
作者&投稿:绪径 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Your views on this matter are similar to ours in many aspects.

Teacher to explain it, the students only to understand the meaning of this sentence.

1、 锻炼身体的重要性怎样估价也不过分。
The importance of exercising can never be over rated.
2、 我把我的意思已经告诉你了。至于你是否这样做,那就看你的了。
I've already told you what I think (mean). Doing so or not is up to you.
3、 你怎么会跟他那么熟的?
How did you get so close with him?
4、 看上去他是那样的诚恳,以致我们都把他的话当真了。
He looked so sincere that we all took him seriously.
5、 我倒希望你把这封信立即寄出。
I rather you send out the letter right away.
6、 只有你保证不告诉别人,我才告诉你。
I will tell you only if you promise not to tell anyone.
7、 原来这篇文章的内容比我们预期的要容易理解。
It turns out the article is way more easier to understand than we expected.
8、 不管天有多黑,我都要早点儿出发。
I have to leave early no matter how dark the sky is.
9、 他花了几个星期时间才适应了大学生活。
It took him weeks to get used to college life.
I remember meeting him years ago, but I can't remember when.
The way you look at this is similar with us in a lot of ways.
We will never lose faith no matter what the difficulties there may be.
The teacher had to explain once again before the students could understand the sentence.
This article is so difficult to understand that it took me three times of reading.
A person who doesn't learn from others can't be expected to achieve much.
I think it makes sense (it's natural) that they will go with this idea.
People can write, send and receive emails over the internet.
These factories must prevent waste water from going into the rivers during their production.
To his surprise, she criticized him instead phrasing him.
He's always here to help me whenever I run into troubles with my studying.

1, the importance of physical exercise can not be overemphasized how valuation.
2, I mean I have to tell you. Whether you do so, then look at yours.
3, how can you be so familiar with him?
4, looked like he was sincere and that we have really had him.
5, I would hope that you will send this letter immediately.
6, only do not tell you that other people, I tell you.
7, the original content of this article than we expected to be easier to understand.
8, no matter how dark days, I will have to start as soon as possible abuse.
9, he spent a few weeks time to adapt to university life.
10, I remember seen him a few years ago, but I do not recall where it was to see him.
11, your views on this matter and we are in many ways (views) is similar.
12, no matter how difficult, we will not lose confidence.
13, a teacher to explain it, the students only to understand the meaning of this sentence.
14, this article is very difficult, I have read it three times to understand what is said.
15, a learning to others who can not count the number of achievements.
16, I think they will be a matter of course in favor of the idea.
17, on the Internet, people can write, send and receive e-mail.
18, in the production process, these factories must be to prevent the waste water flowing into rivers.
19, so that he is surprised that she did not pay tribute to him, instead of criticizing him.
20, whenever I encounter difficulties in learning, he is always to help me.

好多啊~~~但抽查了下楼上6 8 句不对


The importance of exercising can never be over rated.2、 我把我的意思已经告诉你了。至于你是否这样做,那就看你的了。I've already told you what I think (mean). Doing so or not is up to you.3、 你怎么会跟他那么熟的?How did you get so close with him?4、 看上去他是那...

李阳疯狂英语烟台开发区分校、烟台杰奇外语学校 含有成功学因素在里面,对孩子提高学习英语的兴趣、增强学习方面的自信心,个人性格成长方面,都很有好处

学习英语很多好方法,以下是一些建议:1. 创造一个英语环境:尽量多听、多说、多读和多写英语。可以通过与母语为英语的人交流、观看英语电影或剧集、听英语音乐、阅读英语书籍等方式来营造英语环境。2. 注重听力训练:多听英语广播、播客、新闻等,提高听力理解能力。可以使用一些在线资源或应用程序进行听...

《韦氏词典》是美国最畅销的平装词典,人家好心好意出了APP还是免费的,。韦氏词典最推荐的地方不是他们的dictionary词典功能,而是thesaurus同义词功能,真的超级逆天。同义替换要是不会,打开韦氏点同义词,所有同义词,反义词都出来了,想选哪个选哪个。3、乐知英语 乐知英语是一个在线英语培训机构,所有...


