
作者&投稿:宏邱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1 Here are two cards
2 Now I fold this one horizontally 横着折, and this one vertically竖着折
3 Alright, I put both of them together
4 Then I turn them over
5 I push the card inside forward
6 Look! Why doesn't the head match the tail?

牌 cards; playing cards
红桃6 heart 6
spade, heart, diamond, club
A Ace J Jack Q Queen K King


1. This is your change and ticket, your ticket door is on the second floor 21st door, I wish you a pleasant journey, goodbye.
2 tickets are invitations, passengers are family, is our principle of service.
3. Sincerely, attentive, patience, for us is the most basic of narrow personnel, but in work to achieve this three heart, is not easy.
4. Excuse me, where is the ticket, I bought a ticket to Shanghai, at 9:30 bus to the time.
10 you have any difficulty, please send your priorities, we get or exit, welcome again.

1. I was surprised that I can perfect time to get over this three-year junior high school (at least I think so)

2. You are cute, although sometimes a bit crazy, let me

3. I am grateful to you for the past three years and trust my support and help.

1 I'm very surprised that I could perfectly went through the three years of Junior high.(at least i do think so)
2 you guys are so cute in spite of sometimes you've made me a little crazy.
3 thank you for your three-year of supporting and trust and help.

1.I'm so amazed that I could have passed the three-year middle school life perfectly.(at least , I think so )
2.You are so cute ,although you sometimes drive me crazy.
3.Thanks for your supporting,trusting and helping in the past three years.

1. It is amzing that i can go through these 3 years high school life perfectlky. (at least i think it does)
2. you are all adorable, though sometimes drive me crazy
3. thanks for suporting, trusting and helping me out these couple of years.


帮我翻译下这几句话1.little by little,one goes far. 2.Little steps...
1.little by little,one goes far.渐行渐远 或者:一点点,他越走越远。。。2.Little steps add up to big dreams.每一个小小的进步都积累成大大的梦想。或者“积跬步,至千里”。(这个是我根据古话“不积跬步,无以至千里”转译的哦~)3.Every coin has two sides.每一个硬币都有两面 或...

1.我有一个同学叫Kate,她的妈妈是我以前的英语老师。1.I have a classmate called Kate,whose mother was my English teacher before.2.Kate是一个容易相处的人,我们都喜欢她。2.Kate js an easy-going people whom we all love.3.Kate在此次口语竞赛中获得第一,这使得她妈妈很高兴 3.Kate ...

A gift from secret (我要把)心中的礼物(secret 指的是秘密,秘密即为心中所想,故译为心目中)Dedicated to someone very special 奉献给特殊的人(Dedicated to 是奉献的意思)Today is the beginning of my new life 我崭新生活从今天开始 I am starting over today 我将开始奋斗(starting 指...

To you, I am willing to . 为了你我愿意 Because of you I am willing to .因为是你所以我愿意

I love three things in this world. Sun.Moon and you. Sun for morning. Moon for night an d You forever.文言文:浮世万千,吾爱有三。日月与卿。日为朝,月为暮,卿为朝朝暮暮。现代文:这个世界上我最喜欢的东西有三样,太阳,月亮和你。早上喜欢太阳,晚上喜欢月亮,永远喜欢你。

もし分からない问题があったら、先生は根性(こんじょう)よく分かるまで教えてくれる。校长先生は彼女と初対面(しょたいめん)の时に、彼女の话を四时间も真剣(しんけん)に闻いてあげて、欠伸(あくび)一つもしなかったそうです。欠伸(あくび);哈欠 ...

i wanna wearing gorgeous rainbows standing at the stage of dream rejuvenating my life art is my life 肯定对


Such a boring job is a waste of her talent.3. 她在这一领域很有名气,她的许多成就得到了认可。(receive recognition for…)She is very famous in this field, and have received recognition for many of her achievements.4. 我把手表给了他,作为交换,他把照相机给了我。(in exchange...

