
作者&投稿:糜发 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Can you accept sending you the files directly?accept doing sth 尝试接受某件事
accept sb to do sth 是接受某人去做某事


To Embassy of Hungary in P.R.C.,

Applicant:Xiaolan Qiu
Passport No.: G13071729
Present residence: Room 101, Unit 1, Zhonglou New Village, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province, P.R.C.

Her domiciliary transfer procedure is in progress. She is invited by her son to Hungary for a visit. Her son’s name is Jianguang Lin, Passport No. G13071728.
Xiaolan Qiu can take care of herself and have a bank deposit of more than 30,000 RMB, which is inherited from her deceased husband. Meanwhile, she gets on well with his neighbors. She will come back to China on time after visiting her son. Hereby proved.

Ya Ao Village committee
July 24th, 2009

My mother’s name is Xiaolan Qiu, 76 years old, the Han nationality. She lives in Room 101, Unit 1, Zhonglou New Village, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province, P.R.C., and her domiciliary transfer procedure is in progress.
I’m brought up by my mother and she has given me intensive care. Although she doesn’t receive much education, she has taught me a lot of life philosophies during my grow-up. She has told me to respect the elders, be filial to parents, and help fellow-students. She has taken me together to donate to the persons who need help, though she doesn’t have much money. She has spent a lot of time, care and money, in order to let me receive good education. My mother and I have very deep affection. Now I can live independently and it is high time that I contributed to my mother.
My family and I miss my mother very much, so I am applying for her permission to Hungary. Herein, we make the formal commitment: I will abide by the laws of your country, my mother will be back to China on time, and there will be no illegal detention.
Wish my application to be accepted.
Applicant: Jianguang Lin
July 24th, 2009


The Hungary Embassy to China:

Ms. Qiu Xiao Lang, passport No. G13071729, currently inhabits in Room 101, No.1 Zhong-lou-xin-cun, Lishui of Zhejiang province, with registered residence under transferring, now is invited to visit her son in Hungary, by her son Mr. Lin Jian Guang of passport No. G13071728. We hereby certify that Ms. Qiu Xiao Lang is able to live independently and still has over RMB30000 left by her late husband, and further certify that Qiu xiao Lang is getting well with her neighbors and will get back in time after visiting her son.

Ya Ao Villagers’Committee
July 24, 2009


Dear Sir/Madam,

My mother is by the name Qiu Xia Lang, 76 years old, Han nationality, lives in Room 101, No1. Zhong-lou-xin-cun, Lishui city of Zhejiang province, now is handling the transfer of registered residence. I lived with my mother from childhood, and was taken good care by her. Though my mother was not well educated, she taught me many life philosophies, such as to respect elders, be filial to parents, help my classmates and endow to those need help.

My mother is not rich while she spent much money and effort to bring me up, so I have very deep feeling with my mother. Now I can afford independently for my living, and my family and I miss my mother very much. Therefore I apply to the Hungary Embassy for my mother’s visiting visa, and I seriously promise that I will strictly abide by the Hungarian laws, and guarantee for my mother that she will get back to China in time while will not stay illegally in Hungary.

Hope our application can be approved, we remain with
Best regards

Lin Jian Guang
July 24, 2009


Embassy to Hungary
裘小兰Passport No.: G13071729, currently residing in Lishui City, Zhejiang Province of China Village Clock Tower 1 Room 101 in the account migration process is also, by his son to visit relatives to invite Hungary, son of the name of Lam Kin-kwong, passport number G13071728, the elderly can live their own food, Kim also left behind his wife more than 30,000. And the surrounding neighbors also have a good feeling. After visiting his son will return home on time. Hereby proved.
Ao Ya Village Committee
Time July 24, 2009
I called the mother of 76-year-old woman裘小兰Han Lishui City, Zhejiang Province of China Village Clock Tower Room 1 101 residents

Also account for the relocation, I have a child living in my mother's side, she gave me every possible concern,

Although she did not what a high culture, but she grew up on the road taught me a lot of life philosophy, she

Small on the education I have to respect their elders, your parents to help students and those with me to contribute more in need of help

Although she has not a lot of money, and she and I spend a lot to foster the efforts and money. I and my

The mother has a very deep feelings for it. Now I can live independently, and I deeply miss my family

The mother. Therefore, special consulate in your country to apply for visas to visit their relatives to alleviate the situation of the applicant's thoughts at the same time

We solemnly promise: I will strictly abide by the laws of your country to ensure the return on time will not be illegal. Point your Kokuryo

Museum in accordance with the law matter to our applications for approval.

