求以my opinion on e_books 为题的英语作文

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外语学习 英语考试~

1. They came to China in 1990.(变一般疑问句) ____Did______ they ___come_____ to China in 1990?
2. I was ill for two days last week? (同上) ___Were_____ you ill for two days last week?
3. The twins go to school on foot every day. (同上) ____Do_____ the twins ___go____ to school on foot every day?
4. She washed the clothes last Sunday. ( 变否定句) She ___didn't______ ____wash____ the clothes last Sunday.
5. She is going to shopping tomorrow. (变否定句)
____She isn't going to shopping tomorrow.
6. My mother likes her students. (变一般疑问句)
Does your mother like her students?
7. Do you watch TV on Sunday? (用last Sunday
Did you watch TV last Sunday?

这两道题的答案很明显分别是:b 和 c

vary from 表示随。。。改变。。。 固定短语

endure 表示忍受,忍耐的意思。


这个是说觉得电子书缺点多的People say that electronic books have a lot of advantages and disadvantages, but in my opinion the disadvantages are stronger than advantages
这个是说电子书优点多的Opinions vary on the relative feel of holding and reading an e-reader compared to a paper book, but digital books clearly come out ahead in convenience. You can buy electronic books over the Internet, begin reading them within minutes and own as many books as you want without filling your house. For some readers, owning paper books outweighs these advantages. You can't resell digital books, moving books between e-readers presents a challenge and lending comes with restrictions.
Comfort and Portability
Reading comfort depends on lighting and the type of e-reader you use. If you have a back-lit tablet, you can read in any lighting, but a bright screen in a dark room can irritate your eyes -- or a sleeping partner. The screens on readers that use E Ink, such as many Kindle, Nook and Kobo models, look more like traditional book pages but require a well-lit room or a model with an integrated front light. No matter what type of reader you pick, take a break every 20 minutes to avoid eyestrain. Another sort of comfort makes e-books a good choice if you travel frequently: You can carry hundreds of titles without breaking your back.
Ownership and Resale
As with other digitally distributed products, you can't resell or transfer e-books to new owners. With paper books, you are free to resell your books and you can buy used books at steep discounts. Some e-book stores such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble allow you to temporarily loan some books to friends, but with restrictions. In one concerning situation, Amazon removed purchased books from readers' Kindles and issued refunds after learning the titles were sold without the publisher's permission. Although a rare situation, the event highlights the difference in ownership from physical books.
E-Book Formats and Compatibility
Some e-book stores and e-readers lock you in to a particular brand, making it possible to lose access to purchases if you change e-readers. For example, while most e-readers support the ePub format, the Amazon Kindle does not, forcing owners to buy books with proprietary formatting from Amazon directly. You can convert unprotected books between formats, but most digital bookstores use digital rights management that makes conversion difficult -- and in some regions, illegal. Buying paper books avoids this entire concern, guaranteeing you can read your purchases for as long as the binding holds together.
Considerations for Authors and Publishers
Publishing books digitally through services such as Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing makes it far easier for a new author to get a book to market than working with a traditional publisher, but the process leaves editing and promotions to the author as well. Digital publishing also makes it easy for pirates to share works illegally -- even formats with DRM are susceptible. A study by Digimarc in 2010 found 1.5 to 3 million daily searches on Google for pirated books, representing an estimated $2.8 billion in lost value.
Instant Delivery

Unlike a paper book, an ebook can be delivered instantly to your ereader device or home computer. The Amazon Kindle and Barnes & Noble's Nook are both capable of allowing the purchase and download of a new book within minutes or seconds. Unless you're in the bookstore picking it up, no paper book can match the quick gratification of an ebook.
Owning Your Book
Despite its convenience, the ebook has a major drawback. Most commercial ebooks are sold with strict digital rights management (DRM) restrictions upon them, preventing owners from lending or selling books, and sometimes from transferring a book from one device to another of their own. This has led to complaints that you don't really own your book, but only lease it from the bookseller for a period of time.
On the other hand, millions of out-of-copyright books and even new copyrighted books are available to readers for free download and distribution with no DRM at all.
No library of printed texts is as portable as an etext library. Ereaders weigh less than a pound on average, and each text added to the system adds no weight. It is simple to carry a virtual library of thousands of books. The same number of books in printed form could easily fill a moving van.
Environmentally Friendly Reading
Currently the industry is debating whether ebooks or paper books are more environmentally friendly. Paper books are made of trees or other cellulose. They are printed using an assembly-line system that involves multiple toxic chemicals, then driven to a bookstore where a customer purchases them. A single book can have quite a carbon footprint. Virtual books seem to have no environmental problems.
It is the ereader that has some environmental problems. Its manufacture requires the extraction of rare-earth elements, burning of fossil fuels and transportation to stores or homes. Comparing ereaders with traditional books, up to about 100 books would have to be purchased and stored on the ereader in order for its manufacture to be offset by energy and pollution saved.
Publication Differences
Ebooks have enormous publication differences. Many ebooks are formatted by contractors, not publishers. They can be quickly edited and prepared for release in an ebook format, eliminating long publication waits. Because you are downloading a pattern of dots and dashes and not picking up a physical object, the size of a print run becomes meaningless. In addition, publishers incur no production costs outside of editing and typesetting, nor do they incur transportation costs or remaindered-book loss.
Marketing Ebooks
Writers are starting to see the marketing potential in releasing free ebooks of older works when promoting pay versions of new books. At the Baen Online Library, dozens of writers have donated old works for free download to anyone. Cory Doctorow, co-editor of Boing Boing and author of several fantasy novels, releases all of his novels as etexts at the same time they are being printed. Writers who participate in this sort of marketing scheme all agree that it seems to give a boost to their later book sales.

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