
作者&投稿:始宇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


We were __1__ to gather up our things and return to our car when a man came up. He looked very __2__ indeed and asked us __3__ if we knew that these grounds were his own. Father looked troubled and the man __4__ a notice, it said that camping(宿营) was strictly forbidden. __5__ father explained that he had not seen the __6__ and did not know that camping was not allowed. __7__Father apologized, the man did not seem satisfied. He asked Father for his name and __8__. All the way home, we were so __9__ that hardly anyone spoke a word. This unpleasant thing had spoiled(损害)a wonderful day in the __10__.
For the rest of the week, we __11__ what would happen. The following Sunday, we stayed at home even though it was a __12__ day. About noon, a large and very expensive __13__ stopped outside our house. We were surprised when we saw several people preparing to have a picnic (野餐)in our small __14__. Father got very angry and went to ask them what though they were doing. You can imagine how __15__ he was when he saw the man who had taken our address the week before! Both men burst out __16__ and Father welcomed the strangers into the house. We became good __17__. And we learned a lesson we have never __18__. That’s “Don’t do to others __19__ you don’t like to __20__ to you.”
1.A.anxious B.asked C.about D.happy
2.A.unpleasant B.polite C.strong D.pleased
3.A.quickly B.angrily C.loudly D.curiously
4.A.wrote B.stared at C.read D.pointed to
5.A.Our B.Poor C.But D.Then
6.A.ground B.place C.notice D.man
7.A.Even B.When C.Though D.Because
8.A.house B.car C.reason D.address
9.A.worried B.satisfied C.frightened D.busy
10.A.city B.country C.week D.camp
11.A.waited B.thought C.wondered D.knew
12.A.rainy B.fine C.good D.sad
13.A.man B.thief C.car D.dog
14.A.garden B.house C.ground D.field
15.A.happy B.afraid C.angry D.surprised
16.A.fighting B.smiling C.laughing D.exciting
17.A.neighbours B.friends C.families D.farmers
18.A.learnt B.known C.forgotten D.received
19.A.that B.if C.when D.what
20.A.be done B.do C.doing D.get
1-5CABDB 6-10CCDAB 11-15CBCAD 16-20CBCDA

As she walked round the large shop, Edith realized how difficult it was to choose a suitable Christmas __1__for her father.
She __2__that he were as easy to please as her mother, who was __3__satisfied with perfume(香水). __4__, shopping at this time of the year was a most __5__job. People __6__on your feet, pushed you with their shoulders and almost __7__ you over in their hurry in order to __8__ something cheap ahead of you.
Partly to have a rest, Edith paused in front of a counter, where some beautiful ties were on __9__. "They are __10__silk," the shop assistant told her with a smile trying to __11__her to buy one. But Edith knew from past __12__that her choice of ties hardly ever pleased her father.
She moved on slowly and then, quite by chance, __13__where a small crowd of men had gathered round a counter. She found some fine pipes on sale and the __14__were very beautiful. Edith did not hesitate for long, although her father __15__ smoked a pipe once in a while, she believed this was __16__ to please him.
When she got home, with her small but __17__present hidden in her handbag, it was time for supper and her parents were already __18__table. Her mother was in great __19__. "Your father has at last decided to stop smoking," she told her daughter happily. Edith was so __20__that she could not say a single word.
1. A. suit B. card C. thing D. gift
2. A. believed B. wished C. hoped D. supposed
3. A. never B. seldom C. always D. scarcely
4. A. Therefore B. Fortunately C. Besides D. Finally
5. A. unhappy B. careful C. exciting D. tiring
6. A. walked B. stepped C. lifted D. stood
7. A. turned B. hit C. brought D. knocked
8. A. watch B. find C. grasp D. sell
9. A. time B. show C. board D. duty
10. A. real B. cheap C. poor D. exact
11. A. hope B. ask C. force D. persuade
12. A. experience B. things C. books D. school
13. A. stopped B. saw C. asked D. found
14. A. money B. cigarette C. shapes D. shop
15. A. always B. nearly C. only D. never
16. A. hardly B. impossibly C. possibly D. certainly
17. A. cheap B. well-chosen C. expensive D. ready-made
18. A. on B. by C. beside D. at
19. A. excitement B. anger C. sadness D. disappointment
20. A. glad B. happy C. surprised D. excited
1. D。由下文可知, Edith在为父亲选择一件圣诞节礼物。2. B 3. C。由宾语从句中的谓语动词were可知,这是虚拟语气,主句的谓语动词应该是wish。根据he were as easy to please as her mother,可以断定第3空填always。4. C 5. A 6. B 7. D 8. B。给父亲选择一件合适的礼物很难,而且,时值圣诞节购物高峰,买东西不是一件令人愉快的事情,人们踩到你的脚上,用肩膀挤着你,为了能在你的前面买到便宜货,几乎会把你撞倒。9. B。be on show是固定词组,意为"陈列着"。10. A。领带是真丝的。11. D 12. A。售货员试图说服Edith买一条领带,但从过去的经验中她知道她选择的领带很难使父亲满意。13. A。Edith在一些男人聚集的柜台前停下来。14. C。烟斗的形状很好看。15. C 16. D。尽管父亲只是偶尔使用烟斗吸烟,但她认为这个烟斗肯定会使父亲满意。17. B。从上文可知,这份小礼物是精心挑选的。18. D。be at table是固定词组,表"坐在桌子旁"。19. A。由she told her daughter happily可知,因为父亲决定戒烟,母亲很高兴。20. C。Edith对父亲戒烟感到惊讶,因为她给父亲买的礼物又不合适。

