
作者&投稿:从琼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)






高(第十- 12年级的申请人高中成绩单)



我是这么翻译的,希望对你有所帮助! 虽然我觉得我翻译的有点怪………………

Suppose that you were an ads company, what style you would put your sports car advertisement in?
We think we should make those advertisements in magzines, online vedio, and huge pictures in busy areas.
In magzine because people who could purchase sports car like to read magines.
Online vedio, there are 700 million net citizens, and the ads are very extensive.
Huge pictures in busy areas, the pictures are very striking, and can call people's attention which will get the effecttion.

A: Exams are coming up in a few weeks, how's your study going?
B: Meh, so-so I guess.
A: At least there's the holidays after the exams, then we'd be free! Got anything planned?
B: Mmm...computer games, sports, and a bit of reading, perhaps?
A: Sports? What sports do you play?
B: I like playing basketball, swimming, jogging and stuff, though computer games are more of my thing.
A: I prefer games to sports too. In fact, I hardly play any sports at all...
B: Which is why you're less fit than me. I still play sports often to exercise my body, besides exercising my brain with the games haha. And you make new friends from playing sports!
A: True that. Hmm, I guess I'll play some sports this holiday, how does basketball with a few friends sound?
B: Awesome. Remember to call me when the game's on!

A: After few weeks we are going to have exam, how about your review?
B:You know, just ok
A: We will have holiday then. Free again what’s your plan?
B: En I think maybe PC games and sports could be my choice, also read some books could in my plan to
A: What kind of sports do you like?
B: I like basketball and swimming also running however I still think PC game is my favorite
A: Yea I like PC game too but I hate sports
B: That’s why you are not as strong as me. I always do sports. PC game good for brain, but sports good for your body.
A: We always find winner and loser in games but for sports we can’t, can we?
B: We also find winner and loser in match too and I think via sports we can have good health and also maybe can make some friends
A: I can’t agree you more. Ok I make a decision I am going to do more exercise this summer, like ask some friends out to play baskedball
B: Yes remember call me then

A: In a few weeks of the examination should be. How do you review it?

B: So you.

A: test will be finished by the summer holidays. We have free ~ you going to do this summer?

B: ah ... ... play games, doing sports. Occasionally look at the book.

A: What is your favorite sport?

B: I like playing basketball, swimming, and jogging. But I still prefer to play games ... ...

A: Oh! Yes, I also love to play computer games, but hate sports.

B: So your body strong enough, I ah ... ... I often exercise. I think that mental exercise can play games and do physical exercise.

A: have a winning or losing games, sports are not, is not it?

B: there are winning or losing sports competitions ah! And I can feel that through the physical movement, but also make friends deep friendship.

A: I agree with your point of view! I decided this summer to do more exercise, such as playing around with some friends.

B: YES! Come on! Remember me ah together.

A:The exams are due in a few weeks. How are you doing(about it)?

B:It's OK. (I think~)

A: Well, anyway, the summer vacation is coming right after the exams.
Then we'll be all free~ What are you up to?

B: Mmmm... not much, playing with the play stations, doing some sports, I guess. And maybe reading some books as well sometimes.

A: Which kind of sports do you like?

B: (I like 或者直接开始列举) playing basketball, swimming, and running. But I certainly like playing games the most...

A: Oh, yeah~ I like the computer games as well, and hate doing sports!

B: Right, that's why you are not strong as me, (hahahaha...) I'm doing sports quite often. I think that playing games is a good practice for the brain, but doing sports can exercise the body.

A: (Maybe.)(或者 Maybe you are right.) But you can always know whether you have won or lost for the computer games. And you'll never know about the sports, right?

B: Well, actually, you have that too in a sports competition. Besides, I think that the sports is not only exercise the body, but also help you make friends.

A: All right, I'm with you!(或者 I agree with you. 前者更随意些) OK!I've (already) decided to doing some sports during this summer, for example, playing basketball with some of my friends.

B: Great! (或者 That's great!) I'm in! Just remember to call me (whenever you'll play).

A:It will have an exam after a few weeks,have you review it?
B:just so so.
A:we will have summer time after exam.we back freedom,what's your plan of this summer time ?
B:Ah...play games, exercises.and read books by chance.
A:what is your favorite sport?
B:I like play basketball,swimming and running.but I still prefer to play games...
A:oh!yeah,I like play computer games ,too.and hate exercise。
B:so ,your body not strong than me...I am always exercise.I think that playing games can exercise brain power,make exercise can keep health.
A:The games always have winning or losing,but sports not,is right?
B:sports games have it,too!and I think the sport games not only can exercise your body,but also you can make friends with each others.
A:I agree with you!I decide to make exercises in this summer time,like,play ball with some friends.
B:YES!put on steam!don't forgot call me!

很辛苦的 给分吧!!!!

"there is a text in weeks,how about you?"
"just so-so"
"we could take the summer holiday after text,free again!!"


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求日语高手来翻译一下 急
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哀华舒啶: In addition, ** relaxed learning environment and diverse culture of the atmosphere is my desire, and ** University of America and the world's best business professional, this is where I seem to be drawn.Major in finance or economy, has been what I ...

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