
作者&投稿:敛爬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I reported these situations to our boss.Our boss said:"you are the best companion in our heart.We are willing to keep developing,communicting and counting on together."

Our boss is the shareholders of listed companies ,he has strength to do with you,he is also righteousness.In addition to the core of these four products, we also engaged in other products .
And the sales of your products, you need attach photos and prices please,we will help you sale these things in Chinese market.
Our boss hope to talk with you, we are very sincerely invite you to visit China or us to you. Could you take our visit to make a schedule?


你好,翻译为:“1. No, I do not read the language, in fact, I was to pursue a master's degree, I only need a period of pre-school language courses, I think that after learning of my help.

2. The school suggested that I post in the school's first semester to take part in the TOEFL and GRE exams, and then directly enter a Master degree. I am also Head of the Department's letter of support letter.

3. I was searching the Internet for information of the profession to see the schools, and schools to contact the school endorsed the results of my GPA, it is recommended as soon as possible I am ready to do a good job in school in order to catch up with them this year's fall enrollment .

4. I study of the profession is a high school student in the psychological changes of puberty on learning. Can help students in the adolescent stage of getting rid of psychological distress during adolescence. China is now the field of education, lack of expertise in this area, we can imagine, after I learned in my future in China is very bright.”。

1. No, I'm not going to read a language, I actually is to study for a master's degree, I just before they enter the need for a language course, I want this to my future will help.

2 After admission in school, I suggest the first semester for toefl and GRE exam, then directly to the postgraduate program. Here I have a dean approval letter.

3 I am on the Internet search this professional information see the school and the school, the school after contact with the approval of my GPA restrictions, suggested I prepared as soon as possible, in order to catch up with them this autumn.

4 I this professional research direction is produced in adolescence to study the psychological changes. To help the students in adolescent stage off during puberty psychological distress. Now China education field is the lack of talent, imagine, I learn in the future of China, and I was very bright.


1. No, language is not what I was going to study, in fact, I am going to do my Masters degree, but I did language course for a period of time before I started my Masters course, which I reckon would be conducive to my studies in the future.

2. The school suggested that I took the TOEFL and GRE examinations during the first term after I joined them (the school), and then went up to do my Masters course directly.I also have a letter of support from the Head of Department.

3. I came across this school when I was searching for special field of study informations on the internet, and this school approved my GPA's result after I contacted them, they suggested that I should prepare for starting school as soon as possible, in order to catch up with their autumn entrance.

4. It is the psychological change, brought about during puberty when I was a senior school student, that influences the direction of my special field of study's research. It is able to help students, during their puberty phase ,to extricate themselves from
the psychological perplexity during puberty period.One could well image,my future in China would be very bright after my successful studies, as there is currently a huge shortage of qualified personnel in this field in China's education domain.

1. No, I do not read the language, in fact, I was to pursue a master's degree, I only need a period of pre-school language courses, I think that after learning of my help.

2. The school suggested that I post in the school's first semester to take part in the TOEFL and GRE exams, and then directly enter a Master degree. I am also Head of the Department's letter of support letter.

3. I was searching the Internet for information of the profession to see the schools, and schools to contact the school endorsed the results of my GPA, it is recommended as soon as possible I am ready to do a good job in school in order to catch up with them this year's fall enrollment .

4. I study of the profession is a high school student in the psychological changes of puberty on learning. Can help students in the adolescent stage of getting rid of psychological distress during adolescence. China is now the field of education, lack of expertise in this area, we can imagine, in my学成之后, I am in China's future is very bright.

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贵南县13848476176: 高分求助……帮忙翻译下面的8个句子
家舒施沛: 汗,鄙视用软件翻译的.都翻译的乱七八糟的什么呀,语法和结构错误百出的.不要误导别人.. 除了1楼语法和结构不错..其他的..彻底无语.. 您好,1楼翻译的大多正确,我只改1个地方: 1.We used to dream living abroad. 2.We try ...

贵南县13848476176: 高分求助用英文表述一段话 -
家舒施沛: dearXXXX I'm moving on my research paper and a couple of things get in my hair. I hope you would help me out,could I make a appointment with you ?how about 10 am?(你要主动提出时间,别人不会主动理你的) thankssincerely你的名字my email xxxxxmy qq xxxxmy cellphone xxxx

贵南县13848476176: 求英文达人翻译一句话(高分) -
家舒施沛: That's life,a perception of the delicious.the delicious the+形容词 指一类 指美味,也指使感官很愉悦的一切.生活,就是为了爽的享受!!!唇齿间between lips and teech

贵南县13848476176: 高分寻求帮忙用英语翻译一些句子 急用 要求速度 -
家舒施沛: 1.I think she is not very willing to become reconciled with you. 2.Do you think it's working by doing this? 3.Trust me,it won't be wrong. 4."Ladies and gentlemen,the party tonight is held for this lady. Today is her birthday. We've prepared an important ...

贵南县13848476176: 高分求助英语翻译
家舒施沛: 您好! 翻译为:It's nice to meet everyone,I am a kind and friendly person,and I want to be brothers and sisters with everyone.采纳一下哦,谢谢!

贵南县13848476176: 高分求助!英文词句翻译! -
家舒施沛: 1,青涩的年纪 young and shy age2,练声(即播音前的准备工作,练习发声之意) practise voice是意译 练声 [简明汉英词典] vocalize3,充满未知,但越多的未知意味着越多的希望 full of unknown, but the more unknown means the more hopes4,期期艾艾地站在站台上,不敢上车.standing on the platform,hesitated and afraid to aboard.

贵南县13848476176: 【高分悬赏】求英语高手帮我翻译几句话~ -
家舒施沛: 「In the beginning Creators created the heaven and the earth.」 (起初创世者们创造天地.) 「And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of Creators moved upon the face of the waters....

贵南县13848476176: 高分求助翻译一句话高手帮忙翻译括号里面的一句话谢谢TheCEOs
家舒施沛: 是那些总执行长们(CEOs)未能根据协议履行他们的义务.【他们引导你相信他们会尽心尽力,可是他们从未全力以赴——(纵使明白了这一点,)但很可能亦无济于事...

贵南县13848476176: 高分,帮忙翻译三句英语句子,要速度,谢谢
家舒施沛: 对我们来说,物理和化学是非常重要的 For us, physics and chemistry is very important 我爸爸过去抽烟很厉害,但他现在戒了 My dad used to smoke heavily, but now he quit 我兄弟每周六的早上都会打扫房间卫生 My brother every Saturday morning will clean the room

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