
作者&投稿:谢侦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. Dogs are omnivorous animals, mainly meat, in feeding, need to feed in preparation more animal protein and fat, complementary with vegetarian ingredients, in order to ensure the normal development and health of the dog's body.
2. The dog's digestive tract shorter than grazing animals, dogs stomach acid content is the first member of the livestock, combined with the intestinal wall thick absorbing ability is strong, so easy and appropriate to digest meat food.
3. The dog is a canine, when to eat don't chew, a "Wolf".If you want to feed crude fiber vegetables best chopped vegetables or cooked.
4. The dog's central defecate is not developed enough to defecate in the travel, so we're going to give it some time defecate.
5. Dogs like to chewThe bone,This is when the original ecological habit of tearing the prey.We should often give it some bones when feeding.
6. The dog has a unique self defense capabilities, after eating poisonous food, can cause vomiting reaction and vomit poisonous food.
7. The hot summer months, the dog opened his mouth, hanging long tongue, tongue moisture evaporation cooling.
8. The dog group, also has a "hierarchy" and "master-slave relationship.To establish such an order will maintain the stability of group, reduce caused because of the food, living space for fight.
9. The dog when lying down, always turn a turn around, look around is there any danger, sure no danger, will sleep.
10. The dog's neck, back is like being caressed.Don't touch the top of the head as far as possible, because it will make it feel depressed and vertigo.In addition, the buttocks and tail touch.
11. The dog to strangers of the code of conduct is judged according to the height of the line of sight the strength of the opponent.A near stranger, the oppressive feeling will make it came down from above, if USES the low position, it will accept you.。If the eyes to see the height of the lower than it would make it more comfortable.The dog's weakness on the right side, it will act to protect the right.When it was caught when cornered, would let their right against the wall, to the left in the face of the enemy.The habit is a dog born instinct.Dog let people look at its belly is said to the other party should obey and surrender.
12.The dog's in the society also has certain rules, they will never attack fell to reveal。Belly of rivals.Dogs will belly up lying down to sleep said it is very comfortable or very trust, only can let a person see or touch its belly.By the way, can violate the similar between the established。Animals, only humans and birds.Dogs like people than the same kind, this is not only because people can take care of it, give it to eat to live.More main reason is that the dog with partner, to establish the relationship.The dog to protect their owners have a strong heart.
13. The dog has a territory, is oneself occupies a certain range, and to protect it, don't let the other animals.They take advantage of anus gland secretion that have special smell of excrement and urine, sweat gland secretion of sweat between toes and catch a picture with hind limbs on the ground, as the territory marks.Dog's jealousy is very strong, when you focus on the new dog, ignores the care of it, it will be angry, don't follow the life habit, become violent and destructive.A dog has vanity, like people praise it.When it is a good thing, or do a few tricks, you clap praise it, touch it, it would be like had a sumptuous meal.Dog also has a shy heart, as it did something wrong or hair cut too short, it will hide in where, come out and hungry.
14. In memory, the dog for ever and it had close to get along with people, will never forget his voice, also can remember their lived.But also some people think that the dog is to rely on its sensory sensitivity, voice and know where to identify acquaintances.Dogs like to smell anything.Sniffing territory, new foods, poison, feces, urine, and so on.Dogs roamed the out, we often see it constantly urine stool or squat, it waste asa.And it is depend on these "scent marks" walk.Dogs like to chase.As hunt and kill small animals.Chasing a rabbit, cat, sheep, etc., even after bite humans, using the characteristic of the dog, let it herd cattle, cattle and protect ourselves.
