
作者&投稿:纳肩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



春节 i 现在知道如春天节日因为它从春天的开始开始。虽然有关于它的起源的一些叙述(起源),全部同意字 Nian, 在现代的华语意谓 " 年 ", 畜牲的名字本来是(野兽)开始新年的开始之前的夜晚吃人。
tory 去畜牲 Nian 有了会在次接受很多的人的一张非常大的嘴。人们非常害怕。天,一个老男人浮现在他们的内心帮忙了和帮助他会高耸所有的这。对 Nian ,他说。"我听到你非常强壮,但是你能在地球上吃光所有的畜牲而非太弱而无法是你的敌人 (敌人) 的人吗 ?""是的 ," Nian 同意他而且去了在地球上杀许多打。因为那些畜牲也时常做了对人的坏事物而且杀了家畜,所以人们非常快乐。
在那,老男人,是一个神之后,搭乘畜牲 Nian 和左边。Nian 不见了,和其他的畜牲也进入了森林;人开始拥有他们的快乐生活。在老男人之前离开了,他已经说人搭起红色的纸-在每年的结束的他们的窗户和门上减少开车 Nian 之远,因为红色是那一只畜牲感觉 mot 害怕的彩色。
从然后在,之上每年在春天的开始,人 " Guo Nian".” Guo Nian ”那个字方法 " 安全地去过 Nian" 。搭起红色的纸-减少开车 Nian 之远而且制造面团布丁对于比较好的年仍然是一每一-年做藉着中国 people.However(然而),人今天已经久忘记为什么他们正在做全部这,他们突出感觉颜色和食物使新年非常可享受了。
金山快译 翻译的

The vacation is coming soon, and everybody are getting ready for the final exams. However, it doesn't stop the students planning their two-months vacations. Now, let's check it out how these four students plan for their own vacations!
T: Y, today is a good day!
Y: Yes, and that would be wonderful if everyday is like that.
H: Ha
T&Y: Ouch! How scary!
H: Ha-Ha. What are you guys dicussing?
Y: We just talked about the good weather of today.
H: Er, Yes. Hey, buddies, chatting is fun. What you guys goning to do in the vacation?
T: Hey, you looks so exciting. Are you going to tell us something good?
H: Yes, and you are right. I have been looking for part time jobs. However, my sister just told me that she has helped me to find a good job just now.
Y: Really? Congratulations! But what are you going to do?
H: I am going to be a sales promotion person in a huge shopping mall.
T: Sales promotion person? That's not bad, and you need to cheer up. Y, what about you?
Y: Compared to mine, your job is pretty easier. I am going to be a server in a restaurant. And as you know that is a hard work. Moreover, I even have to take the English Band 3 exam!
T&H: Me too. We are so worried that we can't pass the exam.
N: What? What do you worry about?
T: None of your business!
N: Of course, I have registered for the English Band 3 exam too.
H: Yes, I know that. But you guys are luckier than me that you only need to take the written examination.
T: So lucky. But we need to be confident to ourselves. Right, Y?
Y: I'm not sure. Who knows? T, we have shown our plans. What about you?
T:Oh, yes. One of my brother has something to do in the cellphones, and I will be there probably.
H: That's not bad! You can stay with all kinds of cellphones!
T: But I feel so nervous too. It's far from my neighbourhood. Yo, N, don't keep silent! What is your viewpoint?
N: I'm not silent, and I just wait for the time for me to talk!
Y: Yeah? It seems that you are quite self-aware!
N: Ha-Ha. I'm not sure either. But it is clear that I am not planning to go back home in this summer vacation.
Y: Why? What happen?
N: Nothing special, and everything goes well. I want to stay in Jinan and put all my efforts on my English Band 3 exam!
Y: There are still three months for you to get preparations.
H: Yes. But I feel I just don't have too much time.
T: So that's why we should work harder! Buddies, cheer up! We are in to success!
N: I hope so. Oh, Do you know that there is an English class around Jiahua and it is free for us to audition.
Y: Really?
N: Yes. And I was told that some foreign teacher would come. It sounds good. Will you guys go with me to see what happen?
T&H&Y: You?
N: Yes. What's wrong?
H: Never mind.
Y: I think that is a good chance. With the foreign teachers, we even can practice our oral English skills.
H: I agree with you. Y, I will join you. N, is it at the weekend morning?
N: Yes. It starts from nine and ends at 11 in the moring at the weekend. That is a three-hour-course.
T: Hey, why everybody is going suddenly?
H&Y: Yes.
Y: H, let's meet in front of the gate at 8:00am at the weekend. Does it fit you?
H: Great, and I am thinking of it either. So T, are you going to join us?
T: Actually, I am willing to be there. But I have a date on that day. You guys just go there and tell me what is going on.
N: Ok, have a good weekend.
H: Oh god, it's going to be late for the classes. Let's run!
Y: Hey yo, wait for me...

