
作者&投稿:希宰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

in that day 去掉

银牌 silver medal
第四行 Sunyang 前加that Sunyang 后was 去掉


第七行 and she had no regret

although 和 but 选一个去掉

Nowadays,there are more and more people addicted themselves to computer using,as if they can't live without the computer.This is not good news.People who rely too much on computers are now finding themselves forgetting how to spell some words easily.Resolving with problems by computers is so convenient,leading increasing number of people releasing their hands together with their brain.The priority problem is that the more they rely on computers,the more chances for practice they are wasting.And people will gradually lose the ability to finish the things in person.The other vital problem is that many people prefer to surf the internet rather than go outside with friends.They working online,chatting online,shopping online,their daily life only needs the accompany of the computer.They don't realize that their social life is affected.These people will find it difficult to communicate with others face to face.To protect our life from not being destroyed,we are here appeal everyone not to rely too much on computers.
题目是Don't rely too much on computers.






直接用anytime在后面即可。即为:i will do everything i can to support you,any time.16.最后一句,best wishes to you,from your best friend.再加姓名。总的来说,这篇文章完全是中文思维写好后翻译过去的,不是从英文的角度去思考的。所以,很多中式英语。语句不通顺。希望能改进。谢谢。

评改是作文教学中的重要环节,给学生下作文评语,则是这一环节的点睛之笔。下面是小编搜集整理的想象作文批改评语,欢迎阅读,供大家参考和借鉴!更多资讯尽在作文评语栏目!1. 能过合理的想象,反映出意味深长的哲理,…行文流畅,简洁,充分发挥了自己的想像力,是一篇不错的…文章清逸婉丽,流畅连贯,尤其...

这本书,我也看了很多遍,我们可以交流一下。 你的文章给我很大启发,谢谢你! 向你学习! 我们一起努力,共同进步! 我喜欢你对学习的专注,它能影响我! 从你身上,我学到了默默无闻地奋斗! 作文的批改评语5 1. 语言基本通顺,偶有不畅。 2. 语言不够晓畅,句意含混模糊,佶屈聱牙,令人费解。语句啰嗦,言不达意...

最后一点是,这句话头重脚轻. 不知道你是否需要那么精确的英语修改.你就权当了解吧. 你文章里的"while"这个从句太长, 主句太短,就会给人一种前半句太沉重,而后半句太短了. 比较好的办法是, 如果从句很长, 则先写主句,然后从句.我对这句话的建议是:My mother never complained a word to us,...


我相信看到这个回答的小伙伴肯定都接触过作文,作文能提高我们的语言组织能力,而写作文的时候肯定都会存在一些缺点,这时候有专业人士进行点评对我们有很大帮助。特意为大家整理了作文批改中关于缺点的评语,只可当作参考哦,希望能帮到大家。 我按照小学、初中、高中三个学段为大家划分了一下,下图看着是不是更直观。 正文...

我来帮你指出一些语法和英语逻辑上的错误,然后帮你把句子改得通顺地道。Nowadays, people [often discuss] what university education should [mostly consist of], theoretical or practical [knowledge]. Based on my experience, I want to emphasize that practical skills [and thoretical knowledge ...

作文批改评语 给学生作文的评语
作文批改评语 给学生作文的评语【三】 1. 很多采用生活中的口语,使文章更显自然亲切。2. 文中一系列表现人物动作的动词运用得准确,衬托手法运用得好。3. 这篇作文取材新颖,构思奇妙,语言生动活泼。字里行间透露出清新的生活气息和儿童情趣。4. 全文眉目清晰,生动紧凑,趣味性强。5. 外貌描写...


免费批改作文的软件有搜狗作文批改工具、 百度作文批改、作文批改网、讯飞语音作文批改等。这些免费作文批改软件可以帮助用户提高写作水平,提升作文质量。 我认为虽然说作文写作很难,但是只要多加联系就能找到自己适合切入的角度和写作的风格,这样就算是主题再变换都能写出一篇不错的好文章。 抢首赞 评论 分享 举报 为...