15. The dog is sick, instinctively avoid humans or other dogs, hiding in the shadows to recovery or death, this is a kind of "atavism".Dogs ancestors are gregarious life, of if there are sick or injured, another dog would kill the injured dog, so as not to suffer or suffer after left behind.This will cause the owner or keeper note that should please veterinary treatment in a timely manner.The dog the most don't like alcohol.In the injection veterinary hospital to the dog, in before rubbing alcohol, darling.Once after rubbing alcohol, dog smell smell, hair upright and roar immediately.Dog is afraid of fire, so those who smoke, it doesn't like, such as a match, smoking, etc.
16. A dog tail moves its"language”。Although different types of dog, its tail shapes and sizes, but its tail movements have expressed roughly similar meaning. In commonly see master happy, excited or slavish, tail from side to side, not only will constantly twisted; tail cock, said joy; tail drooping, mean dangerous; tail, display:The tailPick up that fear;Rapid tail horizontally, a symbol of friendship.Dog tail movements associated with the tones of the master.If the host in a friendly voice said to it, it will swing tail pleased;反之,On the other hand, if the host said in a harsh voice, it is likely to continue to pick up the tail performance.That is to say, for the dog, is the voice of the people speak only the sound source, is a sound signal, rather than language.》(The Intelligence of Dogs),Human smiles and dog wagged his tail is similar to form of communication, but it was not until I read (KUILO) "The wisdom of The dog" (The Intelligence of Dogs), just know life objects to a dog wag its tail.said Dr. Dog alone will lie there, although before a non-biological, it likes will wag its tail.Dogs may love to eat some food, but it won't wag its tail to the food, unless otherwise organisms present.(Jean Craighead George)How to Talk to Your Animals)Summers (Jean Craighead George) in "How to Talk to Your animal" (How to Talk to Animals) book, also have the same view: "the dog wagged his tail in biology and the role of the tail wagging the human equivalent of a smile, only for people, dogs, cats, squirrels, mice and even the butterfly, but not for non-biological. Dogs don't at dinner or beds, car, sticks, and even meat bones shake the tail."But there is some controversy of this statement.Have a good research of scholars of canine BiKeFu told me that this is wrong: he was from another room saw a dog to the dinner wagged his tail, is it because the dog found someone looking at yourself?Unlikely.Berkeley veterinary friends also agree with BiKeFu friedman.however, the dog's tail can pass a lot of messages, even if the dog wagged his tail to organisms or abiotic alike, still can't change the fact that dogs like intimate contact, and that is the main reason for the wag tail, when they see us no one will misunderstand them.Just look at the dog shook his tail towards strangers can know: most, if not, at least, there are a lot of people will immediately start dialogue on warm even called embarrassing and dog: "you little lovely, sweet, beautiful, look at how smart you are, how wonderful! Come, kiss a."And the dog kindness with insistent, yes indeed.
17. If long time watching the dog, you will find: dogs sometimes eat grass.Then why do dogs sometimes eat grass?The dog's intestinal structure and people's different, is the important reason for the dog to eat grass.Dog's stomach is very big, accounts for about two-thirds of the abdominal cavity, and the intestines is very short, make up about a third of the abdominal cavity, so dogs are basically used the stomach to digest food and absorb nutrition, easy to digest meat, not easy to digest, such as leaves, grass has "jin".Dogs sometimes eat grass, but eat very few, occasionally also spit out, dog eat grass like cattle and horses not toEven the,But to the qingThe stomach.Resolute don't can give dog food: onion and leek.Also some of the sense of smell with high excitant food or supplies, don't let the dog smell has a great harm on the dog's sense of smell.
18. The dog's personality and growth environment, especially the discipline has much to do.If often contacts with strangers at an early age, often to a strange place, the dog is very friendly to strangers, will be very lively personality;If tied in the home, a master at an early age seldom contact with a stranger, or a number of infringement by a stranger experiences, the dog to strangers will be very vigilant and very hostile, with a sharp temper.
19. The dogs like living with people or other animals, don't like to be alone.His cat, chickens and other animals over a period of time can be in peace and harmony with the dog and the dog protection.Dogs especially afraid of loneliness, so try not to let her dog for a long time to be alone.When a dog locked up at home all day, after seeing the owner of the home, can imagine how excited it is.


