
作者&投稿:拓慧 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


tomorrow is parent's day. i am going to tell parents about students' recent performance. XX student is very great. he makes a lot of progress and is NO.1 in this exam. he is hard-working and careful. when he doesn't understand, he always ask questions. he is also a helpful student. he often helps classmates solve problems and teachers actively. but he had better pay attention to the balance between study and rest. TT and BB came from chinese class. they adapt english class quickly. but they need to improve science and history. it they don't understand something, they can ask teachers or students who are good at english. please don't talk in class. i hope all the students can keep good habits and correct your bad habits.
自译 差不多吧,自己再看看。

In broad terms, idioms language refers to a nation accustomed to all the special terminology and expression, can be a word, it can be a phrase, it can be a sentence. English Idioms generally refers to a narrow idioms, refers to the learning of English in a long time used to express the full meaning, structure, shape, or phrase of the fixed phrases. According to Pei汪榕,卢晓娟(1997), English Idioms in general have the following characteristics: 1.1 of conventional long-term, that is saying a long time and have great vitality. Semantic integrity of 1.2 means that we must be saying to understand as a whole. 1.3 fixed structure: the structure of idioms are fixed and can not be used generally in other words --- even if it is a synonym instead. English Idioms are an important component of English part of English and a variety of rhetorical devices民族形式a concentrated expression is in English of certain parts of repeated use over a long period after the deposition of the formation of natural form, simple,寓意深刻, expression distant. English Idioms of the language as a form of special, compact structure, the meaning of a deep, vivid language to express洗练, crisp style. Idioms in English learning and use, in addition to their semantic features should be noted that, grammar features, with features, cultural characteristics, but also noted that its a very important factor: that is the style of English Idioms color .
2 Style and Color Style
Learning style is derived from a traditional study of rhetoric and style and incorporates the results of modern linguistics, an emerging discipline. It has long been in development for many years abroad, while at home but is still a need in the field of comprehensive development. Learning style, also known as "function of rhetoric" is a branch of linguistics. Used it to study the language in various fields of activity, communication environment, when the language variant of the law to be followed to study the resulting different functional characteristics of language style, as well as in the functional style, select the language and organization of means of rule. Body language experts to define stylistic varieties of the same language as the user on different occasions by the typical varieties of the language used in the variant is the use of a number of occasions in different variants of the choice of synonyms. From this we can see that style is built on the basis of synonyms, and its research subjects for the same message between components of synonymous language style difference in color. If a word or frequently used only for a certain style, and style will bring this color, this is the word "color style." English Idioms style with a wide range of language phenomena of color.
3 English Idioms different color style
The vast majority of English Idioms style is neutral and has a large part of informal style. However, due to the expression of its special effects, or it is necessary to explore their use on different occasions, that is, their different color style. Profound meaning of English idioms, and of wealth to the image. So that they in some style in the still very active, often used to profound and vivid expression of the ideological content of the image. Only mastered English Idioms different color style to make them use the same language that we complement each other,相映成趣. For example, "look down upon" and "lookdown one's nose at" all that "contempt", but a different color style, the former belonging to the nuclear part of a total language (common language is a neutral body or body language), can be used in a variety of occasions, emotional stability, neither too strong nor too dim, use a wide range and security; and the latter are slang style, with witty banter of the composition, although it is not serious, anti-Tim means cordial. The scope of its use has certain limitations, can only be used for casual, intimate occasion. Therefore, the output from the language input in accordance with the acceptance, understanding and relevance of language to achieve communicative activities. Specifically, in English idiom usually style the following colors:
3.1 general body, a neutral body idioms
General body, a neutral body of the use of English Idioms, the expression of neither would be too specialized, we will not flow to the vulgar; neither bookish, newspapers full flavor, it would not difficult大雅之堂Gordon. Adaptable not only to those idioms, and to use safe, reliable, thorough and secure. Several examples of these can appear in the daily life of the speaker's conversation, can also appear in a number of written materials. Not only different levels of readers and listeners to understand the real intention of the speaker and the speaker or author's own words do not have to worry who will have offensive, embarrassing situations occurred. This type of idiom is also hoped that foreign language learners often ideal because they can apply what they have learned.


