
作者&投稿:甫欧 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I was writting a letter to Li Ming when my mother left home.
We were reading English when Mr/Miss Yu walked into the classroom.
When I walked into the room, my little sister was sleeping.
Kate was running when Li Lei saw her on the road.


What were you doing at that time?
They were having a meeting at 4p.m. yesterday afternoon.
My little sister was swimming this time the day before yesterday.
When the UFO landed,I was taking a walk.
When he left,it was raining outside.
When my little brother was watching TV,I as writing.
Were he sleeping at that time?

1: Tom to listen very carefully. 2: then, Tom opened to run away, imagine the Christmas. 3: Tom imagination to Santa Claus to give his gifts. Four: the teacher saw Tom absent-minded. The teacher very angry.

Tom was listening to the teacher very carefully,then he lost himsef in his imagining about the coming of the Christsmas Day and the gift brought by Santa Clause.And the teacher was very angry to fand out that Tom was absent-minded.

1)Tom was listening to the teacher very carefully
2)Then he started to imagine about the coming of Christmas Day
3)Tom also think about the gift brought by Santa Clause.
4)The teacher was very angry when he find out that Tom was


1、这件衣服款式您满意吗?我们店里大小号都有。Is this type fit you?We have all size.2、您试穿这一件看看,这件比较适合您。You can try it.It will fit you 3、我们店都是从韩国进的服装。All the clothes came from Korea 4、很荣幸帮您的忙。您有什么需要可以随时找我当翻译。It ...

1. why do I want you when you'll only hurt me again 这个句子有语病啊,语意不通 按照原句翻译,是“当你只又再次伤害我,我为什么要你?”应该改为 Why do I want to you even if you’ll hurt me again.尽管知道你会再次伤害我,我为什么还是需要你?2. I'm fired of playing you...

2.几天前,有三名医生和两个护士组成的医疗队伍出发去山区了。Days ago, three doctors together with two nurses went to the mountain district.3.不言而喻,青年人的教育对于一个国家的未来是至关重要的。It is not doubt that the education of the youth is very important to the country.4...


请高手、高人、师 翻译几句带有意境有点难度的中文 , 谢谢您了。
1 暧昧迷离,即昏暗模糊,所以翻译成dim\/dark and blurred。2 美妙音乐翻译成melody 不要加类似于beautiful之类的形容词。3 缓缓滑过就是萦绕徐息,翻译成lingering,徘徊不息的。4 影影绰绰即昏暗的,dim。5 激情碰撞,clink passionately。clink 拟声词作不及物动词,表示捧杯的声响,用在这里既表示...

高人来翻译句话 谢谢
这是些中国生产的靴子.(Those boots were made in China )如果你需要运送到不同的地址那么你可以告诉我每个地址需要几双.(If you need them sent to different destination,you can tell me the number of each destination.),我可以单独建立一个连接 (in that case,I would set up a separated ...

We will send you product sample\/s. We shall await your confirmation if there is no problem with it\/them.2.卡的价格为50美金\/per card .最少订货量为400张。Price is USD 50 per card. Minimum order is 400 pieces.3.基于诚信原则,我们共同追求利益,你需要先支付货款,我们收到货款后...

1. As 20 centuries, the most important one of invention , computer aspect apply to our life possessions all broadly. 2. First, the computer and modern science and technology become a global village beyond doubt with the world. 3. But if turn over is all these factors, the ...



银川市18575634050: 几个翻译问题,求高人解答下. -
佼琦珍怡: 1、“Aへ”表示A是“接受(动作、物品)的对象”,一般根据上下文翻译为“给A”、“对A”.2、を是误用吧……反正歌词的语法常常有问题的…… 向いていた是过去进行时3、翻译“我看见了和你两个人没有实现的梦” 【君と二人で 叶わぬ梦】整个是宾语君と 二人で 叶わぬ梦を 见た和你 两个人 未实现的梦 看见了

银川市18575634050: (see sb.do sth,看见某人做(过)某事.)重点难点突破.过去进行时态,求高人.分析.
佼琦珍怡: see sb do sth 看见某人做某事的全过程. see sb doing sth看到某人正在做某事 . (如果是过去时态的话只改变see的形式即可--过去式saw,过去分词seen)

银川市18575634050: 英译汉 求高人 -
佼琦珍怡: 如果你用的是这个句子的话,应该表示第一个意思; 如果你是想表达第二个意思的话,应该把when后面引导的时间状语从句改成一般过去式或过去进行时就可以了.这样表达就不会模糊了...

银川市18575634050: 用英语的过去进行时写一个对话! -
佼琦珍怡: A: I rang the bell many times but no answer at about 8pm yesterday. Why? B: I was having my bath when you rang the bell.

银川市18575634050: 过去将来完成进行时,以此时态用中文列一句话...谢谢... -
佼琦珍怡: 过去将来完成进行时多用于虚拟语气,表示对过去某个时间以要进行行为的假设或期望, 如:~假如早知道你不能来的话,我那时就不会等着你了. If I had known you weren't be able to come, I would not have been waiting for you then.~ 我那时本希望你会盼着我来呢. I had hoped that you would have been looking forward to my coming.

银川市18575634050: 求高人翻译几句英文句子
佼琦珍怡: 1、有些人就是欠扇----照他脸上抡一椅子(他就好受了). 2、他妈的(脏话),别人爱怎么想怎么想.(我才不在乎呢!)

银川市18575634050: 求高人翻译5句英语短句
佼琦珍怡: 1.Package tour is more and more popular. 2.I graduated from Fudan University. 3.She fell asleep as soon as her head touches the pillow. 4.We want to have you and your wife over the dinner this Sunday evening. 5.Einstein is world-famous for the theory of relativity

银川市18575634050: 请英语高手帮帮忙!急需高人帮忙翻译句子! -
佼琦珍怡: (1)我再也不相信你所说的话了. Never will I believe what you said.(2)直到许多年后整个事情的真相才为世人知晓.Til many years after is it known the truth of the whole thing. (3)他无论如何都不会离开这个国家的. No matter what happen to him will...

银川市18575634050: 求高人翻译一下这句话 、、 -
佼琦珍怡: 你好,但是,只要我一想到你,亲爱的朋友,所有的失落,还有遗憾就都烟消云散了.希望我的回答能帮到你

银川市18575634050: 寻高人用英语帮我翻译几句话
佼琦珍怡: 直译的话会有些不同,但是听起来应该会比直译顺一些. 1.从现在开始,晚安只愿意对你说,只因为你不同. From now on, good night will be said to you and only you, simply because you are unique.2.只想为你付出,只想让你了解,只想让你稍稍在意. I want to sacrifice only for you, I want to only let you comprehend, I only want you to care a little bit. 希望你想要的是这种有点浪漫的感觉~

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