T: Y, today's weather!
Y: yes ah, ah, if every day, so nice!
H: Ha,
T & Y: Oh, scared to death.
H: Ha-Ha, you talk about?
Y: we talk about the good weather today.
H: Er, yes. Hey, friends, chat, fun, how are you going this holiday?
T: Well, you do seem pretty happy, it seems Oh what a good thing?
H: Yes, you guess it right. I want to find work in the summer, part-time, in just, my sister told me that she help me find a job, however.
Y: Really? Congratulations! What is?
H: in a big department stores, do促销员.
T: so促销员? Really good, you have to refuel pyronaridine. Y, you, what is your intention?
Y: I am relatively more tired, I look for in a restaurant a waiter's job, you know, very tired, but I would also like to take part in this year's English test 3 ah!
T & H: We are. Have not really worry about.
N: What? Worried about?
T: What have you ah!
N: Of course, I also registered for the three English examination it!
H: Yes, I know, but we were fortunate than you, only a written test.
T: really lucky, but we have confidence in itself, is not it, Y?
Y: I'm not sure. Who knows? T, we intend to say that their own, and you?
T: Oh, my brother there in the mobile phone market, I may be past help.
H: Yes it! Can watch a wide range of mobile phones every day.
T: is also very tense, not very far from my home. N, not so silent ah! You can also talk about.
N: not my silence, I have to say I have to wait until there were ah!
Y: Ye? There are quite aware of this self-evident!
N: Ha-Ha, I'm not sure, but one thing is that this summer I do not intend to return to the home.
Y: why, what it?
N: No, all is well, I want to stay in Jinan, for three of the sprint final.
Y: There are about 3 months time to prepare.
H: yes ah, how do I feel such a short period.
T: Efforts should be made so, ah, my friends, cheer for it! We can.
N: I hope that you, oh, you know, a couple of days ago I saw a side of the Ka Wah training, extra-curricular English class, you can listen for free.
Y: Really?
N: Yes, I heard there will be teachers want to come, I feel good, you should go see?
T & H & Y: and you?
N: Well, how can it?
H: ah, no how, no how.
Y: I think it is a good opportunity to have a teacher, you can contact their own spoken language.
H: I agree, Y, join us now. N, on a weekend morning, you?
N: Yes, this weekend 9:00 until 11:00 the end, three-hour course does.
T: Ye? How all of a sudden have to go on?
H & Y: Yes.
Y: H, we 8:30 am on weekends, the school see the door, how?
H: well, I thought, T, you want to come?
T: Actually, I would also like to, but about a day. You go, after listening to me talk about how to talk about.
N: Well, there must be a happy weekend Oh.
H: the end, being late to school soon, and we run it.
Y: and so I ... ...

