
作者&投稿:紫罡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

What's wrong with you today?
What's the matter to you today?
还可以说 How about you today?等等。

Information technology in the accounting work in an overall application, has triggered a wave of accounting. accounting information to the accounting changes to the development of the major trends and promoting social and economic development and transformation. as an important force in the informatization process of development of enterprises, accounting information to the deeper levels has improved rapidly in our country's industrialization efforts to provide a good information security and management measures to vigorously promote a healthy and orderly economic development.The details of what is the accounting information and his deep meaning, focusing on explaining the accounting and accounting information for an important effect. first of all the information and accounting implications for the second characteristic ; information to the development process, and then analyze the fault of the traditional accounting ; last discussed accounting information for accounting and their impact on their views.
[Keywords] : accounting information technology enterprises, Business accounting
,accounting information for its influence

Mainly starting from the current application status of fair value this article studies the choice of accounting policy so as to provide stakeholders with useful information for the decision making, on the other hand, rich and develop the relevant theory of fair value and accounting policy choice, and provide empirical evidence for the practical accounting policy choice.
The paper chooses 712 samples from the listed companies which are in accordance with the requirements and are normally operated from 2007 to 2008, and adopts a method combining empirical study with standard to explore the factors that may impact enterprises to choose fair value measurement model, so as to reveal the current status and economic consequences. Of which some factors such as the industries, geographic positions, and control structure of the enterprises that adopt fair value are carried out descriptive statistics. The results show that the difference of these factors will affect an enterprise’s choice of fair value. The regressive analysis result of this article which aims at the fair value choice affecting enterprise’s profit is not in accordance with our expected assumption, this may attribute that the purpose of enterprise’s choice of fair value is not to adjust the profit. In addition owing to the limitation of objective conditions the this subject perhaps needs to be further studied.

This article mainly proceeds from current application situations of just and sound value, choose to carry on research to the accounting policy, on one hand, can offer the useful information of decision to persons who are correlated with of the interests, on the other hand, can enrich and develop just and sound value and accounting policy and choose relevant theories, and choose to be offered the accounting policy in the practice through testing the evidence.

This article is from choosing 712 samples of studying which accord with the terms in the A-share listed company of normal running from 2007 to 2008, adopt the way of combining together in real example and norm, to influencing enterprises to choose just and sound value to measure the factor of the mode to carry on the discussion, in order to announce enterprises adopt just and sound value to measure the current situations and economic consequences of the mode. Among them has carried on describing statistics in adopting the factor of the trades of the enterprises of just and sound value, geographical position, controlling the structure etc., its result indicates, the difference of these factorses will influence the choice to just and sound value of enterprises. This article choose, influence enterprise return analysis results of profit accord with our nticipated assumption to just and sound value, this may be because enterprises are not with the purpose of adjusting profits while choosing just and sound value. In addition, are limited by objective condition, may need further studying in this subject.

In this paper, the application of fair value from the status quo, the choice of accounting policies on research, on the one hand, stakeholders can provide useful information to decision-making, on the other hand, can enrich and develop the fair value and accounting policy choice theory, and accounting practice to provide empirical evidence of policy options. In this paper, from 2007 to 2008 the normal operation of the A-share listed companies in line with the conditions selected for study on 712 samples, using a combination of empirical and normative approach, which may affect the businesses to choose fair value model to explore factors, to reveal the use of fair value business models and economic consequences of the status quo. Which adopted the fair value of the business sector, geographic location, factors such as control structures for the descriptive statistics, the results show that the differences in these factors will affect the business-to-fair value option. The choice of text on the fair value impact of corporate profits, the results of the regression analysis did not meet our expectations hypothesis, this may be due to fair value in the selection of enterprises is not the time to adjust for the purpose of profit. In addition, due to objective conditions, the subject may also need further study.

This paper mainly from the present situation of the application of the fair value of the choice of accounting policy research, on the one hand, to provide decision-making for the stakeholders useful information, on the other hand, can enrich and develop fair value and the choice of accounting policies related to the practice and theory, the choice of accounting policies provide empirical evidence.
From 2007 to 2008 the normal operation of the a-share listed companies from eligible 712 research samples, and USES empirical and regulating the method of combining the enterprise may affect the fair and equitable value measurement model, this paper probes into the factors to reveal the fair and equitable value measurement model status and economic consequences. One of the fair value of the enterprise by the industry, geographic location and control structure factors are descriptive statistics, the results showed that the differences of these factors will affect the choice of the fair value of the enterprise. And this effect of fair value choice of enterprise profit results did not accord with regression analysis, we expect the assumptions, this may be due to the enterprise in the fair value choice when adjusted for the purpose is not profit. In addition, due to the objective conditions, this issue may need further research.

翻译.英语高手进来(不要机译 不要机译 不要机译)
in our class call you handsome boy?16.我在九年级八班.你可以去找我^^ i am in class8 grade9.17.我们来一张合照吧.\\ let's take a photo together!18.你会弹吉他吗?can you play the guitar?场合不同 有些说法太正式 会有一点怪 但是根据楼主提供的 小弟无能 只能这样翻译了 ...