Lam Kin-kwong, the applicant

July 24, 2009

Embassy to Hungary
Qiuxiaolan Passport No.: G13071729, currently residing in Lishui City, Zhejiang Province of China Village Clock Tower 1 Room 101 in the account migration process is also, by his son to visit relatives to invite Hungary, son of the name of Lam Kin-kwong, passport number G13071728, the elderly can live their own food, Kim also left behind his wife more than 30,000. And the surrounding neighbors also have a good feeling. After visiting his son will return home on time. Hereby proved.
Ao Ya Village Committee
Time July 24, 2009
I called the mother of 76-year-old woman Qiuxiaolan Han Lishui City, Zhejiang Province of China Village Clock Tower Room 1 101 residents

Also account for the relocation, I have a child living in my mother's side, she gave me every possible concern,

Although she did not what a high culture, but she grew up on the road taught me a lot of life philosophy, she

Small on the education I have to respect their elders, your parents to help students and those with me to contribute more in need of help

Although she has not a lot of money, and she and I spend a lot to foster the efforts and money. I and my

The mother has a very deep feelings for it. Now I can live independently, and I deeply miss my family

The mother. Therefore, special consulate in your country to apply for visas to visit their relatives to alleviate the situation of the applicant's thoughts at the same time

We solemnly promise: I will strictly abide by the laws of your country to ensure the return on time will not be illegal. Point your Kokuryo

Museum in accordance with the law matter to our applications for approval.

Lam Kin-kwong, the applicant

July 24, 2009

Nagykövetség, hogy Magyarország
裘小兰útlevél száma: G13071729, jelenleg tartózkodó Lishui város, Zhejiang tartomány Kína Village Clock Tower 1 Szoba 101 a számla migrációs folyamat is, az ő fia, rokonok látogatása meghívni Magyarország fia nevét Lam Kin-Kwong, útlevél száma G13071728, idősek élhessenek saját élelmiszer, Kim is lemaradnak felesége több mint 30.000. És a környező szomszédok is jó érzés. Látogatása után a fia visszatér haza időben. Ezúton bizonyult.
Ao Ya Village bizottság
Időpont Július 24, 2009
Felhívtam az anya 76 éves nő裘小兰Han Lishui város, Zhejiang tartomány Kína Village Clock Tower Room 1 101 lakos

Ugyancsak figyelembe az áthelyezés, van egy gyermek él anyám mellé, ő adta nekem minden lehetséges érintett

Bár a lány nem, amit a magas kultúra, de nőtt fel az úton tanított nekem sok élet filozófia, s

Kicsi az oktatásban van, hogy tartsák tiszteletben az idősek, a szülők, hogy segítse a hallgatók és az nekem, hogy hozzájáruljanak a szükséges segítséget

Bár eddig nem sok pénz, és a lány, és én sokat költeni, hogy elősegítse az erőfeszítések és a pénz. Én és

Az anya egy nagyon mély érzelmek is. Most már önállóan élni, és én mélyen miss my family

Az anya. Ezért különleges konzulátus az Ön országában alkalmazzák, a vízumok, hogy látogassanak el a rokonok, hogy enyhítse a helyzetet a felperes gondolatait egy időben

Mi ünnepélyesen megígérem: én is szigorúan betartja a törvényeket a saját országban, hogy biztosítsák a hozam időben nem lesz jogellenes. Pont a Kokuryo

Múzeum joggal összhangban ügyet a kérelem jóváhagyásra.

Lam Kin-Kwong, a felperes

Július 24, 2009

急也没有用啊,不过提醒你不要拿小孩出气啊, 那么小的孩子不懂事 打电话到驻中国大使馆问问吧 你没写你要去哪个国家呀 给你几个常用的 新西兰大使馆 Embassy of New Zealand 地址:日坛路东2街1号 电话:65322731 邮编:100600 大韩民国大使馆 Embassy of the Republic of Korea 地址:建国门外...

XXX is my friend. He\/she is living a good life in this country and has been completely involved in the daily life of this country. He\/she has good personal character.