hobby, fancy, penchant, avocation, interest, indulgence, habit, custom, addiction, propensity, habituation, etc.

爱好 hobby interest indulgence leaning fancy fond
习惯 habbit custom practice usedto would


习惯:be used to
use and wont

be fond of
be keen onl

hobby, fancy, penchant, avocation, interest, indulgence, habit, custom, addiction, propensity, habituation, etc.

爱好、兴趣、习惯、特长 英文分别怎么说
1. 爱好:hobby或interest,两者都表示对某种事物或活动的喜好和热爱。2. 兴趣:interest,是指对某种领域或事物的关注和好奇心。3. 习惯:habit,是指长期养成的某种行为模式或生活方式。4. 特长:specialty或talent,两者都表示在某个领域或方面具有突出的才能或技能。例如,"My hobby is swimming." ...

In the morning, we will gather at the plaza and sing the national anthum. After taking the pledge, we will go back to class where lessons will soon began.After a few periods of classes, it’s recess! Recess is the time when we eat and play and go toilet.全文你参考这个“...

爱好,兴趣,习惯,特长 英文分别怎么说
爱好——hobby 兴趣——interest 习惯——habit 特长——skill

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写作思路:根据题目要求,以自己的购物习惯与爱好作为主题,详细的描述自己的心声,最后进行总结。正文:One can't live without clothes, food, shelter and transportation in the world. And clothes are obviously very important to people.一个人生活在世界上,肯定离不开衣、食、住、行。而且衣服...


省) with my parents during the holiday. Last year we went to Emei and visited Yunan Provice. I can learn different culture and peole when I travel. I can taste lots of local (当地的)food, too. I can get lots of knowledge from tavaling.希望你能采纳,祝你学习进步!

康乐县18633048044: 有关习惯和爱好的英语单词 -
蹉戚莱普:[答案] hobby, fancy, penchant, avocation, interest, indulgence, habit, custom, addiction, propensity, habituation, etc.

康乐县18633048044: 有关习惯和爱好的英语单词 -
蹉戚莱普: hobby, fancy, penchant, avocation, interest, indulgence, habit, custom, addiction, propensity, habituation, etc.

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蹉戚莱普: 爱好的英文单词有hobby与interest.具体释义如下: 一、hobby英 [ˈhɒbi] 美 [ˈhɑ:bi] n.业余爱好;嗜好,兴趣;小马 hobby的基本意思是“嗜好,业余爱好”,指人们在工作时间以外所从事的自己喜好的事情.hobby是可数名词,有复数形式...

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蹉戚莱普: Swim,dance,cycle,play the piano,play the puzzle,run,play basketball,play the tennis,play the volleyball,sing,play the violin,play the badminton,play hola hoop,write,paint........

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蹉戚莱普:[答案] going swimming (去游泳) going shopping (去购物) reading books (看书) playing computer games(玩电脑游戏) playing football (踢足球) watching TV (看电视) growing flowers (浇花) eatting food...

康乐县18633048044: 爱好的英文单词 -
蹉戚莱普: 爱好拼音: [ài hào] 释义: hobby,hobby,appetite,interest,be fond of 短语: 爱好 hobby;be fond of;Hobbies业余爱好 hobby;hobbies;off hour hobby风险爱好 Risk-Love;risk loving;risk seeking

康乐县18633048044: 关于爱好的单词如:比如 going swimming (去游泳) going shopping (去购物) reading books 100个字 -
蹉戚莱普: going work going back going eat going listening music,playing computer game,birding,dance,collecting,needlework,drawing,photography,gardening,candlemaking,cloud watching,crafts,dolls,electronic,homebrewing,hula hooping,jet engines,...

康乐县18633048044: 关于爱好的英语单词 -
蹉戚莱普: 有一些单词 也有一些句型啊词汇啊 比如 1. My hobby is ... 2. I am interested in ... 3. I am into ...4. I like ... 例如 singing)

康乐县18633048044: 请求有关爱好的单词. -
蹉戚莱普: going swimming (去游泳) going shopping (去购物) reading books (看书) playing computer games(玩电脑游戏) playing football (踢足球) watching TV (看电视) growing flowers (浇花) eatting food (吃食物) playing basketball ...

康乐县18633048044: 有关爱好的英语词语 -
蹉戚莱普: swimming playing computer games chatting


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