之后,其他田径赛时加入进来。16年后的公元前708年,五项运动被列入比赛项目,摔跤也是这个项目的一部分。This Pentathlon was a five-event match, which consisted of running, wrestling, leaping, throwing the discus and hurling the javelin.五项运动是一个由5个赛事组成的项目,包括跑步,摔跤,...

高手进来帮我说明文言文“极乐寺纪游” 高分~

1.关于租房子的事情,请告诉我你能接受房租的价格范围是多少?对房子有什么样的要求?尤其对房子里的设施有什么要求?因为条件越好的房子租金就价格就越高,房子是否一定要离酒店很近?我会根据你的要求来找适合你的房子!Things about renting a house,please tell me your receptible price range for...

Good morning, class. The topic we will act is “xx”. Friends, here we go.[At a sunny weekend, Miss C saw a pet shop run by her friend. She loves cute animals very much, so she walks into the pet shop.]A: Good morning, Miss C. Can I help you?C: No, I’d ...


翻译一段话 有高手的进来!
我服了你了,你不说翻译什么的.下面是英语的:The customer hits requests repairs the telephone to take the center perhaps the service manager to the guest, afterwards attends a banquet\/services the manager to send the labor through the telephone.During creates sends the labor information, ...

求高手进来翻译下 我写的一篇关于steve nash的短文,要求语言翻的尽量显...
这也就是为什么他已经37岁了,却依然宝刀不老的原因。This is why he has 37 years old, but still BaoDaoBuLao reasons.(这里的宝刀不老 请高手看着翻译吧,语言地道一些就行~)他也很considerate,他的传球能力极其强,他能帮助身边的队友打的更好,我想这是他最伟大的一点。(BaoDaoBuLao here...

“来吧,不要再哭了。你哭起来的样子很丑。”这个女人不但没有停止哭泣,反而哭的更厉害了。这个年轻人不知道他应该怎么做。突然他注意到他手里的香蕉,想出了一个好主意。他又一次对女人说:“如果你停止哭泣,我将给你的小家伙一些香蕉吃。”是我自己翻译的,不是在线翻译。大致是这样 ...

老城区19455909605: 英语翻译一些句子、高手进、在线等1.walk on the sunshine 2.Are we bothering you ? 3.pass down through the family4.She was looped on the liquor 5.be aware... -
边宁纳德:[答案] 1.阳光下漫步 2.我们是不是打搅你了? 3.家族传承下去(事件/物件/说话等) 4.她喝得(酒)酩酊大醉 5.小心 6.这是他尝试去适应……(后面应该有接句,关於一些事件事情等) 7.情绪化,喜怒无常 8.撤回,撤离,退出 9.argumentative,好争论的,...

老城区19455909605: 英语翻译高手请进!翻译句子!(急!!我在线等!!) -
边宁纳德: 1、If time permits, we will go swimming. 2、She likes eating sweets before sleep so much, that she is putting on weight 3、Mr. Lu xun make a contribution to Chinese modern literature . 4、The chemical factory lies in the suburb of the city. 5、...

老城区19455909605: 英语翻译!高手进!在线等! -
边宁纳德: He found it very difficult to accustom himself to getting up early.

老城区19455909605: 英文高手请进!帮忙翻译两个句子,很急!快快!在线等! -
边宁纳德: 第一句:go forward step by step 第二句:as before 第三句:the last light of sunshine

老城区19455909605: 英文高手进来 帮我翻译下 在线等答案 -
边宁纳德: sq827貌似是新加坡航空公司上海-新加坡SQ827航班

老城区19455909605: 英语翻译,高手请进!在线等
边宁纳德: 你好,可翻译为:You have been the most beautiful scenery in my life.满意速速采纳,谢谢合作!

老城区19455909605: 请英语高手进来帮我翻译一段话,在线等~ -
边宁纳德: maybe,this's just a dream(主谓宾形式,一般现在时) now I've been waken up from it(现在完成时,表动作的完成) I know,I have to go(用have to比must好,意思是不得不,客观条件所迫) U will not in my future 一般将来时 or ...I won't have a thing so called future without u.(so called future...作后置定语修饰a thing,without u是介词短语)

老城区19455909605: 英文翻译(英文翻译高手请进来,急!!) -
边宁纳德: Building intelligent electronic products (cable TV equipments, hotel bedside control equipment, and building automation equipment) design and development; building intelligent engineering contractor.

老城区19455909605: 英文高手快进来帮我翻译,在线等!! -
边宁纳德: 1、responsible for answering hotline and redirecting the calls,do well in asking calls,important matter must be clearly noted and give to person-in-charge with no leave out and delaying .2、responsible for receping visiters,basically answering and ...

老城区19455909605: 一篇英语短文的翻译---高手进---在线等It was the night of the full moon, a time which always drive Java's young people mad with excitement.Fireworks were lit ... -
边宁纳德:[答案] 月亮出现在地平线上:大大的,银色的圆盘高高地悬挂在城市上空,大街上挤满了人,这时候Java开始享受这个一年中最重大的事件:“满月的夜晚”,一个在年轻人中特别流行的节日.

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