不要翻译!各位高人, 能人, 善人帮我解答英语题!!谢谢!

作者&投稿:纵罚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. In Beijing's successful Olympic bid in 2001. 2008 Olympic mascot mascots for Beibei, Jingjing, Huanhuan, Yingying, and Nini. Mascot of the symbolic significance of the ocean, forest, the Olympic Torch, the earth and the sky. The image of the mascot is fish, the panda, the Olympic flame, the Tibetan antelope and two swallows.
2 Beijing's bid slogan was : New Beijing, new Olympics.
3. the Olympic Games have been held by the 28th, Beijing is the 29th Olympic Games. The first session is the first smoke-free Olympic Games in Barcelona, Spain, the 25th Olympic Games.
4. The International Olympic Committee each year on June 23 for the Olympic Day. IOC headquarters in a world known as the Garden City of Lausanne, Switzerland. The official language is French and English.
5. The 27th Olympic Games in Sydney, China's medals in the major powers, ranked third.
6. Old China first formal participation in the Olympic Games of 1932.
7. One was China's first Olympic gold medal in the male athlete is an update. The first was an Olympic medal in China were Rong Gaotang. Chinese athletes won the silver medal with the largest number of gymnasts is Li Ning, a total of three.
8. One of China's first Olympic track and field gold medalist Liu Xiang is.
9. The first one was Owens Award is the Asian athlete Wang Junxia.
10. Olympic aims : peace, friendship and progress. Motto : faster, higher and stronger. The slogan is : important is participation, not victory.
11. The Olympic flag is white, and you have five central sets of mutually connected circle, color from left to right followed by blue, yellow, black, green, red. Five Central symbol of the unity of the five continents and athletes of the world in a fair contest and a spirit of friendship in the Olympic Games meet.
12. Beijing 2008 Olympic Games emblem of the Olympic rings from the color composition, similar to the traditional Chinese folk handicrafts Chinese knot, again seemed a taijiquan the spirits who introduces logo, harmony lively and full of movement flu, the world's symbol of unity among the people, collaboration, communication, development, and work to create new century, the expression of the Olympic faster, higher and stronger in the sport.


他一直在帮助我、(all the time)
he is helping me all the time.

what you thing what the life would be 50 years later?

she thought that 100 years later, people would live longer to 200 years.

will the pollution be less 2 years later?

will there be less trees?
no, there will be more trees.

what should we do?

我们发现彼此融洽相处很容易(find...easy)we find it is easy to live together.
他妈妈昨天晚上直到12点才睡(not..until)his mother didnot sleep until 12 oclock.
没有人知道未来会发生什么事 (in the future)no one knows what would happen in the future.
我希望尽快看见他 (as soon as possible )i wish to see him as soon as possible.
你能来参加我的生日聚会吗?(be able to)would you be able to attend my birthday party?

此题不选B的原因是:“as fast as”表示“与..一样快”;如果在前面加上twice,则没有明确的意思——twice as fast as = “两倍的与它一样快”,显然不正确。

A 选项没有动词,肯定错误。
B 已经说了
C 没有错误
D two times 一般用 twice 表达
E 理由同答案D

故应该选 C。

the book attracted more attention in 1980s than it did in 1970s.

你说明白点! 填空题? 空在哪呢? 还有,你的中文表达需要提高了!!


1.pull…… out—— —— 把……从……拉出来 2.pull……up —— ——把……从……拉上来 3.look——around 四处看看 4.at——times 时常 5.bus ——stop 公共汽车站 6.in —— front of——在……前面 7.in the open air —— 户外\/ 露天 8. later ——on 过后,以后 9.in—...

1在讨论了多次之后,问题终于解决了。After having been discussed for many times, the problem was settled as last.2水加热时可以变成水蒸气 When heatened , water can change into steam.3姑娘被那条蛇吓坏了,不敢在自己的屋里睡觉 Having been frightened by that snake, the girl feared ...

强调的方面不同,looks强调的是大的方面,整体看起来.feature强调的是特征,比较具体地描述.appearance强调的是表面,外表.你可以对比下 下面的例子.look http:\/\/www.iciba.com\/look\/a0a214fc64d4c33a934400228424800a\/ vt. & vi.1. 看, 瞧 vi.1. 面向, 朝向 2. 寻找;寻求 3. 注意;留心;...

最近はオフィスの中はどこも禁烟になったところか多ぃようだ 我在公司附近也有便利店。上午和下午在休息时,一定要去便利店。虽说零食或者朱快乐,我只是来买这还没有吸烟去日本喫烟对甜蜜说,最近在办公室到处都是禁烟的ぃようだ多吗?


1. 我早上不去学校 Je ne vais pas à l'école le matin.2. 我和jacques9点去电影院 Je vais au cinema avec Jacque à 9 heures.3. 他有一个兄弟是工程师 Il a un frère qui est ingénieur.4. 快2点了,该去听音乐会了 C'est presque 2 heures, on doit aller au concert.5....