城口县17598482343: 帮我把几句话翻译成英文1.他在我们6个人里面是最年轻的家伙,我很喜欢和他一起玩.2.如果要对他说"对不起"和"谢谢",我想我说1万遍也不够!3.在他... -
邢贾缩泉:[答案] 1.He in our six persons inside is the youngest guy,I like to play with him. 2.If you want to say to him,"Sorry" and "thank you",I think I said enough times 10,000! 3.They might not need me in their world! They are enjoying their time!

城口县17598482343: 英语翻译麻烦大家帮我把这几句话翻译成英文...请别用工具翻译.人工的最好...【不管今后我们会不会在一起,请将我储存在你记忆档案里,亲爱的猴子】对... -
邢贾缩泉:[答案] 猴子是说话的人还是对方?说话的人:your dearest Monkey ,放在最后;对方:Dear Monkey ,放在最前.其它部分如下: Whether we'll be together or not in the future, please remember the best of me.

城口县17598482343: 麻烦大家帮我把这几句话翻译成英语谢谢!~只要你快乐就是我最大的幸福,全世界你是我的最爱,让我牵着你的手直到永远.我会用一生的时间来爱你.谢谢... -
邢贾缩泉:[答案] Making you happy is my greatest happiness. you're my love among the world. Hold my hand,I'll love you with my all life

城口县17598482343: 英语翻译请帮我把以下几句话翻译成英文-----1.它开走了男人的汽车.2.男人跟着汽车追.3.车开远了,男人追不到.请大家迅速回答,一定要正确的呀!不要乱写! -
邢贾缩泉:[答案] 1. He (or it如果是它不是他的话)drove away the man's car. 2. The man is chasing after the car. 3. The car is far away now, the man can't reach it anymore.

城口县17598482343: 这几句话用英文怎么说帮我翻译下以下三句1.我可以离去 祝福你2.她真的比我好吗3.我假装很快乐 -
邢贾缩泉:[答案] 1、I can leave and best wishes to you . 2.Is she really better than me 3.I just pretend to be happy .

城口县17598482343: 谁能帮我把这几句话翻译成英文的!谢谢!我想我会一直孤单!一辈子都那么孤单!但是,我已经习惯了孤单. -
邢贾缩泉:[答案] I think I would be always lonely!Lonely for all my lifetime!However,I have benn accustomed to it.

城口县17598482343: 英语达人请进,请帮我把这几句话翻译成英语,你知道我爱你所以,请不用担心不管相隔有多遥远这颗心都不会因此改变 -
邢贾缩泉:[答案] you know i love you so,don't worry no matter how far apart i will never change my heart. 翻译完后发现居然最后两句还押韵的呢

城口县17598482343: 英语翻译请大哥大姐们帮我把下面几句话翻成英文1、 把烟吹走 2、那把刀从他手中落下.3、他掉进了湖里.4、我们不应该把今天的工作拖到明天.5、他把车停... -
邢贾缩泉:[答案] 1.Smoke blows away 2.The knife fell from his hands. 3.He fell into the lake. 4.We should not put off today's work until tomorrow 5.He parked inside of the gate

城口县17598482343: 英语翻译帮我把这几句话翻译成英语!:我想向你透露一个秘密,我一直认为你是一个不错的女孩.我挺喜欢你的,能交个朋友吗? -
邢贾缩泉:[答案] I want to tell you a secret.I always think you are a good girl.l like you very much.can we be friends

城口县17598482343: 帮我把这几句话翻译成英语1 射击最初只是生存工具.19世纪末才发展成为一项体育运动2 1896年第一次成为奥运会项目.1904年和1928年中断.1932年重回奥... -
邢贾缩泉:[答案] 1.The fire is only the survival tool at first.19 century's ends only then develop into sports 2.in 1896 first time became the Olympic Games project.in 1904 and in 1928 interrupted.in 1932 re-entered t...

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