旅游签需要准备的材料:1.护照(至少六个月以上有效期,至少三个空白页)2.照片(二寸白底彩色照片两张,最好是备4张)3.个人资料表 4.公司在职证明 商务签证要准备的材料就多了,你是想做旅游还是商务签呢

请问,我知道一个人的签证材料做了假我给他举报了, 但是现在他还没有...







新和县13337743968: 翻译成英文,给英国大使馆的信 -
油储马来: I approve of my daughter' travelling to England accompanied with her mother.

新和县13337743968: 请帮我将:“我希望申请补交雅思成绩”翻译成英文.谢谢 -
油储马来: 我希望申请补交雅思成绩I wish to apply for pay IELTS 我写信给加拿大驻华大使馆有两个问题需要咨询:1.我的申请材料已经递交到大使馆很长时间了,为什么一点消息也没有,而有些申请人在我之后递交的材料,已经审批出来了,为什么我的没...

新和县13337743968: 急,去美国大使馆面签面试的时候,需要把准备的资料翻译成英文并公证吗?比如工作证明,需要翻译成英文去 -
油储马来: 需不需要翻译成英文在大使馆的网页上都有写明的;如果需要翻译并公证的话,您可以让翻译机构加急!如果来不及也没有办法,只能另外再约面签.

新和县13337743968: 请问带去美国大使馆签证的资料需要翻译吗?
油储马来: 如果你是学生签证,大部分材料都是需要中英文的,但是户口本,房产证不需要翻译,成绩单,毕业证一定需要翻译. 补充:上面有人说公证书必要翻译,千万别被误导,美国签证不需要任何公证!

新和县13337743968: 去英国大使馆递签需要准备哪几样材料?那些需要中英文翻译?急求 -
油储马来: 什么材料都需要翻译-------大使馆虽然都是中国人在工作~不过目的就是骗你的翻译费~ 自己在网上搜好翻译蓝本~然后依葫芦画瓢改个名字修个地址递上去一般就没事了~~~ 大使馆的官网有材料list(我是很想把网址贴出来~ 不过一旦贴了网址介该...

新和县13337743968: 申请办理日本旅游签证,户口本、银行流水等证件可以自己翻译吗? -
油储马来: 中国公民申办外国签证大致有三种途径:(1)本人直接向外国驻华大使馆或领事馆申请办理;(2)委托旅行社的签证处申请办理;(3)由外国亲友直接向该国移民局申请签证.以上三种方式的采用要视情况而定.如本人情况熟悉,大使馆又受理个人申请的,可以本人直接向该国驻华大使馆、领事馆申请签证.有的国家在中国没有开设大使馆,则应由国外亲友在当地办理入境许可证明,获得批准后,再由亲属寄给申请者,申请者即可持护照和寄回来的签证,开始出国旅程.签证当然可以自己准备材料,然后自己去使馆办理,如果怕材料准备不全,也可以找旅行社等代办机构代办.

新和县13337743968: 法国留学签证手续要求中文材料要有英文\法文翻译件,可以自己翻译吗?还是必须有翻译公司的盖章翻译? -
油储马来: 如果你肯定自己的英文/发文水平过关,成绩单什么的自己翻译是可以的,然后学校盖章,非学校的资料自己翻译也行,但是自己翻译的资料都需要拿到大使馆认可的公证处去做公证,不然大使馆不接受的.翻译公司做的材料一样要大使馆认可,否则都需要公证,大使馆才会接受.

新和县13337743968: 加拿大签证有什么材料是需要翻译成英文的啊 -
油储马来: 所有递交的非英文或法文的材料,都需要提供英语翻译

新和县13337743968: 英国签证需要重新翻译的文件的复印件返还给我了 -
油储马来: 她给你,是因为怕你手头没有复印件,重新翻译的时候不知道如果参照中文版.所以没有给错.

新和县13337743968: 一个英文的美国大使馆 文章 帮忙翻译一下
油储马来: 因为美国美国的外交事务 拒绝练 日期:6 - 1 - 2010 签证代号:B1/B2 胡杰 2009328 131 6贝日 姓名(姓,首先,中东) 亲爱的签证申请者: 该办公室遗憾地通知你,这是unabie发签证给你,因为你已经发现无资格领取按下列第(章的...

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