In broad terms, idioms language refers to a nation accustomed to all the special terminology and expression, can be a word, it can be a phrase, it can be a sentence. English Idioms generally refers to a narrow idioms, refers to the learning of English in a long time used to express the full meaning, structure, shape, or phrase of the fixed phrases. According to Pei汪榕,卢晓娟(1997), English Idioms in general have the following characteristics: 1.1 of conventional long-term, that is saying a long time and have great vitality. Semantic integrity of 1.2 means that we must be saying to understand as a whole. 1.3 fixed structure: the structure of idioms are fixed and can not be used generally in other words --- even if it is a synonym instead. English Idioms are an important component of English part of English and a variety of rhetorical devices民族形式a concentrated expression is in English of certain parts of repeated use over a long period after the deposition of the formation of natural form, simple,寓意深刻, expression distant. English Idioms of the language as a form of special, compact structure, the meaning of a deep, vivid language to express洗练, crisp style. Idioms in English learning and use, in addition to their semantic features should be noted that, grammar features, with features, cultural characteristics, but also noted that its a very important factor: that is the style of English Idioms color .
2 Style and Color Style
Learning style is derived from a traditional study of rhetoric and style and incorporates the results of modern linguistics, an emerging discipline. It has long been in development for many years abroad, while at home but is still a need in the field of comprehensive development. Learning style, also known as "function of rhetoric" is a branch of linguistics. Used it to study the language in various fields of activity, communication environment, when the language variant of the law to be followed to study the resulting different functional characteristics of language style, as well as in the functional style, select the language and organization of means of rule. Body language experts to define stylistic varieties of the same language as the user on different occasions by the typical varieties of the language used in the variant is the use of a number of occasions in different variants of the choice of synonyms. From this we can see that style is built on the basis of synonyms, and its research subjects for the same message between components of synonymous language style difference in color. If a word or frequently used only for a certain style, and style will bring this color, this is the word "color style." English Idioms style with a wide range of language phenomena of color.
3 English Idioms different color style
The vast majority of English Idioms style is neutral and has a large part of informal style. However, due to the expression of its special effects, or it is necessary to explore their use on different occasions, that is, their different color style. Profound meaning of English idioms, and of wealth to the image. So that they in some style in the still very active, often used to profound and vivid expression of the ideological content of the image. Only mastered English Idioms different color style to make them use the same language that we complement each other,相映成趣. For example, "look down upon" and "lookdown one's nose at" all that "contempt", but a different color style, the former belonging to the nuclear part of a total language (common language is a neutral body or body language), can be used in a variety of occasions, emotional stability, neither too strong nor too dim, use a wide range and security; and the latter are slang style, with witty banter of the composition, although it is not serious, anti-Tim means cordial. The scope of its use has certain limitations, can only be used for casual, intimate occasion. Therefore, the output from the language input in accordance with the acceptance, understanding and relevance of language to achieve communicative activities. Specifically, in English idiom usually style the following colors:
3.1 general body, a neutral body idioms
General body, a neutral body of the use of English Idioms, the expression of neither would be too specialized, we will not flow to the vulgar; neither bookish, newspapers full flavor, it would not difficult大雅之堂Gordon. Adaptable not only to those idioms, and to use safe, reliable, thorough and secure. Several examples of these can appear in the daily life of the speaker's conversation, can also appear in a number of written materials. Not only different levels of readers and listeners to understand the real intention of the speaker and the speaker or author's own words do not have to worry who will have offensive, embarrassing situations occurred. This type of idiom is also hoped that foreign language learners often ideal because they can apply what they have learned.


空调 the air condition 一富人在一餐厅吃饭,a rich's havin' food at a restaurant.他吃的满头大汗!and so hot that sweat all over.他把那服务员叫来!so he called the waiter here,让他把空调开开 and let him open the air condition 不一会他又觉得特冷,however only for a little ...


My father I have a text Wenruo weak, approachable, black hair, white-haired father temples adulterated Jigen.Dad had been almost 50 years old, it was naughty one.Study at home, the father of the computer installed a lot of games. What is WOW Yeah, zombies were fighting tomatoe...

the existing shek wu says, in Ming dynasty, tang Ming literati ShenZhou, on such land wit reading paint. Now for the protection of cultural relics in suzhou. An introduction of our sites, now is dissolved, several sets. Wish you have a good time. Bye-bye.希望可以帮到你!


他的第一本长篇小说“destruction"是讲述浪漫和革命的故事。“The Family" ,"The Spring" ,和”The Autumn" 是他成名的三部曲。 这三本书在那时 很受中国年轻人的欢迎,持续了一个世纪。巴金的故事关於中国传统家庭。那是在一个古老观念的家庭中的 年轻一代的战斗,爱情和 仇恨的故事 。有些好书...



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