谁能帮我 把这篇童话翻译成英语? 能快点吗?!!

作者&投稿:蔚畏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



Who can help me translate this into English?


The need of diversification,multilevel,wide-ranging from enterprises, corporations, several kind of economic groups on the level of accounting audit is a new challenge for china accounting under the development of the level on both social economic and the opening-up。 CPA, a common accounting word stepped into the folk's visual field. CPA industry is so proffessional that only more and more personnel of specialism could maintain its development and step forwarding.
The rights and responsibilities a tight tie there is always no matter in any field including CPA, as a coin with two faces. It's a trend no matter domestic and oversea that the expanding of the rights CPA hold under the popularity and larging the range of application on the accounting audit's knowledge make more legal liability to be bore.(狗档的洗脑真是无处不在呀,真邪恶!!!)

Small rooster of the big ash wolf demulcent therapy, reconciliation
A day, the white wolf of his friend of the big ash wolf demulcent therapy, reconciliation is on the path stroll.Leisurely and carefree and comfortable.
The white wolf ask:" Dear friend, do you have the knowledge morpholine of the chicken?"
The big wolf of ash say:" I have the search to the caponizing very much." He raise head and chest out, packing the proptosis snob appeal of an university.
The white wolf say:" Too good, yesterday, a pheasant flies into my caponizing to give up, we see."
The big wolf of ash has to come after the white wolf, arriving his home together.On the road, the white wolf says to the big wolf of ash:" Don't know that the pheasant not lay egg down?"
The caponizing of the white wolf give up very and specially, he makes into many lattices with the timber, putting on the earth of spread the full rice straw.
The big ash wolf arrival caponizing give up on look, how to all put an egg in each lattice!The white wolf tells the big wolf of ash, egg in the lattice
Call lead the egg, is to lead the old hen to lay egg of, if don't put an egg in the inside, the old hen know disorderly vessel.
The caponizings of the white wolf home are all a white salacity of, having a very beautiful caponizing now, colourful, the caponizing corona is again red again big,
Wear dead straight and lengthways.Once the big wolf of ash see, pack to say very and professionally:" Lo, that is only the pheasant."
The white wolf say:" Is ah, I also make out.But can this caponizing lay egg the morpholine?"
The big wolf of ash does not add to deliberate the earth to say:" Certainly can lay egg."
" True!" The white wolf is happy.
The big wolf of ash is more satisfied, he say:" Not only can lay egg, and next eggs are all colourful egg that takes the color!"
" Ar -!All of the next egg are colourful egg that takes the color!" The white wolf excitation get up.
" Don't believe the Easter you look, he is quasi and can descend colourful egg of the proptosis band color." The big wolf of ash says ratify.
Eat the super - rice at white wolf home, the big wolf of ash walked.In fact, his in the mind is very not dependable.He does not know at all that that caponizing can
Lay egg, also don't know that that is one kind what caponizing.Hereupon he is nasty to find out his fox of friend in a hurry, the former of that caponizing detailed know well
Said to say a small and softly.The fox roar with laughter, smile tears all the outflow came.
The fox say:" That is a rooster, the rooster lay egg how can?"
The big wolf of ash say:" Oh, I really spoke amiss.The rooster will not lay egg of, but, my dialogue wolf said the Easter that
Day, that caponizing can descend the only colorful egg.How can this do?"
The fox beats beats thoracic cavity say:" This return difficult to do, Easter that morning, we slip away the white wolf home silently, putting in caponizing give up up
Several egg antis of chromatic color went."
" Or your cleverness." The big wolf of ash say.
Tomorrow is an Easter, the big wolf of ash connect an egg didn't, the egg of a fortiori chromatic color, he become sad.
The fox say:" This have what good sorrow of, is the white wolf anti the friend morpholine that you be good friends with most ?Your quick direction he borrows a few eggs, ask
An anti clinched."
" Can the egg anti band chromatic color!" The big ash wolf anti understands the sensus of the fox.
" Simpleton, draw with the pigment!" The fox sticks the ear of the big wolf of ash to say.
The big wolf of ash very and quickly arrive at the white wolf home.
" Dear friend, you can lend to me how many eggs morpholine?" The big wolf of ash say.
" Certainly." The white wolf is from the house in take out a few eggs.
The big wolf of ash calls the fox come home the knot, two people commit together since the colourful egg.Their colourful egg dye very beautiful.
The Easter is in early morning, the big wolf of ash and foxes slip away into the caponizing of the white wolf home to give up for the pin 俏 .At this time the genius receive bright.
Coup, the caponizing gives up the voice of caponizing 啼 that the knot 晌 have" oh oh oh the …… ".The white wolf waked up with a start, jumping down from the bed quickly, a big
Come actually early in the morning what affair?The white wolf arrival caponizing give up, the misty brei of mold look to two shadows," who?" He think is to steal
Caponizing of.Etc. walk through one lo, but smile:" Is you ah, scared me." The white wolf say.
Is big wolf of ash and foxes, they are putting the colourful egg of take the color in go toward caponizing give up lattice.
Oh oh oh!The rooster called again.
The white wolf cachinnation get up.See the colourful egg in the big wolf of ash and the fox hands, toward the caponizing cage to say intentionally:" Is you ah, mine
Small rooster.You are how to fly into my caponizing to give up of, do you not see the station in two hound morpholines of your in front?You are bright to write the throat to call several voices,
Listen for these two hounds."
Oh oh oh!The rooster really calls indeed as expected.
The big ash wolf dialogue wolf cry pass:" You listen, our anti is a hound!"
The white wolf say:" You also listen, this anti is only the pheasant, also the incapability descends the egg of the chromatic color!"
The fox smile.The white wolf smiled, the big wolf of ash also smiled.They all feel that this matter is pretty interesting.
Oh oh oh!The rooster called again, it also feels very happy.
The white wolf puts the colourful egg of the band color into the basket trochanter, then the paraquinones big ash wolf fox say:" Leave, the journey mans, we the this morning chase
The egg of these chromatic colors eat up, spending joyfully the Easter like fun."




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