
作者&投稿:叱干独 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

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人总是在为自己找各种各样的理由和说辞 若有目标 就要付诸实际行动 勿要做思想的巨人 行动的侏儒


How are you? I will graduate from primary school soon. I want to go to no.1 middle school. but my english and maths are not very good.
You make me so hard that you want me to reply in english. in fact, I’m not good at english. This time the letter I replied you was translated by my classmate. Our english teacher is good. My classmates’ enlish is well. But I can’t improve my english. As you are an english teacher, and my mother told me that you can teacher very well in changsha.each of your students is good. Please give my some suggestion.
I will go to middle school soon, but my english is not very good. I am afraid that my english will be bad in the middle school. But I have a good idea , after summer vacation ,you can teach me english and math .
By the way, is your wife fine? If you will come back , bring me some english math chinese books.
OK, I have a lot of homework to do.

Dear Cousins:
How have you been? I graduated from elementary school, I was given the quote a volunteer, but my English and math scores were not ideal.
You can really touch me, you will write letters, why I give you reply to write in English? To tell the truth, I for English, this is all I to your letter, we are classmates give I translated, our English teacher is very good, my classmate English very well, but my English is always mention. You are listening to my English teacher, and mom says you teach the class in changsha, English well is highest. Give your cousin, I advise.
I read fast junior high school, English is not ideal, I fear the junior middle school English, but I can think of a way: the summer, after you come back, or pick me up to changsha. So you can teach me English and maths. But I like English, math scores can still improve.
On the BiaoSao in changsha, good ah! If you want to come back, help me to buy some English, number, the material back.
Well, they said here! Have a lot of homework is waiting for me!
Workwell! Cousin:He Qingwen
14 June 2009

Dear Cousins:
How have you been? I graduated from elementary school, I was given the quote a volunteer, but my English and math scores were not ideal.
You can really touch me, you will write letters, why I give you reply to write in English? To tell the truth, I for English, this is all I to your letter, we are classmates give I translated, our English teacher is very good, my classmate English very well, but my English is always mention. You are listening to my English teacher, and mom says you teach the class in changsha, English well is highest. Give your cousin, I advise.
I read fast junior high school, English is not ideal, I fear the junior middle school English, but I can think of a way: the summer, after you come back, or pick me up to changsha. So you can teach me English and maths. But I like English, math scores can still improve.
On the BiaoSao in changsha, good ah! If you want to come back, help me to buy some English, number, the material back.
Well, they said here! Have a lot of homework is waiting for me!
Health! Work well! Article 49 HeQing cousin: 14 June 2009

Dear Cousin:
How are you of your last? I soon graduated primary school, I reported at the time of a volunteer in, but my English and mathematics results are not very satisfactory.
You really can not make me write to you to write, why should I give you this letter written in English? To tell the truth, I似懂非懂English is the reply I will give you all of the students in our class to me translated into English, and our very good English teacher, my students performed well in English, but I English results are not up to the total. You are just English teachers,又听I taught in Changsha妈说you that a good performance in English classes, all are top Health. I'll make a suggestion do you cousin.
I'm a junior high school reading, English unsatisfactory results, I fear that behind the junior high school English, but I think a good way: after the summer holidays, you come back, or then I went to Changsha. So you can teach me English and mathematics you. This results in addition to my English, mathematics achievement can improve it.
Yes, better in Changsha表嫂good! If you want to come back, then help me to buy some English and Mathematics, the data words to come back Oh.
Well, said here on it! There are a lot of work waiting for me!
I wish:
Good health! Work! Cousin: He Qing-wen Sincerely June 14, 2009


Dear Cousin:


     How are you of your last? I soon graduated primary school, I reported at the time of a volunteer in, but my English and mathematics results are not very satisfactory.

     You really can not make me write to you to write, why should I give you this letter written in English? To tell the truth, I似懂非懂English is the reply I will give you all of the students in our class to me translated into English, and our very good English teacher, my students performed well in English, but I English results are not up to the total. You are just English teachers,又听I taught in Changsha妈说you that a good performance in English classes, all are top Health. Do me make a suggestion.

      I'm a junior high school reading, English unsatisfactory results, I fear that behind the junior high school English, but I think a good way: after the summer holidays, you come back, or then I went to Changsha. So you can teach me English and mathematics you. This results in addition to my English, mathematics achievement can improve it.

     Yes, better in Changsha表嫂good! If you want to come back, then help me to buy some English and Mathematics, the data words to come back Oh.

     Well, said here on it! There are a lot of work waiting for me!

