
作者&投稿:偶全 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



A Girl Just Like Mother

No matter which girl he brought home, the young man found disapproval from his mother. A friend gave him advice.

“Find a girl just like your mother—then she's bound to like her.

So the young man searched and searched, and finally found the girl.He told his friendly adviser:

“Just like you said, I found a girl who looked,talked,dressed, and even cooked like mother.And just as you said,mother liked her”

“So,”asked the friend,“what happened?”

“Nothing,”said the young man.“My father hates her!”









What Is a Traitor?

Young hopeful:“Father,what is a traitor in politics?”

Father(a veteran politician):“A traitor is a man who leaves our party and goes over to the other one.”

Young hopeful:“Well then,what is a man who leaves his party and comes over to yours?”

Father:“A convert,my son.”






Stray Thoughts Of an Idler

He who sleeps catches no fish,—but he who keeps awake catches crabs every moment of his life.

All professions can yield a man enough to live on,—except professions of faith.

When attending the performance of some modern operas,it has struck me that the conductor was only beating time because he could not beat the composer.

If in the sight of the law all men are equal, Heaven save us from getting into its sight.

When you want to get rid of a dog, you take off his collar;—when the king wants to get rid of a minister, he give shim the collar—of the Order of the Annunziata.

The place where they ruin people's voices, and throw aside all the canons of art,is called the Conservatoire;and a hospital full of sick peopk is called a“house of health”(Casadi Salute).

Among the many motives which induce me to stay away from the theatre is the utter absence of all motive in modernoperas.

How many old phrases are required to make a new electoral programme!

All musical notes may express cheerful ideas; it is only thenotes of creditors which arouse none but melancholy reflections.

I entered the shop of a pork butcher at the moment when his son, aged eight, was returning from school. The poor boy was weeping bitterly.

“The old story!”exclaimed his parent ;“I suppose you did not learn your lessons, and the master called you an ass, as you deserved!”

“Yes!” replied the child, sobbing,“he did call me an ass,—and then—”

“Well,—and then —what else?”

“He said,‘well, after all, it is no wonder—like father,like son!’”

“Did he,indeed?the animal!”exclaimed the porkbutcher.“And to think that perhaps he has not yet eaten the whole of those two sausages I sent him at Christmas!”







毁坏人们的噪音并抛弃一切艺术法规的地方叫作音乐学校(Conservatoire);住满病人的医院则被称为“健康之屋”(Casa di Salute)。











A Useful Lesson

In England nobody under the age of eighteen is allowed to drink in a public bar.

Mr. Thompson used to go to a bar near his house quite often,but he never took his son,Tom,because he was too young. Then when Tom had his eighteenth birthday, Mr.Thompson took him to his usual bar for the first time.They drank for half an hour, and then Mr.Thompson said to his son,“Now, Tom,I want to teach you a useful lesson.You must always be careful not to drink too much. And how do you know when you've had enough? Well, I'll tell you.Do you see those two lights at the end of the bar? When they seem to have become four,you've had enough and should go home.”

“But, Dad,” said Tom,“I can only see one light at the end of the bar.”





The Country Squire

In a small pretty village in Notting ham shire there formerly lived a respectable Squire, who excelled all his friends in amusements athletic, and whose manner of living was far from ascetic. A wife he had taken for better or worse, whose temper had proved an intolerant curse;but at length, to his great and unspeakable joy, she died when presenting a fine little boy.Strange fancies men have;—the father designed to watch o’er the dawn of his son's youthful mind,—that,only approached by the masculine gender, no room should be left him for feelings more tender.“Had I ne’er seen a woman,” he often would sigh,“What Squire in the country so happy as I!” The boy was intelligent, active, and bright, and took in his studies uncommon delight;no juvenile follies distracted his mind; no visions of bright eyes, or damsels unkind, and those fair demisisterly beings so gay, yclept“pretty cousins, ne’erpopped in his way; till at length this remarkably singular son could number of years that had passed twenty one.”

Now the father had settled, his promising son should his studies conclude when he reached twenty one;and he went,with a heart beating high with emotion, to launch the young man on life's turbulent ocean.As they entered the town,a young maiden tripped by, with a cheek like a rose, and a lightlaughing eye.“O father, what's that?” cried the youth with delight, as this vision of loveliness burst on his sight.“O,that,” cried the cautious and politic Squire, who did not they outh's ardent glances admire,“is only a thing called a Goose,my dear son ;we shall see many more ere our visit is done.”

Blooming damsels now passed with their butter and cheese,whose beauty might even an anchorite please:“Merelygeese!” said the Squire,“don't mind them,my dear;thereare many things better worth looking at here.” As onwards they passed, every step brought to view some spectacle equally curious and new;and the joy of the youth hardly knew any bounds, at the roped ancers, tumblers, and merry gorounds.

As soon as the tour of the town was completed, the fatherre solved that the boy should be treated; so, pausing an instant,he said,“My dear son, a new era today in your life has begun;now of all this bright scene and the gayeties in it,choose whatever you like,it is yours from this minute.”“Choose whatever I like?” cried the jouthful recluse.“O, thank you,dear father, then give me—a goose!”






In Chinese Warring States period, the king of state Qi was a music lover. He extramely liked the ensemble of Yu, a wind instrument made of bamboo and wood. As a result, he employed more than 300 well-paid Yu players from different states to form his royal band. A man named Nan Guo, learning of this, passed him off as a Yu player and became a member of the band, even though he was not good at playing the instrument at all.

Everyday the king called in his band to play for the him and his ministers in the palace. And the grand music
pleased him very much. But he did not know that one of his player, Mr. Nan Guo, was not making any sound at all. All he did was only sitting in the line and pretending to be playing Yu together with the others. He had never been exposed.

Mr. Nan Guo went on very well with his tricks until the old king died and his son succeeded to the throne. The new king was a Yu lover too, but he perfered solo to ensemble. He ordered the musicians to play Yu in front of him one by one. Realizing there was no place for him any more, Mr. Nan Guo run out of Qi.
Writer Comment:

This story is from the Nei Chu Shang, a article of Han Fei Zi, in which the author advised rulers to listen to the opinion of everybody, and not to be cheated by the seeming harmony.

Now the idiom of Lan Yu Chong Shu--Be There Just To Make Up The Number is often used to describe the case in which the spurious is mixed with the genuine. But sometime, you can also hear people saying it about themselves to show their modesty.

cted of a crime may yet be amenable to re

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西游记》作者是明代吴承恩 。这部小说以“唐僧取经”这一历史事件为蓝本,通过作者的艺术加工,深刻地描绘了当时的社会现实。全书主要描写了孙悟空出世及大闹天宫后,遇见了唐僧、猪八戒和沙僧三人,西行取经,一路降妖伏魔,经历了九九八十一难,终于到达西天见到如来佛祖,最终五圣成真的故事。

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In Chinese Warring States period, the king of state Qi was a music lover. He extramely liked the ensemble of Yu, a wind instrument made of bamboo and wood. As a result, he employed more than 300 well-paid Yu players from different states to form his royal band. A man ...

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謇杰银芩: In Chinese Warring States period, the king of state Qi was a music lover. He extramely liked the ensemble of Yu, a wind instrument made of bamboo and wood. As a result, he employed more than 300 well-paid Yu players from different states to form...

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