This was one of my experiences at work. When I was 36 , I was working for a large international company which had its head office in London. I was working in the 37 department.
The company had a training centre which was just outside London. Different courses were 38 there throughout the year and I 39 go on one training course a year. These usually started 40 a Sunday evening and lasted six days.
Once I was 41 a week’s training course with about forty 42 sales people. I was in the bar on the Friday evening and suddenly a woman who was 43 behind the bar asked me a curious question. “I hope you don’t 44 my asking,” she said, “But I’ve been 45 about it all week. Have you got a sister 46 Mary?” The woman’s name was June, and she used to do various jobs at the training centre. She worked in the office, she organized all the food and drink for the centre and she worked in the bar at lunchtime and in the evening.
My answer 47 June’s question was“Yes”,and June said, “I thought 48 . I met her last September when she was organizing a course here.” At that time,my sister was working for 49 company but in a different part of the country. That was 50 she came to be at the training centre.
51 surprised me was how June guessed we were brother and sister. Three things made it even more 52 . First, she had met my sister six months before she met me. Second, they have about sixty new people every week at the training centre. So about one thousand five hundred people had 53 the centre in those six months. And 54 , my sister is married, so she doesn’t have the same family name as me.
We’re not 55 , but I guess we must look quite like each other.
36.A.in the 30s B.in my 30s C.in 30s D.at my 30s
37.A.selling B.sales C.sale D.sale’s
38.A.held B.taken C.made D.completed
39.A.used to B.once C.get used to D.was used to
40.A.at B.in C.during D.on
41.A.on B.in C.during D.over
42.A.other B.another C.the other D.one other
43.A.hearing B.waiting C.serving D.seeing
44.A.matter B.care for C.remind of D.mind
45.A.understanding B.wondering C.discovering D.worrying
46.A.called B.calling C.calling on D.calling up
47.A.of B.about C.to D.for
48.A.that B.it C.such D.so
49.A.the same B.a different C.another D.the other
50.A.where B.when C.what D.how
51.A.All B.What C.That D.It
52.A.surprising B.surprised C.strange D.puzzled
53.A.passed through B.passed away C.left D.passed by
54.A.finally B.at the end C.at last D.later
55.A.friends B.relatives C.twins D.brother and sister
36~40BBAAD 41~45 AACDB 46~50 ACDAD 51~55 BAAAC