The paragraphs written in this article is easier to understand than we thought.

如何学好英语 有效的英语学习方法和技巧?

请教英语好的帮忙把下面的汉语译成英语! 我记得几年前曾见过他,但我...
I remember seen him a few years ago, but I do not recall where it was to see his.

在学习英语的过程中,你按照常理去做,你就可能成功。你违背了常理,就不可能成功。当然,成功与否还取决于你的"努力"。 这一次,你若按照常理去做,并且下工夫,那你就要成功了! (一)简单原则 学习英语:从简单的开始 运用英语:简单-好、更简单-更好、最简单-最好 上大学的时侯,英语老师让我们大量阅读英语。有...

A man never learning from others is hopeless.

鹤山区15337533908: 请教英语好的帮忙把下面的汉语译成英语!非常感谢! -
大符康复: One possible version: How come that you know him so well? or How come that you got on well with him ? (藕不大理解你的语境,如果是生气的质问要用HOW COME,否则用WHY就好了)

鹤山区15337533908: 请英文好的朋友帮我把几句中文翻译成英文 谢谢了· -
大符康复: 1;在患难的日子 胆怯就是弱者. The timid means the weak during the trials and tribulations. 2 .善于深思熟虑的头脑 如同一堵精雕细刻的坚固墙壁. The brain when used considerably is likened to a fortified wall carved in fine craftsmanship . (介词...

鹤山区15337533908: 谁可以帮我把下面的一段中文翻译成英语?英语水平高的请帮下忙,谢谢
大符康复: How are you being these days? The following are appaisals from my teachers. Chinese teacher thought I am clever while Maths teacher said I am lazy. In English teacher's eyes, I am obedient. However, teacher of Politics held the opposite opinion. ...

鹤山区15337533908: 谁能帮我把下面的汉语译成英语,我英语不好,拜托了,各位大神:今天我将会介绍我最好的朋友A,B,C.A是我的同桌,他总是很开心,他的物理成绩比我好,他总是让我笑.B是一个学霸,她是我们4个人中学习最好的.C是我们班的班长,是一个漂亮的女孩,她的学习也很好.我们4个人互相帮助,最后,
大符康复: Today I will introduce my best friend, A, B, C. A is my deskmate, he is always very happy, his physical performance better than me, he always makes me laugh. B is a bully, she was the 4 of us to learn the best. C is the monitor of our class, is a ...

鹤山区15337533908: 请教英语专家我应该把以下中文翻译成英文,有一老外让我帮她买个东西. -
大符康复: Ok, I'll buy it for you. However, it might take a week to reach you.

鹤山区15337533908: 谁能把下面的中文翻译成英文?
大符康复: He is my classmate of middle school.He is tall,thin and very handsome.He wears a pair of glasses. He often plays basketball and learns very hard.I miss him very much.

鹤山区15337533908: 把下列汉语译成英语. -
大符康复: 1.tonight2.on the left3.tomorrow4.cross road5.turn left6.this morning7.go straight8.go to the movie

鹤山区15337533908: 将下列中文译成英语 -
大符康复: 1 Can you tell me where I can buy a gum?2 The pliceman want to know what she looks like.3 Do you know what dress she wears?4 In the report,they asked how many security cameras are there in the bank.5 The interviewers asked how many years ...

鹤山区15337533908: 向老外请教,恳请英语好的人帮我把中文翻译成英文 -
大符康复: I've read your paper, and it's very intesting. But I think it was just a part of your work. Could you share me the whole content? By the way, I...

鹤山区15337533908: 英语翻译请英语好的朋友帮我把下面这个句子翻译成英文,我为一个如此大的公司在英语翻译上如此马虎感到遗憾. -
大符康复:[答案] I feel so sorry that such a big company has been so careless with the English translation .

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