
作者&投稿:弥岭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

全力以赴英语是go all out。

读音:[ɡəʊ ɔːl aʊt]


固定搭配:go all out to全力以赴做某事;Go all out to work全力以赴的工作 ; 全力以赴地工作。


1、Common cause of plots need to go all out.


2、Alright, sometimes you just want to go all out. And that's ok!


3、Being delightful hosts, Tigers go all out to see that you have a good time.


全力以赴的英文翻译是go all out。答案首行为明确答案,以下是 解释一:直接翻译 “全力以赴”这个词表达了一种全力以赴、竭尽全力去做某件事的状态。在英文中,“go all out”可以直接表达这种含义。其中,“go”表示进行某项活动或达到某个状态,“all out”则表示全力以赴、不遗余力。解释二:...

英语all-out 是全力以赴的意思,请问为什么中间要加一条线
这儿是作为一个词来考虑的,若要是写在一个句子里, 就不需要这个连词符了。 We go all out to finish the project.

全力以赴的英文表达是:Go all in。解释:全力以赴是一个中文词汇,意味着尽自己最大的努力去做某件事。在英文中,"Go all in"是一个与之相对应的表述。这个短语起源于扑克牌游戏,意味着玩家把所有筹码都下注,表示全力以赴、不留退路。后来这个短语逐渐扩展到其他领域,被用来形容在某种情境下竭...

Be my best of myself. Become better.Try my best .

After that, there was no holding him, and the day came when he felt he could chuck his job and to all out to make a living as writer.他振作精神准备全力以赴。He braced every nerve for a supreme effort.全力以赴英语怎么说 我决定全力以赴找个住的地方。I decided to concentrate...

go all out是什么意思英语
全力以赴,竭尽全力的意思 例句 1.They're ready to go all out for the Premier League title next season.他们准备全力以赴,夺取下赛季的超级联赛冠军。柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典 2.We are sure to win the match so long as we go all out.只要我们全力以赴,比赛一定能赢。go all ...

激励着其他队员与你一同奋斗。这句话翻译为英语就是:“You're not the star player on the team, but you always try your best, which encourages the rest of us to do the same.”可见,全力以赴的英语表达方式是多元化的,且在不同语境下可以根据需要灵活运用。

全力以赴的英语是"go all in"或者"give it one's all"。这两个表达都表示尽全力去做某事,不留余地。首先,"go all in"这个短语在扑克游戏中表示把所有筹码都押上,引申为在日常生活中全力以赴,尽全力去做某事。比如,如果一个人在工作中"go all in",那就意味着他全身心地投入到工作中,...

全力以赴 spare no effort不遗余力 例句: I can assure you we've spared no effort and spent quite a sum of money in pushing the sales of your products.我能向你保证我们已经全力以赴的花费在推动你产品销售上了 go to all lengths; call forth all one's energy; dedicate oneself ...

She tried her best to solve the problem.她尽了最大的努力解决这个问题。Just try your hardest.请尽力而为吧。Just give it your best shot.只要尽自己最大努力,你就会有好的结果。They threw themselves heart and soul into the project.他们全心全意地投入了这个项目。She goes to ...

景泰县19698274673: 全力以赴用英语怎么说 -
牛苑沉香: 全力以赴 do one's level best; go all out; go for broke; pull out all stops put one's best foot forward; put one's best leg forward; spare no pains 例句: He works with a no-holds-barred effort. 他全力以赴地努力工作. They were working at full speed. 他...

景泰县19698274673: 全力以赴英语翻译 -
牛苑沉香: get all out

景泰县19698274673: 全力以赴不间断用英语说Go all out without - _____. -
牛苑沉香:[答案] interruption才是名词哟 但是我个人认为 break 好些,全力以赴是种用尽全力去努力的状态, break是休息,暂停,觉得和这里比较对应,且词义简洁明了,感觉还有点押韵呢~~

景泰县19698274673: 我打算全力以赴英语怎么说 -
牛苑沉香:[答案] I'll try my best to study English. I'll strive to study English wholeheartedly . I'll go all out to study English. I'll spare no pains to study English.

景泰县19698274673: 全力以赴 做到最好翻译成英文怎么读 -
牛苑沉香:[答案] all out,do the best

景泰县19698274673: 全力以赴不间断用英语说 -
牛苑沉香: interruption才是名词哟 但是我个人认为 break 好些,全力以赴是种用尽全力去努力的状态,break是休息,暂停,觉得和这里比较对应,且词义简洁明了,感觉还有点押韵呢~~

景泰县19698274673: 我将全力以赴地工作用英语怎么说"我将全力以赴地工作"用英语怎么说 -
牛苑沉香:[答案] I will do my best to work.

景泰县19698274673: “脚踏实地,全力以赴”翻译为英文 -
牛苑沉香: 脚踏实地 down-to-earth 全力以赴 spare no pains

景泰县19698274673: 请教各位高手 “扬帆启程,全力以赴” 用英语怎么翻译呀? -
牛苑沉香: 我的手机翻译和电脑都是 扬帆启程,全力以赴Sailing, go to all lengths

景泰县19698274673: (为了梦想 全力以赴)英语怎么说? -
牛苑沉香: Go all out for a dream 比较简短且比较容易记.

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