
作者&投稿:罗备 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Fossil Fuels 化石燃料 ⑴Most of the energy we use for heating, lighting, transportation and manufacturing comes from fossil fuels. These are carbon-based fuels from oil, coal and natural gas. 大部分我们用于供暖,照明,运输和制造业的能量都来源于化石燃料。这些含碳燃料产生于石油,煤炭和天然气。(“carbon-based fuels”查了词典,指的就是“含碳燃料”。) ⑵There are three main disadvantages to using these fuels. Firstly, they are causing climate problems because of the Greenhouse Effect. When we burn fossil fuels they produce carbon dioxide which causes global warming. Secondly, when we have used up all our coal, oil and natural gas, we will have nothing left to burn. Thirdly, they are not very efficient. The internal combustion engine that we use in most cars, trucks and buses, for example, is only about 14% efficient. 使用化石燃料主要存在三个方面的不足。 第一,使用化石燃料会产生气候问题,造成温室效应。焚烧化石燃料的时候会产生二氧化碳,导致全球气候变暖。第二,我们把煤炭,石油和天然气都用完后,我们将一无所有。第三,化石燃料的使用效率不是很高。比如安装在我们大多数的汽车,卡车和公交车里的内燃机大约只有14%的功率。(前面一句中的“because of”不知道在这边具体用法和想要表达的意思,所以这句话的翻译我就猜测其可能的意思。后面的一句中,我觉得这边的“efficient”表达的不是很准确。) ⑶Scientists are working on another fuel—hydrogen. There are a couple of advantages to using hydrogen as a fuel. Firstly, because two-thirds of the earth's surface is water and water is made of hydrogen and oxygen. There is an almost unlimited supply of hydrogen. Secondly, burning hydrogen does not cause global warming. Thirdly, it is much more efficient than carbon-based fuels. 科学家正在研究另外一种燃料---- 氢气。氢气作为一种燃料有几个优点。第一,因为地球表面的三分之二被水覆盖,而水是由氢气和氧气组成,所以,氢的供给源源不断。第二,燃烧氢气不会造成全球气候变暖的问题。第三,氢气比含碳燃料的使用效率更高。(“a couple of”不能看到“couple” 就这问是“两个”,我查了一下词典,其实这个词组解释为“几个”) ⑷Unfortunately there are problems with hydrogen at the present time: there is the problem of separating it from water cheaply, and there is the difficulty of storing it. It can be stored under pressure but high pressure tanks are far from safe. It can also be stored as a liquid but only at extremely low temperatures. It seems likely, therefore, that there will have to be a completely new technology before hydrogen replaces fossil fuels. Solving these problems is an urgent matter. Although China, India and Australia have huge amounts of cheap coal, and there are still large oil and gas reserves elsewhere, the effects on the planet’s climate will be bad if they are used. 不幸的是,目前使用氢气存在许多问题:如何用较低的成本将氢气从水中分离出来,还有如何储存氢气,这些都时难题。氢气可以储存在高压水槽中,但是这样很危险,也可以像液体那样储存,但是必须是在温度极其低的环境之下。因此,看来在氢气取代化石燃料之前必须研究一个完全新型的技术。解决这些问题是当务之急。尽管中国,印度,澳大利亚拥有大量的煤炭,在其他地方也有大量的石油和天然气,但是使用它们会对地球的气候带来不良影响。(“It can be stored under pressure but high pressure tanks are far from safe ”不知道理解有没有偏差。“an urgent matter ”译成“当务之急”,似乎在我们生活报道中更常用一些。)

Today I wanna to talk about the attitude of study , you know , study is a very important thing ,but a good study attitude is the key point of the mark ,so ,we need to have a right learning study attitude .
First , you need to listen carefully on class , don't sleep and play mobile phone , and ,don't forget to review after class , if possible ,preview is necessary .
That's all , thank you .

to the tourist, relaxes, appreciates to the beautiful scenery, increases knowledge, tax evasion and so on; To the traveling destination, the rational development may also promote to the tourist resources protection, increases the popularity to increase the income, improves local the economic environment; Regarding the governments, increases income and so on. fault: To the tourist, goes out the security problem and so on; To the traveling destination, the transition traveling development, the load-bearing capacity which exceeds the quota, caused the destruction to the local environment and so on to be too many, could also not say all of a sudden. The suggestion buys a traveling related book, writes very in detail.

文言文 [wén yán wén]古代汉语是与现代汉语相对而言的,它指的是“五四“运动以前历代汉民族所使用的语言。现今文言文是中国古代的一种书面语言组成的文章,主要包括以先秦时期的口语为基础而形成的书面语言。春秋战国时期,用于记载文字的物品还未被发明,记载文字用的是竹简、丝绸等物。随着历史变迁,...

