
作者&投稿:东贷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



本指南介绍了用于移动您的用户的文件和设置从 Windows XP 操作系统到 Windows 7 或 Windows Vista 的操作系统选项。本指南还介绍了如何用户状态迁移工具 (USMT) 4.0 可用于在多台计算机上加快文件和设置迁移到现有的 Windows XP 计算机安装 Windows 7 或 Windows Vista 时。与服务包 1 操作系统 Windows Vista 允许用户执行就地升级到 Windows 7 测试版使用标准 Windows 7 测试版 DVD 使用已发布的 ISO 文件创建。为与 Windows Vista 的企业客户,Windows 7 企业 DVD 必须用于就地升级。通过插入 DVD 与 Windows 7 测试版,并且执行安装,用户将看到在此屏幕上的升级选项:通过选择升级选项,将保留文件、 设置和程序。在就地升级供消费者使用,并支持从 Windows Vista 服务包 1 或更新的操作系统升级。在就地升级 Windows 7 测试版中的不提供对 Windows XP 和 Windows Vista 发布-生产 (无服务包 1) 操作系统的支持。本指南介绍了您的移动文件和设置从操作系统不支持在就地升级的选项或选项来执行干净安装的 Windows 7 测试版到现有硬件与 Windows XP、 Windows Vista 或 Windows 7 beta 版已经安装,同时保留和迁移的文件和设置,构成该硬件上的用户的配置文件的那些。本指南中的步骤将不迁移程序或应用程序从旧操作系统到 Windows 7 测试版。本文档旨在为 IT 专业人员与有限的部署基础结构或自动化专业知识,主要从零售 Dvd 安装或操作系统文件在 DVD 或 ISO 介质内所载。更多高级的部署和图像的自定义方案,请参阅 Microsoft 部署工具包或操作系统部署功能作为 Microsoft 系统中心配置管理器 2007 年的一部分。注意 • 的完整视图的 Windows 7 的资源、 文章、 演示、 和指导,请访问 Windows 7 的跳板系列为 Windows 客户端技术中心。• Web 版的这份文件,请参阅 Windows XP 的 Windows 7 硬链接用户迁移文件和设置 Windows 7 技术库中。

1 法语:jet\` aime priscilla
2 德语:ich liebe dich priscilla
3 瑞士语:ich li dich
4 希腊语:s\`agapo
5 犹太语:ani ohev otach
6 匈牙利语:szertlek
7 爱尔兰语:taim i\`ngra leat
8 爱沙尼亚语:mina armadtansind
9 芬兰语:min rakastan sinua
10比利时佛兰芒语:ik zie graag
12拉丁语:te amo vos amo
13拉脱维亚语:estevi milu
14荷兰语:ik hou van jou
15丹麦语:jeg elsker dig
16葡萄牙语:eu amo-te
17里斯本语:lingo gramo
18立陶宛语:tave myliu
19马其顿语:te sakam
20阿塞疆语:men seni sevirem
21孟加拉语:ami to may bhalobashi
22波兰语:kocham cie
23罗马尼亚语:te tu be besc
24英语: i love you
27克罗地亚语:volim te
28缅甸语:chit pade
29中国语:wo ai ni
30柬埔寨语:bong salang oun
31菲律宾语:malal kita
32印度尼西亚语:saja kasih savdari
33日本语:kimi o aishiteru
34韩语:sa lang hei
35爪哇语:aku tresno marang sliromu
36老挝语:khoi huk chau
37马来西亚语:saya citamu
38蒙古语:bi chamd hairtai
39尼泊尔语:ma timilai maya
40波斯语:tora dost daram
41北印度语:main tumse pyar karta hoon
42俄罗斯语:ya vas lyublyu
43西班牙语:te amo te quiero
44古吉拉特语:hoon tanepvem karunchuun
45塞尔维亚语:volim to
46瑞典语:jag iskar dig
47土尔其语:seni seviyorum
48乌克兰语:ja vas kokhaju
49越南语:emye\`u em
50冰岛语:eg elska tig
52阿拉伯语:arabicana aheheka
53马达加斯加语:tiak ianao
54阿尔萨斯语:ich hoar dich gear
55亚美尼亚语:yes kezi seeroom
56巴伐利亚语:imog di narrisch
57亚述语:ana bayanookh
58他加禄语:mahal kita
59南非语:ek het joulief
60加纳语:me do wo
61埃塞俄比亚语:ene ewwdechaly
62北非柏尔语:lakb tirikh
63克里奥尔语:mon kon tanou
64豪萨语:ina sonki
65印度阿萨姆语:moi tomak bhal pan
66南亚泰米尔语:tamil n\`an unnaik
67斯洛文尼亚语:ljubim te
68保加利亚语:ahs te obicham
70索切尔克斯语:wise cas
71泰国语:chan rak khun
72乌尔都语:mein tumhay pyar karta hun
74印度泰卢固语:neenu ninnu pra mistu\`nnany
75爱斯基摩语:na gligivaget
77阿尔尼亚语:dna shume
78威尔士语:rwyndy garu di

回答者: kevinguojing - 经理 四级 2009-6-21 12:00


这是Adam Green 的一首歌曲的名字“We're not supposed to be lovers"

picture a place that's far from danger.
a nicer place to cash your chips.
i'm not the one holding you hostage.
squeezed inbetween my lips.

we're not supposed to be lovers.
or friends, like they'd have us believe.
we're not supposed to know eachother.
accept my apology.

i was a babe stuck in a tree branch.
banging on my rusty cradle bars.
until i stole your middle finger.
now who's the one in charge?

we're not supposed to be lovers.
or friends, like they'd have us believe.
we're not supposed to know eachother.
accept my apology.

vain, underground, fist, face down.
bruise as they heal my pain.
food on the flight.
bread, fist, bite.
draw from the orange juice crane.

picture a person you've forgotten.
kissing your brother or your friend.
picture a wounded entertainer.
cutting his hair again.