     I wish:

Good health! Work! Cousin: He Qing-wen Sincerely June 14, 2009

孙权劝学的全文翻译 孙权劝学文言文翻译及原文

《三峡》郦道元 自三峡七百里中,两岸连山,略无阙处;重岩叠嶂,隐天蔽日,自非亭午夜分,不见曦月。至于夏水襄陵,沿溯阻绝。或王命急宣,有时朝发白帝,暮到江陵,其间千二百里,虽乘奔御风,不以疾也。春冬之时,则素湍绿潭,回清倒影。绝巘多生怪柏,悬泉瀑布,飞漱其间,清荣峻茂,良...


一、《冻儿》全文翻译 艾子有个孙子,十岁左右,顽皮恶劣不爱学习,每次杖打他但不改变。艾子的儿子只有这个孩子,常常怕自己儿子不能承受棒打而被艾子打死,每次都哭着请求艾子饶恕。艾子说:“我这是因为你教子无方才这样啊!”(然而艾子)敲打孙子更厉害。他的儿子也没有办法。一天早晨,大雪飘落...

1. 有一款可以把白话文翻译成文言文的手机软件叫什么 有一款可以把白话文翻译成文言文的手机软件叫百度翻译。百度翻译是百度发布的在线翻译服务,依托互联网数据资源和自然语言处理技术优势,致力于帮助用户跨越语言鸿沟,方便快捷地获取信息和服务。百度翻译支持全球28种热门语言互译,包括中文(简体)、...


【文言文的翻译要求】 一、文言文翻译的要求 翻译文言文要做到“信、达、雅”三个字。“信”是指译文要准确无误,就是要使译文忠于原文,如实地、恰当地运用现代汉语把原文翻译出来。“达”是指译文要通顺畅达,就是要使译文符合现代汉语的语法及用语习惯,字通句顺,没有语病。“雅”就是指译文要优美自然,就是...

2. 哪个软件翻译文言文比较好 文言文翻译软件:1.Dr.eye译典通 2.IBM翻译家2000 3.东方快车3000专业版 4.金山快译2002专业版 5.雅信CAT2.5专业版 比较好用的翻译工具:一:Dr.eye译典通 产品特点:1、基于翻译记忆的原理,是目前世界上最好的专业翻译软件,已经成为专业翻译领域的标准。2、支持...


1. 两句文言文翻译 1、家中窥见(这种情形)的人,都诧异惊愕,不能猜测我的意图在哪里。 2、于是想到我对书(的痴迷),确实与刘伶对酒(的痴迷)没什么区别,正当心刚刚发誓却又随即违背。 译文: 在堂屋左边打扫出一间屋子作书斋。窗明壁白,很是淡泊。摆了二个几案,一个摆上笔墨,一个摆上香炉、茶碗之类的东西。

阿勒泰市18656824860: 英语翻译英文翻译 -
涂空伊立:[答案] Wish you will be happy forever and ever,my girl(love). 分给我,多经典的翻译啊

阿勒泰市18656824860: 英语翻译用英语怎么说? -
涂空伊立: 人: English translator(书面翻译) English interpreter (口译)普通的说英语翻译就是 English translation

阿勒泰市18656824860: 英文翻译成中文 -
涂空伊立: 翻译成中文的英语翻译是:Translate into Chinese,见下图百度翻译

阿勒泰市18656824860: 英文的翻译
涂空伊立: English is becoming more and more widely.So we must attach importance to it to learn it well

阿勒泰市18656824860: 英语翻译英语翻译
涂空伊立: People saw ten thousand smiling faces from all over the world at the opening ceremony of 2008 Olympics,because kis's smile is regarded as a symbol of the bright future of the world.

阿勒泰市18656824860: 你来自哪里翻译成英语 -
涂空伊立:[答案] 你来自哪里,两种常用说法 where are you from where do you come from.两句属于同义句,可互换. 也就是说come from = be from 意思是来自………… 相应的回答你可以说1.I am from China.我来自中国.2.I come from China.我来自中国. 希望能够帮到...

阿勒泰市18656824860: 这个用英语怎么说 的英语翻译 -
涂空伊立: 这个用英语怎么说? what's this in English? 求个采纳哦!么么哒

阿勒泰市18656824860: 请问英语翻译的英文怎么写? -
涂空伊立: english translator 英语翻译translate this to english 翻译成英语要看你怎么用咯

阿勒泰市18656824860: 英语数字翻译:25亿翻译成英语应该是2.5 billion 还是 2500 million,哪个对,为什么? -
涂空伊立:[答案] 我的英文口译数字的小技巧 数字的翻译一直是口译中的难点.这是因为中英文数字的表达,在5个digit(数位)以上就不对应了,简单的一个例子:1万,英文的表达是10 thousand.因此数字的表达,特别是中英文之间的翻译转换,一定要靠记笔记,并...

阿勒泰市18656824860: 英文翻译之一 -
涂空伊立: God's justice 或God's righteousness The foolish persons want to use cunning to cover shame,but it's impossible!

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