T: Y, today's weather!
Y: yes ah, ah, if every day, so nice!
H: Ha,
T & Y: Oh, scared to death.
H: Ha-Ha, you talk about?
Y: we talk about the good weather today.
H: Er, yes. Hey, friends, chat, fun, how are you going this holiday?
T: Well, you do seem pretty happy, it seems Oh what a good thing?
H: Yes, you guess it right. I want to find work in the summer, part-time, in just, my sister told me that she help me find a job, however.
Y: Really? Congratulations! What is?
H: in a big department stores, do Promotion.
T: so Promotion? Really good, you have to refuel pyronaridine. Y, you, what is your intention?
Y: I am relatively more tired, I look for in a restaurant a waiter's job, you know, very tired, but I would also like to take part in this year's English test 3 ah!
T & H: We are. Have not really worry about.
N: What? Worried about?
T: What have you ah!
N: Of course, I also registered for the three English examination it!
H: Yes, I know, but we were fortunate than you, only a written test.
T: really lucky, but we have confidence in itself, is not it, Y?
Y: I'm not sure. Who knows? T, we intend to say that their own, and you?
T: Oh, my brother there in the mobile phone market, I may be past help.
H: Yes it! Can watch a wide range of mobile phones every day.
T: is also very tense, not very far from my home. N, not so silent ah! You can also talk about.
N: not my silence, I have to say I have to wait until there were ah!
Y: Ye? There are quite aware of this self-evident!
N: Ha-Ha, I'm not sure, but one thing is that this summer I do not intend to return to the home.
Y: why, what it?
N: No, all is well, I want to stay in Jinan, for three of the sprint final.
Y: There are about 3 months time to prepare.
H: yes ah, how do I feel such a short period.
T: Efforts should be made so, ah, my friends, cheer for it! We can.
N: I hope that you, oh, you know, a couple of days ago I saw a side of the Ka Wah training, extra-curricular English class, you can listen for free.
Y: Really?
N: Yes, I heard there will be teachers want to come, I feel good, you should go see?
T & H & Y: and you?
N: Well, how can it?
H: ah, no how, no how.
Y: I think it is a good opportunity to have a teacher, you can contact their own spoken language.
H: I agree, Y, join us now. N, on a weekend morning, you?
N: Yes, this weekend 9:00 until 11:00 the end, three-hour course does.
T: Ye? How all of a sudden have to go on?
H & Y: Yes.
Y: H, we 8:30 am on weekends, the school see the door, how?
H: well, I thought, T, you want to come?
T: Actually, I would also like to, but about a day. You go, after listening to me talk about how to talk about.
N: Well, there must be a happy weekend Oh.
H: the end, being late to school soon, and we run it.
Y: and so I ... ...

下面写的都不错 怎么不采纳答案那




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Insufficient packing 给加点分帮你翻译完^_^

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ill-protected 未受保护的 ill temper [简明英汉词典]n.坏脾气, 火爆性子 ill-fated [简明英汉词典]adj.走恶运的, 注定要遭受罚的 ill-use [简明英汉词典]vt.虐待, 凌辱 n.虐待, 凌辱 ill bred [简明英汉词典]没有[有]教养 ill nature [简明英汉词典]n.性情乖僻,恶毒坏脾气,心地不良,恶意 ...


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日语翻译 急!!!

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台弯新体: vacation's resolution(假期计划)New Year's resolution(新年计划)

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台弯新体: 1.露西是哪一年出生的? In what year was Lucy born?2.我们每年举行一次合唱比赛.We have a chorus contest every year.中间第四个3.你们学校举行哪些比赛?What contests are held in your...

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克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州18098324705: 英语翻译(急) -
台弯新体: 1.火什么时候被扑灭的?(put out) When was the fire put out?2.他们既卖报也卖书.(as well as) The sell newspapers as well as books.3.明天他爸爸动身去上海出差.(on business) His dad go on business to Shanghai tomorrow.4.暑假期间我们想去云南旅游.(fell like) We fell like to visit Yunan during this summer holiday.

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台弯新体: 不好意思,V2324G 我目前只有300PCS 订单,如果后面还有订单我会第一时间发给你.英语翻译:"I am sorry.With reference to V2324G, now I only have orders for 300 pieces (或300PCS).If I receive more orders later, I shall forward to you at first instance.""at first instance" = 第一时间"forward/send/deliver" = 发

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