Peony - Guosetianxiang, Yongronghuagui, known as the king of flowers, cultivated in China over 1,500 years of history. Peony Garden was built in Changchun City in 1998, covering 6.56 hectares, the same year in August from Lanzhou, Gansu, Shandong Heze Peony the introduction of...

急急急 请高人英语翻译 不要机器译的
1语言环境优良,便于提高英语水平 A good language environment,easy to improve (one's) English proficiency.2获取更多的科学知识以及国外先进科学技术 Gain additional scientific knowledge as well as overseas advanced science and technology.3培养独立生活能力 Cultivate the ability to live independently...

1.I dare not ask for help so impolitely in such an important situation.2.How did they use to deal with the problems in study?3.I used to be afraid of giving a speech in face of a crowd 4.It has been 10 years since I became a swimmer in the team.5.A crowd of ...

求求各位高人帮我翻译以下古文`` 10 乃自刎而死。王翳取其头,余骑相蹂践争项王,相杀者数十人。最其后,郎中骑杨喜、骑司马吕马童、郎中吕胜、杨武,各得其一体。五人共会其体,皆是。安得其乐〃 | 浏览589 次 问题未开放回答 |举报 推荐于2017-12-15 13:08:02 最佳答案 说的是项羽自刎那段。大意:...

龙山区13975469578: 关于《庄子》胠箧篇里的一个问题
施肺脑安: 不——此两种解释: 1、通丕,大的意思 2、助词,无意义,比如好不吓人,实际上很吓人 善/不少——实际上善人很少的

龙山区13975469578: 勿扰,不要翻译,求高人分析此句! -
施肺脑安: 主要框架是The easiest way is snapping a picture of it from your digital camera.of converting your old pictures to digital form修饰the way,也就是将旧照片转换成数字格式...

龙山区13975469578: 我的生活一直没有规律,而且胆子很小,心里素质差,有人指点我找个信仰,请各位高人指点一下 -
施肺脑安: 其实多多和人家交流,第一先要培养自己的交流能力,敢于把自己的想法说出来第二注重自己的形象,也不是说要打扮的很漂亮,...

龙山区13975469578: 这个月如果有时间,事不是那么多,我将要去敦煌 请高手用文言文帮我翻译过来 -
施肺脑安: 抑或当月闲暇,务不缠身,吾欲...

龙山区13975469578: 孔子曾说过:”善人,不善人之师;不善人,善人之资.”用课文中的话就是 - -----------. -
施肺脑安: 子曰:“由,诲女知之乎?知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也.”

龙山区13975469578: 吝啬鬼 文言文翻译 各位高人帮帮忙 -
施肺脑安: 汉朝的时候有个老头,没有儿子.家里非常有钱,但是他非常俭朴吝啬,吃的穿的都很简单节省.他每天天不亮就起来,快到半夜才睡觉,细心经营自己的产业,积攒钱财从不满足,自己也舍不得花费.如果有人向他乞讨,他又推辞不了时,便到屋里取十文钱,然后往外走,边走边减少准备送人的钱的数目,等到走出门去,只剩下一半了.他心疼地闭着眼睛将钱交给乞丐.反复叮嘱说:“我将家里的钱都拿来给了你,你千万不要对别人说.以至乞丐们仿效着都来向我要钱!”老头不久便死了.他的田地房屋被官府没收,钱则上缴了国库.

龙山区13975469578: 名词解释:是以圣人恒善救人,而无弃人,物无弃财,是谓袭明. -
施肺脑安: 这是出自《老子》第三十一篇道章,原句是:“是以圣人恒善救人,故无弃人;恒善救物,故无弃物.”这一整章,讲的都是君主应该如何驾驭战争.下面,我将这一整章都贴下来,希望对您有用. 第三十一篇道章(王本第27) 善行无辙迹,...

龙山区13975469578: 哪位高人帮忙用韩语写一篇自我介绍,不要机器翻译,谢谢~~ -
施肺脑安: 我叫xxx,今年21岁----저는 xxx이라고 합니다. 今年21岁,是山西人.---올해 21세이고요, 산서성 사람입니다. 我是一名大三学生,学习财务管理专业.--현재는 대학 3학년 학생인데, 재무관리 전업을 전공하였습니다. 我的兴趣是读书,旅游,上网.---저의 흥취는 독서, 여행, 인터넷하기 입니다. 家庭成员包括爸爸,妈妈,哥哥和我.---저의 가족에는 아버지, 어머니, 형(本人是男生时)/오빠(本人是女生时), 그리고 제가 있습니다. 谢谢老师在这段时间的教导.---저에 대한 선생님의 많은 가르침에 대해 감사의 뜻을 표합니다.

龙山区13975469578: 翻译句子,注意时态,不用翻译器!急急急急急急~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~有劳各位高人了!!!!! -
施肺脑安: 1 slice the apple...

龙山区13975469578: 描写,归去来兮辞中“云无心以出岫,鸟倦飞而知还”一句的画面(不要翻译,几句就行,稍微富有诗意一点最 -
施肺脑安: 雾在慢悠悠的呈现出来,彼时初晨,天空的云犹如火烧.一声声清清的鸟叫,阳光正好.当日头在西边,他知道

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