最终成为一个平凡的人,则是因为他后天的教育没有达到要求。 像他那样天生聪明,如此有才智的人,没有受到后天的教育,尚且要成为平凡的人;现在那些不是天生聪明,本来就平凡的人,又不接受后天的教育,想成为普通人也难了吧!"木兰诗《木兰诗》翻译 1.唧唧复唧唧,木兰当户织。 一阵唧唧声又一阵唧唧声,木兰对着门口...

那个点叫Full stop(句号)属于英语标点符号,和中文的用法一样,加不加意思一样,但是如果不加就不是一句完整的句子。

2. 治驼》的译文 你好,昔有一人,先瓮②中盛谷。骆驼入头瓮中食谷,首不得出。既不得出,其人以为忧③。有一老人来语之曰:“汝莫愁,吾教汝出,汝当斩头,自能出之。”即用④其语,以刀斩头。既杀驼,而复破瓮,如此痴人,为世人所笑。译文:从前有一个人,一开始把粮食存放到了...

主人看到碗内没有饭了,急忙呼喊仆童给他添饭。随即向客人问道:“他卖多少钱?”客人回答说:“如今有了饭吃,不卖了。”介绍 《笑林广记》是中国笑话集,又名《新镌笑林广记》。此书作者游戏主人编成,游戏主人并不是指一个人而是清代的一批文人。《笑林广记》可算是严格意义上的笑话集,语言...


走,逃跑。而,表承接。因释,因此放下。冀 复,希望 再。身,不太好译呃


1,多会于此 会,这个会集就是聚集的意思; 号令召三老、豪杰与皆来会计事 会,是聚会(为了某些目的,聚在一起商议)2,君第重射 :您只管下重注(赌注)3,即驰三辈毕 :等到三类马都赛完了 4,晖,是专指日光;景,只在部分文言中是日光的意思 5,水之阳为北,水之阴是指河流的南岸,...

4. 自相矛盾文言文加点字解释 原文 楚人(1)有鬻(2)矛与盾者,誉(3)之曰:“吾盾之坚,物莫能陷也。”又誉其矛曰:“吾矛之利,于物无不陷也。”或曰:"以子之矛,陷子之盾,何如?”其人弗能应也。译文 楚国有个卖矛又卖盾的人,他首先夸耀自己的盾,说:“我的盾很坚固,...

中阳县15549912153: 英文翻译:“以…结尾”,“以…开头” -
村厘洲邦: 以…结尾:In order to... Ending 以…开头:In order to… Start;with… 例:The book tees off with a discussion of bitterness.那本书以关于悲痛的讨论作开头.

中阳县15549912153: 英语,以...为开始 以.....结尾,最好有例句.开始是start with,结尾那个不 -
村厘洲邦: ”以...为开始“可以是start with,也可以是begin with.例句:Our English class begins with a song,”以...为结尾“是end with.例句:The word "physics" ends with "s".========================================================== 如果还有问题,欢迎追问.如果满意请采纳为满意答案.

中阳县15549912153: 开始与结束 的英文这么说 -
村厘洲邦: 开始: start或begin结束:end

中阳县15549912153: 结束开始,用英文怎么翻译?是the ending is begining吗?! -
村厘洲邦: 此话何解?end the begining本就不通.如果为:开始即结束,则可译为:The begining is the end.

中阳县15549912153: 英语怎么样翻译句子 为什么有的是从末尾翻 有的是开头.高悬赏... -
村厘洲邦: 英语的语序在一些方面跟中文有一定差别.但只要不影响原意,翻译顺序都无所谓的.具体要结合语境.比如:I went to the zoo yesterday.译为:昨天我去了动物园而不说:我去了动物园昨天 希望可以帮到你!

中阳县15549912153: 开始和结束用英语怎么说 -
村厘洲邦: Beginning and end

中阳县15549912153: 最后 用英语怎么说 -
村厘洲邦: 最后的英语是finally. 读音:英 ['faɪnəlɪ]美 ['faɪnlɪ] 词意:adv. 最后;终于;决定性地 一、短语 1、Love Finally 男得有爱 ; 男患上有爱 2、finally ad 不可更改的 ; 决定性地 ; 最后 ; 终于最后 3、Finally Full 终于圆满 4、finally ended 终...

中阳县15549912153: 英语翻译当翻译遇到标点符号时(无论是,、.)就结束翻译 (,、.)后面的做为另一句开始翻译 并覆盖上一句翻译 即覆盖遇到(、,.)之前的翻译- - 我不... -
村厘洲邦:[答案] When translation encountered punctuation ( whether,when,.) On the end of translation (,.) Back for another sentence translation and covered with a translation that covered encounter (,.Before the translation )

中阳县15549912153: 故事的开始,同时也是故事的结尾 用英语怎么说 -
村厘洲邦: The beginning of the story is also the end of it.

中阳县15549912153: 英语翻译“我的结束,表示着她的开始”和“他的结束,表示着我的开始” -
村厘洲邦: My ending, means her beginning. His ending, means my beginning.

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