My teacher held up a piece of broken glass and asked, “Who broke this window?” Thirty boys tried to think about not only what they had done, but also what our teacher may have ___1__. She ___2__ became angry, but she was this time.
“Oh,” I thought. I was the one who broke the window. It was caused by a __3___ throw of a baseball. If I ___4___ guilt, I would be in a lot of___5____. How would I be able to ___6____ a big window like that? I didn’t even get an allowance. “My father is going to be ___7____,” I thought. I didn’t want to raise my hand, but some ___8___ much stronger than I was ___9___it skyward. I told the truth. “I did it.” It was ____10____ enough to say what I had.
My teacher ___11___ a book from one of our library shelves and I had __12___ known my teacher to strike a student, but I ___13___ she was going to ____14___ me.
“I know how you like___15___,” she said as she stood looking down at my guilt-ridden face. “Here is that field guide about birds that you are ____16___ checking out. It is yours now. It’s time we got a(n) ___17___ one for the school anyway. You will not be punished as long as you remember that I am not rewarding you for your___18___ , I am rewarding you for your truthfulness.”
I couldn’t believe it! I wasn’t being punished and I was ___19___ my own bird field guide-the very one that I had been saving up money to buy.
All that remains of that day is my ___20__ and the lesson my teacher taught me. That lesson stays with me every day and it will echo forever.
1. A. worried about B. thought over C. carried on D. found out
2. A. gradually B. seldom C. quickly D. soon
3. A. naughty B. slow C. careful D. interesting
4. A. promised B. felt C. admitted D. realized
5. A. joy B. trouble C. surprise D. anger
6. A. look for B. clean up C. pay for D. set up
7. A. interested B. happy C. curious D. angry
8. A. force B. mind C. work D. wind
9. A. went B. bend C. drew D. pulled
10. A. funny B. hard C. vivid D. joyful
11. A. took down B. put back C. held up D. torn up
12. A. already B. only C. always D. never
13. A. decided B. feared C. hoped D. doubted
14. A. share with B. start with C. end up with D. fight with
15. A. birds B. friends C. classes D. games
16. A. rarely B. unwillingly C. constantly D. carelessly
17. A. expensive B. clean C. new D. exciting
18. A. honesty B. misdeed C. silence D. eagerness
19. A. borrowing B. writing C. missing D. getting
20. A. memory B. imagination C. strategy D. sorrow

Several days ago my family and I went sledding and as I watched my children climbing up yhe slop I started thinking.Many people believe that most of today's social 31 are because of the generation; teenagers just care abou themselves and pay no 32 to others.Some even think today's teenagers won't do anything 33 there is something in it for them.
Yet,while watching ,I saw a 34 side of teenagers.I watched my 2 oldest children take my youngest by the hand to help her 35 up the slope.They would have been 36 without her,37 not once did they try to set off without her.And when the sled 38 my 2 daughters was aimed 39 the embankment,it was my five-year-old son who ran to them to stop them from falling and 40 themselves.
Don't get me wrong;these children sometimes 41 amongst themselves to get the things they want .But I can take them to the shop and know that they won't 42anything,I can talk to them about the 43 and know that they will offer to send some of thier own money to 44 the people in the disaster area,and I can ask them to 45 with those children left alone and know that they will do their best to befriend them.
Perhaps it's not the "me" generation that 46 many of society's problems - not the teenagers who want 47 ,but the adults in their lives who have taught them to 48 think only of themselves and to want everything . Most young children want to help.We can 49 that feeling to continue into adulthood by teaching the lesson my chirldren learned while sledding :Life is a slippery slope,but we can all make it to the 50 if we remember to help others.
31 A.problem B.troubles C.matters D.difficulties
32 A.money B.worry C.care D.attention
33 A.until B.unless C.although D.when
34 Adifferent B.same C.strange D.similar
35 A.sign B.hold c.climb d.clean
36 a.happier b.faster c.slower d.higher
37 a.but b.so c.and d.for
38 a.knocking b.making c.dropping d.carrying
39 a.across b.beyond c.towards d.around
40 a.supporting b.running c.crying d.hurting
41 a.share b.shout c.fight d.talk
42 a.care about b.ask for c.look for d.think about
43 a.dream b.weather c.reason d.earthquake
44 a.help b. favor c.treat d.relax
45 a.quarrel b.struggle c.play d.deal
46 a.cause b.provide c.act d.shake
47 a.nothing b.something c.everything d.anything
48 a.politely b.selfishly c.generously d.usefully
49 a.force b.request c.remember d.encourage
50 a.origin b.top c.realism d.start
31-35 a d b a c 36-40 b c d b d 41-45c b d a c 46-50a b b c b

I grew up in a tiny Baltimore row house in a faraway mountain area. My parents 21 the necessities of life, but they couldn’t give much more. If I asked my father for a pair of jeans, he just couldn’t 22 them. From age 12 on, I did part-time jobs after school.
When I graduated from high school, I joined the navy. Soon I was in a boot camp at Parris Island, S. C., where I learned that life in the navy centered around completing daily tasks. Completing these tasks successfully 23 discipline, team-work and responsibility.
I went 24 to graduate from the U.S. Naval Academy and later became an officer in the navy. The part of my job I enjoyed most was the consulting(咨询) meeting I 25 with the family members of the men and women in my 26 , trying to help them deal with the long periods of separation. 27 I was being asked to give encouraging 28 to business groups, educators and kids across the country.
But I consider the boot camp my first real 29 , and my life is still guided by the 30 lessons I learned there.
21. A. provided B. got C. made D. bought
22. A. pay B. find C. produce D. afford
23. A. included B. asked C. required D. met
24. A. out B. on C. away D. off
25. A. ended B. began C. continued D. held
26. A. charge B. situation C. position D. choice
27. A. Long before B. Before long C. As usual D. Once again
28. A. performances B. descriptions C. speeches D. gifts
29. A. vacation B. place C. job D. travel
30. A. important B. bitter C. normal D. difficult
21. A 22. D 23. C 24. B 25. D 26. A 27. B 28. C 29. C 30. A