澄城县17552805998: 大家帮我赏析一下这篇作文,最少有3处批注. 急求!我喜欢读书记得唐代著名诗人杜甫曾说过:“读书破万卷,下笔如有神.”读书就是有那么大的魅力,那... -
融陈黄栀:[答案] 1记得唐代著名诗人杜甫曾说过:“读书破万卷,下笔如有神.”读书就是有那么大的魅力,那么大的用处. 赏析:引用诗歌... 3有一次,不知是谁拿走了这本书,我可是心急了.东找西找,将床翻得乱七八糟也没找着.我着急的差点掉了眼泪.后来我去问...

澄城县17552805998: 帮忙批改一下这作文 -
融陈黄栀: 首先,你的文章写得不错,错误也不是太多,我能改出来的只有下面这些.1.题目居中2.drawn——paid3.Because....online games.那一段可以删除,里面设计一些网游专业知识,没必要说那么详细,...

澄城县17552805998: 谁能帮我改下这篇作文?要写旁批,总评!(不是我写的,我要帮别人改) -
融陈黄栀: 第一,我评一下这篇作文,应该属于初中水平,描写人物算是比较好的作文.行文较通顺,用词较准确、生动.能够抓住并突出“体育小将”的特征.得分应在优秀85分以上. 其次,文中有不少小毛病,我在文上注明如下: 体育小将——纪昂 ...

澄城县17552805998: 高手帮我批改一下这篇英语作文帮我看看下面这篇作文,给我些具体意见,Dear editor,I'm writing to tell you about the discussion we've had about whether ... -
融陈黄栀:[答案] Dear editor, I'm writing to tell you about the discussion we've had on whether it was necessary to include an oral English test in the college extrance examination (CEE). 40%students thought it was necessary.Here are the following reasons:Firstly,...

澄城县17552805998: 谁能帮我修改一下这篇作文呢?有很多语法错的,谢!My Date Today is Friday,July25,2008,is the day I wait for long time,and today is my third day to come ... -
融陈黄栀:[答案] My Date It is Friday,July 25,2008.Today is the day that I have been waiting for long time,and it is the third day that i came here,where my aunt is.Because my mother thinks that I am too shy to get on well with other people,so she wants me to come to her ...

澄城县17552805998: 谁来给我批改一下英语作文?急~~~~Everybody knows,the social intercourse is very important in student's life.Some people think that the social intercourse ... -
融陈黄栀:[答案] Everybody knows【that】 the social intercourse is very important in 【students'】 life.Some people 【believe(语言多变)】 that the social intercourse is 【a costum which will never receive the sanct...

澄城县17552805998: 帮忙批改下这篇雅思大作文吧,Some people think university education should prepare students for employment while others think it should help students ... -
融陈黄栀:[答案] 我来帮你指出一些语法和英语逻辑上的错误,然后帮你把句子改得通顺地道.Nowadays,people [often discuss] what university education should [mostly consist of],theoretical or practical [knowledge].Based on my ...

澄城县17552805998: 请帮我改一下这篇作文,Ture happinessEverybody has his or her's great happiness.Some people think that life is onlymoney and power.Some people even ... -
融陈黄栀:[答案] 改过的Ture happiness Everybody has his or her great happiness.Some people think that life is only money and power.(Some people even took their own life)?because of(of去掉) they get poor or they fail in their career.But I don't think so.Of course ...

澄城县17552805998: 求人帮我修改下这篇英语作文!Directions:For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on Why do I Learn via Internet?(我为什么参加网络... -
融陈黄栀:[答案] Why do I learn via internet? There are many ways for us to get education .among which I prefer internet education .Reasons are following, Firstly, internet education is convenient ,You can log on internet to listen to the lectures at any time , and If you are ...

澄城县17552805998: 想请会的人帮忙批改一下四级作文,谢谢这是自己写的一篇四级作文想请有能力的人帮忙批改一下,谢谢 Volinteers Needed Boys and girls please pay your ... -
融陈黄栀:[答案] 第一段第二句我觉得可以写成 The student union of our school will organize an activity in recent days and you can join us as volunteers.第二段第一句 This activity will not only let you do something mean...

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