
作者&投稿:壬肥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

中文:您的东西已经修好了, 您明天就可以捞取走,给您带来不不便真的非常抱歉.
翻译:Your things have been repaired already .You can take it away tomorrow.I'm so sorry to cause the inconvenience.

注:had better是一固定词组,表示"最好",用于表示对别人的劝告、建议或表示一种愿望。常用had better do sth.
at once 表示立刻、马上。


五月是一年中第五个月份 劳动节在五月是五月一日 人们经常唱歌跳舞来庆祝五月这一天。母亲节也在五月。我们给我们的妈妈送出爱的礼物。


“我没有零钱,你能帮我换点零钱吗” 英文翻译
I don't have any change, can you help get me some change, please?I have got five ten-yuan notes (英式英语)\/bills (美式英语)。

管理学原理、 principle of management science 西方经济学、 western economy 技术经济学、 techinology economy 财务管理学、 finiancial management science 工程制图、 Engineering Drafter 工程力学、 Engineering mechanics 工程估价、 Project Assessment 运筹学、 Operational Research 项目管理、...

rescued the real king and drew the lion and the snake away. Animals in the kindom reterned to their happy life.The story shows Robin Hood's braveness, intelligence and his always being ready to help others. We should learn to help others from the story.我真的已经尽力了。

who will accompany me walking through my life .是不是要参加什么比赛阿, 我自己帮你翻译的,姐姐我是英语系的今年已经毕业了,演讲比赛参加很多场了,不要紧张,不用背,理解意思就好了,说的时候要想跟评委老师讲话一样,不是背书欧~ 还有别的问题我可以帮助你~~我一般都在线的!加油~...

Criss Angel (Criss Angel) is a magician, but also musicians and artists. He has won a record five International Magicians Society famous "Magician of the Year" award, but also the only one in the history of the most popular publication boarded the two most respected magazines ...

♦用意するもの♦ 准备的物件 はさみ・定规 = 剪刀、尺子 ペン = 笔 カッターナイフ = 切纸刀 絵の具を涂る道具 = 涂颜料用具 アルミホイル = 铝铂 竹串(1本) = 竹扦(1根)ボール纸 = 厚纸板 ティッシュペーパー = 纸巾 つまようじ = 牙签 热いお...

同时,我喜欢交不同的朋友,尤其是那些平易近人和思想开明的.如果你跟我相处一会儿,你就会发现跟我交谈很轻松很愉快.而且我是个助人为乐的人.众所周知,上帝会帮助那些能自救的人.但我认为我们应该帮助那些需要我们帮助的人,尽我们所能助他们走出困境.就如一句古谚语所说的: 如果你下定决心去做没有不...

呵呵)、宝贝肌肤Babies’ Skins、浓妆艳抹Beautifully Make Up、美发宝典Treasury for Hairdressing、我的身体My Body、美容情报Hairdressing Information、男人健康Men’s Health、女人健康Women’s Health、运动健身Exercise and Fitness、身体处方Recipe for Body、心理调频Channel for Mentality、母婴育儿Mothers ...

[手工翻译]您好!首先,非常感谢您百忙之中抽出宝贵时间与我进行交流。就在与您交流的过程中,您就为我打开了一扇成功与希望之门,希望我是能够助您在激烈的市场竞争与知识经济的大潮中所需的综合型跨世纪人才。Dear Sire,First of all, I feel great appreciate that you can spare your time to ...

13.I'm in the blues today. 我今天情绪很低落。14.Once in a blue moon 千载难逢 15.blue collar workers 蓝领工人 16.blue-sky market 露天市场 17. White lie 善意的谎言 18.white elephant 累赘,无用之物 19.white night 不眠夜,(夏季高纬度地区所见的)白夜 20.white coffee 加牛奶的...

平山县18556849616: 谁能帮我翻译英文
融法辛贝: 1 This is my mother give me the modelcar 2 Ouch so cool 3can I play it 4 No,no,I want paly with myself 5Jaky give yourfriend car to paly.Be kind! 6 Ok 7Think you

平山县18556849616: 谁能帮我翻译成英文?
融法辛贝: Every time you sleep at night is Shannon, I can not sleep, because every minute you miss. Every time I see you feel very excited for because I love you! If falling in love with you was a mistake, then I am willing to repeat its mistakes, If I fell in love with you are lucky, I hope you have a happy life!

平山县18556849616: 谁能帮我翻译成英语?
融法辛贝: Sydney Opera House is the best famous opera house in the world, so I heard about this place long ago. I always wanted to visit this place. If I could be there, I would go inside and see the opera. I learned much information from television and network ...

平山县18556849616: 谁能帮我翻译一下 -
融法辛贝: We have dumplings today,I want to help my mom smash garlic. But the harlic seemed to trick on me. When I smashed,the garlic smoothed down and I could not catch it. I'm very angry and exert all my strength on it. This time,it even jumped out. The ...

平山县18556849616: 谁能帮我翻译成中文. -
融法辛贝: 用Chrome浏览器,非中文网页打开的时候顶上有“是否翻译成中文”的选项,直接点个是就ok也可以取消翻译看原网页

平山县18556849616: 谁能帮我翻译英语
融法辛贝: "My parents and live together" "have a Chinese meal control", "keen on sports," "schools", "in the middle," "best wishes" "playing football"

平山县18556849616: 谁能帮我翻译成英文~~~
融法辛贝: At that moment I rising wind horse will not only waiting for ever blessed to have you hereThat day in the temple interested sweet mist suddenly heard you chant of the truthThat day since base marnie pile of not only to cultivate their characters cast ...

平山县18556849616: 谁能帮我翻译一下啊? -
融法辛贝: 英语: The treasure, you do not hate you to my me, I really care about between very much like this us, cares about you have done matter, I am very grieved, sorry, I did not know that falls in love with you how again. I injuried am too deep. 日语: 宝呗、...

平山县18556849616: 谁能帮我翻译成英文? -
融法辛贝: I swear to God, For you, I will give up all the people in the world. You are my life. If it's not you that I can spent the rest of my life with, then there won't be one. An...

平山县18556849616: 谁能帮我翻译 -
融法辛贝: 我们要学会珍惜我们生活的每一天, 因为,这每一天的开始,都将是我们余下生命之中的第一天. 除非我们即将死去. We learn to treasure our lives every day, because the beginning of this every day, we will be remaining in the first days of life. ...

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