帮忙翻译几句话 中译英 我翻译了一下,请大家给我修正一下
2、我的工资扣除五项保险一项公积金后是是4800元,工资比去年增长了800元;I deducted from the wages of the five insurance after a fund is the 4800 yuan, wages grew by more than 800 yuan last year;3、我要想去享受一下身边的生活,哪儿怕是看看路边行走的蜗牛,但是如果我连自己的温饱...


额、谁能帮一下忙、帮我翻译一下 トリオ ツアー 是什么意思呐?……拜...
トリオ : 三个一组,三人一组;三重奏,三重唱,三步合奏曲 ツアー :(短途)旅行,游览; 巡回演出。具体不知道你说哪方面的,什么场景下的,所以分别给出这两个词的意思,你自己根据实际情况拼一下吧。


忙中有失 忙中有错反义词 童叟无欺 忙中有错出处 清·文康《儿女英雄传》第40回:“他这一乐,乐得忙中有错,爬起来慌慌张张的也向舅太太磕了个头。” 忙中有错造句:无 忙中有错英语翻译 暂无英语翻译 忙中有错相关查询四字成语abcd的成语偏正式成语描写中间的成语中字的成语忙字的成语...

Various kinds of pollution has had great impacts on people's daily life and health. For example, sound pollution could cause people to become deaf, air pollution would cause irritations in the lung, and soil pollution would cause food to become unhygienic,etc.Now, lots of countries...

帮个忙啊,英语不会的题: 把这些翻译一下:她的名字叫李红。 我么的房间...
t. 4. That is not your bag. Is that your bag? Yes, that is.\/No. that isn't. Those are your bags. 5. I'm not a student. Are you a student? Yes, I am\/No, I'm not. We are students. 这些初一语法已经距我多年,差不多忘完了,你可以找个人一起讨论一下,OK?

辛苦了的英语为:You've had a long day.别人帮了你的忙,除了表示感谢,通常还会说辛苦了,比如。1、Thank you! I really appreciate it.太感谢你了。( 这是基本款,一定会说的)。2、I couldn't have done it without you.没有你,我自己肯定做不了这件事。(在基本款的基础上,再进一步...

Travelling 旅行 Baby, don’t you worry so 宝贝,不要那么担心 This ain’t the time to suffer 这不是受苦的时间 And baby, I’m in a hurry to... 宝贝,我很急切的 We’re just in a hurry 我们只是太急切了 To be happy 为了幸福 We are doing fine 我们做的很好 Since when ...


新县18023341340: 帮忙翻译一下.英语
温旺纳洁: 1 It was very cold yesterday. 2 He read many English books last year. 3 We have lived in this city for ten years. 4 I lent my bicycle to Jack half an hour ago. 5 He felt that this book was very interesting.

新县18023341340: 帮忙翻译一下(用英语)
温旺纳洁: 您好: When life give you a hundred reasons to cry,show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.好了、

新县18023341340: 帮忙翻译一下... -
温旺纳洁: My,dear~I know you are sleeping now and I'm having a class... 亲爱的,我知道你现在正在睡觉,而我呢,正在上课.Today is our day...I wish we can live together forever...I wish you can com...

新县18023341340: 帮忙翻译一下(汉译英)
温旺纳洁: 1. It lies in the north of Jiangsu. The mountains are green and the water is clear. The air is fresh. The pollution is less than that in big cities. 2. There are many wide new roads. It is faster to get to other cities. 3. There are many tall buildings on both ...

新县18023341340: 帮忙翻译一下~
温旺纳洁: 1、He is a good guy who can work with together. 2、He has already in the good habit of reading carefully.(in the habit of...是“养成...习惯”的意思)也可翻成:(1).Reading carefully has become a good habit for him. (2).He has got into the good ...

新县18023341340: 帮忙翻译一下 -
温旺纳洁: I could not but mention a friend, who was laid off from their originally brilliant position, then, sorrowful for their failing to make both ends meet.我忍不著要提一下我的一位好友,他从一个...

新县18023341340: 帮忙翻译一下,谢谢. -
温旺纳洁: 朋友,我任务,望采纳!手工输入,人工翻译,有不对之处敬请指正.The Japanese film box office grand champion "spirited away", is a national treasure animation master Hayao Miy...

新县18023341340: 帮忙翻译一下 急急!! -
温旺纳洁: Transliteration method Transliteration method used in the home or elsewhere has become a brand name, with some well-known commodity, not only because who would not conflict with...

新县18023341340: 帮忙翻译一下下~~~~ -
温旺纳洁: 原话少了一个on,ory应该是cry:If you need a shoulder to cry on, you can always count on.假如你需要肩膀让你靠着它来哭诉,我是你永远的依靠.——————据说很多男人肩周炎、肩部风湿之类...

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