Let us begin __1___ saying what does not ___2__our dreams. Our dreams do not come ___3__another world. They are not messages from some outside source. They are not a look into the future , __4___do they prophesy anything.
All our dreams have something _5___with our fears, wishes, needs, memories. But something on the “outside” may influence __6___we dream. If a person is hungry or tired , or cold, his dreams may __7___this feeling. If the covers slipped of your __8___, you may __9___you are on an iceberg.. The __10___ for the dream you have tonight is likely to come from the experiences you will have today.
1.A .with B. from C. by D. thought
2. A .lead B. cause C. result D. make
3. A .to B. from C. into D. with
4. A .or B. and C. so D. nor
5. A .interesting B. strange C. to do D. hard to understand
6. A .that B. what C. and D. then
7. A .include B. catch sight of C. satisfy D. surround
8. A .chair B. hand C. bed D. side
9. A .think B. feel C. dream D. consider
10. A .material B. cause C. reason D. matter
1.A 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.C 10.C

英语完形填空 帮忙把全文翻译一下 谢谢
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计购甲砜: We were __1__ to gather up our things and return to our car when a man came up. He looked very __2__ indeed and asked us __3__ if we knew that these grounds were his own. Father...

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计购甲砜: As she walked round the large shop, Edith realized how difficult it was to choose a suitable Christmas __1__for her father. She __2__that he were as easy to please as her mother, who was __3__satisfied with perfume(香水). __4__, shopping at ...

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计购甲砜:[答案] 五年高考三年模拟 建议你搭配着背些单词再练 里面讲解挺细的 每篇带翻译好像就没有 初中才这么做题 高中做题不能死扣翻译的 灵活些 这样会比较轻松些

郧西县19363543098: 英语完形填空(翻译全文) -
计购甲砜: The best known vegetable in the world is potato.(世界上最有名的蔬菜是土豆) It grows in many places and does not need as rich soil as many other crops need.(它可以在很多地方生长,...

郧西县19363543098: 求大神推荐一套有全文翻译的高中英语完形填空和阅读理解的资料书
计购甲砜: 全文翻译的话没必要,这样的训练不利于你考试时的做题速度,阅读理解属于泛读,也就是一般不需要你看完的,抓住有利的信息即可事倍功半,一般资料上给你把全文大意给出,然后把难点句子的语法给你指出来就行了,很少有给出全文翻译的.至于完形填空,资料一般是给出全文大意,然后每一空都有讲解的.你是高中的话,最好以高考题训练为主,推荐一本《五年高考,三年模拟》的书,我曾经用过的比较好的一本,高考题规范一些,讲解也清楚,而且是综合性的.

郧西县19363543098: 英语完形填空 加翻译 急 成功了共给100分 -
计购甲砜: 他在绳子接住他之前只会降落几英尺,一旦迪安突然滑落,迪安;他离他的目标太近了. 迪安听到他的表兄和叔叔正在下面鼓励他,爬过最后一个突出的岩石!”吉姆叔叔鼓励地喊道:36.B 37.C 38.B 39.D 40.A 41.C 42.D 43.C 44.A 45.C 46.A ...

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计购甲砜: 41-45: DACCD 46-50:BCADC 51-55:BACCB 56-60:ACBCA自己做的,若有错请谅解我在kingsooper(一家连锁超市)等着取药时,遇见了一位老先生.老先生双目失明,且瘸了一条腿,借着助步车逛得累了,所以他在我旁边坐了下来....

郧西县19363543098: 完形填空,加翻译 -
计购甲砜: 从前有些孩子在海边玩耍,他们发现了一只海龟.他们开始敲打海龟.就在这时,一名年轻男子走过来对他们说,「停手!」孩子们就赶紧跑走.海龟很感激地说:「谢谢你的善心,我诚意邀请你到一个奇妙的地方作客.」 年轻人骑着海龟的背...

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