时表示良好地、适当地等;作动词时表示使变好或变得善良等。用法:Good 可以作...

特殊含义的英文单词: Eternity 永恒; Fantastic 美妙的; Aestheticism 唯美; Liberty 自主; Tranquillity 安宁; Blossom 花丛; Sunshine 阳光; Sunflower 太阳花; Gorgeous 绚丽的; Cherish 珍爱; Grace 优美; Rainbow 彩虹 扩展资料 My value for domestic tranquillity s...

good 英文发音:[gʊd]中文释义:adj. 好的;优良的;愉快的;虔诚的 复数:goods 比较级:better 最高级:best 例句:The piano was in good condition.这台钢琴状况良好。

Good, happy 好的,愉快的

good,better(更好)best(最好),great ,fine,excellent(出色),unbelievable,amazing,kind(形容人善良),sweet(形容人贴心周到甜美),wonderful,perfect(完美,形容事情或人皆可)

terrific, sweet, fabulous, sensational, super, mind-blowing, ...其实如果带上俚语和俗语还有很多(包括KICK-ASS这种),我就不写了。

excellent wonderful good great nice well terrific(很地道的一个词)splendid gorgeous fantastic ok

丰泽区17634447842: 求些“特殊”英语单词~单词发音为“吴春”的英语单词,有没有?或者是接近的,差不多的~列举一些. -
湛通敬柱:[答案] watching 看(进行时) wishing 希望(进行时)

丰泽区17634447842: 帮我找几个特殊用法的英语单词 -
湛通敬柱: +TO DO/DO : 1.help sb to do/do 2.need------------还有like /love /be busy +ING :1.keep doing 2.mind doing 3.stop doing 4.begin doing 5.remember doing 6.look for ward to doing 还有like /love /be busy /enjoy

丰泽区17634447842: 求一些好看.好听.简短、内涵英文单词用N/E/P/J/C/开头、最好9个字母.重赏.我想当游戏名字且意思好听 -
湛通敬柱: Eartha 尔莎 英国 土地或泥土;比喻像大地般坚忍的人 Eden 伊甸 希伯来 圣经中的乐园,欢乐之地 Edith 伊蒂丝 古英国 格斗;战争 Edwina 艾德文娜 英国 有价值的朋友;财产的获e69da5e6ba90e799bee5baa6e79fa5e9819331333330363865...

丰泽区17634447842: 比较特殊的英文单词!!!!加急!~好的给分!!!!
湛通敬柱: It is raining cats and dogs.正在下着倾盆大雨.

丰泽区17634447842: 哪个英文单词好看些? 要有特殊意义的 -
湛通敬柱: miss有错过和思念的意思

丰泽区17634447842: 一些有特殊意义的英语单词 -
湛通敬柱: 我比较喜欢代表色彩的单词,快用来表述自己的情绪种种 .

丰泽区17634447842: 跪求某个英文单词、
湛通敬柱: Schwalz,发音:施瓦尔兹5

丰泽区17634447842: 英语动词过去时和过去分词的特殊单词有哪些??? -
湛通敬柱: (1) AAA型(动词原形、过去式、过去分词同形) cost(花费) cost cost cut(割) cut cut hit(打) hit hit hurt 伤害) hurt hurt let(让) let let put(放) put put read (读) read read spread (伸展/ 传播) spread spread(2) AAB型(动词原形与...

丰泽区17634447842: 急求,带20个元音的英语单词每个10个以上,快,我急,五年级左右水平的,好的有重赏! -
湛通敬柱:[答案] [i]miss give lift did thing think thin it this pick little big win list milk live chicken chick hill fill wind windy litter field film kick middle... [つ:]small north form august always already daughter talk four saw all morning door floor ball [u] cook good woman book look ...

丰泽区17634447842: 求一些3个字母的英文单词不大常见的,意思特别一点的,最好有中文,一定要3个字母的. -
湛通敬柱:[答案] awe n.畏惧,敬畏 be struck with awe 肃然敬畏 awesome 令人生畏的bib n.(围在小孩脖子上的)围嘴bid v.出价bog n.沼泽,泥塘boo 呸hay n.干草hub n.中心 a hub of commerce商业中心hop v.单脚跳 hop skip jump 三级跳...

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